location, directions, burial list, panoramas, photo survey link, 1878 & 1902 area plat

Wood Cemetery is on the southern rim of the Salt River flowage, 4mi NW of Shelbina, Misssouri.
The cemetery runs on a NE to SW angle. 
For the 2005 digital survey of the Wood Cemetery, Row 1 is the first row area as the gate is entered,
with Row 10 being the most westward row at the back of the Cemetery. 
The rows were walked from the eastward/left side to the westward/right side.

View from the back, northwestward portion of Wood Cemetery overlooking the Salt River bottoms. 
The road runs north/south and turns back west before the wooded, area,
with the Salt River within the wooded area in the background. 
One of the first major river fords operated by Christian Hunt was not far from the end of the road.


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Photo Survey of Wood Cemetery

A photo survey taken in April of 2005, was finally edited in Jan 2007.  A 1964 burial listing saved from the Shelbina Library was utilized as the base burial list. Some info was added by email from Kathleen Wilham, Shelby Co, MO Gen Society, Jan 2007.  New data and corrections were then added for the inscriptions, relationships, locations and type of marker found in the 2005 photo survey to produce at this point in time the most complete listing I have available.  The burial listing indicates the row if a marker was located in 2005.  Many markers, apparently found in 1964, are now gone.  New granite markers replaced a few of the older marble markers.  There were a few errors on the 1964 list that have been corrected using the markers located in 2005. Markers were not chalked, the ground was not probed, or the brush was not searched.   Barry Zbornik, Hannibal, MO, iowaz@swbell.net  or  iowaz@hotmail.com   A photo album of the markers and cemetery pans can be found in the Shelby Co, MO folder on my picture hosting site starting Jan 2007  http://public.fotki.com/iowaz/shelby-co-missouri/

Burial List for Wood Cemetery

Wood Cemetery Burial Listing, Salt River Twp,  Shelby Co, Missouri, Jan 2007
Beasely, Jim, d. 1937, 2005/modern granite/row 1.
Buzzy, 1956-1969, 2005/metal funeral home marker/?first or last name?/row 5.
Edwards, Sarah E., Jan 8, 1846-Sept 0, 1896, wife of J.D., 2005/tall marble/row 9.
Fletcher, G.A., d.  Oct 12, 1893, 32y9m11d., 2005/small marble/row 10.|
Greenwell, Alice nee Wood, dau of Thomas & Elsie Wood, buried in St. Mary’s Cem, Shelbina, MO,  Mar 18, 1915, 2005/low granite/row 2.
Jarrett, child.
Jarrett, Clara May, d. Sept 6, 1876, 11m10d, dau of J.&A, 2005/small marble slab/row 7.
Lupton, Addie R., Mar 24, 1867-July 6, 1963, 2005/modern marble/row 2.
Lupton, James S., Jan 12, 1858-Dec 29, 1937, 2005/modern marble/row 2.
Mitchell, John S., 1837-1933, Civil War soldier, 2005/small granite/row 8.
Reynolds, F. Winifred, Apr 3, 1933-June 10, 1977, wife of Morris P.,  married Apr 23, 1854, 2005/large granite/ row 9.
Reynolds, Morris P., May 22, 1934-unmarked, husb of R. Winifred,  2005/large granite/ row 9.
Swearingen, Josiah, b. Jan 9, 1860, 3m20d, son of T.&P.,  2005/prone marble slab in cement, footstone in place/row 7.
Swearingen, Martha, Sep 8, 1811-Jan 20, 1849, 2005/small marble slab/row 7.
Timmons, Milby H., b. Feb 27, 1889, 45y5m6d, 2005/med marble slab/row 7.
Timmons, Nancy E., d. Dec 20, 1881, 33d3m29d, 2005/small marble slab/row 7.

Wood Cemetery Burial Listing, Salt River Twp,  Shelby Co, Missouri, Jan 2007
Wheeler, Hazel, Jan 10, 1897-Oct 14, 1898, dau of Hugh & Alida.
Wheeler, Jewell Grace, Sep 20, 1891-Oct 8, 1898, dau of Hugh & Alida.
White, Blanche W., 1886-1965, wife of Clarence L., 2005/granite/row 4.
White, Clarence L., 1884-1961, husb of Blanche W., 2005/granite/row 4.
White, John B., Oct 30, 1948-Dec 10, 1974, SP 4 US Army,  2005/ ground level white military marble/ row 4.
White, Marion B., Aug 18, 1912-Mar 11, 1969, WWII Missouri TEC5 606 TD BN, 2005/ground level white military marble/ row 4.+
Wiggens, Amanda, 1842-1920, mother, 2005/low granite/row 4.
Wiggens, Edgar, 1878-1965, son, 2005/low granite/row 4.
Wiggins, Henry, d. Nov 7, 1898, 57y6m17d, Civil War, Confederate Army,  2005/very large marble/row 5.
Wiggins, Margaret, d. Aug 24, 1889, 74y6m, wife of Henry, 2005/tall marble/row 5.
Wiggins, Morton, b. Dec 1863, 20y, 2005/inscription on Margaret’s tall marble marker/ row 5.
Wilkins, Casper, Oct 19, 1887, 66y, hust of Eliz, 2005/tall marble/row 9.
Wilkins, Charles A., d. Dec 16, 1877, 3y2m8d, son of C.L. & Julia, 2005/marble slab/row 7.
Wilkins, Elizabeth, d. June 4, 1882, 65y6d, wife of Casper, 2005/tall marble/row 9.
Wilkins, Theodocia May, d. Feb 10, 1901, 4y2m13d, dau of J.D.&M., 2005/med marble row 10.

