Henry Ebenezer Hurd
Hurd's National Business College
& Upper Iowa University
Fayette, Westfield Twp., Fayette County, Iowa

Drop Down Menu:

...Read first, short overview.
...Timeline summary of Hurd parents & siblings.
...Henry Hurd  Descendent Tree
...Bissell Timeline & Tree
...Timeline for Hurd & UIU
...Maps, Fayette area & Hurd farmland.


Page chronology 2003, Hurd material collected/reviewed, project went into limbo; 2012Nov, concentrated on Henry Hurd's Business College, started Hurd tree before losing motivation; 2013Dec, finished generating trees enough to figure out Fay.Co.IA burials and blend with genealogy, collected plat maps; 2013Jan, worked on getting at least a rough draft page complete; 2014Feb01, Hurd page initially uploaded.

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Jason Paine x Margaret Kent & 1st UIU  Class 1862, M.E. Minister

Read first; an important overview.

...Henry E. Hurd came to Fayette.IA in 1867 and opened Hurd's International Business College in rented rooms above the Furniture/Undertaking building on the NW corner of Main and Water St's.
...Within a few months Hurd's Business College became associated with UIU, becoming its Commercial Dept.
...Hurd included a full line of secretarial and merchandising courses for the time to include apprentice style learning where students modeled business enterprises, worked in stores and/or set up their own business.
...Prof. Henry E. Hurd & UIU Pres James Wm. Bissell were the main driving force for saving and expanding UIU, starting in the early 1870's, when control of the business and grounds of UIU were turned over the them during the schools 'bleakest' time.
...Between 1880-1910, UIU expanded from one building, College Hall, and a failing enrollment to a major campus with multiple buildings and several hundred students.
...Hurd and Bissell used their marketing and public skills to advertise an education in Fayette. 
...Both were highly motivated and traveled extensively by rail to successfully 'sell' UIU.


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Timeline summary:  Parents & siblings of Prof. Henry Ebenezer Hurd, M.A.,
Principal of the Commercial Dept for Upper Iowa University at Fayette, Iowa.


Henry E. Hurds parents & siblings:
...1809, Father: 
Dr. Arnold Ebenezer Hurd, B.1809Jan03/Norway, Herkimer.Co.NY; D.1894Jul14, Stillman.Valley, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL.
...1840Apr02, married at Stillman Valley, IL,
Persis Patrice Brown, B.1815Sep19/Brimfield, Hampden.Co.MA; D.1862Aug29/Stillman.Valley, Oble.Co.IL.
...1836Dec, Arnold Ebenezer Hurd, at 26y & single, completed medical training; studied/apprenticed in Fairfield & Albany.NY.
...1837, Dr. A.E. Hurd moved directly to Ogle.Co.IL to practice.   The 1st physician in Ogle.Co.IL; one of the earliest settlers. 
...1840Arp, Dr. A.E. Hurd, 31y, married Persis Patrice Brown, 24y, at Stillman.Valley.IL.
...1840Dec, Sarah Ann Hurd is born (1st child) at Stillman.Valley, Ogle.Co.IL  She married in 1862, Thomas Mortimer White.
.......The White's farmed in IA 1863-1866, IL to 1869, Audrain.Co.MO 1869-1894, aft 1894 Maynard.IA.
...1841-1842, A.E., wf Persis & dau Sarah Ann Hurd moved back to Herkimer.Co.NY.
...1843Jun25,Henry Ebenezer Hurd (2nd child) is born in Herkimer.Co.NY.
...1844, Dr..A.E., wf Persis, dau Sarah, son HenryE move back to Stillman.Valley.IL (parents live rest of their life in Stillman.Valley). 
......Would be members of the Congregational Church. 
......Was an active early Illinois abolitionist.
......Was a J.P. about 12yrs, also school commissioner and would serve as Supt. of Ogle.Co.IL schools.
...1847Jul,Hiram H. Hurd is born (3rd child). He will marry LouraM.Lewis, they will farm & merchandise the rest of their live at Stillman.Valley.
...1850, Census: Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL. Hurd: A.E.40NY farming $300, PersilsP34MA, SarahA9IL, HenryE6NY, HiramH2IL.
...1850Nov, William Seward Hurd is born (4th child). He will marry Sarah.E.Johnson in 1877. They had 3ch: Mary Lucy 'Mayme'1880, Margaret Cordelia 'Madge'1881, Wm.Henry1883, all in Audrain.Co.MO.  Wife Sarah died in 1884, leaving three young children.  Wm.Seward's brother Henry.E.Hurd adopted the two girls, thus Mary & Margaret grew up in Fayette.IA and attended UIU.  Wm. Seward & son Wm would end up back in Stillman Valley, and farm and be merchants the rest of their life.
...1853Mar, Horace Greeley Hurd is born (5th child).  He raise a family and stay at Stillman Valley.
...1855Nov, Dauphin Brown Hurd is born (6th child).  A farmer, he also went to Audrain.Co.MO, would marry, move to SD, eventually ending up near his younger brother Arnold Hurd near Maynard.IA, where Dauphin is buried.
...1858, Arnold Eugene Hurd is born (7th/last child).  By 1890, Arnold would end  up farming NxNW of Maynard, Harlan.Twp, Fayette.Co.IA, the rest of his life.  He would marry and have 6 children.  Arnold likely came to Fayette.Co.IA, encouraged into farming by his older brother Henry E. Hurd, as Henry was owning/renting farms in the area by the 1880 time frame.
...1860, Census; farming/physician, $1200/2k, Marion village, Hale P.O., Marion.Twp,Ogle.Co.IL, wf & 7ch.
...1862Aug29, Wife Persis Patrice Brown Hurd passes away.
...1870, Census: Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL. Hurd: E.A.61 farmer $20k/4k, Margaret54, Horace17, Dauphin14, Arnold11, Mary14.
...1880, Census: Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL. Hurd: A.E.71 farming, Margaret65, DauphinB24, Arnold21 telegraph operator, g/s, LouisM6/MO.
...1894, Dr. Arnold Ebenezer Hurd passes away.  Ogle.Co.IL, remains a central location of the Hurd & collateral families.

 Stillman Valley, Ogle.Co.IL (the central pioneer location of this Hurd family).
...Ogle.Co.IL is 2 counties E of Iowa, 2 counties S of Wisconsin.
...Stillman's Run (stream/valley), on 1832May14, was a battle site in IL. white militia & Black Hark and his warriors.
...Ogle.Co.IL, was formed 1836 from Jo Daviess & LaSalle Co's; then divided 1839, then divided in 1839 when Lee.Co was formed.
...Stillman Valley settlement formed near the site of the opening engagement of the Black Hark War.
...Stillman Valley village formed1876, on the 'Iowa, Chicago and Eastern RR.'
Stillman Run/Valley wasthe pioneer location of the Hurd families in IL.

Henry Ebenezer Hurd, son of Dr. A.E. Hurd
...1843Jun25, Henry Ebenezer Hurd, born Norway, Herkimer.Co.NY.
...1844, Parents Dr. A.E. Hurd34 & Persis Patrice Brown29, sister Sarah Ann3, with HenryE1, returned to Stillman.Valley, Ogle.Co.IL.
...1844-1860, Raised/schooled, age 1-16, in Stillman.Valley, Ogle.Co, in NW Illinois.
...1860-1863, Attended, age 17-20, Wheaton College, Wheaton, DuPage.Co.IL.
...1864May17, Enlisted, age 20, at Ogle.Co.IL, in the 132nd IL Vol. Inf.
...1864Oct17, Discharged from Union Army.
...1866, At age 22-23, held a 3month business course & institute at Rochester.MN; then the same in Winona.MN.
...1867, Traveled most of the year holding business courses, followed by settling in Fayette.IA.
...1867, Opened 'Hurd's National Business College' in Fayette.IA.
.......Rented rooms on 2nd floor of brick building on the NW corner of Main/Water St's.
.......Henry was single, age 23, & rented a room in the Lamb House/Hotel on the SE corner of Main/Water.
...1867after , Hurd's Business College would become associated with UIU, which was only the Seminary building at the time.
...1867-1879, Hurd's Business College became the Commerical Dept of UIU, staying located on the NW corner of Main/Water.
...1870, Census: Lamb Hotel, SE corner Main/Water, Fayette.IA. Lamb: Silas50NY hotelkeeper $13k/1700, Rodella44, Elmira22, Scota20, James18; Henry.Hurd27NY UIU Business Prof, Ella Giding18OH, James Dermris18NY.
...1871Feb02, Henry Hurd, age 28, married at Fayette, Henrietta Brunson, age 25 (dau of Rev Harvey S. Brunson, 1850 pioneer of the Westfield/Fayette and considered a driving force in establishing UIU).
...1871Nov15, Only child, Persis J. Hurd born at Fayette.IA.

...A time line for Pres. James Wm. Bissell is at the start of the Bissell descendent tree.  Bissell Genealogy

expanded time line for Hurd & UIU continues further down the page:  Timeline, Hurd & UIU



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Hurd burials
 in Fayette Co, Iowa

Surname First, Middle Maiden Spouse or Parents Birth Death/Burial Cemetery City/Twp Notes


Colored rows = info/data updated; white rows = not updated, needing data. 

Hurd Henrietta  Brunson Hurd Henry Ebenezer 1843/Norway, Herkimer.Co.NY-1902/Fayette.IA 24 Mar 1846 21 Nov 1938 Grandview Fayette Sec C, Lot 217, 2nd from N, burial #1807.  Age 92y7m27d.  Dau of Rev. Harvey Southmit Brunson 1814/OH-aft1900/? & Jane McCool 1822/PA-aft1900/?. Ch; dau Persis & adopted neices of husband Henry (dua's of Wm.Seward Hurd), Mary Lucy1880, Margaret Cordelia1881.  Dau. Persis J. Hurd 1871/Fayette-1944/Fayette, in 1894 married Rev. Christopher Alderson 1869/Clayton.Co.IA-1897/Greeley.IA; both buried at Grandview Cem in Fayette.IA.
Hurd Henry Ebenezer Hurd Brunson Henrietta 1846/LaFayette.Co.WI-1938/Des.Moines.IA 25 Jun 1843 2 Oct 1902 Grandview Fayette  Sec C, Lot 217, N end, burial #821. Cause listed nervous complications.  Civil War vet, 132nd IL. Vol. Inf.  Son of  Dr. Arnold Ebenezer Hurd 1809/NY-1894/Ogle.Co.IL & Persis Patrice Brown 1815/ MA-1862/Ogle.Co.IL.  Bro of Arnold E. Hurd of Maynard.IA. Ch; dau Persis, adopted neices (dau's bro. Wm.Seward Hud) Margaret Cordelia & Mary Lucy.  In 1867, opened Hurd's Business College in Fayette.IA & associated with UIU, creating a Business Dept; along with Pres. Bissell probably saved UIU from bankrupcy in the 1870's, bz/2012.
Hurd Margaret Cordelia 'Madge' Brunson  Hurd, dau of Wm.Seward, adopted by uncle HenryE. Mar 19, 1881 Mar 29, 1959 Grandview Fayette Sec C, Lot 217, 2nd from N, burial #2509, Mar 31, 1959.  Age 78y, cause listed old age. Died in Des.Moines.IA; unmarried, lived with siter Mary Luch.  Dau of Wm Seward Hurd 1850/Ogle.Co.IL-1936/Ogle.Co.IL & Sarah e. Johnson 1859/OH-?/?.   Niece Henry adopted by Henry & Henrietta Brunson Hurd & lived with throughout life. Relative listed; bro. Will Hurd, Stillman.Valley, Ogle.Co.IL
Hurd Mary Lucy 'Mayme' Brunson Hurd, dau of Wm.Seward, adopted by uncle HenryE. Mar 16, 1880 Jun 5, 1959 Grandview Fayette Sec C, Lot 217, S. center,  burial #2519, Jun 8, 1959.  Age 79, cause listed cardiac infraction. Died in Des.Moines.IA; unmarried, lived with sister Margaret.  Dau of Wm Seward Hurd 1850/Ogle.Co.IL-1936/Ogle.Co.IL & Sarah e. Johnson 1859/OH-?/?.   Niece Henry adopted by Henry & Henrietta Brunson Hurd & lived with throughout life. Relative listed; bro. Will Hurd, Stillman.Valley, Ogle.Co.IL.  They had no children, thus there are n direct decendents of Henry E. Hurd, bz/2012.
Hurd Belle Susan Cooke Hurd Wilson G 'Will' 1850/IN-1928/Hawkeye.IA. 17 Feb 1864 6 Aug 1948 Hawkeye Hawkeye Lot 19.  Dau of Henry Cooke ?/VT-?/? & Mary Jones ?/VT-?/?  Ch:  Doronty E. 1899-1978, LauraC1903, GroverL 1904-2000, Leland1905, Isabella1906, Helena1908.
Hurd Burr Wilson Hurd Hurd son of WilsonG1850 18 Feb 1892 13 Apr 1927 Hawkeye Hawkeye Lot 286.  Son of Wilson G. Hurd 1850/IN-1928/Hawkeye.IA & Cora Viola Unknown 1862/IA-1897/Hawkeye.IA. 
Hurd Cora Viola Unknown Hurd Wilson G 'Will' 1862 7 Mar 1896 Hawkeye Hawkeye Lot 19.  Need parents.  Ch: Geo.Wilson 1885-1931, FlorenceW1888, LulaB 1890-1974, Burr Wilson 1892-1927.
Hurd George Wilson 'Will' Sr Hurd Souvinger Marie A. 'Mary' 1887/SD-?/? 13 Oct 1885 18 Feb 1931 Hawkeye Hawkeye Lot 19.  PVT 308 BN Tank corps, WWI.  Son of Wilson G. Hurd 1850/IN-1928/Hawkeye.IA & Cora Viola Unknown 1862/IA-1897/Hawkeye.IA.  Ch: Geo.Wilson1909.
Hurd Wilson G 'Will' Hurd Unknown Cora Viola 1862/IA-1897/Hawkeye.IA, 1st wf m.1885; 2nd wf m.1897, Belle Susan Cooke 1864/VT-1948/Hawkeye.IA 20 Sep 1850 28 Nov 1928 Hawkeye Hawkeye Lot 19.  Son of Jabez Hurd 1806/CT-1892/Floyd.Co.IA & Eliz. Goddard 1824/OH-?/?.  Ch with Cora Viola Unknown: Geo.Wilson 1885-1931, FlorenceW1888, LulaB 1890-1974, Burr Wilson 1892-1927. Ch with Belle Susan Cooke:  Doronty E. 1899-1978, LauraC1903, GroverL 1904-2000, Leland1905, Isabella1906, Helena1908.
Hurd Arnold Eugene Hurd Way Rebecca Emma 1862/Ontario-1930/Maynard.IA 19 Jun 1858 10 Sep 1923 Long Grove Maynard Sec 2, Lot 108.  Son of  Dr. Arnold Ebenezer Hurd 1809/NY-1894/Ogle.Co.IL & Persis Patrice Brown 1815/ MA-1862/Ogle.Co.IL.  Bro of Pro. Henry E. Hurd of UIU in Fayette.IA. Ch; Howard V1891-?, Chester Arnold 1895-1949, Persis E. 1897-?, Harold W. 1903-1957.
Hurd Benjamin Hurd Hurd son of Arnold Eugene 1892 1893 Long Grove Maynard Sec 2. Son of Arnold Eugene Hurd 1858/Ogle.Co.IL-1923/Maynard.IA & Emme Rebecca Way 1862/Ontario/1930/Maynard.IA.
Hurd Cyrene A. Wooley Hurd Dauphin Brown 1855/Stillman.Valley, Ogle.Co.IL-1932/Maynard.IA; married 1882/Mexico.MO. 1864 Jan 1895 Long Grove Maynard Sec 2, Lot 114.  Dau of Unknown Wooley ?/KY-bef1870/Audrain or Callaway.Co.MO & Melinda Melvina Hampton 1856/Audrain or Callaway.Co.MO-1919/Callaway.Co.MO?  Need ch.
Hurd Dauphin Brown Hurd Wolley Cyrene A. 1864/MO-1895/Maynard.IA. Nov 24, 1855 24 Jun 1932 Long Grove Maynard Sec 2, Lot 114.  Son of  Dr. Arnold Ebenezer Hurd 1809/Norway, Herkimer.Co.NY-1894/Stillman Valley, Mrion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL & Persis Patrice Brown 1815/Brimfield, Hampdend.Co.MA-1862/Ogle.Co.IL.  Bro of Pro. Henry E. Hurd of UIU in Fayette.IA.
Hurd Emma Rebecca Way Hurd Arnold Eugene 1858/Ogle.Co.IL-1923/Maynard.IA Feb 3, 1862 1 Apr 1930 Long Grove Maynard Sec 2, Lot 108.  Need parents. Ch; Howard V1891-?, Chester Arnold 1895-1949, Persis E. 1897-?, Harold W. 1903-1957.
Hurd Harold Watson Hurd Cue Nodah 1904/Shellsburg.IA-1991/IA Jul 1, 1903 3 Mar 1957 Long Grove Maynard Sec 2, lot 108. Age 53y. Son of Arnold Eugene Hurd 1858/Ogle.Co.IL-1923/Maynard.IA & Emme Rebecca Way 1862/Ontario/1930/Maynard.IA.  Ch:Maurice Edgar1925, David R1928, Lawrence1930, LaRayne1938, Brenda1940.
Hurd Helen F Hurd Hurd Arnold Eugene  1899 1900 Long Grove Maynard Sec 2.  Dau of Arnold Eugene Hurd 1858/Ogle.Co.IL-1923/Maynard.IA & Emme Rebecca Way 1862/Ontario/1930/Maynard.IA.
Hurd Nodah Cue Hurd Harold Watson 1903/Maynard.IA-1957/Fredricksburg.IA Feb 29, 1904 4 Nov 1991 Long Grove Maynard Sec 2, lot 108.  Age 87y. Dau of Harley John Cue 1868/Palo.IA-1941/Fredricksburg.IA & Bertha Frances Phillips 1875/Shellsburg.IA-1962/Oelwein.IA.  Ch:Maurice Edgar1925, David R1928, Lawrence1930, LaRayne1938, Brenda1940.
Hurd Shirley Norine Lockard Hurd Lawrence 1930/Maynard.IA.area-?/?, son of Harold Watson Hurd Sep 12, 1930 Sep 30, 2008 Long Grove Maynard Dau of Franklin Eugene Lockard 1905/Wadena.IA.area-1955/IA & Evelyn Rosezella Lau 1906/Oelwein.IA area-?/?    Ch: Charles, Michael, Larry, Carolyn.
Hurd Arthur Warren Hurd Hurd son of Norman A. 7 Sep 1901 7 Feb 1985 Waucoma Cem Waucoma Son of Norman Alfred Hurd 1870/IA-1925/Waucoma.IA & Maud J. Babcock 1876/IA-1965/Fay.Co.IA.
Hurd Maud J. Babcock Hurd Norman Alfred 1870/IA-1925/Waucoma.IA 3 Feb 1876 12 Apr 1965 Waucoma Cem Waucoma Lot 10.  Need parents. Ch; MarjorieL1900, Arthur Warren1901, EmmersonW1914.
Hurd Norman Alfred Hurd Babcock Maud J.  1876/IA-1965/Fay.Co.IA Jul 1870 Abt. Jun 1925 Waucoma Cem Waucoma Lot 10.  Son of Wm. Hurd ?/?-?/? & Lucy Agnes Wright 1852/Chicago.IL-1930/Pierre.SD.   Ch; MarjorieL1900, Arthur Warren1901, EmmersonW1914.
Hurd Arnold Ebenezer Hurd Hurd son of Chester Arnold1895 1921 Feb 1949 Woodlawn Oelwein Son of Chester Arnold Hurd 1895/Maynard.IA-1849/Arlington.IA & Mable Jessie Heath 1901/Arlington.IA-?/?.
Hurd Chester Arnold Hurd Heath Mabel Jesse 1901/Arlington.IA-?/? Feb 28, 1895 Mar 3, 1949 Woodlawn Oelwein Son of Arnold Euguen Hurd 1858/Ogle.Co.IL-1923/Maynard.IA & Emma Rebecca Way 1862/Ontario-1930/Maynard.IA.  Ch; Arnold Ebenezer1921,  Donna Jean1927.
Hurd Mabel Jessie Heath Hurd Chester Arnold 18945/Maynard.IA-1949/Arlington.IA Oct 25, 1901 No date Woodlawn Oelwein Need parents.  Ch:  Arnold Ebenezer1921, Donna Jean1927.

