surname and burials
Fayette County Iowa



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Last uploaded:   Mar 19, 2011; Apr 19, 2001

Basic descendent trees of the major surname lines in Fayette Co, Iowa.
I had to re-create trees from online, census, burial info so there will be speculations/best guesses.
These trees can be added too or corrected should anyone want to copy/paste/email info.

Descendants of John Johannes Jacob Fortney
1 FORTNEY, John Johannes Jacob b: Abt. 1773 in Lancaster.Co.PA d: Bet. 1852 - 1860 in Wood.Co.OH Note 1: 24 Mar 2011 Fortney last reviewed: Barry Zbornik Hannibal MO Note 3: Surname analogs; Fortineux, Fortney, Fortner, Fortiner, Fordeny, Furtney, Fordnay, Fortna, Furtney, Fertney. Note 8: 1830 Census; Liberty.Twp, Trumbull.Co.OH Note 11: 1840 Census; Liberty.Twp, Trumbull.Co.OH Note 15: 1850 Census; living at Thumbull.Co.OH Poor Farm, 77y/Lancaster.PA, b. abt 1773. Note 16: 11 Dec 1851 Sold land in Trumbull.Co.OH.
.. +REEL, Mary Christina Reihl b: Bet. Nov 1780 - 1782 in Berks.Co.PA d: 04 Nov 1867 in Gileard (Grand Rapids), Wood.Co.OH Burial: Hockman Cem(?), Henry.Co.OH m: Abt. 1797 in PA Father: John Simon Rial Reihl REEL Mother: Elizather Catherine Klee CLAY Note 8: 1860 Census; with son Christopher's family, Grand Rapids, Weston.Twp, Wood.Co.OH.
2 FORTNEY, David b: 01 Jan 1796 in Franklin.Co.PA d: 07 Jul 1824 in PA, coal mine.
... +UNKNOWN, Sarah b: 1796 in Penn d: Jul 1869 in Dau Mary's hm, Troy.OH
3 FORTNEY, Benjamin William (suspected son) b: 19 Feb 1820 in Lancaster.Co.PA d: 06 Jun 1877 in Wilson's Grove area, Banks.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Diamond Cem, lot 12, sec 35, Hale.Twp, Jones.Co.IA Note 3: Possibly son of David1796, nothing varified; mother was a Sarah; BruceFortney2011. Note 4: Numerous web listings have Ben on Wendle line but no verification. Note 5: 1850 Census; farm laborer, Jefferson.Twp, Ashtabala.Co.OH Note 6: Jul 1850 Ben Forting 1823/OH, Permilla1828/OH, Allen 1847/OH, Ervetus1849/OH. Note 7: 1856 Census; farming, wf & 4ch, Walnut Fork P.O. (Olin), Hale.Twp, Jones.Co.IA. Note 8: 1856 Benj35 Permelia24, JohnA9,ErbetonsN7, MarthaJ5, AlhananW3. Note 9: 1860 Census; farming, $600/100, wf & 6ch, Walnut Grove P.O (Olin)., Hale.Twp, Jones.Co.IA. Note 10: 1860 Benj41, York33, JohnA13, ErnetusV11, Martha10, AthannahW8, Ozious3, LelumH1 Note 13: 1869 Jones.Co.IA to Wilson's Grove area farm, Banks.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 14: 1870 Census; farming, $3k, wf & 7ch, near Wilson's Grove, Banks.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 15: 1870 Benj51, Permelia44, John23, Evetis21, Jane19, Alkman17, Ozeons12, Wm7. Note 28: Age at death; 57y3m18d.
.... +ROURKE, Permelia Cornelia York b: 1826 in OH d: 26 Dec 1889 in Home, 4th St, Randalia, Center.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Diamond Cem, lot 12, sec 35, Hale.Twp, Jones.Co.IA m: 15 Jan 1844 in Warren, Trumbull.Co.OH Note 6: Grew up in Warren.Co.OH Note 8: 1880 Census; widowed, 4ch, Randalia, Center.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 9: 1880 P.51, Ozirs22, KateM17, WillieB11, Henry7. Note 11: 1885 Census; widowed, with 4ch, 4th St, Randalia, Fay.Co.IA. Note 12: 1885 Permelia55, KatieM21, Wm16, Henry12, Martin Oleson17. Note 22: 02 Jan 1890 Sumner Gazette, p1; died Xmas night, hm in Randalia, bowel difficulty. Note 23: 1890 Paper; no mention of burial location, bz/2011.
. 4 [1] FORTNEY, John Allen (A.J.) b: 13 Sep 1848 in Trumbull or Ashtabula.Co.OH d: 17 Apr 1917 in Sumner, Bremer.Co.IA Burial: Wilson's Grove Cem, 2m N of Sumner, Bremer.Co.IA Note 5: Called A.J. Note 7: 1870 Census; farming, $375, with parents/sib's, Banks.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 11: Mar 1882 Sumner paper; visited by cousin Andrew of Fremont.Twp; had not seen for 21yrs. Note 12: May 1883 Sumner paper; contracted to clean out RR stock yards. Note 24: Obit; says 4ch, invalid last four years, stroke, age at death 68y7m4d.
..... +UNKNOWN, Etta M. (suspect) b: 17 Feb 1848 d: 31 Dec 1877 in Bremer.Co.IA? Burial: Harlington Cem, Bremer.Co.IA m: Bef. 1875 in Iowa?
. *2nd Wife of [1] FORTNEY, John Allen (A.J.):
..... +MAUER, Adeline Adalin Maurer b: 1858 in Columbus area, Dodge or Columbia.Co.WI d: 1937 in Sumner, Bremer.Co.IA? Burial: Wilson's Grove Cem, 2m N of Sumner, Bremer.Co.IA m: 01 Mar 1879 in Sumner or Wilson's Grove, Bremer or Fay.Co.IA Father: Joseph S. Maurer MAUER Mother: Amelia SWANGER
... 5 FORTNEY, Franciena b: Bet. 1875 - 1876 in Wilson's Grove area, Banks.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 31 Mar 1876 in Wilson's Grove area, Banks.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Wilson's Grove Cem, 2m N of Sumner, Bremer.Co.IA
... 5 FORTNEY, Charley Claud d: in Infancy,
... 5 FORTNEY, Floyd Eugene d: in Infancy
... 5 FORTNEY, Ida Icy Ethel b: Nov 1884 d: in Age 28
....... +ROBERTS, Everett
.... 6 ROBERTS, Don Stacy b: 03 Jun 1908
.... 6 ROBERTS, Meta Aganes b: 27 Jan 1910
........ +STAACKS, George
... 5 FORTNEY, Vaughn b: Sep 1891 d: in Aft 1917
....... +STRUNBERG, Christina
.... 6 FORTNEY, John Glenn b: 12 May 1916 in Sumner, Bremer.Co.IA
........ +JERRED, Gladys M. m: 05 Feb 1938 in Osage, Mitchell.Co.IA
.... 6 FORTNEY, Dale A. b: 04 May 1918 in Osage, Mitchell.Co.IA
........ +NESLON, Gladys Irene m: 1938
.... 6 FORTNEY, Corall b: 03 Dec 1931 in Howard.Co.IA
........ +TAYLOR, Jancie Ilene
.... 6 FORTNEY, Dean D.
. 4 [5] FORTNEY, Ervestus Newton b: 28 Feb 1848 in Warren.Co.OH d: 19 Jan 1910 in Olin, Hale.Twp, Jones.Co.IA Note 6: 1870 Census; farming, $500, with parents/sib's, Banks.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 8: 1880 Census; farming, Clarence area, Dayton.Twp, Cedar.Co.IA. Note 9: Jun 1880 Ervetour30, Elah26, Harry7, Louisa5, Herbert3, Luella2, Geo8m. Note 11: 1900 Census; autionier, boarder with Daniel Garry?, Olin, Rome.Twp, Jones.Co.IA Note 15: 1885 Census; farming, sec 2, Hale.Twp, Jones.Co.IA Note 16: 1885 E.N.1848, Ellen1854, Harry1873, Louisa1876, Herbert1877, Leuella1879, Geo1880, Merritt1883.
..... +WETHERBEE, Ellen Ella Rexaville b: 09 Nov 1853 in Royalton, Niagara.Co.NY d: 16 Aug 1930 in Olin, Hale.Twp, Jones.Co.IA m: 30 Sep 1871 in West Union, Fay.Co.IA Father: James Merritt WETHERBEE Mother: Louisa JOHNSON
... 5 FORTNEY, Harry Ervestus b: 23 Jan 1873 in Bremer.Co.IA d: 09 Feb 1934 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada Note 11: 1901 Living at Spencer, Clay.Co.IA.
....... +FIERO, Katherine May m: 24 Dec 1902 in Princeton, Sherburne.Co.MN Father: Howard FIERO Mother: Lucy Melvina UNKNOWN
.... 6 FORTNEY, Leora Lucille b: 16 Jun 1905 in Everly, Clay.Co.IA
... 5 FORTNEY, Louisa Ellen b: 24 Mar 1875 in Fay.Co.IA d: 17 Mar 1923 in Morris, Steven.Co.MN Note 8: 1901 Living at Spencer, Clay.Co.IA.
....... +DRIPPS, Marvin m: 25 Dec 1894 in Olin, Hale.Twp, Jones.Co.IA Father: William DRIPPS Mother: Mary CROSBY Note 8: Living in Morley, Jones.Co.IA, at time of marriage.
.... 6 DRIPPS, Wesley
.... 6 DRIPPS, Allen Ervetus b: 03 May 1899 in Morley, Jones.Co.IA d: 11 Jun 1972 in Rochester, MN
........ +MYRUM, Elise Viola m: 17 Jun 1926 in Louisburg, MN
.... 6 DRIPPS, Philip M.
.... 6 DRIPPS, David S.
.... 6 DRIPPS, Nita E.
.... 6 DRIPPS, Fay
.... 6 DRIPPS, George
... 5 [2] FORTNEY, Herbert Evertt b: 06 Jul 1876 in Fay.Co.IA d: May 1955 in Stockton, CA Note 8: 1901 LIving at Olin, Hale.Twp, Jones.Co.IA.
....... +MCDANIELS, Alice
... *2nd Wife of [2] FORTNEY, Herbert Evertt:
....... +MESSENGER, Catherine
.... 6 FORTNEY, Ersle
.... 6 FORTNEY, Ruth
... 5 FORTNEY, Luella Permelia b: 19 Feb 1878 in Clarence area, Dayton.Twp, Cedar.Co.IA d: 03 Nov 1933 in Olin, Hale.Twp, Jones.Co.IA Note 8: 1901 Living Olin area, Hale.Twp, Jones.Co.IA.
....... +MILLER, Howard
.... 6 MILLER, Harlon b: 01 Feb 1896 in Olin, Hale.Twp, Jone.Co.IA
.... 6 MILLER, Marion b: in Olin, Hale.Twp, Jone.Co.IA
... 5 FORTNEY, George Allhaven b: 22 Aug 1879 in Clarence area, Dayton.Twp, Cedar.Co.IA d: 15 Nov 1928 in Phoenix, AZ
....... +PHELLPS, Emme m: in Spencer, Clay.Co.IA
... 5 FORTNEY, Merritt Benjamin b: 13 Mar 1881 in Clarence area, Dayton.Twp, Cedar.Co.IA d: 21 Feb 1945 in Calamus,
....... +CLOTHIER, Lula Belle m: 01 Jan 1903 in Olin, Hale.Twp, Jones.Co.IA Father: John CLOTHIER Mother: Salina BENDER
.... 6 FORTNEY, Elizabeth Lee b: 15 Dec 1903 in Olin, Hale.Twp, Jones.Co.IA d: 03 Dec 1991 in Davenport, IA
........ +BLAKE, Elwood Charles m: 10 Jun 1927 in Morrison, IL
.... 6 FORTNEY, Dorothy Lucille b: 07 Jun 1907 in Olin, Hale.Twp, Jones.Co.IA d: 05 Dec 1945 in Davenport, IA
........ +WIFONG, George m: 13 Sep 1935 in Rock Island, IL
.... 6 [3] FORTNEY, Lulabel Eileen b: 09 Mar 1920 in Oxford Junction. Jones.Co.IA d: 22 Nov 1996 in Springfield, IA
........ +SLOAN, Milton Donovan m: 24 May 1943 in Davenport, IA
.... *2nd Husband of [3] FORTNEY, Lulabel Eileen:
........ +HUSTON, Oral Blan m: 21 Jan 1956 in Keithsburg, IL
... 5 FORTNEY, Leland H. b: 08 Mar 1885 in Clarence area, Dayton.Twp, Cedar.Co.IA d: 13 Aug 1885 in Jones.Co.IA. Burial: Diamond Cem, lot 12, sec 35, Hale.Twp, Jones.Co.IA Note 11: Age at death; 5m5d.
... 5 FORTNEY, Fred Warren b: 21 Nov 1886 in Clarence area, Dayton.Twp, Cedar.Co.IA d: 30 Dec 1945 in Stockton, San Joagiun.Co.CA
....... +WHITE, Anna Esther b: 07 Jan 1889 in Union.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 07 Oct 1960 in Stockton, San Joagiun.Co.CA m: 05 Aug 1907 in Spencer, Clay.Co.IA Father: Homer WHITE Mother: Cora GREEN
.... 6 FORTNEY, Raymond Herman b: 04 May 1909 in Decorah, Winneshiek.Co.IA
........ +BRUCE, Agnes Marie m: 24 Jun 1935
.... 6 [4] FORTNEY, Leland Fay b: 11 Jul 1914 in Spencer, Clay.Co.IA
........ +CLARK, Evelyn
.... *2nd Wife of [4] FORTNEY, Leland Fay:
........ +KRAMER, Lenora Regena
.... *3rd Wife of [4] FORTNEY, Leland Fay:
........ +EDENFIELD, Martha Ann m: 21 Feb 1965 in Los Banos, CA
.... 6 FORTNEY, Donald Everett b: 05 Aug 1919 in Wilmar, Kandiyohi.Co.MN
........ +EDENFIELD, Martha Ann m: 21 Feb 1965 in Los Banos, CA
. *2nd Wife of [5] FORTNEY, Ervestus Newton:
..... +MILLER, Josephine Ardelia Nance m: 05 Mar 1903 in Wyoming, Jones.Co.IA
. 4 FORTNEY, Martha Jane b: 06 Dec 1852 in Jefferson.Twp, Ashtabula.Co.OH d: Bef. 1910 in Gage.Co.Neb or Blaine.Co.OK?
..... +BIXLER, Henry David b: 01 Mar 1848 in Stark.Co.OH d: Bet. 1910 - 1920 in Blaine.Co.OK? m: 24 Aug 1871 in Clarence, Cedar.Co.iA Father: David BIXLER Mother: Magdalina GROVE Note 11: Abt. 1851 Germany to America & Iowa with parents. Note 15: 1878 Hist; farming sec 3, Clarence P.O., Dayton.Twp, Cedar.Co.IA Note 16: Worked at Clarence Creamery, four years; farmed rest of time. Note 18: 1880 Census; farming, Clarence area, Dayton.Twp, Cedar.Co.IA. Note 20: 1885 Iowa to Gage.Co.Neb. Note 22: 1888 Hist; 160a stock farm, Glenwood.Twp, Gage.Co.Neb Note 25: 1910 Census; with son Irvin, Hitchcock.Twp, Blaine.OK
... 5 BIXLER, Walter Irvin b: 1873 in Clarence area, Cedar.Co.IA Note 8: 1910 Census; Hitchcock, Blaine.Co.OK Note 12: 1920 Census; Watonga, Blaine.Co.OK
....... +UNKNOWN, Rose b: 1875 in Neb
.... 6 BIXLER, Henry b: 1910 in Blaine.Co.OK
... 5 BIXLER, Warrn Oliver b: 1878 in Clarence area, Cedar.Co.IA d: 1955 in Blaine.Co.OK Burial: Cottonwood Cem, Blaine.Co.OK
....... +UNKNOWN, Elizabeth b: 1880 d: 1966 in Blaine.Co.OK Burial: Cottonwood Cem, Blaine.Co.OK
.... 6 BIXLER, Gerturde O. b: 29 Aug 1900 in Blaine.Co.OK d: 07 Dec 1905 in Blaine.Co.OK Burial: Cottonwood Cem, Blaine.Co.OK
. 4 FORTNEY, Alhannon Alhanon Wilber (A.W.) b: Bet. 1853 - 1854 in OH d: 15 Nov 1928 in Santa Clara, Santa Clara Co. CA Note 7: 1880 Census; farming with partner Geo Wetherbee, in the 'Central Valley' of Merced.Co, CA. Note 8: 1880 Geo Wetherly 1856/IA, Alhanon Fortney 1855/IA, Ah Loo, servant 1860/China. Note 9: Apr 1883 Sumner paper; living in CA, visited bro. Al. Note 11: 1890 Voter; in Maxwell, Colusa.Co.CA, age 37y, b. OH, Note 12: 1922 Living in Maxwll, CA.
..... +STRONG, Florence
. 4 FORTNEY, Ozias (Dice) Ojiaia Joshua b: 10 Oct 1857 in Walnut Fort P.O. (Olin), Hale.Twp, Jones.Co.IA d: 14 Feb 1922 in Randalia, Center.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Dunham Grove Cem, lot 77, Center.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Note 8: 1900 Census; farming, wife, Nina10, adopted Willard13, Wilson's Grove, Sumner.Twp, Bremer.Co.IA. Note 11: 1910 Census; farming, 3rd St, wf, dau Nina's fam, 3rd St, Randalia, Center.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