Wood Surname Burials, Wood Cemetery,  Shelby Co, Missouri, Jan 2007
Wood, Alice M., Dec 4. 1851-May 21, 1929, wife of David M.,  2005/large granite/row 2.
Wood, Annie L., d. July 23, 1862, 3m dau of J.&S.
Wood, Beulah, d. Oct 12, 1905, 16y3m8d, dau of John & Sallie, 2005/old tall marble/row 1.
Wood, David, d. Nov 1, 1877, 73y9m28d, 2005/tall marble slab/row 6.
Wood, David M., May 16, 1855-Apr 7, 1937, husb of Alice M., 2005/large granite/row 2.
Wood, Elsie, 1893-1919, wife of Thomas, 2005/tall granite/row 2.
Wood, E. Marguerite, b. Feb 24, 1919-no d. inscription, wife of J. Milton, 2005/granite/row 3.
Wood, Emmett M., 1901-1986, hust of Lousie C., 2005/granite/row 7.
Wood, Fanny, June 19, 1819 in Worchester Co, MD-Sep 12, 1878, wife of David, 2007/large marble slab/row 7.
Wood, Georgie A., d. May 30, 1897, 1y2m, dau of George W. & Minnie, 2005/tall marble/row 8.
Wood, Rev. George N., Feb 24, 1883-Apr 3, 1902, 2005/tall marble/row 2.
Wood, George W., 1859-1918.
Wood, Hugh L., d. June 10, 1896, 17y6m1d, son of J.&S., 2005/tall marble/row 7.
Wood, Ina, Apr 17, 1887, 1m5d, dau of J.&S., 2005/tall marble/row7.
Wood, John, Nov 23, 1839-Apr 20, 1911, 2005/modern granite/row 1.
Wood, J. Milton, Nov 24, 1916-Oct 21, 1990, hust of E. Marguerite, 2005/granite/row 3.
Wood, Lousie C., 1903-1966, wife of Emmette M., 2005/granite/row 7.
Wood, Minnie G., 1865-1946, wife of George W.
Wood, Roland, d. May 24, 1881, 3y5d, son of J.&S, 2005/tall marble/row 7.
Wood, Sallie, Jan 31, 1846-Jan 5, 1930, wife of John, 2005/modern granite/row 1.
Wood, Thomas, 1891-1963, son of Alice Wood Greenwell & Milton, 2005/tall granite/row 2.

Wood Cemetery, Possible or Known Unmarked Burials
Salt River Twp,  Shelby Co, Missouri, Jan 2007
Dehner, Jim
Moss, Joe
Stenens (sp?), Miller & wife
Swearingen, Ellen
Swearingen, Thomas, d. Feb 14, 1892, age 78, husb of Ellen.
Taylor, Margaret
Walker, Tomas, d. Apr 11, 1893
Wheeler child of Hugh and Alida
Wheeler, child of Hugh and Alida
Wilkins, child
Wilkins, child of Luden
Wood, child of D.M.

Last edited:  Jan 24, 2007
Barry Zbornik, Hannibal, Missouri, iowaz@swbell.net or iowaz@hotmail.com


Wood Cemetery, View from the Gate area.

NW1/4 of the NE1/4 of the SE1/4 of sec 14, T57N, R11W,
Salt River Twp, Shelby Co, Missouri. 


1. From the Hwy 36/15 intersection in Shelbina, Missouri.
2. Go 2+ miles north on Hwy 15,
3. Turn west/left on County Road 310.
4. Travel 1 ¼ mi west where road turns north/right and becomes Co. Rd 290, which goes a mile through the old Walkerville plat and to the Walkerville Bridge.
5. Turn west/left, when the road tee’s on Co. Rd. 285  Right would go to the bridge just over the rise.
6. Travel 1 mi west on Co. Rd. 285.  When it turns back to the north/right, do not turn but go relatively straight ahead on Co. Rd. 322, follow this farm road/trail for about 3/8 mi where it will dead end at Wood Cem.
7.  The relative GPS location is:  39deg,44.5min N, 092deg, 05.6min W, eval 740.
8.  In 2007, web sites as TerraSever and Google Earth can give topo, aerial, GPS mapping.

Panorama of Wood Cemetery
Starting at the NW corner and moving across the gate area around to the SW corner.

End of panorama from the NW corner of Wood Cemetery.


Panorama of Wood Cemetery
Starting at the SW corner and moving across the gate area around to the SE corner.

End of panorama from the NW corner of Wood Cemetery.

1878 and 1902 Plats of the Wood Cemetery Neighborhood

1878 Plat, T57N, R11W
Wood Cemetery location is the NW1/4 of the NE1/4 of the SE1/4 of section 14
1902 Plat, T57, R11W


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Any reproduction of this site or it's contents requires express written consent.

Barry Zbornik
Hannibal, MO 

Last uploaded:  Jan 25, 2007

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