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Henry Ebenezer Hurd tree

...Below is the line of Henry Ebenezer Hurd 1842-1902, that came to Fayette, Fayette.Co.IA,  in 1867, and opened 'Hurd's National Business College' on the top floor of the brick building still standing (2000s) on the NW corner of Main/Water, and would quickly associate with Upper Iowa University as its Commercial  Dept.
...Also includes the line of Henry's brother Arnold 1858-1923, that came to the Maynard area, Harlan.Twp, Fayette.Co.IA.
...Other Hurd lines were in Fayette.Co.IA, and may be worked into the master FTM file upon request.
...Following the tree are
notes/data regarding Hurd's Business College and association with UIU.
...Plat maps are at the end of the page.

Descendants of John Hurde Hurd

1   HURD, John Hurde b: 1560 in High Ham, Somersetshire.Co.Eng d: 1624 in High Ham, Somersetshire.Co.Eng
.... +LAVOR, Johane b: Abt. 1560 m: 05 May 1583 in Martock, Somersetshie.Co.Eng
2   HURD, John b: 1585 in Allerton, Somersetshire.Co.Eng d: 1649 in Windsor, Hartford.Co.CT
...... +HOODE, Isabell b: 1581 in Somersetshire.Co.Eng d: 1620 in England m: 27 Jun 1601 in Somerset.Co.Eng
... 3   HURD, Adam b: 08 Feb 1605/06 in Somersetshire.Co.Eng d: 1671 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT
......... +BARTRAM, Hannah b: 1613 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT d: 1671 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT m: 1640 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT
..... 4   HURD, John b: 05 Aug 1639 in Windsor, Hartford.Co.CT d: 04 Feb 1680/81 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT
........... +TUTTLE, Anna b: 20 Jan 1632/33 in Rignstead, Northamptonshire.Co.England d: 16 Mar 1695/96 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT m: 10 Dec 1662 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT Father: William TUTTLE Mother: Elizabeth MATHEWS
........ 5   HURD, Judson b: 10 Dec 1663 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT d: 07 Mar 1731/32 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT
........ 5   HURD, Sarah b: 10 Dec 1663 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT d: 13 Jul 1731 in Woodbury, Litchfield.Co.CT
........ 5   HURD, Joseph b: 09 Feb 1664/65 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT d: 18 Jan 1750/51 in Woodbury, Litchfield.Co.CT
........ 5   HURD, Benjamin b: 16 Feb 1665/66 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT d: 21 May 1754 in Woodbury, Litchfield.Co.CT
.............. +KIMBERLY, Sarah b: 01 Aug 1672 in Albemarie, Stanly.Co.NC d: 20 Sep 1749 in Woodbury, Litchfield.Co.CT
........... 6   HURD, John b: 17 Aug 1691 in Litchfield, Litchfield.Co.CT d: 27 Apr 1766 in Woodbury, Litchfield.Co.CT
................. +HINMAN, Elizabeth b: Feb 1692/93 in Woodbury, Litchfield.Co.CT d: 16 Oct 1763 in Wooe
............. 7   HURD, Jedediah b: 14 Oct 1721 in Woodbury, Litchfield.Co.CT d: 09 Oct 1792 in Amenia, Dutchess.Co.NY
................... +BARKER, Abigail b: 31 Jan 1722/23 in Woodbury, Litchfield.Co.CT d: Aug 1781 in Sandgate, Bennington.Co.VT m: 21 Aug 1741 in Woodbury, Litchfield.Co.CT
................ 8   HURD, Sabary Sarah b: 05 Dec 1760 in Woodbury, Litchfield.Co.CT d: 27 Mar 1838 in Gorham, Ontario.Co.NY
...................... +HURD, Ned Edmund b: 04 Aug 1752 in Woodbury, Litchfield.Co.CT d: 28 Apr 1818 in Gorham, Ontario.Co.NY m: 30 Mar 1780 in Sandgate, Bennington.Co.VT Father: Locate Putnam Twp HURD
.................. 9   HURD, Gideon b: 1781 in Sandgate, Bennington.Co.VT d: 23 Oct 1850 in Gorham, Ontario.Co.NY
........................ +LEONARD, Betsy b: 11 Jun 1788 in Mass. d: 1850 in Cazenovia, Madison.Co.NY m: 1805 in NY
..................... 10   HURD, Byrum Byron b: 19 Oct 1806 in Allegheny.Co.NY d: 05 Dec 1893 in Long Pine, Brown.Co.NE Note 7: Shoemaker & intinerant M.E. Minister Note 8: Lived in Ontario.Co.NY, Crawford.Co.PA, Stark.Co.OH, Wayne.Co.MI, Fay.Co.IA, Madison.Co.NE. Note 9: 1854 Census: Near Kaufman's Mill, sec 4, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA, Hurd: Byrum family of 7m/3f. Note 10: 1856 Census: Putnam.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.  Hurd: Byron50 farming, Sarah49, Reuben18, Jospeh16, Mury14, Wm13, James11, Sarah8, Byron7, David2. Note 11: 1860 Census: Putnam.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.  Hurd: Byron54 farming $950/800, Sarah53, James16, Sarah14, Rewben10, David7. Note 22: 1880 Census: Deer.Cr.Twp, Madison.Co.NE.  Hoyt: Chandler71Can farming, wf Mary nee Hurd39NY, f/law Byron Hurd76NY, ward Craig James15MO.
........................... +DEY, Sarah 'Sally' b: 11 Dec 1807 in Middlesex.Co.NJ d: 31 Mar 1874 in Buffalo Creek, Madison.Co.NE m: 31 Mar 1824 in Allegheny.Co.NY Father: John J. DEY Mother: Catherine Ann UNKNOWN
........................ 11   HURD, Gideon b: 12 Apr 1828 in NY
.............................. +UNMARRIED
........................ 11   HURD, Elizabeth Ann 'Betsey' b: 02 Nov 1830 in NY d: Aft. 1898 in Clay.Co.TX?
.............................. +DANIELS, John m: 01 Nov 1849 in Crawford.Co.PA
........................ 11   HURD, John Dey b: 09 Jan 1832 in Allegany.Co.NY d: Bef. 1911 in Piitsburg, Crawford.Co.KS Note 5: Civil War, Co A, 5th IA Cav.
.............................. +POTSER, Emma m: 19 Apr 1893 in Pitsburgh, Crawford.Co.KS
.......................... 12   HURD, Walter b: in Piitsburg, Crawford.Co.KS
.......................... 12   HURD, Melvina b: in Pit
........................ 11   HURD, Catherine Jane b: 25 Dec 1833 in NY d: Aft. 1893 in Warren.Co.PA?
.............................. +GIBBONS, David m: 30 Apr 1853 in Stark.Co.OH
........................ 11   HURD, Reuben Hensdale b: 14 Aug 1836 in Genessee.Co.NY d: 18 Jul 1884 in Deer Creek, Madison.Co.NE Note 8: Civil War, Co D, 3rd Mich. Cav. Note 22: Cause of death:  in barn, by lightening strike.
.............................. +HOYT, Almira E. b: Jul 1848 in Lawrence, Nassau.Co.NY d: Jun 1909 in WA m: 25 Sep 1866 in West Union, Union.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Father: William F. HOYT Mother: Hannah SHERMAN
.......................... 12   HURD, Rhoda b: 1866 in Fay.Co.IA
.......................... 12   HURD, Martha b: 1868 in Fay.Co.IA
.......................... 12   HURD, Carrie b: 1872 in Fay.Co.IA
.......................... 12   HURD, Walter b: 1873 in Fay.Co.IA
.......................... 12   HURD, Frederick M. b: 07 Aug 1879 in Madison.Co.NE
.......................... 12   HURD, Laura E. b: 22 Mar 1884 in Madison.Co.NE
........................ 11   HURD, Joseph Lawrence b: 29 Jan 1839 in Allegany.Co.NY d: 14 Feb 1912 in Puyallup, Pierce.Co.WA Burial: 18 Feb 1912 Laurel Grove Cem, Port.Townsend, Jefferson.Co.WA Note 8: Civil War, Co C, 13th IA Inf.
.............................. +MARKHAM, Mary Emmaline b: 12 Sep 1850 in W.Springfield, Hampden.Co.MA d: 25 Jan 1937 in Port.Townsend, Jefferson.Co.WA Burial: 29 Jan 1937 Redman's Cem, Port.Townsend, Jefferson.Co.WA m: 18 Jan 1868 in Taylorville, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Father: Levi MARKHAM Mother: Maria BRACKLARD Note 8: Lived in MA, IA, NE, WA. Note 9: Managed a boarding house.
........................ 11   HURD, Mary Melvina b: 30 Nov 1840 in Nunda, Allegany.Co.NY Note 20: 1870 Census:  Columbus P.O., Madison.Co.NE.  Hoyt: Chandler61 farming $400, wf Mary30 Note 22: 1880 Census: Deer.Cr.Twp, Madison.Co.NE.  Hoyt: Chandler71Can farming, wf Mary nee Hurd39NY, f/law Byron Hurd76NY, ward Craig James15MO. Note 24: 1885 Census:  Highland.Twp, Madison.Co.NE.  Hoyt: Chandler76 farming, wf. Mary nee Hurd44.
.............................. +HOYT, Chandler b: 12 Dec 1808 in Bolton, Brome, Quebec, Canada d: 06 Mar 1894 in Deer Creek, Madison.Co.NE m: 30 Nov 1869 in Taylorville, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Father: Chandler Joseph HOYT Mother: Isabel PAGE Note 11: 1860 Census: Putnam.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.  Sherman: Wm32NY farming, 2nd wf Jospehine19NY nee Finuff; ch of 1st wf Flora Hoyt, WmS10, Asa7NY, Melissa4IA; Hoyt: 1st f/law Chandler51 farming $800/200, Mary5. Note 13: 1870 Census:  Columbus P.O., Madison.Co.NE.  Hoyt: Chandler61 farming $400, wf Mary30 Note 16: 1880 Census: Deer.Cr.Twp, Madison.Co.NE.  Hoyt: Chandler71Can farming, wf Mary nee Hurd39NY, f/law Byron Hurd76NY, ward Craig James15MO. Note 19: 1885 Census:  Highland.Twp, Madison.Co.NE.  Hoyt: Chandler76 farming, wf. Mary nee Hurd44.
........................ 11   [1] HURD, William Henry b: 21 Feb 1843 in NY or PA d: 04 Aug 1911 in Marshalltown, Marshall.Co.IA Burial: Elmwood Cem, Waterloo, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA Note 8: Civil War, Co B, 37th IL Inf & 9th IL Inf.
.............................. +BREIGHTON, Mary
........................ *2nd Wife of [1] HURD, William Henry:
.............................. +FRENCH, Ella m: in Waterloo, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA.
........................ *3rd Wife of [1] HURD, William Henry:
.............................. +THOMSTON, Mary
........................ 11   HURD, James H. Polk b: 20 Aug 1845 in Crawford.Co.PA d: Abt. 25 Jan 1863 in Davenport, Scott.Co.IA Burial: National Cem, Rock.Island.IL. Note 8: 01 Jan 1863 Enlisted Co C, 2nd IA Cav, at Manchester, Delaware.Co.IA; died 1863Jan25.
.............................. +UNMARRIED
........................ 11   [2] HURD, Sarah Abigail b: 15 Nov 1847 in Crawford.Co.PA
.............................. +DERRICK, John b: 10 Jun 1847 in Brush Creek, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
........................ *2nd Husband of [2] HURD, Sarah Abigail:
.............................. +LITTLE, William
........................ 11   HURD, Byrum Bartin b: 11 Oct 1849 in Randolph, Crawford.Co.PA d: 13 Jan 1932 in Muscatine, Muscatine.Co.IA Burial: Greenwood Cem, Muscatine.IA.
.............................. +SCOTT, Annie Maria m: 21 Feb 1870 in Elkdater, Clatyon.Co.IA
........................ 11   HURD, David M. b: 27 Sep 1855 in Wayne.Co.MI d: in Omaha.NE
.............................. +WARNER, Mary m: 03 Oct 1874 in Deer Creek, Madison.Co.NE Father: Thomas WARNER Mother: Unknown HOYT
..................... 10   HURD, Ashbel W. b: 28 May 1808 in Allegany.Co.NY d: 26 Nov 1871 in Colebrook, Ashtabula.Co.OH
..................... 10   HURD, Chauncy b: 10 May 1810 in Gorham, Ontario.Co.NY d: 20 Dec 1887 in Huron City, Wayne.Co.MI
..................... 10   HURD, Fanny b: 1812 in Gorham, Ontario.Co.NY
..................... 10   HURD, Jennet b: 17 Nov 1814 in Gorham, Ontario.Co.NY d: Aft. 1880
..................... 10   HURD, Reuben B. b: 1816 in Gorham, Ontario.Co.NY d: 18 Apr 1896
..................... 10   HURD, Harriet b: 14 Jun 1818 in Gorham, Ontario.Co.NY
........ 5   HURD, Sarah b: 17 Feb 1665/66 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT d: 07 May 1727 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT
........ 5   HURD, Hannah b: 27 Sep 1667 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT
........ 5   HURD, Ebenezer b: 07 Nov 1668 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT d: 04 Mar 1765 in Killingworth, Middlesex.Co.CT
.............. +LANE, Sarah Picket b: 24 Feb 1665/66 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT m: 1690 in Killingworth, Middlesex.Co.CT
........... 6   [6] HURD, Daniel b: 29 Apr 1696 in Woodbury, Litchfield.Co.CT d: 21 Jan 1768 in Killingworth, Middlesex.Co.CT
................. +SMITH, Rachael b: 10 Feb 1694/95 in Killingworth, Middlesex.Co.CT d: 24 Apr 1750 in Killingworth, Middlesex.Co.CT m: 10 Feb 1717/18 in Killingworth, Middlesex.Co.CT
............. 7   HURD, Ebenezer b: 04 Oct 1719 in Killingworth, Middlesex.Co.CT d: 29 Aug 1729 in Killingworth, Middlesex.Co.CT
............. 7   HURD, Daniel b: 16 Sep 1722 in Killingworth, Middlesex.Co.CT d: 14 Mar 1814 in Sadisfield, Berkshire.Co.MA
............. 7   HURD, Abraham b: 26 Feb 1723/24 in Killingworth, Middlesex.Co.CT d: 29 Apr 1810 in Killingworth, Middlesex.Co.CT
................... +WILCOX, Mary Stevens b: 25 Jan 1730/31 in Killingworth, Middlesex.Co.CT d: 15 Jun 1805 in Killingworth, Middlesex.Co.CT m: 15 Nov 1753 in Killingworth, Middlesex.Co.CT
................ 8   HURD, Molly b: 07 Oct 1754 in Killingworth, Middlesex.Co.CT d: 07 Feb 1817 in Peach Orchaerd, Schuler.Co.NY
................ 8   HURD, Asenath b: 08 Mar 1757 in Killingworth, Middlesex.Co.CT d: 02 Apr 1852 in Dryden, Tompkins.Co.NY
................ 8   HURD, Abraham b: 15 Jan 1759 in Killingworth, Middlesex.Co.CT d: 29 Apr 1810 in Clinton, Middlesex.Co.CT
................ 8   HURD, Nancy b: 20 Jan 1763 in Killingworth, Middlesex.Co.CT
................ 8   HURD, Rachel b: 09 Oct 1765 in Killingworth, Middlesex.Co.CT d: 25 Dec 1838
................ 8   HURD, Benjamin b: 24 Nov 1767 in Killingworth, Middlesex.Co.CT d: 04 Jun 1846 in Clinton, Middlesex.Co.CT
...................... +UNKNOWN, Deborah b: 1778 in CT d: 23 Dec 1852 in Clinton, Middlesex.Co.CT
................ 8   HURD, Lydia b: 27 Apr 1770 in Killingworth, Middlesex.Co.CT
................ 8   HURD, Asa b: 21 Jan 1773 in Killingworth, Middlesex.Co.CT d: 20 Apr 1837
...................... +UNKNOWN, Betsey b: 30 Jun 1784 in CT d: 10 Jul 1806 in Sharon, Litchfield.Co.CT
................ 8   HURD, Ebenezer b: 25 Dec 1775 in Killingworth, Middlesex.Co.CT d: 09 May 1865 in Norway, Herkimer.Co.NY Note 8: Moved from CT to NY.
...................... +REEVES, Sarah b: 1773 in Riverhead, Suffolk.Co.NY or Long Island, Queens.Co.NY d: 26 May 1848 in Norway, Herkimer.Co.NY m: 25 Apr 1799 in Norway, Herkimer.Co.NY Father: Locate Hurd Related REEVES
.................. 9   HURD, Benjamin b: 07 Apr 1800 in Norway, Herkimer.Co.NY d: 27 Mar 1804 in Norway, Herkimer.Co.NY
.................. 9   HURD, Sarah b: 10 Jul 1801 in Norway, Herkimer.Co.NY d: 17 Feb 1845
........................ +BAXTER, Daniel P. b: 1797 in Norway, Herkimer.Co.NY m: 1818 in Norway, Herkimer.Co.NY
.................. 9   [3] HURD, Abraham b: 01 Jun 1803 in Norway, Herkimer.Co.NY d: 03 Dec 1869 in Norway, Herkimer.Co.NY
........................ +HURLBUT, Maria m: 27 May 1823
.................. *2nd Wife of [3] HURD, Abraham:
........................ +HURLBUT, Elizabeth m: 28 Dec 1840
.................. 9   HURD, Benjamin b: 15 Mar 1805 in Norway, Herkimer.Co.NY d: 25 Mar 1892 in Rockford, Winnegago.Co.IA
.................. 9   HURD, Mary b: 02 Feb 1807 in Norway, Herkimer.Co.NY d: 15 Mar 1900 in Rochester, Olmstead.Co.MN
........................ +HORTON, Hiram Terry m: 08 Nov 1832 in Norway, Herkimer.Co.NY
.................. 9   [5] HURD, Dr. Arnold Ebenezer (father of Henry) b: 03 Jan 1809 in Norway, Herkimer.Co.NY d: 14 Jul 1894 in Stillman Valley, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL Note 3: Surname analogs:  Hurd, Herd, Heard, Hard, Hord, Hoord. Note 7: Medical Doctor, studied/apprenticed in Fairfield.NY & Albany.NY. Note 8: 25 Dec 1836 Completed medical course in Albany.NY; moved to Ogle.Co.IL to practice. Note 9: One of earliest settlers & 1st physician in Ogle.Co.IL. Note 10: Bef. 1840 Moved back to Herkimer.Co.NY. Note 12: 1844 Moved back to Stillman Valley,  Ogle.Co.IL with family. Note 13: 1850 Census: Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL.  Hurd: A.E.40NY farming $300, PersilsP34MA, SarahA9IL, HenryE6NY, HiramH2IL. Note 14: Active early abolitionists of IL. Note 16: 1860 Census; farming/physician, $1200/2k, Marion village, Hale P.O., Marion.Twp,Ogle.Co.IL, wf & 7ch. Note 17: Served as Supt. of Ogle.Co.IL Schools. Note 22: J.P. abt 12yrs, sch. commissioner. Note 25: 1880 Census: Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL.  Hurd: A.E.71 farming, Margaret65, DauphinB24, Arnold21 telegraph operator, g/s, LouisM6/MO. Note 27: Member of Congregatinal Ch.