..... +TURNER, Laura M. b: 1856 in Wisc d: 1918 in Randalia, Center.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Dunham Grove Cem, lot 77, Center.Twp, Fay.Co.IA m: 20 Mar 1881 in Center.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Father: Charles B. TURNER Mother: Hulda E. UNKNOWN Note 5: Father b. Mass, mother NY. Note 8: Suspect wife of Ozias (Dice) Fortney, bz/2011.
... 5 FORTNEY, Willard Frank (adopted) b: Jun 1886 in Iowa d: 1966 in Bremer.Co.IA? Burial: Harlington Cem, Bremer.Co.IA
....... +UNKNOWN, Leatha b: 1889 d: 1968 in Bremer.Co.IA? Burial: Harlington Cem, Bremer.Co.IA
... 5 FORTNEY, Nina Huldal b: Jun 1889 in Wilson's Grove area, Sumner.Twp, Bremer.Co.IA d: in Calif? Note 8: 1922 Living in Randalia, Center.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
....... +FETROW, William A. b: Jan 1884 in Tippecanoe.Co.IN d: 09 Jan 1968 in San Mateo, CA m: 20 Feb 1907 in M.E. Parsonage, Randalia, Center.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Father: John Andrew FETROW Mother: Sara Ann ILGENFRITZ Note 11: 1930 Census; farming, Center.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
.... 6 FITROW, Everett Earl b: 27 Jul 1907 in Randalia, Center.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
........ +JUDGE, Mae Beth
.... 6 FITROW, Victor Merle Glen b: 31 Oct 1909 in Sumner, Bremer.Co.IA d: 1935 in Sumner, Bremer.Co.IA
. 4 FORTNEY, Leland A. b: 1860 in Walnut Grove P.O. (Olin), Hale.Twp, Jones.Co.IA d: 1878 in Walnut Grove area, Hale.Twp, Jones.Co.IA Burial: Diamond Cem, lot 12, sec 35, Hale.Twp, Jones.Co.IA
. 4 FORTNEY, Catherine Kate Katie Mary b: 06 Aug 1863 in Clarence, Cedar.Co.IA d: 15 Feb 1952 in Randalia, Center.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Dunham Grove Cem, lot 40, Center.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Note 10: Oct 1895 Fayette.IA paper; Herb, again is a free man; speculate divorced from Kate Fortney, bz/2011. Note 13: 1910 Census; wid, alone, Hawkeye, Windsor.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 16: 1915 Census; living in Hawkeye, Windsor.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 18: 1917 Living in Hawkeye, Windsor.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 20: 1924 Loss of eye sight. Note 23: 1930 Census; wid, alone, $500, Hawkeye, Windsor.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 25: 1939 Living in Randalia, Center.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 27: Obit; last of Fortney family, funeral arranged by Mrs. Ruth Williams of New Hampton. Note 28: And Mrs. August W. Brinkman & Mrs. Geo Kimball of Cedar Falls.
..... +COSSELMAN, Herbert Herb L. K. Kas Coselman b: 08 Oct 1858 in Aurora, Kane.Co.IL d: 20 Apr 1924 in Oelwein, Jefferson.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Woodlawn Cem, Oelwein, Jefferson.Twp, Fay.Co.IA m: Bet. 1885 - 06 Dec 1886 in Hawkeye, Windsor.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Father: Adam Casselman Cosellman Cosselman COSELMAN Mother: Adelaine Adline Clare CLURE Note 6: 1885 Census; wid. mother & son's Herbert & Hudson, farming 1/2m N of Lima, SEofSW, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 8: 07 Oct 1895 Fayette.IA paper; Herb, again is a free man; speculate divorced from Kate Fortney, bz/2011. Note 9: 10 Oct 1895 Fayette.IA paper; H. Coselman farm sale, 1mi N of Randalia, Fay.Co.IA. Note 11: 1900 Census; running Hotel Revere (refurb. Empire Hotel > U.I.U Hotel/boarding house), 1bk S of Opera House, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. Note 14: 1900 Herbert41, Ella35 (her ch Tina Fryer10, Ed Fryer8), FernF2. Note 16: 1901 Paper; Revere Hotel burned to the ground, cause unknown. Note 17: 17 May 1906 Fayette Paper; Kas Coselman of Oelwein visited mother/sis in Fayette. Note 19: 1910 Census; wife Katie Coselman listed widow, but div. Oct 1885. Note 21: 1910 Census; restaurant owner, Stuttgart, Arkansas.Co.AR. Note 22: 1910 Herbert/Ella running cafe, Ed Fryer19mechanic, dau Ina (Carl Sandlhagen) adj. Note 24: 1915 Census; restaurant owner, Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA Note 26: 29 May 1917 Opened the 'Chop Shop' on S. Frederick in Oelwein.IA. Note 28: 1920 Census; restaurant owner, 1st Ave S, Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA; Ella Milliner shop owner. Note 29: 1920 Dau Ina & g/dau Marvel with; Ed Fryer working RR.
. 4 OLSON, Martin (foster) Oelson b: 1868 in Norway
. 4 FORTNEY, William Benjamin b: 06 Jan 1868 in Clarence area, Cedar.Co.IA d: 04 Aug 1939 in Randalia, Center.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Dunham Grove Cem, lot 40, Center.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Note 4: Father b. PA, mother NY. Note 14: 1910 Census; old jobs, wf, foster son, m/law, 4th St, Randalia, Fay.Co.IA. Note 18: 1920 Census; drayman, 4th St, Randalia, Center.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 19: 1920 WmB51, Catherine45, Walter Englage29NY foster son & companion Helen K Barr22/IA. Note 20: 1920 Rosina Cunningham 89/Switz, living with. Note 22: 1930 Census; independent drayman, Randalia, Center.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 27: Abt. 1930 Suffered from a strock remainer of life. Note 28: 1939 Longest term resident of Randalia at time of death; age 70y6m29d.
..... +CUNNINGHAM, Catherine Cathryn Louise b: 1874 in Ireland d: 1950 in Fay.Co.IA Burial: Dunham Grove Cem, lot 40, Center.Twp, Fay.Co.IA m: 28 Jun 1890 in Randalia, Fay.Co.IA Father: Unknown CUNNINGHAM Mother: Rosina KOSINL
... 5 ENGLEDGE, Walter (foster) Englage b: 1891 in NY Note 8: Bet. 1920 - 1930 Census; foster son of Wm. Fortney, Randalia, Fay.Co.IA Note 11: 1939 Working in CC camp at Sioux City at time of foster father's death.
. 4 FORTNEY, Henry Benjamin b: 28 Jul 1872 in Banks.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 26 Mar 1951 in St. Joseph's Hosp, New Hampton, Chickasaw.Co.IA Burial: New Hampton Graceland Cem, Chickasaw.Co.IA Note 12: Grew up in Randalia, Center.Twp, Fay.Co.IA; learned buttermaking. Note 13: First job, buttermaking, Little Turkey, Chickasaw.Co.IA. Note 14: Buttermaker in North Washington, Chickasaw.Co.IA after marriage. Note 15: Buttermaker in Ft. Atkinson, Winneshiek.Co.IA. Note 16: Buttermaker in Alta Vista, Chickasaw.Co.IA. Note 17: Bet. 1915 - 1916 Moved to New Hampton, Chickasaw.Co.IA; to care for wife's parents. Note 18: Worked for Chi.Gr.Western.RR until retirement. Note 19: 1939 Living at New Hampton, Iowa. Note 22: Cause of death; coronary thrombosis.
..... +WILLIAMS, Mina A. b: 23 Jul 1871 d: 08 Oct 1952 in Kruse Nursing Hm, New Hampton, Chickasaw.Co.IA Burial: New Hampton Graceland Cem, Chickasaw.Co.IA m: 22 Feb 1899 Father: T. W. WILLIAMS Note 11: Cause of death; cerebral hemorrage, ill health last 4yrs.
3 FORTNEY, Mary Jane b: 1822 in Lancaster.Co.PA
3 FORTNEY, Elias b: 1827 in Lancaster.Co.PA d: 1852 in Trumbull.Co.OH, poorhouse infirmary.
2 FORTNEY, John b: 1804 in Franklin.Co.PA d: Bef. 1830 in PA
... +STANTON, Sally m: 11 Aug 1825 in Trumbull.Co.OH
3 FORTNEY, Elias b: 1826 in Trumbull.Co.OH
2 FORTNEY, Martha Mary Mattie b: Feb 1805 in Franklin.Co.PA d: 31 Jul 1857 in Trumbull.Co.OH Burial: Evergreen Cem, Johnston, Trumbull.Co.OH
... +TAYLOR, Robert m: 09 Aug 1825 in Trumbull.Co.OH
2 FORTNEY, Magdalena b: 31 Jan 1806 in Franklin.Co.PA
2 FORTNEY, Christina b: Abt. 1810 in Franklin.Co.PA d: 20 Jun 1891 in Trumbull.Co.OH Burial: Girad Liberty Union Cem, Trumbull.Co.OH
... +MILLER, Henry Conrad m: 11 Feb 1825 in Trumbull.Co.OH
2 FORTNEY, Christopher b: 04 Sep 1811 in Franklin.Co.PA d: 11 Jul 1888 in McClure, Wood.Co.OH or Henry.Co.OH Burial: Hockman Cem, Henry.Co.OH Note 8: 1850 Census; shoemaker, wf & 5ch, Kinsman, Thumbull.Co.OH. Note 9: 1850 Christopher1810/PA, Catherine1812/OH, Andrew1836/OH, Ben1838/OH, Henry1840/OH, David1843/PA, MaryE1846/PA. Note 11: 1860 Census; shoemaker, wf & 8ch, mother, Grand Rapids, Weston.Twp, Wood.Co.OH
... +SCHWARTZ, Catherine Swarts b: 1813 in Lancaster.Co.PA d: Bet. 1893 - 24 Aug 1899 in Somerset.Co.PA or OH Burial: Hockman Cem, Henry.Co.OH m: in Thumbull.Co.OH
3 [6] FORTNEY, Andrew b: 1836 in Kinsman, Thumbull.Co.OH d: 19 Oct 1925 in Iowa Note 8: 1870 Census; carpenter, Grand Rapids, Weston.Twp, Wood.Co.OH Note 9: Aft. 1871 Divorced Lucinda, lost OH farm, remarried Mary Burgess, moved to Fay.Co.IA. Note 11: Abt. 1878 OH to Oran.Twp, Fay.Co.IA; with f/law's family. Note 12: 1880 Census; farming, 2nd wf & ch, f/law fam, 13total; Oran.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 13: Abt. 1881 Lucinda released from Wood.Co.OH poorhouse infirmary, Andrew returned to OH, had son Charles with Lucinda. Note 14: Abt. 1882 Andrew returned to IA, had last three ch. with Mary, remained in IA. Note 18: 1885 Census; carpenter, 2nd wf & 6ch, bk20, lot5, Maynard, Harlan.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 21: 1915 Census; Maynard, Harlan.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Note 23: 1920 Census; with dau Hattie Golding; wf, son Bert, 1st St SW, Cedar Rapids, Linn.Co.IA.
.... +STANSBERRY, Lucinda b: 1844 in IN d: 1908 in Henry.Co.OH? Note 8: 1871 Placed in Wood.Co.OH poor farm infirmary, while illigitmate child born. Note 9: Aft. 1871 Andrew Fortney divorced, lost OH farm; remarried Mary Burgess. Note 11: Abt. 1881 Lucinda released, Andrew returned IA to OH, had son Charles with Lucinda. Note 12: Abt. 1882 Andrew returned to IA, had last three ch. with Mary, remained in IA.
. 4 FORTNEY, George b: 1859 in MI
. 4 FORTNEY, Eleah Ella b: 1862 in Wood.Co.OH
. 4 FORTNEY, Edward Edwin b: 18 Oct 1863 in Wood.Co.OH
. 4 FORTNEY, Herman b: 1867 in Wood.Co.OH
. 4 FORTNEY, Charles Leonard b: 1881 in Maynard, Harlan.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
*2nd Wife of [6] FORTNEY, Andrew:
.... +BURGESS, Mary A. b: Jul 1852 in Penn m: 1876 in OH Father: Owen BURGESS Mother: Hannah MORRISON
. 4 FORTNEY, Sherman W. b: 1875 in Wood.Co.OH
. 4 FORTNEY, Hattie May b: Bet. 1877 - 1878 in Wood.Co.OH d: Aft. 1920 Note 11: 1920 Census; widowed, parents & bro Bert, 1st St SW, Cedar Rapids, Linn.Co.IA.
..... +GOLDING, Unknown d: Bef. 1920
. 4 FORTNEY, Mary E. b: Feb 1879 in Fay.Co.IA d: 1917 in McIntire, Mitchell.Co.IA
..... +JOHNSON, Bertiss Bryant b: 12 Nov 1878 in Fillmore.Co.MN d: 24 May 1945 in McIntire, Mitchell.Co.IA m: 1901 Father: Alfred N. JOHNSON Mother: Flora Jane TRUMAN
... 5 JOHNSON, Nina I. b: 1901 d: 1991
... 5 JOHNSON, Marion b: 1906
... 5 JOHNSON, Beryle F. b: 1907 d: 1981
... 5 JOHNSON, Josephine b: 1916 d: 2009
. 4 FORTNEY, Adaline b: 12 Oct 1882 in Fay.Co.IA
..... +THURSTON, R. m: 1905 in Fay.Co.IA
. 4 FORTNEY, Esteline b: 12 Oct 1882 in Fay.Co.IA
. 4 FORTNEY, Bertie Burt F. b: Bet. 1885 - May 1888 in Fay.Co.IA d: 12 May 1963 in Maynard, Harlan.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Long Grove Cem, lot 126W, no stone, 77y, Maynard, Harlan.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
3 FORTNEY, Benjamin b: 1838 in Kinsman, Thumbull.Co.OH
3 FORTNEY, Henry b: 1840 in Kinsman, Thumbull.Co.OH
3 FORTNEY, David b: 1843 in Penn
3 FORTNEY, Mary Ellen b: 1846 in Penn
3 FORTNEY, Charles b: 1851 in Thumbull.Co.OH
3 FORTNEY, Franklin b: 1854 in Wood.Co.OH
3 FORTNEY, Milton b: 24 Jul 1856 in Wood.Co.OH
2 FORTNEY, Jacob Isaac b: Abt. 1812 in Franklin.Co.PA d: 06 Mar 1877 in Haney Valley, Haney.Twp, Crawford.Co.WI Burial: Barnum Cem, Crawford.Co.WI Note 6: 1850 Census; shoemaker, Johnson, Thumbull.Co.OH Note 7: 1850 Jacob1812/PA, Ester1817/OH, JohnH1839/OH. Note 9: 1856 OH to Haney.Twp, Crawford.Co.WI with Taft family; both shoemakers.
... +HALSTEAD, Esther Halsted b: 08 Feb 1814 in PA d: 22 Feb 1879 in Crawford.Co.WI m: 16 Oct 1834 in Trumbull.Co.OH Father: John Halsted HALSTEAD Mother: Mary WELLS
3 FORTNEY, John Halstead b: 1839 in Trumbull. Co.OH
. 4 FORTNEY, Edward Wells b: 03 Jul 1866 in Barnum, Crawford.Co.WI
..... +PRATT, Nancy Ellen
... 5 FORTNEY, Alton Wells b: 26 Sep 1898 in Little Turkey area, Chickasaw.Co.WI d: 1980
....... +WARD, Mildred Grace b: 17 May 1908 in Steuben, Crawford.Co.WI d: 23 Dec 1998 in Boscobell, Crawford.Co.WI
.... 6 FORTNEY, Eight Children b: in Crawford.Co.WI
. 4 FORTNEY, Roxy Ann b: 1862 in Barnum, Crawford.Co.WI
2 FORTNEY, Daniel b: Bet. 1815 - 1816 in Franklin.Co.PA d: Bef. 1860 Note 11: 1850 Census; basketmaker, with bro Adam, Johnson, Thumbull.Co.OH.
2 FORTNEY, Elizabeth b: 1817 in Franklin.Co.PA Note 11: Lived in Weathersfield, Trumbull.Co.OH
... +ADAMS, Sylvanus Cyrenus m: 14 Sep 1843 Note 11: Static steam boiler operator.
2 [9] FORTNEY, Adam b: Abt. 1818 in Meyerstown, Lebanon.Co.PA d: 07 May 1886 in Talyorville plat, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Grandview Cem, sec A, lot 84, burial #467, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. Note 6: 1850 Census; carpenter/joiner, Johnson, Thumbull.Co.OH. Note 7: 1850 Adam1821/PA, Emily nee Dewey1821/OH, Marianne1843/OH, Samuel 1845/OH, Lyida1847/OH, Cornelia1849/OH; bro Daniel1817/PA. Note 8: 1857 OH to 'Country Corner's area, SW Cass.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA Note 9: 1860 Census; carpenter/joiner, Country Corner's area, Cass.Twp, SW Clayton.Co.IA. Note 10: Jun 1860 Adam38, Emily39, M.H.17f, Samuel15, Lydia13, Cornelia11, Franklin8, Bradly4, Lester1. Note 12: Bet. 1860 - 1862 Moved into Fayette village, Fay.Co.IA. Note 14: 22 Sep 1862 Enlisted; 42y, Co C, 6th IA Cavalry. Note 15: 17 Oct 1865 Mustered out at Sioux City, IA, served western territories. Note 17: 1870 Census; on 2nd wf Louisa Ray wid Harrison's farm, sec 1, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 18: Aug 1870 Adam Fortiner49/PA, 2nd wf Louisa(wid Harrison)40/Norway, her ch. Caroline16IA, Eliz15IA, Geo12IA, Christina7IA. Note 19: Aug 1870 Plus Adam's ch with 1st wf Emily Dewey; Frank17, Brad15, Lester11, Everett7. Note 20: 1871 Divorced from Louisa Ray Harrison; moved & remarried Mina Hoffman, Taylorville, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 21: 1878 Hist; listed Forney, laborer (in Taylorville), Brush Creek P.O., Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 22: 1880 Census; carpenter/joiner, Taylorville, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Note 23: Jun 1880 Adam59, 3rd wf Mina36Ger, their ch Emily4, Caroline2, Lewis6m. Note 25: 21 May 1883 Applied for civil war pension as invalid; no certficate number listed. Note 28: 1885 Census; carpenter, Taylorville plat, Fairifield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 29: 1885 Adam68, Mina40(2nd wf) Emily9, Caroline6, Louis5 Note 30: Active in M.E. (& U.B.) Ch; Republican; wf's obits states death May 6.
... +DEWEY, Emily b: 05 Mar 1821 in OH or PA d: 09 Jul 1869 in Talyorville plat, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Grandview Cem, sec A, lot 84, burial #129, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. m: 14 May 1842 in Trumbull.Co.OH
3 FORTNEY, Marianney Marianne H. b: 1843 in Trumbull.Co.OH
.... +CARNINE, J.
3 [7] FORTNEY, Samuel O. Fortner b: Feb 1845 in Trumbull.Co.OH Note 11: 1870 Census; with m/law, carpenter, $800/250, adj to Albert Strong, Fayette plat, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Note 12: Aug 1870 Ann Robertson68Eng; Samuel Fornter25, Cordella20, Henry1. Note 14: 1878 Hist; farming, sec 13, Lima P.O., Wesfeild.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 16: 1880 Census; farming, Lulu.Twp, Mitchell.Co.KS. Note 17: 1880 Sam35, Cordella30, Henry12, Jennie9, Stella5. Note 18: 1885 Census; widowed, carpenter, Clyde, Cloud.Co.KS Note 19: 1885 SamueO40PA, Henry16IA, Jennie14IA, Stella9IA, Emma5KS, Ella2KS. Note 20: 1895 Census; carpenter, Randolph, Riley.Co.KS Note 21: 1895 Samuel50PA, P.L.45NY, Stall19IAteaching, Emma14IA, Ella12KS. Note 22: 1895 Census; carpenter, Fairfiew, Jefferson.Co.KS, S.O.50OH, Stela20IA, Emily15KS, Ella13KS. Note 23: 1895 Adj is B.S.Fortney38PA carpenter, Effie35IL, Era11KS. Note 24: 1900 Census; widowed, carpenter, Indio.Twp, Riverside.Co.CA. Note 25: 1900 SamuelO 1845Feb/OH widowed, HenryE 1869Feb/IA, Ella 1882Aug/KS. Note 30: All info suspect, there appears to be 2 Sam's b.1845 in KS, bz2011.
.... +FUSSELL, Cordella Cordelia b: Abt. 1850 in Bear Creek area, Smithfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: Abt. 1884 in Whitfield, KS m: 25 Dec 1867 in Fayette, Fay.Co.IA Father: David E. FUSSELL Mother: Rachel JENNINGS
. 4 FORTNEY, Henry E. b: Nov 1869 in Fayette, Fay.Co.IA Note 12: 1900 Census; farming, with father, Indio.Twp, Riverside.Co.CA
. 4 FORTNEY, Jennie b: 1871 in Fayette, Fay.Co.IA
. 4 FORTNEY, Stella Emily b: Bet. 1875 - 1876 in Fayette, Fay.Co.IA
. 4 FORTNEY, Emma b: Bet. 1880 - 1881 in IA or KS
. 4 FORTNEY, Ella b: Aug 1882 in Lulu.Twp, Mitchell.Co.KS
*2nd Wife of [7] FORTNEY, Samuel O. Fortner:
.... +UNKNOWN, P. L. b: Abt. 1850 in NY m: Bet. 1886 - 1894 in KS
3 FORTNEY, Lydia b: 1847 in Trumbull.Co.OH
.... +JUNE, William
3 FORTNEY, Cornelia Cordelia B. b: 24 Oct 1849 in Johnston.Twp, Trumbull.Co.OH d: 27 Jan 1885 in Cleveland.Twp, Holt.Co.NE
.... +ALLEN, Augustus Allyn b: 02 Oct 1843 in OH d: 13 Mar 1902 m: 01 Jan 1869 in Fay.Co.IA Father: Johnathan E. Allyn ALLEN Mother: Roxana A. LAMB Note 8: 1880 Census; farming, wf & 3ch, Center.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
. 4 ALLEN, Betsey b: 1871 in Fay.Co.IA
. 4 ALLEN, Mertie S. b: 29 Apr 1875 in Center.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 07 Jan 1964 in Deer Lodge, MT
..... +PARRISH, Claude Basil b: Aug 1871 in Sioux Falls, Lincoln.Co.SD d: 10 Dec 1936 in Sanders, MT m: 12 Nov 1896 in Laurel, Cedar.Co.NE
. 4 ALLEN, Calvin b: 15 Jan 1880 in Center.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 03 Mar 1972 in Stuart, Holt.Co.NE
3 FORTNEY, Franklin Frank S. b: 30 Jun 1852 in Johnston.Twp, Trumbull.Co.OH d: 1926 in Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Taylorville Cem, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 6: Fay.CO.IA. Fitch's 1910 Hist: born in PA, fam removed to OH abt 1853. Note 7: Hist 1910: 1857, fam located Clayton.Co.IA (SW corner, Cass.Twp.). Note 9: Aft. 1876 Continued carpenter in Taylorville, with father after marriage. Note 11: 1878 Hist; laborer (in Taylorville), Brush Creek P.O., Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 14: Aft. 1880 Started farming, likely with f/law and/or renting. Note 22: Sep 1894 Paper; horse taken from stable in vicinity of Brush Creek. Note 24: 1898 Purchased f/law's Rice farm, Fairfield.Twp, Note 26: 1910 Son/law's farms adjacent.
.... +RICE, Emily b: 1855 in Carroll.Co.NY d: 1939 in Fay.Co.IA m: 02 Oct 1876 in Taylorville, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Father: George D. RICE Mother: Lucy J. UNKNOWN
. 4 FORTNEY, Polly
..... +HETZEL, Fred
... 5 HETZEL, Emma H.
... 5 HETZEL, Helen Fern
... 5 HETZEL, Henrietta May
... 5 HETZEL, Lulu Ruth
. 4 FORTNEY, George S. b: 1879 in Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 1945 in Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Taylorville Cem, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
..... +POTTER, Nettie E. b: 1882 in Fay.Co.IA
... 5 FORTNEY, Franklin Arthur b: 14 Jun 1902 in Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 16 Jul 1970 in Billings, Yellowstone.Co.MT Burial: Taylorville Cem, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
....... +AYERS, Christina L. b: 13 Apr 1906 in Guttenberg, Clayton.Co.IA d: 13 Jul 1998 in Oelwein, Jefferson.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Father: Leonard LeRoy Roy AYERS Mother: Hanna Hannah Bertha FOGEL
.... 6 FORTNEY, Arthur Charles b: 24 Nov 1924 in Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 24 May 1933 in Oelwein, Jefferson.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
.... 6 FORTNEY, Lester L. b: 11 May 1927 in Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 16 Jan 2004 in Chatham, Alger.Co.MI
... 5 FORTNEY, Harry Charles b: 09 Jan 1906 in Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 09 Jun 1966 in Oelwein, Jefferson.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Woodlawn Cem, Oelwein, Jefferson.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
....... +AYERS, Flora Grace b: 26 May 1908 in Wyoming d: 21 Oct 1992 in Oelwein, Jefferson.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Woodlawn Cem, Oelwein, Jefferson.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Father: Leonard LeRoy Roy AYERS Mother: Hanna Hannah Bertha FOGEL
.... 6 FORTNEY, Mary Marie b: 11 Aug 1929 in Oelwein, Jefferson.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 02 Oct 1948 in Oelwein, Jefferson.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Woodlawn Cem, Oelwein, Jefferson.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
3 FORTNEY, Bradley b: Abt. 1855 in Johnston.Twp, Trumbull.Co.OH
3 FORTNEY, Lester b: 1859 in Country Corner's area, Cass.Twp, SW Clayton.Co.IA
3 [8] FORTNEY, Everett Rubin b: 1863 in Clayton or Fayette Co, IA
.... +HAZEN, Harriett Hattie M. b: Bet. 1857 - 1862 d: Abt. 09 Jan 1888 in Fay.Co.IA m: 29 Mar 1887 in Fay.Co.IA
. 4 FORTNEY, William Willie b: 06 Jan 1888 in Fay.Co.IA
*2nd Wife of [8] FORTNEY, Everett Rubin:
.... +CHAPMAN, Ina m: Feb 1890 in Fay.Co.IA
. 4 FORTNEY, Olan b: 02 Oct 1890 in Fay.Co.IA
*2nd Wife of [9] FORTNEY, Adam:
... +RAY, Louisa Serine Christiansen Roe b: 08 Feb 1830 in Kongsberg, Buskerud, Norway d: 13 Apr 1897 in Farm NW corner, sec 1,Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Lima Cem, sec 2, lot 37, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA; but not in cem records & no stone found. m: 08 Mar 1870 in Fay.Co.IA Father: Christian Christiansen Roe RAY Mother: Elizabeth Sophie Baltzersen BAUTZ Note 11: Mar 2011 Suspect/bz; wife of Christian Harrison d.1862, then 2nd wife of Adam Fortney. Note 14: 1868 Plat; remained on 120a farm, sec 1, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 16: 1879 Plat; still on 120a farm, sec 1, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 17: 1880 Census; divorced from Adam Fortney, with 4ch on sec 1 farm, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 28: Bet. 1853 - 1897 Remained on sec 1 farm, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 29: 1900 Census; ch Christian & Eliz continued on home farm after death.
3 FORTNEY, No Children b: in Divorced within 2yrs.
*3rd Wife of [9] FORTNEY, Adam:
... +HOFFMAN, Mina Louise Minnie Mamie Huffman b: 28 Sep 1844 in Dittersdorf village, Thuringia state, Germany d: 30 Oct 1937 in S/law August Kaberle hm, 3rd Ave SE, Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Obit states, Strawberry Point Cem, Clayton.Co.IA, but not listed in burials (bz/2011). m: 26 Dec 1871 in Taylorville, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Father: John Carl Huffman HOFFMAN Mother: Margaret Matilda UNKNOWN Note 6: 01 May 1849 Family land NY; continued to Cleveland.OH. Note 7: Oct 1854 Family moved to farm SE of Taylorville area, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Note 11: 21 Oct 1887 Appplied for widower's pension; certficate number given. Note 15: Bet. 1893 - 1908 Moved from Arlington to Strawberry.Pt.IA. Note 17: Aft. 1908 Lived with dau's in Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA Note 21: May 1918 Bought lots 5, 6, 11, 12, Bk 8, Grandview Additon, Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA. Note 26: Nov 1837 Lots in Oelwein passed to dau Caroline Kabeale.
3 FORTNEY, Herman Edward b: Aft. 1871 in Talorville, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: in Infancy, Taylorville, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Taylorville Cem, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA (suspect unmarked, bz/2011).
3 FORTNEY, Carl Frederick b: Aft. 1871 in Taylorville, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: in Infancy, Taylorville, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Taylorville Cem, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA (suspect unmarked, bz/2011).
3 FORTNEY, Amalia M. Emily b: 1876 in Taylorville, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: Aft. 1939 in Oelwein, Jefferson.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Note 8: 1939 Living in Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA.
3 FORTNEY, Caroline Christina b: 07 Mar 1878 in Taylorville, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 13 Oct 1966 in Oelwein, Jefferson.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
.... +KABERLE, August b: 07 Jul 1865 in Clayton.Co.IA d: Jul 1950 in Oelwein, Jefferson.Twp, Fay.Co.IA m: 14 Feb 1899 in St. Sebald Cem, Strawberry.Pt area, Clayton.Co.IA Father: Joseph Alloyisus KABERLE Mother: Amalia A. NEUENKIRK
. 4 KABERLE, Theodore Christine b: 1900 d: 1984 Note 8: 1939 Living in Hampton, IA.
. 4 KABERLE, Walter August b: 1902 d: 1976 Note 8: 1939 Living in Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA.
. 4 KABERLE, Julia Henrietta b: 1905 d: 1981 Note 8: 1939 Living in Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA.
..... +LENZ, Unknown
3 FORTNEY, Louis Fredrick b: 1880 in Taylorville, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 23 Dec 1910 in Accident in Staunton, Macoupin.Co.IL