........................ +BROWN, Persis Patrice b: 19 Sep 1815 in Brimfield, Hampden.Co.MA d: 29 Aug 1862 in Stillman Valley, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL Burial: Stillman Valley Cem, Ogle.Co.IL. m: 02 Apr 1840 in Stillman Valley, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL Father: Dauphin BROWN Mother: Sila Persis PATRICK
..................... 10   HURD, Sarah Ann b: 31 Dec 1840 in Stillman Valley, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL d: Aft. 1910 in OK? Burial: Fairlawn Cem, Oklahoma.City.OK. Note 8: See husband's time line, bz/2012. Note 26: 1920 Could not fine enumerated or burial, bz/2012.
........................... +WHITE, Thomas Mortimer b: 21 Oct 1839 in Loudoun.Co.VA d: Aft. 1910 in OK? Burial: Fairlawn Cem, Oklahoma.City.OK. m: 28 Oct 1862 in Stillman Valley, Ogle.Co.IL Father: Col. John Hamilton WHITE Mother: Malinda GEORGE Note 7: Attended school in Rockford.IL & higher grades at M.E. related school in Mt. Morris.IL. Note 9: 1860 Census:  Hale.P.O., Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL.  White: John48 farming $12k/5k, Malinda43, MaryE25, Thomas20, AnnieE17, Robert11, Joshua8, Wm5, John1, Patience Murry33 farmhand& da Alice6. Note 11: 1863 Moved after marriage, age 23, IL to rented farm near Independence, Buchanan.Co.IA Note 12: Bet. 1864 - 1866 Bought farm in Scott.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 13: Bet. 1866 - 1869 Returned to farm near Stillman Valley, Ogle.Co.IL. Note 14: 1870 Census:  Salt.River.Twp, Audain.Co.MO.  White: Thomas29 farming $2k/1k, Sarah28 nee Hurd, Walter7, Eva3, Bryon2m. Note 15: Bet. 1869 - 1894 Moved to farm NW of Mexico, Audrain.Co.MO. Note 17: 1894 Returned to Fayette.Co.IA:  1896, merchant at Maynard. Note 19: 1900 Moved to small truck farm, fruits/veg's,  edge of Maynard. Note 20: 1900 Census:  Maynard, Harlan.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.  White: ThomasE60 hardware merchant, SarahA nee Hurd59, EvaW32 teaching, AnnaP23 dry goods cleark, neice MabelP Hurd 1885Aug/MO. Note 22: 1910 Census:  Maynard, Harlan.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.  White: ThomasM70 farmer, SarahA nee Hurd69, Dau EveM42. Note 24: Mar 1919 Oelwein.IA Transfer:  T.M. & Sarah A. White to J.W.Klein for $200, Lots 9,10, Bk2, Paign's 2nd Add; $200, Lot 9-10, Bk9, Armstrong's Add. Note 25: Mar 1919 Oelwein.IA Transfer:  T.M. & Sarah A. White to Louis Loveland, Lot 7-8, Bk9, Armstong's Add, $250. Note 26: 1920 Census:  Could not find enumerated, death or burial, bz/2012.
........................ 11   WHITE, Walter H. b: 28 Sep 1863 in Independence area farm, Buchanan.Co.IA Note 11: Civil engineer.
.............................. +EDSELL, Hattie
.......................... 12   WHITE, Florence C.
.......................... 12   WHITE, Persis
.......................... 12   WHITE, Edsell
.......................... 12   WHITE, Mildred E.
........................ 11   WHITE, Mary Eva b: 21 Oct 1867 in Stillman Valley area farm, Ogle.Co.IL d: Abt. 1910 Note 8: Took full normal course at NE MO St. U, Kirksville.MO Note 11: Principal at Mason.City.IA. Note 14: 1910 Near graduation from U.of.CA, Berkeley. Note 19: 1910 Census:  Maynard, Harlan.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.  White: ThomasM70 farmer, SarahA nee Hurd69, Dau EveM42.
.............................. +UNMARRIED
........................ 11   WHITE, Hiram Eugene 'Byron' b: 14 Apr 1870 in Mexico area farm, Audran.Co.MO Note 11: 31 Dec 1896 Merchant in Maynard, Fay.Co.IA, at time of marriage. Note 22: 1910 Manufacture of awnings, mittens, gloves, other items, Laughlin.OK.
.............................. +SNEDIGAR, Mabel Louise b: 1873 in Maynard area, Harlan.Twp, Fay.Co.IA m: 31 Dec 1896 in Maynard, Harlan.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Father: Edward Burton SNEDIGAR Mother: Ellen S. MITCHELL
.......................... 12   WHITE, Thomas
.......................... 12   WHITE, Marion Burton
........................ 11   WHITE, Lewis Louis M. b: 31 Jan 1874 in Mexico area farm, Audran.Co.MO Note 7: 1880 Census; with g/f A.E. Hurd, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL. Note 11: 1910 Druggist in OK.
........................ 11   WHITE, Anna Persis b: 12 Jan 1877 in Mexico area farm, Audran.Co.MO
.............................. +MASTER, Chester Note 8: 1910 Druggist in Maynard, Fay.Co.IA.
........................ 11   WHITE, Julia R. b: 08 Sep 1880 in Mexico area farm, Audran.Co.MO d: 26 Nov 1883
..................... 10   HURD, Henry Ebenezer b: 25 Jun 1843 in Norway, Herkimer.Co.NY d: 02 Oct 1902 in Fayette, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: 04 Oct 1902 Grandview Cem,  sec C, lot 217, N end, buiral #821, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. Note 3: 1844 Moved with parents & sis Sarah3 from Herkimer.Co.NY back to Stillman Valley, Ogle.Co.IL. Note 5: Bet. 1860 - 1863 Attended, age 16-20, Wheaton College, Wheaton, DuPage.Co.IL. Note 7: 17 Oct 1864 Discharged from Union Army. Note 8: Dec 1864 Entered Eastman's Commerical Collge of Poughkeesie, Dutchess.Co.NY. Note 9: Bet. 1865 - 1866 Moved with parents into Chicago until 1866 when he went on the 'road' holding business courses.  Parents would return to Stillman Valley. Note 12: 1866 Held a 3m business course/institute at Rochester.MN; then same in Winona.MN. Note 13: 1867 Traveled most of year holding business courses; followed by settling in Fayette.IA. Note 14: 1867 Opened 'Hurd's National Business College' & would become associated with UIU at Fayette.IA. Note 15: Bet. 1867 - 1879 Became Commercial Dept for UIU; located top floor Furniture/Undertakeing on NW corner Main/Water St. Note 16: 1870 Census: Lamb Hotel, SE corner Main/Water, Fayette.IA.  Lamb: Silas50NY hotelkeeper $13k/1700, Rodella44, Elmira22, Scota20, James18; Henry.Hurd27NY UIU Business Prof, Ella Giding18OH, James Dermris18NY. Note 17: Aft. 1874 Traveled extensively by train to advertise UIU and Commerical/Business Colllege. Note 19: Aft. 1870 Bought lots 6&7, bk 13, across from Fayette House/Hotel, moved Commerical classes into upper floors, students clerked, apprenticed & ran businesses on Main.St. Note 20: 1880 Census:  Fayette, Fay.Co.IA.  Hurd: HenryE37 commerical teacher, Henrietta35, Persis8; adj is JohnW.Bissell UIU pres. Note 23: 1885 Census: SWofSW (N edge of Fayette), sec21, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.  Brunson: HarveyS70OH, Jane62PA, Annie25PA; Hurd: HenryE21NY UIU Business Prof, Henrietta nee Bruson38WI, PersisP13Fayette, MaryL4MO niece, Margaret3MO neice. Note 24: 1887 Moved clases/dept to new Commerical Hall north of Seminary on UIU Campus. Note 27: 1900 Census: Home & Brunson farmstead N of Fayette.IA bridge:  Hurd: HenryE56 UIU prof, Henrietta nee Brunson54, Persis29 teaching with father, MaryS20, MargaretC10;  f/law HarveyS Bronson86 landlord, m/law Jane77, MaryCNuss24. Note 29: 1910 Census: Hurd; Henrietta64, BessieJ38, MaryL29, MargaretC27, Fayette.IA. Note 30: 02 Oct 1902 Cause of death, listed nervous complication; last 2-3yrs not functional. Note 31: Grandview Cem, owner, Sec C, lots 217, 218, 219; burials Alderson, Hurd, Brunson.
........................... +BRUNSON, Henrietta b: 24 Mar 1846 in New Diggings area, Lafayette.Co.WI d: 21 Nov 1938 in Des Moines, Polk.Co.IA Burial: 23 Mar 1938 Grandview Cem,  sec C, lot 217, 2nd from N, buriall #1807, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. m: 02 Feb 1871 in Fayette, Fay.Co.IA Father: Rev. Harvey Southmit Bronson BRUNSON Mother: Jane MCCOOL Note 8: Attended UIU at Fayette.IA. Note 11: Reared two of her brothers little girls. Note 13: 1900 Census: see husb. notes, living near Marvin's Mill, N of bridge, Fayette.IA. Note 14: 1910 Census: near Marvin's Mill, N of bridge, Fayette.IA.  Hurd: Henrietta64wid, BessieJ38UIUProf, MaryL29UIUAss'tLib, MargaretC27H.S.teacher Note 19: 1920 Census: Euclid.Ave, Des.Moines.IA. Hurd: Henreitta73 retired wid, s/dau.neice MaymeL39MO librarian, s/dau.neice MargaretC38MO H.S.teacher; dau PersisH Alderson48 wid H.S. teacher. Note 25: 1930 Census: Euclid.Ave, Des.Moines, Polk.Co.IA.  Hurd: Henreitta84 retired wid $4k, s/dau.neice MaymeL49MO, s/dau.neice MargaretC48MO H.S.teacher; dau PersisH Alderson58wid H.S. teacher. Note 28: Age at death, 92y7m27d.
........................ 11   HURD, Persis J. b: 15 Nov 1871 in Fayette, Fay.Co.IA d: 24 Feb 1944 in Fayette, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Grandview Cem, sec C, lot 217, 2nd from S, burial #2054,  Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. Note 5: Bef. 1894 Education: Ph.B. UIU, M.A, NorthwesternU1893; grad work WI, Co, N.Western. Note 7: Bet. 1894 - 1897 with husb's pastorates Topeka.KS, then Greene.IA. Note 8: Aft. 1900 Never remarried. Note 9: 1900 Census; see father's notes. Note 12: 1900 Census; widow, teaching, with parents, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. Note 14: 1910 Census; UIU hist prof, business dept & library, living with mother & 2 step.sis/1st cousins Mayme & Madge, farmstead N. of Bridge, Fayette.IA. Note 15: Bet. 1899 - 1915 Prof. of Hisory at UIU, Fayette.IA. Note 16: 1915 Moved to Euclid.Ave. Des.Moines.IA, with mother & 2 step.sis/1st.cousins Mayme & Madge. Note 17: Bet. 1916 - 1918 Hist. Prof, Highland Park Col, Des.Moines.IA. Note 22: 1920 Hurd, Henreitta73, s/dua.neice MaymeL39MO librarian, s/dau.neice MargaretC38MO H.S.teacher; dau PersisH Alderson48wid H.S. teacher. Note 24: Bet. 1918 - 1930 Teacher, East High, Des.Moines.IA. Note 26: 1930 Census; H.S. teacher, with mother, Euclid.Ave, Des.Moines.IA. Note 27: 1930 Hurd, Henreitta84, s/dua.neice MaymeL49MO, s/dau.neice MargaretC48MO H.S.teacher; dau PersisH Alderson58wid H.S. teacher. Note 30: Age at death; 72y3m9d, cause cerebral (stroke?).
.............................. +ALDERSON, Rev. Christopher b: 10 Mar 1869 in Clayton.Co.IA d: Abt. 14 Apr 1897 in Greeley, Delaware.Co.IA? Burial: 16 Apr 1897 Grandview Cem, sec C, lot 217, burial #708,  Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. m: 16 May 1894 in Fayette, Fay.Co.IA Father: Thomas ALDERSON Mother: Elizabeth REYNOLDSON Note 8: 1892 Graduated UIU; M.E. Minister.
.......................... 12   ALDERSON, No Children
........................ 11   HURD, Mary Lucy 'Mayme' (adopted niece) b: 16 Mar 1880 in Audrain.Co.MO (dau of Wm. Seward Hurd) d: 04 Jun 1959 in Des Moines, Polk.Co.IA Burial: 08 Jun 1959 Grandview Cem, sec C, lot 217, S. center, burial #2519, Fayette, Fay.Co.Ia. Note 7: Dau of Wm. Seward Hurd b.1850, brother of HenryE Hurd. Note 8: Adopted  by uncle Henry E. & Henrietta Brunson Hurd. Note 9: 1900 Census; adopted by Henry Hurd fam, living N of bridge, Fayette.IA. Note 11: 1910 Census; see step/mother Henrietta's notes, Ass't UIU Lib, living N of bridge, Fayette.IA. Note 16: 1920 Census; with s/m.aunt, Euclid.Ave, Des.Moines.IA. Note 17: 1920 Hurd, Henreitta73, s/dua.neice MaymeL39MO librarian, s/dau.neice MargaretC38MO H.S.teacher; dau PersisH Alderson48wid H.S. teacher. Note 22: 1930 Census; with s/m.aunt, Euclid.Ave, Des.Moines.IA. Note 23: 1930 Hurd, Henreitta84, s/dua.neice MaymeL49MO, s/dau.neice MargaretC48MO H.S.teacher; dau PersisH Alderson58wid H.S. teacher. Note 26: Relative at death listed Will Hurd (step/bro), Stillman Valley, IL.
.............................. +UNMARRIED
........................ 11   HURD, Margaret Cordelia 'Madge' (adopted neice) b: 19 Mar 1881 in Audrain.Co.MO (dau of Wm. Seward Hurd) d: 29 Mar 1958 in Des Moines, Polk.Co.IA Burial: 31 Mar 1959 Grandview Cem,  sec C, lot 217, 2nd from N, burial #2509, Fayette. Fay.Co.IA. Note 7: Dau of Wm. Seward Hurd b.1850, brother of HenryE Hurd. Note 8: Adopted by uncle Henry E. & Henrietta Brunson Hurd. Note 13: 1900 Census; adopted by Henry Hurd fam, living N of bridge, Fayette.IA. Note 15: 1910 Census; see step/mother Henrietta's notes, H.S. teacher, living N of bridge, Fayette.IA. Note 17: 1920 Census; with s/m.aunt, Euclid.Ave, Des.Moines.IA. Note 19: 1920 Hurd, Henreitta73, s/dua.neice MaymeL39MO librarian, s/dau.neice MargaretC38MO H.S.teacher; dau PersisH Alderson48wid H.S. teacher. Note 25: 1930 Census; with s/m.aunt, Euclid.Ave, Des.Moines.IA. Note 26: 1930 Hurd, Henreitta84, s/dau.neice MaymeL49MO, s/dau.neice MargaretC38MO H.S.teacher; dau PersisH Alderson58wid H.S. teacher.
.............................. +UNMARRIED
..................... 10   HURD, Hiram Harrison b: 07 Jul 1847 in Stillman Valley, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL d: 13 Dec 1917 in Stillman Valley, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL Burial: Stillman Valley Cem, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL Note 8: 1878 Farming, sec 8, Scott.Twp,  Stillman Valley P.O., Ogle.Co.IL Note 9: 1880 Census; farming, adj bro Horace, wf & 2ch, Scott.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL. Note 14: 1910 Census; farmer/ general mercandise, Stillman Valley, Ogle.Co.IL
........................... +LEWIS, Loura M. b: 11 Nov 1851 in Stillman Valley, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL d: 01 Oct 1931 in Stillman Valley, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL Burial: 03 Oct 1931 Stillman Valley Cem, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL m: in Ogle.Co.IL Father: Homer D. LEWIS Mother: Adeline BACON Note 11: 1930 Census; with dau Susie (Louis R) Carmichael, Stillman Valley, IL.
........................ 11   HURD, Gertrude A. b: 1873 in Scott or Marin Twp, Ogle.Co.IL d: 1893 in Stillman Valley, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL Burial: Stillman Valley Cem, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL
.............................. +UNMARRIED
........................ 11   HURD, Susie Persis b: 25 Mar 1877 in Scott or Marin Twp, Ogle.Co.IL d: 26 Dec 1947 in Stillman Valley, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL Burial: 28 Dec 1947 Stillman Valley Cem, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL
.............................. +CARMICHAEL, Louis R. b: 1875 in Stillman Valley, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL d: 1947 in Stillman Valley, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL Burial: Stillman Valley Cem, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL Note 11: 1930 Census; postmaster, wf, 2ch, m/law, Stillman Valley, Ogle.Co.IL.
.......................... 12   CARMICHAEL, Ronald H. b: 1908 in Stillman Valley, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL
.......................... 12   CARMICHAEL, Catharine 'Katie' b: 23 Feb 1911 in Stillman Valley, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL d: 22 Nov 2010 in Marengo, McHenry.Co.IL Burial: Marengo Cem, McHenry.Co.IL
................................ +LOOMIS, Bartlett d: 1988 in IL m: 26 Jul 1941
............................. 13   LOOMIS, Linda
................................... +LOCKINGER, Unknown
............................. 13   LOOMIS, Nancy
................................... +KANE, Ted
............................. 13   LOOMIS, Richard
..................... 10   [4] HURD, William Seward b: 25 Nov 1850 in Stillman Valley, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL d: 20 Sep 1936 in Stillman Valley, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL Burial: 23 Sep 1936 Stillman Valley Cem, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL Note 5: 1880 Census:  several mi NW of Mexico in N.Wilson.Twp, Audrain.Co.MO.  Hurd: Seward29 farming, Sarah nee Johnson30, dau May/MaryL1m, b/law Frank Johnson18, Sterling Brown15. Note 8: Bef. 1910 Dau's Mary1880 & Margaret1881, adopted/raised by Wm's bro Henry Hurd in Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. Note 9: See Mary & Margaret's notes under children of uncle Henry Hurd, bz/2012. Note 11: 1910 Merchant in Stillman Valley, Ogle.Co.IL. Note 19: 1930 Seward79, gson/law G.Ford Main21 mechanic auto parts factory & g/dau Florence Main19.
........................... +HAMMOND, Martha A.