Fortney burials
 in Fayette Co, Iowa

Surname First, Middle Maiden Spouse or Parents Birth Death/Burial Cemetery City/Twp Notes


Colored rows = info/data updated; white rows = not updated, needing data. 

Fortney Catherine Costlmann (Coselman) Suspect nee Fortney x to a Coselman. 1863 1952 Dunham Grove Center Twp Lot 40.  Suspect is Kate Fortney x to Unknown Coselman; dau of Ben Wm Fortney & Permelia York, & in 1910 census widowed in Hawkeye,  bz/2011.
Fortney Catherine   Cunningham Fortney Wm Benjamin 1868/Banks.Twp-1939/Center.Twp 1874 1950 Dunham Grove Center Twp Lot 40.  Dau of Unknown Cunningham & Rosina Kosinl b. 1831/Switz.  Ch; foster Walter Engledge.
Fortney Laura M. Unknown Fortney Ozias Joshua 1857/Jones.Co.IA-1922/Randalia.IA. 1855 1918 Dunham Grove Center Twp Lot 77. Parents?  Ch; Nina, adopted Willard F.
Fortney Ozias Joshua Fortney Unknown Laura 1855/WI-1918/Randalia.IA Oct 10, 1857 feb 14, 1922 Dunham Grove Center Twp Lot 77.  Son of Benjamin W. Forteny 1819/PA-1877/Banks.Twp & Permelia York 1826/OH-1885/Randalis.IA.  Ch; Nina, adoped Willard F.
Fortney William Benjamin Fortney Cunningham Catherine 1874/Ireland-1950/Fay.Co.IA Jan 6, 1868 Aug 4, 1939 Dunham Grove Center Twp Lot 40.  Son of Ben Wm Fornety 1819/PA-1877/Banks.Twp & Permelia York 1826/OH-aft1885/Randalia.IA.  Ch; foster Walter Engledge.
Fortney Adam Fortney Dewey Emily 1821/OHorPA-1869/Taylorville, Fay.Co.IA Mar 5, 1821 7 May 1886 Grandview Fayette Sec A, lot 84, burial #467. 30y, buried May 9, 1886, cause apolexy, relative/friend Fussel brothers. Co C 6th IA CAV, Civil War.  Ch; Marianne H, Samuel, Lyida, Cornelia S, Bradley, Lester, Everett Rubin.
Fortney Emily Dewey Fortney Adam 1818/PA-1886/Taylorville. Fay.Co.IA 5 Mar 1821 Jul 9, 1869 Grandview Fayette Sec A, Lot 84, burial #129, buried Jul 11, 1868, age 48. Ch; Marianne H, Samuel, Lyida, Cornelia S, Bradley, Lester, Everett Rubin.
Fortney Hattie M. (Mina?) Unknown E. R. (Fortney Adam?) abt 1845 9 Jan 1888 Grandview Fayette Sec A, lot 84, burial #504, buried Jan 12, 1888, , friend/relative Martin Fussell; from original handwrittne burial book, bz/2011.  Fay.Co.Hist Listing; sec A, lot 224, 25y (this is not a burial listed in the original bk, there is no lot 224 in sec A,bz/2011.  Second wife of Adam?  Unmarked grave, bz/2011.
Fortney Burt F Fortney Fortney son of Andrew 1885 12 May 1963 Long Grove Maynard Age 77yr; Lot 126W; No stone.  Son of Andrew Fortney 1836/OH-?/? & Mary Burgess 1852/PA-?/?.
Fortney Arthur Charles Fortney Fortney son of Frank Arthur 24 Nov 1924 24 May 1932 Taylorsville Fairfield Twp Son of Frank Arthur Fortney 1902/Arlington.IA-1970/Billings.MT & Christina L. Ayers 1906/Guttenberg.IA-?/?.
Fortney Emily E Rice Fortney Franklin A 1852/OH-1926/Fairfield.Twp 1855 1939 Taylorsville Fairfield Twp Dau of Geo D. & Lucy J. Rice.  Ch; Polly, Geo.
Fortney Frank Arthur Fortney Ayers Christina L. Jun 14, 1902 Jul 16, 1970 Taylorsville Fairfield Twp Died; Billings, Yellowstone.Co.MT
Fortney Frank Franklin S Fortney Rice Emily 1855/NY-1939/Fay.Co.IA Jun 30, 1952 1926 Taylorsville Fairfield Twp Son of Adam Fortney 1820/PA-1886/Taylorville.IA & Emily Dewey 1821/PA-1869/Taylorville.  Ch; Polly, Geo.
Fortney George S Fortney Potter Nellie Nettie E 1882 1879 1945 Taylorsville Fairfield Twp Son of Franklin Frank S. Fortney 1852/OH-1926/Fairfield.Twp & Emily Rice 1855/NY-1939/Fay.Co.IA.  Ch; Franklin Arthur, Harry Charles.
Fortney Flora Grace Ayers Fortney Harry Charles 1906/Fairfield.Twp-1966/Oelwein.IA 26 May 1908 21 Oct 1992 Woodlawn Oelwein Dau of Leonard Leroy Ayers & Hanna B. Fogel.  Ch; Mary Marie.
Fortney Harry Charles Fortney Unknown Flora G 9 Jan 1906 9 Jun 1966 Woodlawn Oelwein Son of Geo S. Fortney 1879-1945, Fairfield.Twp & Nettie E. Potter 1882/Fay.Co.IA-?/?.  Ch; Mary Marie.
Fortney Lawrence     No date No date Woodlawn Oelwein Suspect son of Harry Charles, bz/2011?
Fortney Marietta     No date No date Woodlawn Oelwein Suspect wife of Lawrence Fortney, bz/2011?
Fortney Mary Marie Fortney Fortney dau of Harry Charles. 11 Aug 1929 2 Oct 1948 Woodlawn Oelwein Unmarried.  Dau of Harry Charles Fortney 1906/Fairfield.Twp-1966/Oelwein.IA & Flora Grace Ayers 1908/WY-1992/Oelwein.IA


Seventh Iowa Cavalry: Organized at Camp Hendershott, Davenport, IA, summer of 1863. Ordered to duty against the Indians in Neb, Dakota, Col, Kan. Portions of the geigment engaged in battles of White Stone Hill, Tahkahokutha, Bad Lands, Little Blue Julesburg, Mud Springs, Rush Creek, Horse Creek, Cow Creek and others. The 7th Iowa Cav remained on the Plains until mustered out at Leavenworth.KS, May 17, 1866. (notes condensed from 1878 Fay.Co.IA.Hist, bz/2011)

Descendants of Adam Fortney, Tree Form:
Descendants of Adam Fortney
1 [3] FORTNEY, Adam b: Abt. 1818 in Meyerstown, Lebanon.Co.PA d: 07 May 1886 in Talyorville plat, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Grandview Cem, sec A, lot 84, burial #467, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. Note 6: 1850 Census; carpenter/joiner, Johnson, Thumbull.Co.OH. Note 7: 1850 Adam1821/PA, Emily nee Dewey1821/OH, Marianne1843/OH, Samuel 1845/OH, Lyida1847/OH, Cornelia1849/OH; bro Daniel1817/PA. Note 8: 1857 OH to 'Country Corner's area, SW Cass.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA Note 9: 1860 Census; carpenter/joiner, Country Corner's area, Cass.Twp, SW Clayton.Co.IA. Note 10: Jun 1860 Adam38, Emily39, M.H.17f, Samuel15, Lydia13, Cornelia11, Franklin8, Bradly4, Lester1. Note 12: Bet. 1860 - 1862 Moved into Fayette village, Fay.Co.IA. Note 14: 22 Sep 1862 Enlisted; 42y, Co C, 6th IA Cavalry. Note 15: 17 Oct 1865 Mustered out at Sioux City, IA, served western territories. Note 17: 1870 Census; on 2nd wf Louisa Ray wid Harrison's farm, sec 1, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 18: Aug 1870 Adam Fortiner49/PA, 2nd wf Louisa(wid Harrison)40/Norway, her ch. Caroline16IA, Eliz15IA, Geo12IA, Christina7IA. Note 19: Aug 1870 Plus Adam's ch with 1st wf Emily Dewey; Frank17, Brad15, Lester11, Everett7. Note 20: 1871 Divorced from Louisa Ray Harrison; moved & remarried Mina Hoffman, Taylorville, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 21: 1878 Hist; listed Forney, laborer (in Taylorville), Brush Creek P.O., Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 22: 1880 Census; carpenter/joiner, Taylorville, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Note 23: Jun 1880 Adam59, 3rd wf Mina36Ger, their ch Emily4, Caroline2, Lewis6m. Note 25: 21 May 1883 Applied for civil war pension as invalid; no certficate number listed. Note 28: 1885 Census; carpenter, Taylorville plat, Fairifield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 29: 1885 Adam68, Mina40(2nd wf) Emily9, Caroline6, Louis5 Note 30: Active in M.E. (& U.B.) Ch; Republican; wf's obits states death May 6.
.. +DEWEY, Emily b: 05 Mar 1821 in OH or PA d: 09 Jul 1869 in Talyorville plat, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Grandview Cem, sec A, lot 84, burial #129, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. m: 14 May 1842 in Trumbull.Co.OH
2 FORTNEY, Marianney Marianne H. b: 1843 in Trumbull.Co.OH
... +CARNINE, J.
2 [1] FORTNEY, Samuel O. Fortner b: Feb 1845 in Trumbull.Co.OH Note 11: 1870 Census; with m/law, carpenter, $800/250, adj to Albert Strong, Fayette plat, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Note 12: Aug 1870 Ann Robertson68Eng; Samuel Fornter25, Cordella20, Henry1. Note 14: 1878 Hist; farming, sec 13, Lima P.O., Wesfeild.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 16: 1880 Census; farming, Lulu.Twp, Mitchell.Co.KS. Note 17: 1880 Sam35, Cordella30, Henry12, Jennie9, Stella5. Note 18: 1885 Census; widowed, carpenter, Clyde, Cloud.Co.KS Note 19: 1885 SamueO40PA, Henry16IA, Jennie14IA, Stella9IA, Emma5KS, Ella2KS. Note 20: 1895 Census; carpenter, Randolph, Riley.Co.KS Note 21: 1895 Samuel50PA, P.L.45NY, Stall19IAteaching, Emma14IA, Ella12KS. Note 22: 1895 Census; carpenter, Fairfiew, Jefferson.Co.KS, S.O.50OH, Stela20IA, Emily15KS, Ella13KS. Note 23: 1895 Adj is B.S.Fortney38PA carpenter, Effie35IL, Era11KS. Note 24: 1900 Census; widowed, carpenter, Indio.Twp, Riverside.Co.CA. Note 25: 1900 SamuelO 1845Feb/OH widowed, HenryE 1869Feb/IA, Ella 1882Aug/KS. Note 30: All info suspect, there appears to be 2 Sam's b.1845 in KS, bz2011.
... +FUSSELL, Cordella Cordelia b: Abt. 1850 in Bear Creek area, Smithfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: Abt. 1884 in Whitfield, KS m: 25 Dec 1867 in Fayette, Fay.Co.IA Father: David E. FUSSELL Mother: Rachel JENNINGS
3 FORTNEY, Henry E. b: Nov 1869 in Fayette, Fay.Co.IA Note 12: 1900 Census; farming, with father, Indio.Twp, Riverside.Co.CA
3 FORTNEY, Jennie b: 1871 in Fayette, Fay.Co.IA
3 FORTNEY, Stella Emily b: Bet. 1875 - 1876 in Fayette, Fay.Co.IA
3 FORTNEY, Emma b: Bet. 1880 - 1881 in IA or KS
3 FORTNEY, Ella b: Aug 1882 in Lulu.Twp, Mitchell.Co.KS
*2nd Wife of [1] FORTNEY, Samuel O. Fortner:
... +UNKNOWN, P. L. b: Abt. 1850 in NY m: Bet. 1886 - 1894 in KS
2 FORTNEY, Lydia b: 1847 in Trumbull.Co.OH
... +JUNE, William
2 FORTNEY, Cornelia Cordelia B. b: 24 Oct 1849 in Johnston.Twp, Trumbull.Co.OH d: 27 Jan 1885 in Cleveland.Twp, Holt.Co.NE
... +ALLEN, Augustus Allyn b: 02 Oct 1843 in OH d: 13 Mar 1902 m: 01 Jan 1869 in Fay.Co.IA Father: Johnathan E. Allyn ALLEN Mother: Roxana A. LAMB Note 8: 1880 Census; farming, wf & 3ch, Center.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
3 ALLEN, Betsey b: 1871 in Fay.Co.IA
3 ALLEN, Mertie S. b: 29 Apr 1875 in Center.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 07 Jan 1964 in Deer Lodge, MT
.... +PARRISH, Claude Basil b: Aug 1871 in Sioux Falls, Lincoln.Co.SD d: 10 Dec 1936 in Sanders, MT m: 12 Nov 1896 in Laurel, Cedar.Co.NE
3 ALLEN, Calvin b: 15 Jan 1880 in Center.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 03 Mar 1972 in Stuart, Holt.Co.NE
2 FORTNEY, Franklin Frank S. b: 30 Jun 1852 in Johnston.Twp, Trumbull.Co.OH d: 1926 in Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Taylorville Cem, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 6: Fay.CO.IA. Fitch's 1910 Hist: born in PA, fam removed to OH abt 1853. Note 7: Hist 1910: 1857, fam located Clayton.Co.IA (SW corner, Cass.Twp.). Note 9: Aft. 1876 Continued carpenter in Taylorville, with father after marriage. Note 11: 1878 Hist; laborer (in Taylorville), Brush Creek P.O., Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 14: Aft. 1880 Started farming, likely with f/law and/or renting. Note 22: Sep 1894 Paper; horse taken from stable in vicinity of Brush Creek. Note 24: 1898 Purchased f/law's Rice farm, Fairfield.Twp, Note 26: 1910 Son/law's farms adjacent.
... +RICE, Emily b: 1855 in Carroll.Co.NY d: 1939 in Fay.Co.IA m: 02 Oct 1876 in Taylorville, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Father: George D. RICE Mother: Lucy J. UNKNOWN
3 FORTNEY, Polly
.... +HETZEL, Fred
. 4 HETZEL, Emma H.
. 4 HETZEL, Helen Fern
. 4 HETZEL, Henrietta May
. 4 HETZEL, Lulu Ruth
3 FORTNEY, George S. b: 1879 in Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 1945 in Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Taylorville Cem, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
.... +POTTER, Nettie E. b: 1882 in Fay.Co.IA
. 4 FORTNEY, Franklin Arthur b: 14 Jun 1902 in Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 16 Jul 1970 in Billings, Yellowstone.Co.MT Burial: Taylorville Cem, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
..... +AYERS, Christina L. b: 13 Apr 1906 in Guttenberg, Clayton.Co.IA d: 13 Jul 1998 in Oelwein, Jefferson.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Father: Leonard LeRoy Roy AYERS Mother: Hanna Hannah Bertha FOGEL
... 5 FORTNEY, Arthur Charles b: 24 Nov 1924 in Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 24 May 1933 in Oelwein, Jefferson.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
... 5 FORTNEY, Lester L. b: 11 May 1927 in Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 16 Jan 2004 in Chatham, Alger.Co.MI
. 4 FORTNEY, Harry Charles b: 09 Jan 1906 in Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 09 Jun 1966 in Oelwein, Jefferson.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Woodlawn Cem, Oelwein, Jefferson.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
..... +AYERS, Flora Grace b: 26 May 1908 in Wyoming d: 21 Oct 1992 in Oelwein, Jefferson.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Woodlawn Cem, Oelwein, Jefferson.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Father: Leonard LeRoy Roy AYERS Mother: Hanna Hannah Bertha FOGEL
... 5 FORTNEY, Mary Marie b: 11 Aug 1929 in Oelwein, Jefferson.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 02 Oct 1948 in Oelwein, Jefferson.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Woodlawn Cem, Oelwein, Jefferson.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
2 FORTNEY, Bradley b: Abt. 1855 in Johnston.Twp, Trumbull.Co.OH
2 FORTNEY, Lester b: 1859 in Country Corner's area, Cass.Twp, SW Clayton.Co.IA
2 [2] FORTNEY, Everett Rubin b: 1863 in Clayton or Fayette Co, IA
... +HAZEN, Harriett Hattie M. b: Bet. 1857 - 1862 d: Abt. 09 Jan 1888 in Fay.Co.IA m: 29 Mar 1887 in Fay.Co.IA
3 FORTNEY, William Willie b: 06 Jan 1888 in Fay.Co.IA
*2nd Wife of [2] FORTNEY, Everett Rubin:
... +CHAPMAN, Ina m: Feb 1890 in Fay.Co.IA
3 FORTNEY, Olan b: 02 Oct 1890 in Fay.Co.IA
*2nd Wife of [3] FORTNEY, Adam:
.. +RAY, Louisa Serine Christiansen Roe b: 08 Feb 1830 in Kongsberg, Buskerud, Norway d: 13 Apr 1897 in Farm NW corner, sec 1,Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Lima Cem, sec 2, lot 37, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA; but not in cem records & no stone found. m: 08 Mar 1870 in Fay.Co.IA Father: Christian Christiansen Roe RAY Mother: Elizabeth Sophie Baltzersen BAUTZ Note 11: Mar 2011 Suspect/bz; wife of Christian Harrison d.1862, then 2nd wife of Adam Fortney. Note 14: 1868 Plat; remained on 120a farm, sec 1, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 16: 1879 Plat; still on 120a farm, sec 1, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 17: 1880 Census; divorced from Adam Fortney, with 4ch on sec 1 farm, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 28: Bet. 1853 - 1897 Remained on sec 1 farm, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 29: 1900 Census; ch Christian & Eliz continued on home farm after death.
2 FORTNEY, No Children b: in Divorced within 2yrs.
*3rd Wife of [3] FORTNEY, Adam:
.. +HOFFMAN, Mina Louise Minnie Mamie Huffman b: 28 Sep 1844 in Dittersdorf village, Thuringia state, Germany d: 30 Oct 1937 in S/law August Kaberle hm, 3rd Ave SE, Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Obit states, Strawberry Point Cem, Clayton.Co.IA, but not listed in burials (bz/2011). m: 26 Dec 1871 in Taylorville, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Father: John Carl Huffman HOFFMAN Mother: Margaret Matilda UNKNOWN Note 6: 01 May 1849 Family land NY; continued to Cleveland.OH. Note 7: Oct 1854 Family moved to farm SE of Taylorville area, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Note 11: 21 Oct 1887 Appplied for widower's pension; certficate number given. Note 15: Bet. 1893 - 1908 Moved from Arlington to Strawberry.Pt.IA. Note 17: Aft. 1908 Lived with dau's in Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA Note 21: May 1918 Bought lots 5, 6, 11, 12, Bk 8, Grandview Additon, Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA. Note 26: Nov 1837 Lots in Oelwein passed to dau Caroline Kabeale.
2 FORTNEY, Herman Edward b: Aft. 1871 in Talorville, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: in Infancy, Taylorville, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Taylorville Cem, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA (suspect unmarked, bz/2011).
2 FORTNEY, Carl Frederick b: Aft. 1871 in Taylorville, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: in Infancy, Taylorville, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Taylorville Cem, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA (suspect unmarked, bz/2011).
2 FORTNEY, Amalia M. Emily b: 1876 in Taylorville, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: Aft. 1939 in Oelwein, Jefferson.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Note 8: 1939 Living in Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA.
2 FORTNEY, Caroline Christina b: 07 Mar 1878 in Taylorville, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 13 Oct 1966 in Oelwein, Jefferson.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
... +KABERLE, August b: 07 Jul 1865 in Clayton.Co.IA d: Jul 1950 in Oelwein, Jefferson.Twp, Fay.Co.IA m: 14 Feb 1899 in St. Sebald Cem, Strawberry.Pt area, Clayton.Co.IA Father: Joseph Alloyisus KABERLE Mother: Amalia A. NEUENKIRK
3 KABERLE, Theodore Christine b: 1900 d: 1984 Note 8: 1939 Living in Hampton, IA.
3 KABERLE, Walter August b: 1902 d: 1976 Note 8: 1939 Living in Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA.
3 KABERLE, Julia Henrietta b: 1905 d: 1981 Note 8: 1939 Living in Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA.
.... +LENZ, Unknown
2 FORTNEY, Louis Fredrick b: 1880 in Taylorville, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 23 Dec 1910 in Accident in Staunton, Macoupin.Co.IL
2 FORTNEY, Louis Fredrick b: 1880 in Taylorville, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 23 Dec 1910 in Accident in Staunton, Macoupin.Co.IL