..................... *2nd Wife of [4] HURD, William Seward:
........................... +JOHNSON, Sarah E. b: 19 Jan 1848 in OH d: 26 Oct 1884 in Mexico area farm, Audran.Co.MO Burial: Elmwood Cem, BkJ, Lot25, Space6,  Mexico, Audrain.Co.MO. m: 18 Oct 1877 in Ogle.Co.IL or Audrain.Co.MO Father: Unknown JOHNSON Mother: UNKNOWN
........................ 11   HURD, Mary Lucy 'Mayme' b: Mar 1880 in N.Wilson.Twp, Audrain.Co.MO d: 05 Jun 1959 in Des Moines, Polk.Co.IA Note 11: Bef. 1910 Wm's dau's Mary & Margaret, raised in Fayette, Fay.Co.IA by their uncle Henry Hurd, bz/2012. Note 12: See Mary & Margaret's notes under children of uncle Henry Hurd, bz/2012.
.............................. +UNMARRIED
........................ 11   HURD, Margaret Cordelia 'Madge' b: Mar 1881 in N.Wilson.Twp, Audrain.Co.MO d: 29 Mar 1959 in Des Moines, Polk.Co.IA Note 8: Bef. 1910 Wm's dau's Mary & Margaret, raised in Fayette, Fay.Co.IA by their uncle Henry Hurd, bz/2012. Note 9: See Mary & Margaret's notes under children of uncle Henry Hurd, bz/2012.
.............................. +UNMARRIED
........................ 11   HURD, William Henry b: 08 May 1883 in N.Wilson.Twp, Audrain.Co.MO d: 1961 in IL Burial: Stillman Valley Cem, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL Note 5: 1910 Census; clerk in uncle Horace's Grocery, wf & 2ch, Stillman Valley, Ogle.Co.IL. Note 8: 1920 Census; grocery store, Stillman Valley, Ogle.Co.IL, wf & 4 ch. Note 10: 1930 Census; farm machinery saleman, Stillman Valley, Ogle.Co.IL, wf, 3ch. Note 12: 1942 Draft Card; stock rm, Roper Corp, Rockford.IL.
.............................. +ROBBINS, Nora King b: Sep 1884 in IL d: 1966 in IL Burial: Stillman Valley Cem, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL m: 1905
.......................... 12   HURD, Florence Mae b: 1910 in Stillman Valley, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL d: 1972 in IL? Burial: Stillman Valley Cem, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL Note 10: 1930 Census; with g/father Seward Hurd, Stillman Valley, Ogle.Co.IL. Note 11: 1930 Census; Seward79 Hurd, gson/law G.Ford Main21 mechanic auto parts factory & g/dau Florence Main19. Note 15: 1942 Living 312 N. Rockford.St, Rockford.IL. Note 28: Buril.Marker:  Wife, Florence Mae Main nee Hurd 1910-1972.
................................ +MAIN, G. Ford b: 1907 in Illinois
.......................... 12   HURD, Eugene W. b: 06 Mar 1906 in Stillman Valley, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL d: 13 Apr 1977 in Rockford, Winnebago.Co.IL Burial: Stillman Valley Cem, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL
................................ +UNKNOWN, June H. b: 28 Jun 1908 in IL d: 06 Mar 1991 in IL
.......................... 12   HURD, Daniel S. b: 12 Nov 1908 in Stillman Valley, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL d: 19 Nov 1988 in Rockford, Winnebago.Co.IL
.......................... 12   HURD, Virginia G. b: 27 Mar 1916 in Stillman Valley, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL d: 21 Jun 2001 in Providence, Providence.Co.RI
................................ +BALLUFF, Calvin Richard b: 16 Aug 1917 in Myrtle, Ogle.Co.IL d: 04 Oct 1979 in Madison, Dane.Co.IL Burial: Stillman Valley Cem, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL Father: Carl E. BALLUFF Mother: Marle N. PLAPP
.......................... 12   HURD, William Seward b: 1920 in Stillman Valley, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL
.......................... 12   HURD, Kenneth b: 1926 in Stillman Valley, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL
..................... 10   HURD, Horace Greeley b: 04 Mar 1853 in Stillman Valley, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL d: 15 Oct 1934 in Stillman Valley, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL Burial: 18 Oct 1934 Stillman Valley Cem, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL Note 8: 1860 Census; 7y, with parents, Stillman Valley, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL Note 9: 1870 Census:  Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL.  Hurd: E.A.61 farmer $20k/4k, Margaret54, Horace17, Dauphin14, Arnold11, Mary14. Note 11: 1880 Census; farming, wf & son, adj bro. Hiram, Scott.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL. Note 16: Census; merchant, Stillman Valley, Ogle.Co.IL, wf & 3ch. Note 19: 1910 Census; Gen Mecandise, wid, dau MaryE,  Stillman Valley, Ogle.Co.IL. Note 22: Retail merchant, Stillman Valley, IL, entire life. Note 25: 1930 Census; 77y, with dau Mare E. (Gerald) Poley, Stillman Valley, IL.
........................... +UNKNOWN, Eva M. b: Sep 1855 in OH m: in IL
........................ 11   HURD, Silas Humphery b: Aug 1878 in Scott.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL d: 1951 in IL? Burial: Stillman Valley Cem, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL
.............................. +UNKNOWN, Emma b: 1881 in IL? d: 1958 in IL? Burial: Stillman Valley Cem, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL
.......................... 12   HURD, Silas A. b: 1901 in Stillman Valley area farm, Ogle.Co.IL d: 1908 in Stillman Valley area farm, Ogle.Co.IL Burial: Stillman Valley Cem, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL
........................ 11   HURD, Sletta Margaret b: May 1881 in Scott.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL
........................ 11   HURD, Mary Eva b: Dec 1883 in Scott.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL
.............................. +POLEY, Gerald b: 1898 in IL Note 8: 1930 Census; bank casier, Stillman Valley, Ogle.Co.IL, wf & f/law.
..................... 10   HURD, Dauphin Brown b: 24 Nov 1855 in Stillman Valley, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL d: 24 Jun 1932 in Maynard, Harlan.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Long Grove Cem, Sec 2, Lot 114, Maynard, Harlan.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Note 13: 1870 Note 14: 1870 Namesake: Dauphin Brown77MA farming $3k/500 x Lucia76MA, farming close to Hurd family in Ogle.Co.IL. Note 17: 1880 Census: Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL.  Hurd: A.E.71 farming, Margaret65, DauphinB24, Arnold21 telegraph operator, g/s, LouisM6/MO. Note 22: 1910 Living in SD.
........................... +WOOLEY, Cyrena Syrena A. b: 1864 in Callaway or Audrain.Co.MO d: Jan 1895 in Maynard, Harlan.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Long Grove Cem, Sec 2, Lot 114, Maynard, Harlan.Twp, Fay.Co.IA m: 16 Oct 1882 in Mexico, Audrain.Co.MO Father: Unknown WOOLEY Mother: Melinda Melvina HAMPTON Note 8: 1870 Census:  Nine Mile Prairie, Callaway.Co.MO.  Hampton: O.F.65KY farming $2500/300, Malinda62KY, wid dau Malinda M. Wooley23MO & her dau Syrena6MO. Note 10: 1880 Census: Mexico, Audrain.Co.MO.  Allen: Harvey46 carpenter, Melinda33 dressmaker, Linie9, Carrie6, s/dau Cyrena Wooley16, m/law Melinda Hampton72.
..................... 10   HURD, Arnold Eugene b: 19 Jun 1858 in Stillman Valley, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL d: 10 Sep 1923 in Maynard, Harlan.Twp,  Fay.Co.IA Note 8: 1870 Census:  Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL.  Hurd: E.A.61 farmer $20k/4k, Margaret54, Horace17, Dauphin14, Arnold11, Mary14. Note 10: 1880 Census: Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL.  Hurd: A.E.71 farming, Margaret65, DauphinB24, Arnold21 telegraph operator, g/s, LouisM6/MO. Note 11: 1910 Stock farm in Harlan.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
........................... +WAY, Emma Rebecca b: 03 Feb 1862 in New Castle, Ontario, Canada d: 01 Apr 1930 in Maynard, Harlan.Twp, Fay.Co.IA m: in Fay.Co.IA?
........................ 11   HURD, Howard V. b: Aug 1891 in Maynard, Harlan.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
........................ 11   HURD, Benjamin b: 1892 in Maynard, Harlan.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 1893 in Maynard, Harlan.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Long Grove Cem, Sec 2, Maynard, Harlan.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
........................ 11   HURD, Chester Arnold b: 28 Feb 1895 in Maynard, Harlan.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 03 Mar 1949 in Arlington, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Woodlawn Cem, Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA. Note 11: 1925 Census: Smithfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.  Hurd: ChesterA29 farming, JessieM23, ArnoldE3, MayineM1.
.............................. +HEATH, Mabel Jessie b: 25 Oct 1901 in Sec 9, Scott.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 1953 in Mesa, Maricopa.Co.AZ Burial: Woodlawn Cem, Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA. m: 30 Dec 1919 in Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA. Father: David Euphrates HEATH Mother: Jessie Matilda WITHERSTINE
.......................... 12   HURD, Arnold Ebenezer b: 1921 in Arlington, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 25 Feb 1949 in Fay.Co.IA Burial: Woodlawn Cem, Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA.
.......................... 12   HURD, Donna Jean b: 02 Aug 1927 in Arlington, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
................................ +HANSON, Howard Everett b: 27 May 1926 in Oelwein, Jefferson.Twp, Fay.Co.IA m: 10 Mar 1946 in Fay.Co.IA Father: Bert Raymond HANSON Mother: Blanche JIPSON
........................ 11   HURD, Persis E. b: Dec 1897 in Maynard, Harlan.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Note 8: 1925 Census: Smithfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.  Kiel: GrantS29 farming, PersesE nee Hurd28, ZellaE4, EmmaJ2.
.............................. +KIEL, Grant S. b: Abt. 1896 in Smithfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Father: Ferdinand KIEL Mother: Nettie L. UNKNOWN Note 11: 1925 Census: Smithfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.  Kiel: GrantS29 farming, PersesE nee Hurd28, ZellaE4, EmmaJ2.
.......................... 12   KIEL, Zella E. b: 1921 in Smithfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
.......................... 12   KIEL, Emma J. b: 1923 in Smithfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
........................ 11   HURD, Helen F. b: 1899 in Maynard, Harlan.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 1900 in Maynard, Harlan.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Long Grove Cem, Sec 2, Maynard, Harlan.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
........................ 11   HURD, Harold Watson b: 01 Jul 1903 in Maynard, Harlan.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 03 Mar 1957 in Fredricksburg, Chickasaw.Co.IA Burial: Long Grove Cem, sec 2, lot 108, Maynard, Harlan.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
.............................. +CUE, Nodah b: 29 Feb 1904 in Shellsburg, Benton.Co.IA d: 04 Nov 1991 in Iowa Burial: Long Grove Cem, sec 2, lot 108,  Maynard, Harlan.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. m: 1924 in Iowa Father: Harley John CUE Mother: Bertha Frances PHILLIPS
.......................... 12   HURD, Maurice Edgar 'Morris' b: 22 Dec 1925 in Maynard area, Harlan.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 25 Oct 2008 in Maynard area, Harlan.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
................................ +BUENNEKE, Irene H. b: 16 Mar 1931 d: 14 Nov 2006 in Maynard, Harlan.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
.......................... 12   HURD, David R. b: 1928 in Maynard area, Harlan.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
.......................... 12   HURD, Lawrence b: 1930 in Maynard area, Harlan.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
................................ +LOCKARD, Shirley Norine b: 12 Sep 1930 in Oelwein, Jefferson.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 26 Sep 2008 in Westgate, Fremont.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Long Grove Cem, Maynard, Harlan.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. m: in Fay.Co.IA Father: Franklin Eugene LOCKARD Mother: Evelyn Rosezella LAU
............................. 13   HURD, Charles b: in Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA
............................. 13   HURD, Michael b: in Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA
............................. 13   HURD, Larry b: in Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA
............................. 13   HURD, Carolyn b: in Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA
.......................... 12   HURD, LaRayne b: 1938 in Maynard area, Harlan.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
.......................... 12   HURD, Brenda b: 1940 in Maynard area, Harlan.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
.................. *2nd Wife of [5] HURD, Dr. Arnold Ebenezer:
........................ +VANDYKE, Margaret V. b: 22 Jul 1814 in Union.Co.PA d: 07 Dec 1907 in Stillman Valley Cem, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL m: 30 Jun 1862 in Stephenson, IL
.................. 9   HURD, Silas Reeves b: 30 May 1811 in Norway, Herkimer.Co.NY d: 02 Jun 1877 in Belvidere, Boone.Co.IL Note 8: 1840 Census: in Ogle.Co.IL. Note 10: 1850 Census: Lynnville.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL.  Hurd: SilasP, MaryA, HellenM.
........................ +BELLOWS, Mary Ann b: 1820 in OH d: 1899 in Belvidere, Boone.Co.IL m: 20 Sep 1836 in Painesville, OH Father: Samuel BELLOWS Mother: Nancy CROFTS
..................... 10   HURD, Helen Martha b: 05 Aug 1849 in Belvidere, Boone.Co.IL d: 1917
..................... 10   HURD, Frank E. b: 13 Nov 1853 in Belvidere, Boone.Co.IL
.................. 9   HURD, Hiram b: 01 Feb 1813 in Norway, Herkimer.Co.NY d: 03 Nov 1833 in Norway, Herkimer.Co.NY
.................. 9   HURD, Elizabeth Eliza b: 19 Aug 1815 in Norway, Herkimer.Co.NY d: 27 Dec 1873 in North Gage, Oneida.Co.NY
........................ +ENGLISH, Hiram b: 1811 in North Gage, Oneida.Co.NY d: 18 Nov 1846 in North Gage, Oneida.Co.NY m: 07 Feb 1836
..................... 10   ENGLISH, Sarah b: 1839 in NY
.................. 9   HURD, Dauphne b: 10 Jun 1817 in Norway, Herkimer.Co.NY d: 22 Jun 1833 in Norway, Herkimer.Co.NY
................ 8   HURD, Nathaniel b: 25 Nov 1777 in Killingworth, Middlesex.Co.CT d: 02 Feb 1857 in Clinton, Middlesex.Co.CT
...................... +GRIFFIN, Polly b: 1787 in Killingworth, Middlesex.Co.CT d: 24 Feb 1856 in Clinton, Middlesex.Co.CT
............. 7   HURD, Ruth b: 25 Aug 1727 in Killingworth, Middlesex.Co.CT d: 1797 in CT
............. 7   HURD, Rachel b: 10 Feb 1728/29 in Killingworth, Middlesex.Co.CT d: Bef. 1739 in Killingworth, Middlesex.Co.CT
............. 7   HURD, Ebenezer b: 26 Oct 1732 in Killingworth, Middlesex.Co.CT
............. 7   HURD, Rachel b: 16 Feb 1738/39 in Killingworth, Middlesex.Co.CT d: 10 Feb 1821 in Clinton, Middlesex.Co.CT
............. 7   HURD, Mary b: 17 Feb 1740/41 in Killingworth, Middlesex.Co.CT d: 12 Mar 1806 in Killingworth, Middlesex.Co.CT
........... *2nd Wife of [6] HURD, Daniel:
................. +LEETE, Dorthea b: 02 Aug 1712 in Guilford, New.Haven.Co.CT d: 09 Mar 1772 in Killingworth, Middlesex.Co.CT m: 18 Dec 1750 in Killingworth, Middlesex.Co.CT
........ 5   HURD, Issac b: 02 Jun 1669 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT d: 28 Nov 1732 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT
........ 5   HURD, Ruth b: 12 Feb 1669/70 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT
........ 5   [10] HURD, Jacob b: 16 Nov 1671 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT d: in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT
........ 5   HURD, John b: 17 Aug 1673 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT d: 27 Apr 1773 in Woodbury, Litchfield.Co.CT