Descendants of Adam Fortney, Report Form:
Descendants of Adam Fortney
Generation No. 1
1. ADAM2 FORTNEY (JOHN JOHANNES JACOB1) was born Abt. 1818 in Meyerstown, Lebanon.Co.PA, and died 07 May 1886 in Talyorville plat, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. He married (1) EMILY DEWEY 14 May 1842 in Trumbull.Co.OH. She was born 05 Mar 1821 in OH or PA, and died 09 Jul 1869 in Talyorville plat, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. He married (2) LOUISA SERINE CHRISTIANSEN ROE RAY 08 Mar 1870 in Fay.Co.IA, daughter of CHRISTIAN RAY and ELIZABETH BAUTZ. She was born 08 Feb 1830 in Kongsberg, Buskerud, Norway, and died 13 Apr 1897 in Farm NW corner, sec 1,Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. He married (3) MINA LOUISE MINNIE MAMIE HUFFMAN HOFFMAN 26 Dec 1871 in Taylorville, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA, daughter of JOHN HOFFMAN and MARGARET UNKNOWN. She was born 28 Sep 1844 in Dittersdorf village, Thuringia state, Germany, and died 30 Oct 1937 in S/law August Kaberle hm, 3rd Ave SE, Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA.
Seventh Iowa Cavalry: Organized at Camp Hendershott, Davenport, IA, summer of 1863. Ordered to duty against the Indians in Neb, Dakota, Col, Kan. Portions of the geigment engaged in battles of White Stone Hill, Tahkahokutha, Bad Lands, Little Blue Julesburg, Mud Springs, Rush Creek, Horse Creek, Cow Creek and others. The 7th Iowa Cav remained on the Plains until mustered out at Leavenworth.KS, May 17, 1866. (notes condensed from 1878 Fay.Co.IA.Hist, bz/2011)
Burial: Grandview Cem, sec A, lot 84, burial #467, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 6: 1850, Census; carpenter/joiner, Johnson, Thumbull.Co.OH.
Note 7: 1850, Adam1821/PA, Emily nee Dewey1821/OH, Marianne1843/OH, Samuel 1845/OH, Lyida1847/OH, Cornelia1849/OH; bro Daniel1817/PA.
Note 8: 1857, OH to 'Country Corner's area, SW Cass.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA
Note 9: 1860, Census; carpenter/joiner, Country Corner's area, Cass.Twp, SW Clayton.Co.IA.
Note 10: Jun 1860, Adam38, Emily39, M.H.17f, Samuel15, Lydia13, Cornelia11, Franklin8, Bradly4, Lester1.
Note 12: Bet. 1860 - 1862, Moved into Fayette village, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 14: 22 Sep 1862, Enlisted; 42y, Co C, 6th IA Cavalry.
Note 15: 17 Oct 1865, Mustered out at Sioux City, IA, served western territories.
Note 17: 1870, Census; on 2nd wf Louisa Ray wid Harrison's farm, sec 1, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 18: Aug 1870, Adam Fortiner49/PA, 2nd wf Louisa(wid Harrison)40/Norway, her ch. Caroline16IA, Eliz15IA, Geo12IA, Christina7IA.
Note 19: Aug 1870, Plus Adam's ch with 1st wf Emily Dewey; Frank17, Brad15, Lester11, Everett7.
Note 20: 1871, Divorced from Louisa Ray Harrison; moved & remarried Mina Hoffman, Taylorville, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 21: 1878, Hist; listed Forney, laborer (in Taylorville), Brush Creek P.O., Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 22: 1880, Census; carpenter/joiner, Taylorville, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
Note 23: Jun 1880, Adam59, 3rd wf Mina36Ger, their ch Emily4, Caroline2, Lewis6m.
Note 25: 21 May 1883, Applied for civil war pension as invalid; no certficate number listed.
Note 28: 1885, Census; carpenter, Taylorville plat, Fairifield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 29: 1885, Adam68, Mina40(2nd wf) Emily9, Caroline6, Louis5
Note 30: Active in M.E. (& U.B.) Ch; Republican; wf's obits states death May 6.
Burial: Grandview Cem, sec A, lot 84, burial #129, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA.
Burial: Lima Cem, sec 2, lot 37, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA; but not in cem records & no stone found.
Note 11: Mar 2011, Suspect/bz; wife of Christian Harrison d.1862, then 2nd wife of Adam Fortney.
Note 14: 1868, Plat; remained on 120a farm, sec 1, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 16: 1879, Plat; still on 120a farm, sec 1, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 17: 1880, Census; divorced from Adam Fortney, with 4ch on sec 1 farm, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 28: Bet. 1853 - 1897, Remained on sec 1 farm, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 29: 1900, Census; ch Christian & Eliz continued on home farm after death.
Burial: Obit states, Strawberry Point Cem, Clayton.Co.IA, but not listed in burials (bz/2011).
Note 6: 01 May 1849, Family land NY; continued to Cleveland.OH.
Note 7: Oct 1854, Family moved to farm SE of Taylorville area, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
Note 11: 21 Oct 1887, Appplied for widower's pension; certficate number given.
Note 15: Bet. 1893 - 1908, Moved from Arlington to Strawberry.Pt.IA.
Note 17: Aft. 1908, Lived with dau's in Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA
Note 21: May 1918, Bought lots 5, 6, 11, 12, Bk 8, Grandview Additon, Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 26: Nov 1837, Lots in Oelwein passed to dau Caroline Kabeale.
Children of ADAM FORTNEY and EMILY DEWEY are:
i. MARIANNEY MARIANNE H.3 FORTNEY, b. 1843, Trumbull.Co.OH; m. J. CARNINE.
2. ii. SAMUEL O. FORTNER FORTNEY, b. Feb 1845, Trumbull.Co.OH.
iii. LYDIA FORTNEY, b. 1847, Trumbull.Co.OH; m. WILLIAM JUNE.
3. iv. CORNELIA CORDELIA B. FORTNEY, b. 24 Oct 1849, Johnston.Twp, Trumbull.Co.OH; d. 27 Jan 1885, Cleveland.Twp, Holt.Co.NE.
4. v. FRANKLIN FRANK S. FORTNEY, b. 30 Jun 1852, Johnston.Twp, Trumbull.Co.OH; d. 1926, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
vi. BRADLEY FORTNEY, b. Abt. 1855, Johnston.Twp, Trumbull.Co.OH.
vii. LESTER FORTNEY, b. 1859, Country Corner's area, Cass.Twp, SW Clayton.Co.IA.
5. viii. EVERETT RUBIN FORTNEY, b. 1863, Clayton or Fayette Co, IA.
ix. NO CHILDREN3 FORTNEY, b. Divorced within 2yrs..
Children of ADAM FORTNEY and MINA HOFFMAN are:
x. HERMAN EDWARD3 FORTNEY, b. Aft. 1871, Talorville, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA; d. Infancy, Taylorville, Fay.Co.IA.
Burial: Taylorville Cem, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA (suspect unmarked, bz/2011).
xi. CARL FREDERICK FORTNEY, b. Aft. 1871, Taylorville, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA; d. Infancy, Taylorville, Fay.Co.IA.
Burial: Taylorville Cem, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA (suspect unmarked, bz/2011).
xii. AMALIA M. EMILY FORTNEY, b. 1876, Taylorville, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA; d. Aft. 1939, Oelwein, Jefferson.Twp, Fay.Co.IA; m. UNMARRIED.
Note 8: 1939, Living in Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA.
6. xiii. CAROLINE CHRISTINA FORTNEY, b. 07 Mar 1878, Taylorville, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA; d. 13 Oct 1966, Oelwein, Jefferson.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
xiv. LOUIS FREDRICK FORTNEY, b. 1880, Taylorville, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA; d. 23 Dec 1910, Accident in Staunton, Macoupin.Co.IL.
Generation No. 2
2. SAMUEL O. FORTNER3 FORTNEY (ADAM2, JOHN JOHANNES JACOB1) was born Feb 1845 in Trumbull.Co.OH. He married (1) CORDELLA CORDELIA FUSSELL 25 Dec 1867 in Fayette, Fay.Co.IA, daughter of DAVID FUSSELL and RACHEL JENNINGS. She was born Abt. 1850 in Bear Creek area, Smithfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA, and died Abt. 1884 in Whitfield, KS. He married (2) P. L. UNKNOWN Bet. 1886 - 1894 in KS. She was born Abt. 1850 in NY.
Note 11: 1870, Census; with m/law, carpenter, $800/250, adj to Albert Strong, Fayette plat, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
Note 12: Aug 1870, Ann Robertson68Eng; Samuel Fornter25, Cordella20, Henry1.
Note 14: 1878, Hist; farming, sec 13, Lima P.O., Wesfeild.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 16: 1880, Census; farming, Lulu.Twp, Mitchell.Co.KS.
Note 17: 1880, Sam35, Cordella30, Henry12, Jennie9, Stella5.
Note 18: 1885, Census; widowed, carpenter, Clyde, Cloud.Co.KS
Note 19: 1885, SamueO40PA, Henry16IA, Jennie14IA, Stella9IA, Emma5KS, Ella2KS.
Note 20: 1895, Census; carpenter, Randolph, Riley.Co.KS
Note 21: 1895, Samuel50PA, P.L.45NY, Stall19IAteaching, Emma14IA, Ella12KS.
Note 22: 1895, Census; carpenter, Fairfiew, Jefferson.Co.KS, S.O.50OH, Stela20IA, Emily15KS, Ella13KS.
Note 23: 1895, Adj is B.S.Fortney38PA carpenter, Effie35IL, Era11KS.
Note 24: 1900, Census; widowed, carpenter, Indio.Twp, Riverside.Co.CA.
Note 25: 1900, SamuelO 1845Feb/OH widowed, HenryE 1869Feb/IA, Ella 1882Aug/KS.
Note 30: All info suspect, there appears to be 2 Sam's b.1845 in KS, bz2011.
i. HENRY E.4 FORTNEY, b. Nov 1869, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 12: 1900, Census; farming, with father, Indio.Twp, Riverside.Co.CA
ii. JENNIE FORTNEY, b. 1871, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA.
iii. STELLA EMILY FORTNEY, b. Bet. 1875 - 1876, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA.
iv. EMMA FORTNEY, b. Bet. 1880 - 1881, IA or KS.
v. ELLA FORTNEY, b. Aug 1882, Lulu.Twp, Mitchell.Co.KS.
3. CORNELIA CORDELIA B.3 FORTNEY (ADAM2, JOHN JOHANNES JACOB1) was born 24 Oct 1849 in Johnston.Twp, Trumbull.Co.OH, and died 27 Jan 1885 in Cleveland.Twp, Holt.Co.NE. She married AUGUSTUS ALLYN ALLEN 01 Jan 1869 in Fay.Co.IA, son of JOHNATHAN ALLEN and ROXANA LAMB. He was born 02 Oct 1843 in OH, and died 13 Mar 1902.
Note 8: 1880, Census; farming, wf & 3ch, Center.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
i. BETSEY4 ALLEN, b. 1871, Fay.Co.IA.
ii. MERTIE S. ALLEN, b. 29 Apr 1875, Center.Twp, Fay.Co.IA; d. 07 Jan 1964, Deer Lodge, MT; m. CLAUDE BASIL PARRISH, 12 Nov 1896, Laurel, Cedar.Co.NE; b. Aug 1871, Sioux Falls, Lincoln.Co.SD; d. 10 Dec 1936, Sanders, MT.
iii. CALVIN ALLEN, b. 15 Jan 1880, Center.Twp, Fay.Co.IA; d. 03 Mar 1972, Stuart, Holt.Co.NE.
4. FRANKLIN FRANK S.3 FORTNEY (ADAM2, JOHN JOHANNES JACOB1) was born 30 Jun 1852 in Johnston.Twp, Trumbull.Co.OH, and died 1926 in Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. He married EMILY RICE 02 Oct 1876 in Taylorville, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA, daughter of GEORGE RICE and LUCY UNKNOWN. She was born 1855 in Carroll.Co.NY, and died 1939 in Fay.Co.IA.
Burial: Taylorville Cem, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 6: Fay.CO.IA. Fitch's 1910 Hist: born in PA, fam removed to OH abt 1853.
Note 7: Hist 1910: 1857, fam located Clayton.Co.IA (SW corner, Cass.Twp.).
Note 9: Aft. 1876, Continued carpenter in Taylorville, with father after marriage.
Note 11: 1878, Hist; laborer (in Taylorville), Brush Creek P.O., Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 14: Aft. 1880, Started farming, likely with f/law and/or renting.
Note 22: Sep 1894, Paper; horse taken from stable in vicinity of Brush Creek.
Note 24: 1898, Purchased f/law's Rice farm, Fairfield.Twp,
Note 26: 1910, Son/law's farms adjacent.
ii. GEORGE S. FORTNEY, b. 1879, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA; d. 1945, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA; m. NETTIE E. POTTER; b. 1882, Fay.Co.IA.
Burial: Taylorville Cem, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
5. EVERETT RUBIN3 FORTNEY (ADAM2, JOHN JOHANNES JACOB1) was born 1863 in Clayton or Fayette Co, IA. He married (1) HARRIETT HATTIE M. HAZEN 29 Mar 1887 in Fay.Co.IA. She was born Bet. 1857 - 1862, and died Abt. 09 Jan 1888 in Fay.Co.IA. He married (2) INA CHAPMAN Feb 1890 in Fay.Co.IA.
i. WILLIAM WILLIE4 FORTNEY, b. 06 Jan 1888, Fay.Co.IA.
ii. OLAN4 FORTNEY, b. 02 Oct 1890, Fay.Co.IA.
6. CAROLINE CHRISTINA3 FORTNEY (ADAM2, JOHN JOHANNES JACOB1) was born 07 Mar 1878 in Taylorville, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA, and died 13 Oct 1966 in Oelwein, Jefferson.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. She married AUGUST KABERLE 14 Feb 1899 in St. Sebald Cem, Strawberry.Pt area, Clayton.Co.IA, son of JOSEPH KABERLE and AMALIA NEUENKIRK. He was born 07 Jul 1865 in Clayton.Co.IA, and died Jul 1950 in Oelwein, Jefferson.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
i. THEODORE CHRISTINE4 KABERLE, b. 1900; d. 1984.
Note 8: 1939, Living in Hampton, IA.
ii. WALTER AUGUST KABERLE, b. 1902; d. 1976.
Note 8: 1939, Living in Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA.
iii. JULIA HENRIETTA KABERLE, b. 1905; d. 1981; m. UNKNOWN LENZ.
Note 8: 1939, Living in Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA.

Descendants of Christian Christiansen Roe Ray
Generation No. 1
1. CHRISTIAN CHRISTIANSEN ROE1 RAY was born 1743 in Norway, and died 1797 in Norway. He married BERTHE LARSEN. She was born 1749 in Norway, and died 1808 in Norway.
2. i. CHRISTIAN CHRISTIANSEN ROE2 RAY, b. 08 Sep 1804, Kongsberg, Buskerud, Norway; d. 19 Dec 1863, Kongsberg, Buskerud, Norway.
Generation No. 2
2. CHRISTIAN CHRISTIANSEN ROE2 RAY (CHRISTIAN CHRISTIANSEN ROE1) was born 08 Sep 1804 in Kongsberg, Buskerud, Norway, and died 19 Dec 1863 in Kongsberg, Buskerud, Norway. He married ELIZABETH SOPHIE BALTZERSEN BAUTZ. She was born 1792 in Norway, and died 1863 in Norway.
i. MARTHA MARIE CHRISTIANSEN ROE3 RAY, b. 16 Mar 1828, Kongsberg, Buskerud, Norway; d. 07 Apr 1829, Kongsberg, Buskerud, Norway.
3. ii. LOUISA SERINE CHRISTIANSEN ROE RAY, b. 08 Feb 1830, Kongsberg, Buskerud, Norway; d. 13 Apr 1897, Farm NW corner, sec 1,Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
4. iii. LARS CHRISTIAN RAY, b. 14 Feb 1832, Kongsberg, Buskerud, Norway; d. 03 Mar 1895, Farm, sec 2, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
5. iv. GERTRUDE MARIE CHRISTIANSEN ROE RAY, b. 01 Feb 1838, Kongsberg, Buskerud, Norway; d. 08 Nov 1876, Milton, Morgan.Co.UT.
Generation No. 3
3. LOUISA SERINE CHRISTIANSEN ROE3 RAY (CHRISTIAN CHRISTIANSEN ROE2, CHRISTIAN CHRISTIANSEN ROE1) was born 08 Feb 1830 in Kongsberg, Buskerud, Norway, and died 13 Apr 1897 in Farm NW corner, sec 1,Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. She married (1) CHRISTIAN C. HARRISON Abt. 1853. He was born 10 Feb 1824 in Norway, and died 18 Oct 1862 in Sec 1 farm, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. She married (2) ADAM FORTNEY 08 Mar 1870 in Fay.Co.IA, son of JOHN FORTNEY and MARY REEL. He was born Abt. 1818 in Meyerstown, Lebanon.Co.PA, and died 07 May 1886 in Talyorville plat, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Burial: Lima Cem, sec 2, lot 37, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA; but not in cem records & no stone found.
Note 11: Mar 2011, Suspect/bz; wife of Christian Harrison d.1862, then 2nd wife of Adam Fortney.
Note 14: 1868, Plat; remained on 120a farm, sec 1, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 16: 1879, Plat; still on 120a farm, sec 1, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 17: 1880, Census; divorced from Adam Fortney, with 4ch on sec 1 farm, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 28: Bet. 1853 - 1897, Remained on sec 1 farm, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 29: 1900, Census; ch Christian & Eliz continued on home farm after death.
Burial: Lima Cem, sec 2, lot 37, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 8: 1856, Census; farmer, NW1/4, sec 1, 2+mi N of Lima, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 9: 1856, ChristianC31Nor, Louisa26Nor, Caroine2IA, Eliz1IA.
Note 14: 1860, Census; farming, $2k/1k, 120a in NW1/4, sec 1, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 15: 1860, ChristianC36, Louise30, Caroline6, Eliz5, Geo2.
Note 21: 1868, Plat; wife/ch on 120a in sec 1, Westfield.Twp,
Seventh Iowa Cavalry: Organized at Camp Hendershott, Davenport, IA, summer of 1863. Ordered to duty against the Indians in Neb, Dakota, Col, Kan. Portions of the geigment engaged in battles of White Stone Hill, Tahkahokutha, Bad Lands, Little Blue Julesburg, Mud Springs, Rush Creek, Horse Creek, Cow Creek and others. The 7th Iowa Cav remained on the Plains until mustered out at Leavenworth.KS, May 17, 1866. (notes condensed from 1878 Fay.Co.IA.Hist, bz/2011)
Burial: Grandview Cem, sec A, lot 84, burial #467, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 6: 1850, Census; carpenter/joiner, Johnson, Thumbull.Co.OH.
Note 7: 1850, Adam1821/PA, Emily nee Dewey1821/OH, Marianne1843/OH, Samuel 1845/OH, Lyida1847/OH, Cornelia1849/OH; bro Daniel1817/PA.
Note 8: 1857, OH to 'Country Corner's area, SW Cass.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA
Note 9: 1860, Census; carpenter/joiner, Country Corner's area, Cass.Twp, SW Clayton.Co.IA.
Note 10: Jun 1860, Adam38, Emily39, M.H.17f, Samuel15, Lydia13, Cornelia11, Franklin8, Bradly4, Lester1.
Note 12: Bet. 1860 - 1862, Moved into Fayette village, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 14: 22 Sep 1862, Enlisted; 42y, Co C, 6th IA Cavalry.
Note 15: 17 Oct 1865, Mustered out at Sioux City, IA, served western territories.
Note 17: 1870, Census; on 2nd wf Louisa Ray wid Harrison's farm, sec 1, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 18: Aug 1870, Adam Fortiner49/PA, 2nd wf Louisa(wid Harrison)40/Norway, her ch. Caroline16IA, Eliz15IA, Geo12IA, Christina7IA.
Note 19: Aug 1870, Plus Adam's ch with 1st wf Emily Dewey; Frank17, Brad15, Lester11, Everett7.
Note 20: 1871, Divorced from Louisa Ray Harrison; moved & remarried Mina Hoffman, Taylorville, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 21: 1878, Hist; listed Forney, laborer (in Taylorville), Brush Creek P.O., Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 22: 1880, Census; carpenter/joiner, Taylorville, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
Note 23: Jun 1880, Adam59, 3rd wf Mina36Ger, their ch Emily4, Caroline2, Lewis6m.
Note 25: 21 May 1883, Applied for civil war pension as invalid; no certficate number listed.
Note 28: 1885, Census; carpenter, Taylorville plat, Fairifield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 29: 1885, Adam68, Mina40(2nd wf) Emily9, Caroline6, Louis5
Note 30: Active in M.E. (& U.B.) Ch; Republican; wf's obits states death May 6.
i. CAROLINE CARRIE4 HARRISON, b. 1854, Sec 1 farm, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 8: 1880, Census; on home farm with mother, siblings, teaching, sec 1, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
ii. ELIZABETH HARRISON, b. Sep 1856, Sec 1 farm, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA; d. 1919, Farm, sec 1, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA..
iii. GEORGE HARRISON, b. 1858, Sec 1 farm, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
iv. CHRISTIAN HARRISON, b. Mar 1863, Sec 1 farm, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 8: 1900, Census; on home farm with sis Eliz, sec 1, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
v. NO CHILDREN4 FORTNEY, b. Divorced within 2yrs..
4. LARS CHRISTIAN3 RAY (CHRISTIAN CHRISTIANSEN ROE2, CHRISTIAN CHRISTIANSEN ROE1) was born 14 Feb 1832 in Kongsberg, Buskerud, Norway, and died 03 Mar 1895 in Farm, sec 2, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. He married ANNA PAULINE PAULINA HELLIKSEN SOMERSTAD in Norway, daughter of PETER SOMERSTAD and JORAN HALVORSDATTER. She was born 17 Apr 1832 in Kongsberg, Norway, and died 05 Jan 1911 in Dau Laura Keig farm, Windsor.Twp, Fay.Co.IA..
Burial: Lima Cem, sec 3, lot 70, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 8: Bet. 1865 - 1869, Norway to Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 13: 1870, Census; farming, $350/200, E side of sec 2, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 14: 1870, Across road from sis Louisa & 2nd husb Adam Fortiner(Fortney).
Note 15: 1870, Siras38, Poline37, Eliza6.
Note 18: 1879, Plat; likely farming with sis Louise, sec 1, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 19: 1879, Plat; living across road from sis. on a few acres, sec 2, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 21: 1880, Census; farming sec 2, Westfield.Twp, Fay .Co.IA; near sis. Louise Harrison.
Note 22: 1880, LarsC48, Paulina47, Johanna16, Laura3.
Burial: Lima Cem, sec 3, lot 70, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 11: 1900, Census; carpet maker, living alone in West Union village, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 15: 1910, Census; with s/la Harry Keig on farm, Windsor.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Children of LARS RAY and ANNA SOMERSTAD are:
6. i. JOHANNA ELIZABETH ELIZA4 RAY, b. 14 Aug 1863, Christiana, Norway; d. 28 Jan 1956, Portland, Multnomah.Co.OR.
ii. CHRISTIAN P. RAY, b. 27 Mar 1872, Farm, sec 2, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA; d. 03 Mar 1873, Farm, sec 2, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Burial: Lima Cem, sec 3, lot 70, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
7. iii. LAURA RAY, b. 1877, Farm, sec 2, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
5. GERTRUDE MARIE CHRISTIANSEN ROE3 RAY (CHRISTIAN CHRISTIANSEN ROE2, CHRISTIAN CHRISTIANSEN ROE1) was born 01 Feb 1838 in Kongsberg, Buskerud, Norway, and died 08 Nov 1876 in Milton, Morgan.Co.UT. She married HANS OLSEN MAGLEBY 08 May 1859 in Ship Wm Tapscottin, Atlantic Ocean.. He was born 1835 in Norway, and died 1903.
Children of GERTRUDE RAY and HANS MAGLEBY are:
i. ORSON4 MAGLEBY, b. 1860; d. 1860.
ii. JOHN EPHRAIM MAGLEBY, b. 1862; d. 1939.
iii. LOUIS MAGLEBY, b. 1864; d. 1915.
iv. HANMER MAGLEBY, b. 1867; d. 1896.
Generation No. 4
6. JOHANNA ELIZABETH ELIZA4 RAY (LARS CHRISTIAN3, CHRISTIAN CHRISTIANSEN ROE2, CHRISTIAN CHRISTIANSEN ROE1) was born 14 Aug 1863 in Christiana, Norway, and died 28 Jan 1956 in Portland, Multnomah.Co.OR. She married CHARLES EDWARD WARD 12 Nov 1884 in Fay.Co.IA, son of CLARK WARD and CAROLINE BALLARD. He was born 20 Dec 1862 in Richland Twp, Fayette Co, IA, and died 04 Nov 1953.
Children of JOHANNA RAY and CHARLES WARD are:
i. ROY5 WARD, b. 1885, Cherokee.Co.IA; d. 1892, Sioux City, Woodbury.Co.IA.
ii. GORDON VAAL WARD, b. 29 Sep 1887, Iowa; d. Jan 1972.
iii. LEWIS LOUIS A. WARD, b. Feb 1889, Iowa; d. 1851.
iv. ETHEL WARD, b. 1891, Iowa; d. 1892.
v. FRIEDA MAY WARD, b. May 1894, Soiux City Woodbury.Co.IA; d. 1994.
vi. REBA RAY WARD, b. Jul 1897, Iowa.
vii. NELA WARD, b. 1900, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA; d. 1901.
viii. PHYLLIS WARD, b. 1905, Fayette Co, Iowa; d. 2007.
7. LAURA4 RAY (LARS CHRISTIAN3, CHRISTIAN CHRISTIANSEN ROE2, CHRISTIAN CHRISTIANSEN ROE1) was born 1877 in Farm, sec 2, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. She married HENRY THOMAS HARRY KEIG 1898 in Fay.Co.IA, son of THOMAS KEIG and ANN UNKNOWN. He was born 1874 in Douglas, Isle of Man, and died 01 Mar 1949 in Northwood, Worth.Co.IA.
Note 8: 1910, Census; farming, wf, 3ch, m/law, Windsor.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Children of LAURA RAY and HENRY KEIG are:
i. LOLA M.5 KEIG, b. 05 Jan 1899, Windsor.Twp, Fay.Co.A; d. 13 Oct 1986, Northwood, Worth.Co.IA; m. ALBIN JAMES HEINY; b. 1889; d. 1954.
8. ii. EUGENE RAY KEIG, b. 08 Sep 1903, Windsor.Twp, Fay.Co.A; d. 19 Jun 1990, Pinellas, FL.
iii. EDITH MAY KEIG, b. 06 May 1907, Windsor.Twp, Fay.Co.A; d. Jun 1990, Liverpool, Lancashire.Co.Eng.
Generation No. 5
8. EUGENE RAY5 KEIG (LAURA4 RAY, LARS CHRISTIAN3, CHRISTIAN CHRISTIANSEN ROE2, CHRISTIAN CHRISTIANSEN ROE1) was born 08 Sep 1903 in Windsor.Twp, Fay.Co.A, and died 19 Jun 1990 in Pinellas, FL. He married ALICE LOUISE JOHNSTON. She was born 1903, and died 1998.
i. HARRY EUGENE6 KEIG, b. 1935; d. 2002.