........ 5   HURD, Esther b: 20 Aug 1676 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT d: in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT
........ 5   HURD, Abraham b: 01 Apr 1677 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT d: 1690
........ 5   HURD, Abigail b: 12 Feb 1678/79 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT d: 1683 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT
... 3   HURD, John b: 04 Dec 1613 in Somersetshire.Co.Eng d: 04 Feb 1680/81 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT Note 8: Bef. 1638 Immgrated from Englans to Windsor.Co.CT. Note 9: 1639 Amont the first settlers of Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT. Note 10: Stratford village, located on Long Island Sound, at mouth of Housatonic River. Note 19: 04 Mar 1680/81 Estate inventory, 504# 10 shillings.
......... +THOMPSON, Sarah b: 1615 d: 24 Jan 1717/18 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT m: 15 Dec 1662 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT
..... 4   HURD, Sarah b: Feb 1662/63 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT
..... 4   HURD, John b: 16 Dec 1664 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT d: 07 Mar 1730/31 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT Note 8: Lived entire life in Stratford village, Fairfield.Co.CT.
........... +WALLIS, Abigail b: 1670 in Woodbury, Litchfield.Co.CT d: 28 Aug 1728 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT m: 05 Jan 1691/92 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT
........ 5   HURD, Jonathan b: 27 Apr 1694 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT d: 1757 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT
.............. +BOSTWICK, Abigail b: 24 Sep 1700 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT d: 1742 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT m: 28 Jan 1718/19 in Stratfield, Fairfield.Co.CT Father: Joseph BOSTWICK Mother: Ann BURR
........... 6   HURD, Abraham b: 17 Aug 1731 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT d: 08 Sep 1821 in Monroe, Fairfield.Co.CT
................. +WILSON, Ruth b: 1731 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT m: 1750 in Stratfield, Fairfield.Co.CT
............. 7   HURD, Abijah b: 1752
............. 7   HURD, Jonathan b: 1755
............. 7   HURD, Ansea b: 1757
............. 7   HURD, Anne Anna b: 1759
............. 7   HURD, Eunice b: 1762
............. 7   HURD, Wilson b: 08 Feb 1763 in Monroe, Fairfield.Co.CT d: 02 Mar 1853 in Derby, New.Haven.Co.CT
................... +HOLBROOK, Abigail b: 09 Dec 1764 in Derby, New.Haven.Co.CT d: 30 Oct 1849 in Derby, New.Haven.Co.CT m: 25 Oct 1789 in Derby, New.Haven.Co.CT Father: John HOLBROOK Mother: Esther NICHOLS
................ 8   HURD, Jabish b: 1790 in Derby, New.Haven.Co.CT d: 05 May 1803 in Derby, New.Haven.Co.CT
................ 8   HURD, Austin b: 17 Apr 1792 in Derby, New.Haven.Co.CT d: 05 Feb 1876 in Seymour, New.Haven.Co.CT
...................... +UNKNOWN, Sarah b: 1800 in CT
.................. 9   HURD, Henry b: 1827 in CT
.................. 9   HURD, Sarah b: 1842 in CT
................ 8   HURD, Sarah b: 13 Aug 1794 in Derby, New.Haven.Co.CT d: 16 Nov 1870
................ 8   HURD, Charlotte b: 04 Mar 1796 in Derby, New.Haven.Co.CT d: 1886
................ 8   HURD, Esther b: 08 Jan 1798 in Derby, New.Haven.Co.CT d: 13 Feb 1803 in Derby, New.Haven.Co.CT
................ 8   HURD, Anna Annie b: 08 Jun 1802 in Derby, New.Haven.Co.CT d: 1892
...................... +NETTLETON, Clark b: 1800 in CT
................ 8   HURD, Jabez b: 26 Jun 1806 in Derby, New.Haven.Co.CT d: 01 Jul 1892 in St. Charles, Floyd.Co.IA Note 5: 1860 Census: Lancaster, Grant.Co.WI.  Hurd: Jabez42 speculator $1k/2k, ElizG36, WilsonG9, LeslieM8, CharlottaE6, Francis5, Josephine3, Mattie1. Note 7: 1870 Census:  Potosi, Grant.Co.WI.  Herd/Hurd: Jabex61 farmer $8500/7500, Eliz47, WilsonG19, LeslieM17, Lottie16, Fannie14, Josephine12, Mattie10, Carrie8, Abbie6, Laura3, Fanny.Stewart20. Note 8: 1880 Census: British Hollow, Grant.Co.WI.  Hurd: Jabez67CT farming, Eliz57OH, WilsonG28, Josephine20, MattieC18, Carrie16, Abby14, Laura11, Henry.Kane24.
...................... +GODDARD, Elizabeth b: 1824 in OH m: Abt. 1850 in IN?
.................. 9   [7] HURD, Wilson G. 'Will' b: 20 Sep 1850 in IN d: 28 Nov 1928 in Hawkeye, Windsor.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Hawkeye Cem, lot 19, Windsor.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Note 5: 1860 Census: Lancaster, Grant.Co.WI.  Hurd: Jabez42 speculator $1k/2k, ElizG36, WilsonG9, LeslieM8, CharlottaE6, Francis5, Josephine3, Mattie1. Note 7: 1870 Census:  Potosi, Grant.Co.WI.  Herd/Hurd: Jabex61 farmer $8500/7500, Eliz47, WilsonG19, LeslieM17, Lottie16, Fannie14, Josephine12, Mattie10, Carrie8, Abbie6, Laura3, Fanny.Stewart20. Note 8: 1880 Census: British Hollow, Grant.Co.WI.  Hurd: Jabez67CT farming, Eliz57OH, WilsonG28, Josephine20, MattieC18, Carrie16, Abby14, Laura11, Henry.Kane24. Note 12: 1900 Census: Hawkeye, Windsor.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.  Hurd: WisonG49 hardware merchant, BellS36, GeoW13, FlorenceW12, LulaB10, Bene8, DorthaE8m. Note 20: 1925 Census: Hawkeye, Windsor.Twp, Fay.co.IA. Hurd: W.G.73, 2nd wf BelleS60, Helena17.
........................ +UNKNOWN, Cora Viola b: 1862 in Iowa d: 07 Mar 1897 in Hawkeye, Windsor.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Hawkeye Cem, Lot 19, Windor.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. m: Abt. 1885 in Fay.Co.IA
..................... 10   HURD, George Wilson b: 13 Oct 1885 in Hawkeye, Windsor.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 18 Feb 1931 in Iowa
........................... +SOUVINGER, Marie A. 'Mary' b: 1887 in SD Territory m: 10 Jul 1907 in Sioux Falls, Minnehaha.Co.SD
........................ 11   HURD, George Wilson b: 1909 in Windsor.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
..................... 10   HURD, Florence W. b: Mar 1888 in Hawkeye, Windsor.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
..................... 10   HURD, Lula B. b: 13 Feb 1890 in Hawkeye, Windsor.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 27 Dec 1974 in West.Union, Union.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: West Union Cem, Fay.Co.IA
........................... +BLUNT, Clyde G. b: 07 Sep 1888 in West Union, Union.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 15 Aug 1961 in Union.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: West Union Cem, Fay.Co.IA m: 04 Apr 1912 Father: James Henry BLUNT Mother: Florentina Florinda Mary NEFZGER
..................... 10   HURD, Burr Wilson b: 18 Feb 1892 in Hawkeye, Windsor.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 13 Apr 1927 in Hawkeye, Windsor.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Hawkeye Cem, Lot 286,  Windor.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
.................. *2nd Wife of [7] HURD, Wilson G. 'Will':
........................ +COOKE, Belle Susan b: 17 Feb 1864 in VT d: 06 Aug 1948 in Hawkeye, Windsor.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Hawkeye Cem, lot 19, Windsor.Twp, Fay.Co.IA m: Abt. 1897 in Fay.Co.IA Father: Henry COOKE Mother: Mary JONES
..................... 10   HURD, Dorothy E. 'Dortha' b: 25 Sep 1899 in Hawkeye, Windsor.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 12 Feb 1978 in Riverside, Riverside.Co.CA
........................... +BROCKMEIER, Elmer Arnold b: 28 Dec 1899 in Mallory.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA d: 19 Sep 1978 in Riverside, Riverside.Co.CA m: 1924 in Fay.Co.IA
........................ 11   BROCKMEIER, Jeannette E. b: 15 Sep 1925 in Iowa d: 16 Apr 1991 in Orante.Co.CA
..................... 10   HURD, Laura C. 'Lorna' b: 1903 in Hawkeye, Windsor.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
..................... 10   HURD, Grover L. 'Bill' b: 25 Jan 1904 in Hawkeye, Windsor.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 11 Jan 2000 in Flippin, Marion.Co.AR
........................... +GABEL, Verona D. b: 01 Feb 1916 in Iowa d: 22 Dec 2002 in Flippin, Marion.Co.AR m: 18 Jul 1986
..................... 10   HURD, Leland b: 1905 in Hawkeye, Windsor.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
..................... 10   HURD, Isabella 'Isabell' b: 1906 in Hawkeye, Windsor.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
..................... 10   HURD, Helena b: 1908 in Hawkeye, Windsor.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
.................. 9   HURD, Leslie M. b: 1852 in Grant.Co.WI
.................. 9   HURD, Charlotte E. 'Lottie' b: 1854 in Grant.Co.WI
.................. 9   HURD, Frances 'Fannie' b: 1855 in Grant.Co.WI
.................. 9   HURD, Josephine b: 1857 in Grant.Co.WI
.................. 9   HURD, Mattie C. b: 1859 in Grant.Co.WI
.................. 9   HURD, Carrie b: 1864 in Grant.Co.WI
.................. 9   HURD, Abbie G. b: 1866 in Grant.Co.WI
.................. 9   HURD, Laura A. b: 1867 in Grant.Co.WI
........... 6   HURD, Benjamin b: 08 Nov 1720 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT d: 29 May 1754
........... 6   HURD, Samuel b: 10 Jun 1722 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT d: 05 Mar 1782 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT
................. +LEAVENWORTH, Tamar b: 28 May 1727 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT d: 09 May 1771 m: 1749 in Stratfield, Fairfield.Co.CT
........... 6   HURD, Hezekiah b: 12 Apr 1724 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT d: 26 May 1797 in Monroe, Fairfield.Co.CT
........... 6   HURD, Nehemiah b: 12 Dec 1726 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT d: 26 May 1797 in Monroe, Fairfield.Co.CT
................. +MEAD, Sarah b: 1739 in Greenwich, Fairfield.Co.CT m: 1753 in Stratfield, Fairfield.Co.CT
........... 6   HURD, Wallis b: 1728 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT
........... 6   HURD, Eunice b: 09 Aug 1731 in Woodbury, Litchfield.Co.CT d: 23 Feb 1825 in Washington, Litchfield.Co.CT
........... 6   HURD, Abraham b: 17 Aug 1732 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT d: 08 Sep 1821 in Monroe, Fairfield.Co.CT
........... 6   HURD, Eunice b: Mar 1734/35 in New Milford, Litchtfield.Co.CT d: 1735 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT
........... 6   HURD, Abigail b: 11 Sep 1737 in New Milford, Litchtfield.Co.CT
................. +WILLER, Azel b: 1733 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT
........... 6   HURD, Eunice b: 13 May 1742 in New Milford, Litchtfield.Co.CT
........ 5   HURD, Hester b: 09 May 1696 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT d: 14 Jun 1775 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT
.............. +CURTISS, David b: Nov 1682 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT d: 26 Dec 1760 in Fairfied, Fairfield.Co.CTR m: 10 Nov 1725 in Stratfield, Fairfield.Co.CT
........ 5   HURD, David b: 14 Mar 1698/99 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT d: 19 Sep 1758 in Huntington, Fairfield.Co.CT
.............. +BOSTWICK, Susannah b: 22 Nov 1700 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT d: 07 Oct 1776 m: 1720 in Stratfield, Fairfield.Co.CT
........ 5   HURD, John b: 14 Feb 1699/00 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT d: 1754
.............. +UNKNOWN, Sarah
........... 6   HURD, Gillead Gillard b: 09 Sep 1733 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT Note 12: 1790 Census:  Stratfrod, Fairfield.Co.CT.  Gillard Hurd, family of 3m,1f.
................. +UNKNOWN, Elizabeth
............. 7   HURD, Wolcott b: 1764 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT
............. 7   HURD, Silas b: 12 Feb 1766 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT
............. 7   HURD, John M. b: 30 Nov 1769 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT
............. 7   HURD, Truman b: 23 Feb 1772 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT
................ 8   HURD, Ebenezer b: in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT
...................... +WHEELER, Frances
.................. 9   HURD, Truman (only child) b: 1847 in Southbury, New.Haven.Co.CT d: 1888 in CT Note 11: Paper manufacturer in Southbury.CT.
........................ +WHEELER, Frances Eliza b: 1852 in Southbury, New.Haven.Co.CT
..................... 10   HURD, Mary Frances b: 1867 in Southbury, New.Haven.Co.CT
........................... +MANSFIELD, Louis A. m: Aug 1900
..................... 10   HURD, Katherine Eliza b: 1868 in Southbury, New.Haven.Co.CT
..................... 10   HURD, Henry Baldwin Harrison b: 22 Jul 1869 in Southbury, New.Haven.Co.CT Note 11: 1890 Attended medical school, but did not graduate. Note 12: Worked for Austin Mansfield, & Son, lumber dealers in New.Haven.Co.CT. Note 14: Became associated with Derby Lumber Co, Derby.CT. Note 15: Bef. 1900 Became treasurer, gen. manager of Derby Lumber. Note 16: 1900 Conducted his own wholesale of lumber in New.Haven.Co.CT. Note 17: Formed the Milford.CT Lumbe Co, for several years. Note 19: Became tresurer & gen.man'g. of New.England Stone Co.
............. 7   HURD, Daniel b: 16 Feb 1774 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT
............. 7   HURD, Sarah b: 15 Oct 1776 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT
........... 6   HURD, Rhoda b: 18 Oct 1735 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT
........... 6   HURD, Levi b: 01 Oct 1738 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT
........... 6   HURD, Rhoda b: 26 Aug 1742 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT
........ 5   HURD, Ebenezer b: 07 Apr 1703 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT d: 07 May 1788 in Huntington, Fairfield.Co.CT
.............. +HUBBELL, Abigail b: 23 Dec 1711 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT d: 01 Jul 1756 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT m: 26 Jan 1730/31 in Trumbull, Fairfield.Co.CT Father: Richard HUBBELL Mother: Abigail THOMPSON
........ 5   HURD, Nathan b: 11 Oct 1705 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT d: 1761 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT
........ 5   [8] HURD, Jabez b: 12 Mar 1706/07 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT d: 21 Jul 1793 in Trumbull, Fairfield.Co.CT
.............. +CALDWELL, Sarah b: 1721 d: 1791
........ *2nd Wife of [8] HURD, Jabez:
.............. +BURRITT, Phoebe
........ 5   [9] HURD, Abigail b: 08 Feb 1709/10 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT d: 17 Aug 1775 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT
.............. +MCEWEN, Timothy b: 11 Mar 1705/06 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT d: 09 Feb 1788 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT
........ *2nd Husband of [9] HURD, Abigail:
.............. +HULL, Gamel
........ 5   HURD, Enos b: 12 Mar 1711/12 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT d: 1730
.............. +OATMAN, Elizabeth b: 1715 d: 1753
........ 5   HURD, Ephraim b: 20 Sep 1715 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT d: 19 Sep 1728 in Huntington, Fairfield.Co.CT
.............. +BEARDSLEY, Anne b: 17 Feb 1723/24 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT d: 1758 m: 1745
..... 4   HURD, Hannah b: Sep 1667 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT
..... 4   HURD, Isaac b: 02 Jun 1669 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT
..... 4   [10] HURD, Jacob b: 16 Nov 1671 in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT d: in Stratford, Fairfield.Co.CT
... 3   HURD, Mercy b: 1614 in Cambridge, Middlesex.Co.MA d: 22 Dec 1693 in Marlborough, Middlesex.Co.MA