Descendants of John Carl Huffman Hoffman
Generation No. 1
1. JOHN CARL HUFFMAN1 HOFFMAN was born 1810 in Baden, Germany. He married MARGARET MATILDA UNKNOWN. She was born 1812 in Baden, Germany.
Note 9: 1860, Census; farmer, $800/400, Taylorville plat, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 10: Jul 1860, John50, Margaret48, James7, Louis5, Jane3, Margaret2.
2. i. MINA LOUISE MINNIE MAMIE HUFFMAN2 HOFFMAN, b. 28 Sep 1844, Dittersdorf village, Thuringia state, Germany; d. 30 Oct 1937, S/law August Kaberle hm, 3rd Ave SE, Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA.
ii. JAMES HUFFMAN HOFFMAN, b. 1853, Germany.
iii. LOUIS HUFFMAN HOFFMAN, b. 1855, Germany.
iv. JANE HUFFMAN HOFFMAN, b. 1857, Germany.
Generation No. 2
2. MINA LOUISE MINNIE MAMIE HUFFMAN2 HOFFMAN (JOHN CARL HUFFMAN1) was born 28 Sep 1844 in Dittersdorf village, Thuringia state, Germany, and died 30 Oct 1937 in S/law August Kaberle hm, 3rd Ave SE, Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA. She married ADAM FORTNEY 26 Dec 1871 in Taylorville, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA, son of JOHN FORTNEY and MARY REEL. He was born Abt. 1818 in Meyerstown, Lebanon.Co.PA, and died 07 May 1886 in Talyorville plat, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Burial: Obit states, Strawberry Point Cem, Clayton.Co.IA, but not listed in burials (bz/2011).
Note 6: 01 May 1849, Family land NY; continued to Cleveland.OH.
Note 7: Oct 1854, Family moved to farm SE of Taylorville area, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
Note 11: 21 Oct 1887, Appplied for widower's pension; certficate number given.
Note 15: Bet. 1893 - 1908, Moved from Arlington to Strawberry.Pt.IA.
Note 17: Aft. 1908, Lived with dau's in Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA
Note 21: May 1918, Bought lots 5, 6, 11, 12, Bk 8, Grandview Additon, Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 26: Nov 1837, Lots in Oelwein passed to dau Caroline Kabeale.
Seventh Iowa Cavalry: Organized at Camp Hendershott, Davenport, IA, summer of 1863. Ordered to duty against the Indians in Neb, Dakota, Col, Kan. Portions of the regiment engaged in battles of White Stone Hill, Tahkahokutha, Bad Lands, Little Blue Julesburg, Mud Springs, Rush Creek, Horse Creek, Cow Creek and others. The 7th Iowa Cav remained on the Plains until mustered out at Leavenworth.KS, May 17, 1866. (notes condensed from 1878 Fay.Co.IA.Hist, bz/2011)
Burial: Grandview Cem, sec A, lot 84, burial #467, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 6: 1850, Census; carpenter/joiner, Johnson, Thumbull.Co.OH.
Note 7: 1850, Adam1821/PA, Emily nee Dewey1821/OH, Marianne1843/OH, Samuel 1845/OH, Lyida1847/OH, Cornelia1849/OH; bro Daniel1817/PA.
Note 8: 1857, OH to 'Country Corner's area, SW Cass.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA
Note 9: 1860, Census; carpenter/joiner, Country Corner's area, Cass.Twp, SW Clayton.Co.IA.
Note 10: Jun 1860, Adam38, Emily39, M.H.17f, Samuel15, Lydia13, Cornelia11, Franklin8, Bradly4, Lester1.
Note 12: Bet. 1860 - 1862, Moved into Fayette village, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 14: 22 Sep 1862, Enlisted; 42y, Co C, 6th IA Cavalry.
Note 15: 17 Oct 1865, Mustered out at Sioux City, IA, served western territories.
Note 17: 1870, Census; on 2nd wf Louisa Ray wid Harrison's farm, sec 1, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 18: Aug 1870, Adam Fortiner49/PA, 2nd wf Louisa(wid Harrison)40/Norway, her ch. Caroline16IA, Eliz15IA, Geo12IA, Christina7IA.
Note 19: Aug 1870, Plus Adam's ch with 1st wf Emily Dewey; Frank17, Brad15, Lester11, Everett7.
Note 20: 1871, Divorced from Louisa Ray Harrison; moved & remarried Mina Hoffman, Taylorville, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 21: 1878, Hist; listed Forney, laborer (in Taylorville), Brush Creek P.O., Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 22: 1880, Census; carpenter/joiner, Taylorville, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
Note 23: Jun 1880, Adam59, 3rd wf Mina36Ger, their ch Emily4, Caroline2, Lewis6m.
Note 25: 21 May 1883, Applied for civil war pension as invalid; no certficate number listed.
Note 28: 1885, Census; carpenter, Taylorville plat, Fairifield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 29: 1885, Adam68, Mina40(2nd wf) Emily9, Caroline6, Louis5
Note 30: Active in M.E. (& U.B.) Ch; Republican; wf's obits states death May 6.
Children of MINA HOFFMAN and ADAM FORTNEY are:
i. HERMAN EDWARD3 FORTNEY, b. Aft. 1871, Taylorrville, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA; d. Infancy, Taylorville, Fay.Co.IA.
Burial: Taylorville Cem, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA (suspect unmarked, bz/2011).
ii. CARL FREDERICK FORTNEY, b. Aft. 1871, Taylorville, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA; d. Infancy, Taylorville, Fay.Co.IA.
Burial: Taylorville Cem, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA (suspect unmarked, bz/2011).
iii. AMALIA M. EMILY FORTNEY, b. 1876, Taylorville, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA; d. Aft. 1939, Oelwein, Jefferson.Twp, Fay.Co.IA; m. UNMARRIED.
Note 8: 1939, Living in Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA.
3. iv. CAROLINE CHRISTINA FORTNEY, b. 07 Mar 1878, Taylorville, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA; d. 13 Oct 1966, Oelwein, Jefferson.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
v. LOUIS FREDRICK FORTNEY, b. 1880, Taylorville, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA; d. 23 Dec 1910, Accident in Staunton, Macoupin.Co.IL.
Generation No. 3
3. CAROLINE CHRISTINA3 FORTNEY (MINA LOUISE MINNIE MAMIE HUFFMAN2 HOFFMAN, JOHN CARL HUFFMAN1) was born 07 Mar 1878 in Taylorville, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA, and died 13 Oct 1966 in Oelwein, Jefferson.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. She married AUGUST KABERLE 14 Feb 1899 in St. Sebald Cem, Strawberry.Pt area, Clayton.Co.IA, son of JOSEPH KABERLE and AMALIA NEUENKIRK. He was born 07 Jul 1865 in Clayton.Co.IA, and died Jul 1950 in Oelwein, Jefferson.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
i. THEODORE CHRISTINE4 KABERLE, b. 1900; d. 1984.
Note 8: 1939, Living in Hampton, IA.
ii. WALTER AUGUST KABERLE, b. 1902; d. 1976.
Note 8: 1939, Living in Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA.
iii. JULIA HENRIETTA KABERLE, b. 1905; d. 1981; m. UNKNOWN LENZ.
Note 8: 1939, Living in Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA.





Do not trust as totally valid any tree/report data.  Often World Connect or Ancestry trees/data were utilized as a foundation upon which to add material gleamed from obits, articles, histories, biographies, stories, burials, censuses and other data collected.  My primary interest is generally the pioneer history and includes linking village and neighborhood surnames together for several of the early generations.  Family connections, locations and other data may have to be speculated in order to continue a complex series of inter-related projects.  My web pages are primarily personal study projects for note keeping, but can also jump start others.  I have a huge number of projects started and rarely return to edit/update material unless interest is rekindled.  Any web pages online are usually linked off the 'Index Page.'  Numerous projects are not put on web pages but are in draft form or in the form of photo albums on the 'Photo Hosting Site.'   I may have material for research use in storage, plus will/can upload other people's material if appropriate.




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Barry Zbornik
Hannibal, MO 


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