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Bissell genealogy

Time Line for:  Dr. John William Bissell, UIU President 1874-1892

...David Bissell 1741/CT-1826Ont.x Sarah Goodrich 1749/CT-1822/Ont, parents of John Sr, moved from NY to Ontario.
...John Bissell Sr  1796/Ontario-1845/Ontario, farmer & M.E. Minister.
...1843Aug4, John Wm. Bissell is born in Prescott area, Grenville.Co, Ontario
...1845, John Sr, bought a farm on the Rock River, 5mi from Oregon village in Ogle.Co.IL, & returned to Ontario.
...1845, John Sr, died upon returning home to Ontario.
...1846, Widow Rebecca nee Nettleton Bissell 1805/Ont-1892/Ogle.Co.IL,  moved family of seven children to the Rock River purchase;
.....Ezra1823-?, Moses1826-1902/IL, Lorenzo1829-1912/IL, Harriett1832-1887/IL, Albert1836-1920/IL, LouisaA1839-?, John.Wm1843-1922/FL.
...John Wm. aft. age 3, grew up in Ogle.Co.IL & attended Rock River M.E. Seminary in prep for college.
...1860, Census: Daysville P.O., Nashua.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL. Bissell: Rebecca55 farming $5400/500, Hariett25, Louise21, Wm17 farm hand.
...1863, Entered & graduated Northwestern U. at Evanston.IL.
...1865, Census: Nashua.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL: Bissell families & size: Rebecca (mother) 3, Lorenzo 6, Moses 5.
...1867, Graduated from Northwestern U, at Evanston.IL.
...1867-1868, Chairing Latin & Greek at Northern Indiana College.
...1868-Sep1871, Taught abt 3yrs at Brookston Academy, Brookston, White.Co.IN.
...1870JUn28, Married Emma Eliz. Rockefeller at South.Bend.IN, (distant cousin of John D. Rockefeller),
......dau of Joseph Hester Rockefeller 1820/Pottsville.PA-1911/South.Bend.IN & Sarah Shipman 1825/PA-1900/South.Bend.IN.
...1871May04, Son Joseph Wm. Bissell born in Indiana (died 1875/Fayette.IA).
...1871Sep,  Pastor at Simpson Church in Chicago for short time.
...1872, Joined Upper Iowa M.E. Conference (located at Clinton.IA) & was stationed (the pastor) at New Hampton in Chickasaw.Co.IA.
...1872Sep, Called up/appointed to chair Natural Sciences at UIU in Fayette.IA.
...1873Jun27, Son James Rockefeller Bissell born at Fayette.IA,
.....grew up in Fayette.IA, attending FHA & UIU, married, 2 sons, died 1914 Clearwater.FL from long term TB.
...1873, Dr. J.W.Bissell was appointed acting Pres of UIU, at an extremely fragile time for the college.
...1873, UIU was in serious financial, management & enrollment trouble, down to abt. 100 students & with only 1 building the 'Seminary' (College Hall)
...1874, Dr.J.W. Bissell became President of UIU for the next 26yrs, 1874-1899.
...1875+, Bissell/Hurd preached, lectured, traveled extensively, advertising, promoting, saving, expanding UIU at Fayette.IA.
......Dr. Bissell & Prof. Henry E. Hurd likely 'saved' UIU with energetic/aggressive public relations, educational reforms & business practices. bz/2012.
...1880, Census: living with Henry Hurd family, farmstead house 1/3mi N of Fayette.IA brige on W side of the road
..... Bissell: JamesW36Can, wife EmmaE32PA, son JamesW7IA, niece NellieM.Bissell 20IL UIU student.
...1885, Census: College.St, Fayette.IA. Bissell: JamesW44Can, EmmaE37PA, JamesW12IN.
...1893, Son James Rockefeller Bissell graduated from UIU at Fayette.IA.
...1899, Resigned as Pres of UIU, Rev. G.P. Benton became Pres. until 1902.
...1900, In spring/summer, Dr. Bissell traveled overseas; wife Emma stayed in South.Bend.IN.
...1900Nov, Dr. Bissell became M.E. Pastor at Charles.City.IA.
...1902abt, Grandson Joseph R. Bissell born at South.Bend.IN
...1903/before.Mar, Relocated from Charles.City to Waterloo as Pastor of Grace M.E. Church.
...1903Sep08, Grandson Harvey Glenn Bissell born at South.Bend.IN.
...1905/before, Became presiding Elder of Cedar Falls, Iowa, M.E. District.
...1905, Son James Rockefeller Bissell at parents home in Waterloo.IA, heading west for health (TB),
.....suffered from TB for years before death, cared for by mother who raised g/sons.
...1909Sep, Fayette.IA.paper: O.W.Stevenson moved into J.W.Bissell home on SW corner of Water/North.
...1910, Census: Walnut.St, East.Waterloo, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA. Bissell: JohnW66 preaching, EmmaE62, son JamesR37 own income, g/son JosephR7, g/son HarveyC6.
...1914Sep, Son James Rockefeller Bissell died at Clear.Water.FL from years of TB complications; body taken to South.Bend.IN, for burial.
...1918, Still living in Waterloo.IA; would moved to Clearwater.FL before 1920.
...1920, Census: Bay.Blvd, Clearwater.FL. Bissell: JohnW76, AnnaE71, g/son Joseph17IN, g/son Harvey16IN
...1922Aug23, Died at Clearwater, Pinellas.Co.FA.
.....Buried: Grandview Cem, Sec C, Lot 404, burial #1390, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA.
...1832Jan18, Wife Emma Eliz. Rockefeller died at Clearwater.FL.
.... Obit: Cremated at Orlando.FL, ashes returned to burial plot of husb. in Fayette.IA.

Descendants of George Bissell
line of John William Bissell, UIU President

Descendants of George Bissell

1   BISSELL, George b: 10 Mar 1719/20 in Windsor, Hartford.Co.CT d: 1789 in Salisbury, Litchfield.Co.CT
.. +GAY, Lydia b: 11 Mar 1723/24 in Litchfield, Litchfield.Co.CT d: 23 Jun 1789 in Salisbury, Litchfield.Co.CT
2   BISSELL, David b: 17 Jan 1741/42 in Litchfield, Litchfield.Co.CT d: 26 Aug 1826 in Augusta area, Grenville.Co, Ontario, Canada Note 8: Removed family from NY to Canada.
.... +GOODRICH, Sarah b: 20 Jan 1749/50 in Sharon, Litchfield.Co.CT d: 26 Aug 1822 in Augusta area, Grenville.Co, Ontario, Canada
... 3   BISSELL, John b: 1796 in Ontario, Canada d: 1845 in Prescott area, Grenville.Co, Ontario, Canada Note 9: Father moved NY to Canada and farmed. Note 11: Farmer in Canada; was an M.E. Minister. Note 14: 1845 Purchased farm on Rock River, 5mi from Oregon, Ogle.Co.IL. Note 15: 1845 Went back to Canada, died same year (1845). Note 16: Abt. 1846 Widow moved family of 7ch to Rock.River.IL purchase.
....... +NETTLETON, Rebecca b: 10 Jan 1805 in Augusta area, Grenville.Co, Ontario, Canada d: 19 Jan 1892 in Nashua.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL Burial: Lighthouse Cem, Nashua.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL m: 27 Mar 1822 in Augusta, Grenville.Co, Ontario, Canada Father: Daniel NETTLETON Mother: Deborah HURLBUT Note 8: Abt. 1846 Widowed, moved family of 7ch to Rock.River farm purchase, Ogle.Co.IL. Note 9: Bissell farm adjoined farm where John B. Farwell was raised. Note 10: 1860 Census: Daysville P.O., Nashua.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL.  Bissell: Rebecca55 farming $5400/500, Hariett25, Louise21, Wm17 farm hand. Note 12: 1865 Census: Nashua.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL:  Bissell families & size: Rebecca 3, Lorenzo 6, Moses 5.
..... 4   BISSELL, Ezra b: 1823 in Prescott area, Grenville.Co, Ontario, Canada
......... +WOOD, Marilla b: 1829 in Canada m: 08 Jun 1847 in Ogle.Co.IL
........ 5   BISSELL, Oscar b: 1847 in Ogle.Co.IL
........ 5   BISSELL, Edward A. b: 03 May 1850 in Ogle.Co.IL d: 12 Feb 1914 in Dunsmuir, Siskyou.Co.CA
........ 5   BISSELL, Josphina b: 1854 in Ogle.Co.IL
........ 5   BISSELL, Wina b: 1858 in Ogle.Co.IL d: 12 Aug 1927 in Lake City, Modoc.Co.CA
..... 4   BISSELL, Moses b: 1826 in Prescott area, Grenville.Co, Ontario, Canada d: 1902 in Nashua.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL
......... +UNKNOWN, Amelia Isabell b: Apr 1837 in Canada m: 1858 in Ogle.Co.IL
........ 5   BISSELL, Florence b: 1860 in Nashua.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL
........ 5   BISSELL, Charles Arnold b: Aug 1861 in Lighthouse Pt?,  Ogle.Co.IL d: 09 Mar 1934 in Ashton, Monona.Co.IA
........ 5   BISSELL, Minnie b: 1868 in Nashua.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL
........ 5   BISSELL, Hallie b: 1870 in Nashua.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL d: 1891 in Nashua.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL
........ 5   BISSELL, Lucy b: Aft. 1870 in Nashua.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL
..... 4   BISSELL, Lorenzo b: 06 Aug 1829 in Prescott area, Grenville.Co, Ontario, Canada d: 13 Apr 1912 in Nashua.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL
......... +FORD, Sarah J. b: 1835 in Wisc m: 1856 in Winnebago.Co.IL
........ 5   BISSELL, Nellie May b: 1859 in Nashua.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL
........ 5   BISSELL, Walter b: 1861 in Nashua.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL
........ 5   BISSELL, Rose b: 1863 in Nashua.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL
........ 5   BISSELL, Bertha b: 1865 in Nashua.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL
........ 5   BISSELL, Alfred b: 1867 in Nashua.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL
........ 5   BISSELL, Mary b: 1870 in Nashua.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL
..... 4   BISSELL, Harriett E. b: 1832 in Prescott area, Grenville.Co., Ontario, Canada d: 1887 in Nashua.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL
..... 4   BISSELL, Albert b: 1836 in Prescott area, Grenville.Co, Ontario, Canada d: 1920 in Nashua.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL
..... 4   BISSELL, Louisa A. b: 1839 in Prescott area, Grenville.Co, Ontario, Canada
..... 4   BISSELL, John William b: 04 Aug 1843 in Prescott area, Grenville.Co, Ontario, Canada d: 23 Aug 1922 in Clearwater, Pinellas.Co.FL Burial: Grandview Cem, Sec C, Lot 404, burial #1390, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. Note 3: Abt. 1846 Widowed mother moved family of 7ch to 1845 purchase on Rock.River, Ogle.Co.IL. Note 5: Aft. 1846 Grew up on Rock.River, Ogle.Co.IL farm.  Was schooled at Rock.River Seminary in prep. for college. Note 7: Bet. 1863 - 1867 Entered & graduated at Northwestern U. at Evanston.IL; followed by yr. of chairing Latin & Greek at N.IN.College. Note 8: 1865 Census: Nashua.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL:  Bissell families & size: Rebecca (mother) 3, Lorenzo 6, Moses 5. Note 9: Bet. 1868 - Sep 1871 Taught abt 3yrs at Brookston Academy,  Brookston, White.Co.IN; then pastor at Simpson Ch, Chicago for short time. Note 10: 28 Jun 1870 Married Emma Eliz Rockefeller at S.Bend.IN. Note 12: Bet. Sep 1871 - Sep 1872 Joined Upper Iowa M.E. Conference (located at Clinton), stationed (pastor) at New Hampton, Chickasaw.Co.IA. Note 13: Sep 1872 Called in 1872 to chair Natural Sciences at UIU in Fayette.IA. Note 14: 1873 Dr. Bissell appointed acting Pres of UIU; only 1 building, down to 100 students, in financial trouble when Dr.Bissell & Prof. Henry E. Hurd 'saved' UIU in the coming yrs, bz/2013. Note 15: 1874 Dr. J.W. Bissell became Pres of UIU for the next 26yrs, 1874-1899. Note 17: Aft. 1875 Bissell/Hurd preached, lectured, traveled extensively, advertising, promoting, saving, expanding UIU at Fayette.IA, bz/2013. Note 19: 1885 Census:  College.St, Fayette.IA.  Bissell: JamesW44Can, EmmaE37PA, JamesW12IN. Note 20: Bet. 1890 - 1891 UIU had grown to 4 building & 500+ students; Pres. Home was built. Note 22: 1895 Census: Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. Bissell: JohnW51Can church teacher,  EmmaE46PA. Note 23: 1899 UIU President, 26y, 1873-1899, Fayette.IA. By 1905, moved to East Waterloo.IA. Note 24: 1900 Spring/summer, traveled overseas, wf stayed in South.Bend.IN. Nov1900> M.E. Pastor at Charles.City.IA. Note 25: Bef. Mar 1903 Relocated from Charles.City to Waterloo as Pastor of Grace M.E. Ch.  By 1905, presidinig Elder of Cedar.Falls.IA M.E. District. Note 28: Sep 1909 Fayette.IA.paper: O.W.Stevenson moved into J.W.Bissell hm on SW corner of Water/North. Note 29: 1910 Census: Walnut.St, East.Waterloo, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA.  Bissell: JohnW66 preaching, EmmaE62, son JamesR37 own income, g/son JosephR7, g/son HarveyC6. Note 30: 1918 Still in East Waterloo.IA. Note 31: 1920 Census: Bay.Blvd, Clearwater.FL.  Bissell: JohnW76, AnnaE71, g/son Joseph17IN, g/son Harvey16IN
......... +ROCKEFELLER, Emma Elizabeth b: 18 Jan 1848 in Pottsville, Schuykill.Co.PA d: 14 Jan 1932 in Clearwater, Pinellas.Co.FL Burial: Creamated Orlando.FL; ashes on Lot 404, Sec C, Grandview Cem, Fay.Co.IA, no marker bz/2013. m: 28 Jun 1870 in South Bend, St.Joseph.Co.IN Father: Joseph Hester ROCKEFELLER Mother: Sarah SHIPMAN Note 5: Cousin of J.D. Rockefeller, NY Oil Magnet. Note 7: Moved when young with parents from PA to South.Bend.IN. Note 9: See husband's time line. Note 11: Aft. 1905 Son James R suffered yrs from TB; Emma raised g/sons JosephR & HarveyG. Note 25: Burial/ashes not recorded in original Grandview Cem book, bz/2013. Note 26: 1930 Census: Clearwater, Pinellas.Co.FL.  Bissell: EmmaR81, g/son HarveyG26.
........ 5   BISSELL, Joseph William b: 04 May 1871 in South.Bend, St.Jospeh.Co.IN or Brookston, White.Co.IN d: 17 Apr 1875 in Fayette, Fay.Co.IA Burial: South.Bend.IN Note 22: Obit: Died Clear.Water.FL, suffered yrs from TB, body tanke to South.Bend.IN for burial.
........ 5   BISSELL, James Rockefeller b: 27 Jun 1873 in Fayette, Fay.Co.IA d: Sep 1914 in Clearwater, Pinellas.Co.FL Burial: South Bend, Indiana. Note 5: Grew up in Fayette.IA, while father was President of UIU. Note 11: 1893 Graduated from UIU at Fayette.IA, while his father was Pres of UIU. Note 12: 1905 Fayette.IA.paper: At home of parents in Waterloo, going west for health(TB). Note 13: 1910 Census: Walnut.St, East.Waterloo, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA.  Bissell: JohnW66 preaching, EmmaE62, son JamesR37 own income, g/son JosephR7, g/son HarveyC6. Note 15: 1915 Census: Waterloo.IA. Note 19: Suffered from TB for years before death, cared for by mother who raised g/sons. Note 22: Obit: died Clear.Water.FL, body taken to South.Bend.IN for burial.
............ +UNKNOWN b: in IN
........... 6   BISSELL, Joseph Rockefeller 'Joe' b: Abt. 1902 in South.Bend, St.Joseph.Co.IN Note 7: 1910 Census: Walnut.St, East.Waterloo, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA.  Bissell: JohnW66 preaching, EmmaE62, son JamesR37 own income, g/son JosephR7, g/son HarveyC6. Note 8: 1915 Census:  Waterloo.IA. Note 9: 1920 Census: Bay.Blvd, Clearwater.FL.  Bissell: JohnW76, AnnaE71, g/son Joseph17IN, g/son Harvey16IN Note 11: 1923 Newspaper man at time of g/father's burial in Fayette.IA.
........... 6   BISSELL, Harvey Glenn b: 08 Sep 1903 in South.Bend, St.Joseph.Co.IN d: 24 Aug 1985 in Southport, Brunswick.Co.NC Note 5: Father suffered from long term TB; raised by Bissell grandparents. Note 7: 1910 Census: Walnut.St, East.Waterloo, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA.  Bissell: JohnW66 preaching, EmmaE62, son JamesR37 own income, g/son JosephR7, g/son HarveyC6. Note 9: 1915 Census: Waterloo.IA. Note 11: 1920 Census: Bay.Blvd, Clearwater.FL.  Bissell: JohnW76, AnnaE71, g/son Joseph17IN, g/son Harvey16IN Note 14: 1930 Census: Clearwater, Pinellas.Co.FL.  Bissell: EmmaR81, g/son HarveyG26. Note 16: 1942 Draft.Reg: Charlotte, Mecklenburg.Co.NC.
............... +MORGAN, Zetta Pearl b: 12 Oct 1917 in Missouri d: 03 May 1983 in Bakersfield, Kern.Co.CA m: Abt. 1940 Father: John Henry MORGAN Mother: Stella Mae NORMAN   

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Timeline:  Hurd & UIU
 Prof. Henry Ebenezer Hurd, M.A., "Hurd's National Business College,
became Principal of the Commercial Dept.,
 for Upper Iowa University (UIU) at Fayette, Fayette County, Iowa.

Note:  Starting in the mid 1870, UIU Pres. Bissell and Prof. Henry Hurd's efforts were primary in saving UIU from going under, bz/2012.

...1843Jun25, Henry Ebenezer Hurd, 2nd child of Dr. A.E. Hurd (of English lineage) & Persis Brown (of Scotch/Irish lineage) is born at Norway, Herkimer.Co.NY.
844, parents moved to Stillman Valley, Marion.Twp, Ogle.Co.IL.


 Stillman Valley, Ogle.Co.IL (the central pioneer location of this Hurd family).
...Ogle.Co.IL is 2 counties E of Iowa, 2 counties S of Wisconsin.
...Stillman's Run (stream/valley), on 1832May14, was a battle site in IL. white militia & Black Hark and his warriors.
...Ogle.Co.IL, was formed 1836 from Jo Daviess & LaSalle Co's; then divided 1839, then divided in 1839 when Lee.Co was formed.
...Stillman Valley settlement formed near the site of the opening engagement of the Black Hark War.
...Stillman Valley village formed1876, on the 'Iowa, Chicago and Eastern RR.'
Stillman Run/Valley wasthe pioneer location of the Hurd families in IL

...1849, Robert Alexander  moved from Indiana to the Wilcox cabin/settlement on the Mission Trail, 2mi SxSW of 'to-be' Fayette. His s/law's Samuel & James Robertson came the next year.
.......Alexander came with $18k of gold & as a land speculator would buy up about 8k acres in Fayette.Co.IA by 1854, most at $1.25/a.
...1849-1850, The area north of the Mission Trail (to include what would be Westfield/Fayette 2mi north) opened for the 'white tide.'

...1850, Robert Alexander, speculated/bought huge  amounts of Fay.Co.IA land & started a sawmill on the Volga at what would be Klock's Island area.
...1850-1853, Some families moved into the Westfield/Klock's, and only several located in what would become Fayette plat.
...1854Fall,  M.E. Rev. H.S. Brunson suggested  to Mrs. Robert Alexander sending her two youngest Alexander dau's to Methodist University in Mt.Vernon.IA, which began the 'thinking' about higher education in the Westfield/Fayette valley.
...1854Winter, Robertson, Alexander & a few other families began processing the need & possibility of starting a higher educational facility in the sparsely settled Westfeild/Fayette valley on the edge of the Iowa frontier.
...1854aft, Robert Alexander ended up subscribing $14k & deeding 4k of land before the Fayette Seminary building was operational and become part of the Upper.Iowa M.E. Conference. 
......Samuel Robertson made a $5k subscription & donated 10a on a knoll/rise in an open field.  The only houses in the Fayette valley were those of the Roberston's plus a cabin or two along the Volga River in the area of the modern bridge.  Westfield village along the Volga, a mile to the west was the center of the few settler families in the Westfield/Fayette valley.
......James Robertson also make a cash subscription.
...1855Mar, A group of 'Fayette Seminary' trustee committees were appointed
...1855Apr, Trustees presented a building plan; J.A. Griffith proposal to erect the Seminary for $15k was accepted.
.......Griffith employed Charles West as foreman for the job.  West just moved to West.Union from Brooklyn.NY.

...1855May, Construction of a building for the 'Fayette Institute' began on the knoll to the east of Westfield village, in the newly platted Fayette.IA, by Robert Alexander and James Robertson. 
.....The initial intention was for brick or granite field stone walls.
.....John Griffith, head carpenter and Charles West moved from Auburn/West Union to Fayette,
.....West suggested a more substantial building out of naive limestone.
...A new contract was issued for $20k with Griffith & West to enclose & roof the building,
......a subscription contract for $10k would provide for interior finishing, with the entire cost $30k.
...Within a week eight hands were engaged in quarrying limestone for the building. 
.....The building foundation was immediately stated with a work force of about 20.
.....The intent was to have the building enclosed (1st floor) during the summer. 

 ...1855Aug, Bids for interior work on the Seminary were presented.


...1856, Work on the Fayette Seminary continued throughout the year.
...1856Mar, Rev. Wm. H. Poor was chosen the first principal  of Fayette Seminary; his father David Poor as Seward & his son assigned to employ a teacher for languages, natural sciences, a preceptress (woman teacher/tutor), plus advertise the opening of the school.
...1856Sep17, First full year of UIU at Fayette.IA, Rev. Lucius H. Bugbee principal until 1860.
...1856Nov, The 1st Term at Fayette Seminary was ordered to begin on Jan01, 1857, with 1/2 of the building ready for use
.......Wm H. Poor would act as Principal for $550/yr.
.......David Poor as Steward, Circuit Pastor and wife would work at the Seminary for $400/yr. 
.......A bell was to be purchased for $452.60.
...1856Nov, Fayette Seminary:  Indebted $31,683, assets excluding the building $19,738.  Estimated 1st yr expenses $4,512, plus $75 for yearly scholarships.
...1856Nov, Board/Tuition set at $50/term.
...1857Jan, The first floor of the Seminary was ready for occupancy.  In the coming year two floors and portion of the third were completed.
...1857Jan07, The 'first term' classes began at UIU,  
......David Poor would be dismissed as Steward, so his son Wm H. Poor only finished one term as principal; Mrs. Brunson finished as Steward for the first term.
...1857May28, The 2nd Term was assigned to begin.  Wm H. Poor would not consent to stay as principal if his father David was released as Steward.
...1857May, Rev. Lucius H. Bugbee would principal the Fayette Seminary until 1860.

...1857Jul08, The Fayette Seminary came under the supervision of the Upper Iowa Conference of the M.E. Church.
...1857Summer,  The 2nd & 3rd floor walls/roof were finished.  Oak lumber timbers came from the Grannis Mill 3+mi E of Fayette; limestone blocks came from a quarry just E of 'College Hill' on the south edge of Fayette; lime for mortar came from a like on 'Kiln Hill' just east of the 2010 UIU stadium;  flooring pine from Saginaw.MI was wagoned from Dubuque over the Mission Trail.
...1857, The Panic of 1857, swept through America, the need for college education was nil on the frontier with no river or rail transportation, pledges to the Seminary could not be secured.  The Seminary trustees and locals, however continued to have faith in the Seminary project.
...1857Summer, Griffith & West were still due $12k with no funds to pay.  Robert Alexander ended up mortgaging 1500a to G.A. Austin in VT for the $12k, so the Seminary doors could open for classes.  Alexander could not get the mortgage paid off and had to deed 4+k acres to Austin in Sep1860, valued at $17k at the ime.
...1857-1858,  Fayette Seminary had 114 students.
...1857Dec23, Principal L.H. Bugbee invited the Seminary Trustees to attend a public review of classes & exhibition by the literary societies.
...1857Dec24,  The name 'Collegiate Institute' was adopted for the Fayette Seminary. 
.......L.H. Bugbee would continue as principal for $333/term.
.......Teachers were J.M. McKinzie, Ms. S.M. Birdalls, Ms. E.A. Dayton, Ms. E.A. Carpenter.
...1858Jul14, The name for the institution was changed to 'Upper Iowa University.'

...1858Jul14, Faculty for next term: Rev. Lucius H. Bugbee Pres & Prof of Belles Lettres & Mental Philosopy; Edwin S. Gilbert, Math & Ancient Languages; Rev. Moses Crow, Biblical Literature & Christian Ethics; J. M. McKenzie, Natural Sciences,  Dr. Charles. C. Parker, M.D., Anatomy & Physiology; Ms. Sarah M. Birdsall, Preceptress & French.
...1858Jul15, First commencement at UIU.
...1858-1859, UIU had 174 students.

...1860Jan19, Pres. Bugbee's Report:  65 students were enrolled, expenditures exceeded receipts by $1,331.91.
......J.H.Maxon, J.E.Robertson, J.M.McKenzie, directed to plane trees & service the grounds.
...1860Jul18, Ms.Birdsall & Ms. Dorchester resigned from UIU because of insufficient pay.
...1860Sep24, Robert Alexander had to deed 4+k acres valued at $17k to pay off the $12k, 1857 mortgage which allowed the Seminary doors to open.
...1860-1863, Henry Hurd attended Wheaton College, Wheaton, DuPage.Co.IL.
...1860-1869, Rev. Wm. Brush, became Pres of UIU.  Pres. Brush worked hard, traveling by mule team trying to solicit funds without much success but succeeding in increasing student numbers.

...1861, Wm. H. Hurd (bro of Henry E.), enlisted 1861; re-enlisted Feb 22 1864, 9th Inf, Co C.
...1861Summer, UIU students organized a drill company, "the University Recruits,' with several members entering the 3rd & 9th Iowa.
...1861Sep02, Fall term opened at UIU, the University Recruits held daily drills.
...1861Sep15, Twenty-three University Recruits pledged Lincoln's call for 300k men.
...1861Sep28, Nineteen U.Recruits joined the 101man, Co C, 12th Iowa.
...1861Sep, The loss of 22 male students caused havoc with classes at UIU.
...1861Oct16, The U.Recruits, which had been quartered and drilling at the Fayette.House paraded the campus, marched to the base of College Hill and boarded 17 wagons with Co.C, 12th Iowa and started for Independence. IA.

...1862May, First four year class ready to graduate from UIU.
...1863Jan08, Zenas B. Hurd, Wadena Postmaster
...1863Jun24, Degrees awarded: S.H.Drake, A.B.; Susie Sorin & Clara L. Warner, B.S.
...1864May17, Henry E. Hurd enlisted in the 132nd IL Vol Inf.
...1864, During the war years Pres. Brush continue to work hard to encourage student attendance, which gradually increased.
...1864Jun21, Pres. Brush's report: average UIU attendance 160 students.  Degrees awarded:  James S. Chase & Celia J.H. Drake, B.S.
...1864-1865, Ten students would graduate, 39 were pursuing the collegiate course (4yr degree, the Normal  and Preparatory course was about a year leading to teaching certification).
...1864Oct,  Gratuitous tuition was granted at UIU to indigent soldiers & their children.
...1864Oct17, Henry Hurd discharged from  Union Army.
...1864Dec, Henry Hurd entered Eastman's Commercial College, Poughkeepsie.NY.

...1865, Henry Hurd moved with his parents to Chicago.  Parents would moved back to Stillman.Valley.
...1865Jun28,  The first women graduated from UIU.  Degrees: Mary A. Higby, A.B.; Sarah A. Preston & Lucy A. Talbot, B.S.
...1865Sep, James Hurd, mustered out Sep 19, 1865, 2nd Cav. (1878HistFayCoIA)
...1866, Henry Hurd held/taught a 3 month business course/institute at Rochester.MN, then same in Winona.MN.
...1866Apr17, Trustees resolved to attempt to endow UIU with a fund of at least $100k.
...1866Jun27, UIU was reported out of debt.  Degrees:  Frank M. Robertson, B.A.; Ms. I.A. Sherman, Mary E. Preston, L. Hattie S. Aldrich, B.S.
...1867-1868, College classes had 19, the Preparatory Depart 223.
...1867Mar01, Endowment reported at $26,324; increased to $34,933.95 by June25.
...1867Jun06, Pres. Brush asked to resign but declined as was not assured he would be reimbursed for money/liabilities owed him.
...1867Aug, Degrees: Mr. Nightingale & Ms. Higby, A.M.
...1867, Henry Hurd traveled in connection with his own business course most of year.

...1867fall, H.E. Hurd came to Fayette.IA and opened "Hurd's National Business College."
......Single, lived in the Lamb Hotel on the SE corner of Main/Water St's.
......Rented rooms for 'Hurd's International Business College,' in
the Budlong building on the NW corner of  Main/Water St's (Still standing in 2010, built 1863+/-, for Hamilton B. Budlong, grain/stock dealer, and would become a Furniture/Undertaking store in the 1870's to abt. 1943, then Billie Pauls' John Deere).
The Hurd Business College would soon become affiliated with UIU and become the Commercial Dept.

...1868Jun, UIU made a settlement with Pres. Brush for $1,167.03.
Rev. Charles N. Stowers took over Pres. of UIU until summer 1870.
...1869Jun, Degrees: A.M.'s to  Rev. F.M. Robertson, Rev. J.L. Paine, Prof. B. McLaine, Prof. Alabert Schindelmeisser (from Lawrence.U in WI).  B.S's to Nellie Aldrich & Carrie Robertson.
...1869-1870, UIU financial deficiency was $1500.  Trustees reported UIU, even with financial pressure is on good financial basis but needing additions to its endowment fund, but is in a prosperous condition with a large number of students & competent teachers, improvement to the college building (only one at this time).

...1870Jun23, Pres. Stowers resigned.  Rev. Byron W. McLaine became Pres. of UIU until 1872.  Degrees:  B.S. to Ms. Manda Robertson.
...1870Sep14, The fall term opened at UIU.

..1870Oct2Fayette.IA, A shocking suicide occurred at Fayette Oct. 2, 1870. A young student named James A Doremus was found early in the morning sitting at a table in the students' hall of Lambs' Hotel (SE corner of Main/Water, students would room/board here and attended business classes in rented rooms above the Furniture/Undertaking across the street on the NW corner of Main/Water), leaning forward, with his head turned over toward his left arm, quite dead. A revolver on the table before him revealed the whole story. Doremus had fallen into wild courses and had spent his money faster than his mother thought was proper. Some young women had encouraged him in his prodigal habits, and when his resources were exhausted they cast him off. A letter was found, addressed to his mother, in which he upbraided her for not letting him have more money. Doremus had been a student in the University, and was at this time studying bookkeeping under Prof. Hurd. An inquest was begun by A. W. Callender, J. P., who transferred the case to Coroner Armstrong, of West Union. The jurors were H. M. Burch, J. E. Aldrich and John Webb. A singular circumstance in connection, is the fact that both Prof. Hurd and Mr. Lamb passed through the room where Doremus sat dead, and did not notice him while going to their rooms.

...1870-1871 sch.yr, UIU had 183 students, with the financial deficiency of $371.30.
...1870-1872, Rev. Byron W. McLaine, pres of UIU.
...1871-1872 sch.yr,  UIU's financial deficiency was $950, with entire indebtedness under $5k.  The endowment was at $35k in subscription notes, with over $5k accrued interest unpaid.  The Panic of 1873 was approaching, ending nearly all payments of the subscription notes.
Feb2, Henry Hurd , age 29, married in Fayette, Henrietta Brunson, age 26, (b. 1845Mar24, LaFayette.Co.WI, dau of Rev. H.S. Brunson of Fayette).
...1871Nov15, only child born, dau. Persia J. Hurd.

...1872-1873, Rev. Roderick Norton, became Pres for one year, reported as one of prosperity & harmony.. 
.......The debt was reduced to $2,600; students increased to 225.
...1872, Although the 1878 & 1910 History of Fayette Co.IA, reported UIU was doing just fine, in actuality
  UIU, which was at its lowest ebb.
  Shortly the UIU 'fathers' would turn all management of UIU over to Prof. Henry Hurd and Prof/Pres. John W. Bissell.
...1872, A Telegraphic Depart was added to the Commercial Dept.


UIU was in serious 'trouble' by the 1870's

...1873, The Panic of 1873, put extreme financial stress UIU,  'which was at its lowest ebb.'
...1873, Rev. Norton resigned as Pres;
ice Pres. Rev. John W. Bissell was given management of UIU.
......Up to this time 23 students had graduated from the Collegiate Course.

...1873Jun-1899, Rev. John W. Bissell became pres of UIU; during Bissell & Hurd's tenure' the College would rebuilt and flourish.

...1874,  The Milwaukee RR came to Fayette, running from Marion.IA to Calmar.IA (RR hub). Fayette started its second boom years.

...1875-1876, Collegiate 4yr course had 30 students enrolled. The campus consisted of one building & 12a grounds with hardwood trees planted about 1860 by Samuel H. Robertson.
......College Hall built in 1856+ was three stories of large native limestone, had entrances on E, W, S side,
........the 1st floor had the Chapel on the N end, science laboratory with microscope, Steward's rooms and a quite of rooms for one professor,
........the 2nd floor had recitation rooms, 'Alexandrian' Library of 1000 volumes, museum collections of geology/biology, parlor.
........the 3rd floor has society halls/rooms, studio and other activities.

...1877June, The UIU Board agreed, "The UIU buildings, campus, furniture, apparatus, shall be held by Pres. Bissell and Prof. Hurd."
Note: This was an attempt to save and rebuilt UIU, which worked.
...After 1877, until nearly 1900, Henry
Hurd was a driving force in advertising UIU, utilizing his Business/Commercial College and extensive travel, especially by the railroads.

...1877, Pres. Bissell, also was very progressive with public relations, fund raising and educational programs.  
...1877-1878, UIU Faculty:  Rev. James W. Bissell Pres & Prof of Mental, Moral & Natural Science; E. Tarbet, English, French, German, Greek; T.B. Duncan, Math, Latin, Principal of Normal (teacher training) Dept; Henry E. Hurd, Princ. of Commerical Dept; Abbie Mills, Painting & Drawing; W.N. Burrett, Instrumental &  Vocal Music; Della W. Mack, Assist. in English; J.G. Henderson, Assist. in Math.

...1878, Prof. H.E. Hurd, M.A., Principal of the Commercial Dept. for UIU at Fayette, was the only 1878 UIU faculty member present when Rev. Wm. Brush was in Pres. of UIU bet. 1860-1869.  
...1878Jun,  Master Degree's awarded to five grads of 1875 undergrad class:  Rev. S.C. Brunson of Dyersville; Rev. J.N. Blodgett of Cottage; Rev. W.J. Robinson of Chelsea; B.W. Newberry of Strawberry.Pt; C.R.A. Scobey of Farley.

...1879,  Henry Hurd bought lots 6&7 & buildings, bk 13 (across the street west of the Fayette House Hotel).
.....He would rent out businesses, operated classes upstairs, used apprentice learning where students worked in businesses and had to run a business model.
.....Remained head of UIU Commercial Dept and Hurd's Business College from 1867 to abt. 1899, 3yrs before death on Oct 2, 1902. 
.....Continued to take an active part in the finances, building program, & traveled extensively by rail advertising UIU.
dau. Persis became his assistant, than head of the Commerical Dept and finally a member of the UIU staff.


 ...1881Jul23Postville.IA,  UIU at Fayette, Prof. Hurd, of the Business College has visited, this summer, similar institutions in older States, and will incorporate into the course of next year, which opens Sept 7th, several new and important features.
...1881Sep07,  The new term at UIU opened.

...1882Jan, Fayette.Paper Ad: Upper Iowa University, Fayette.IA, Preparatory, Normal, Classical, Scientific, Commercial, address Rev. J.W. Bissell, Pres.
...1882Sep26Fayette.IA, College Column;  Yes, we have a very good looking set of students this term; and they are not only good-looking, but they are also an extremely decorous set.  Judging from their looks we think that Prof. Hurd might venture with perfect impunity to turn "Dan" into the College Campus again.  Nothing has occurred as yet to mar the peacefulness and tranquility of school routine; but, with a knowledge which experience always brings, the students are expectantly listening for the strains of that "old, old song that comes over them like a chill," as Prof. Hurd sings in those sweet and gentle tones for which he is remarkable, "o Starry Night for a ramble."  Look out, boys!

...1883Apr, Pres. Bissell has been in Sibley, preaching sermons, then to Rock Rapids.  He is spreading UIU all over NW Iowa.
...1883May15Fayette.IA,  At the annual meeting of the Fayette Memorial Society,  H.E. Hurd, elected to the Executive committee.
...1883May29Fayette.IA,  Neither absent nor tardy, Persis Hurd, Second Intermediate (student in the Fayette school house, Persis will go on to attended UIU, work with father in the Business College and become an UIU instructor), teacher Lizzie Sayles.
...1883, South Hall, housing for women was completed, cost $8k

...1886, An Astronomy Observatory with telescope was completed.

...1887, North Hall (later called Science Hall) was completed with labs and recitation rooms, cost $8k.

...1887Nov05, Ad in Fayette.IA and other papers:  'Book-keeping, Short-hand, Type-writing taught in Business College at Fayette.  Instruction thorough and expenses low in the Business College at Fayette.  Go to Business College at Fayette.  Expenses including board $44 for 12 weeks.'
...1887Dec10, Fayette.IA:  The winter term of UIU is as full as the moon.   
new Commercial Hall (North Hall) with light & evenly heated rooms are a drawing card.
......Note:  North Hall, was a residence for men, erected just north & a bit west of the main limestone Seminary building. 
......The first floor had accommodations for 75 table boarders. 
second floor was occupied by the Hurd's Business College

......The third floor had rooms for 20 men.  Furnishings for North Hall were similar to those for South Hall.

...1887Dec10Fayette.IA, The winter term of UIU is as full as the moon.  The extra facilities offered by the addition of the new building are telling on the attendance at the start.  The new Commercial Hall (North Hall) with its extra advantages over the old one, is having its effect.  Light and evenly heated rooms are drawing cards every time.  Prof. Hurd wears a smile and a plug hat each a foot long, and we don't blame him.  If we had as cozy a private office as he has, to say nothing of the main business rooms, we would sit up nights to laugh for awhile anyhow.  The Business College is now ready for almost any emergency. 

Return to Top of Page  

 ...1888Jan, Westfield Chapel (North Hall) was dedicated by Pres. Bissell, after an indebtedness of $8393 was provided for.

...1888Feb18Fayette.IA, Prof. Hurd is on deck again with another order for 1500 printed titles to commercial book covers, and the Postal Card (Fayette paper) is just the office to do 'em.
...1888Apr28Fayette.IA, Prof. Hurd is this week making a trip to northern Missouri.
...1888Jun30Fayette.IA, Prof. Hurd is having printed this week 2000 circulars for distribution in the Northwest, with cut of Business College thereon.
...1888Jun18Fayette.IA, Prof. Hurd is using the railroads these days to put in the final licks in advertising the University.  Thoroughness and economy is expenses the distinctive feature of the University at Fayette.  Board and tuition $32 for 12 weeks.  UIU opens Sept. 4.
...1888Jun30Fayette.IA, Prof. Hurd is having printed this week 2000 circulars for distribution in the Northwest, with cut of Business College thereon.
...1888Aug,  Prof. Hurd, known for wearing stove pipe hats continued to travel by rails, holding recruiting conferences, handing out circulars.
...1888Aug18Fayette.IA, Prof. Hurd is using the railroads these days to put in the final licks in advertising the University. 
...1888Sep01Fayette.IA, Arthur Eugene Hurd of Maynard, the bro. of Prof. Hurd has returned from his summer vacation, when and where he allowed his hair and whiskers to grow spontaneously.

...1888Sep15Fayette.IA, Prof. Hurd this week attended the rep. cong. convention, the Delaware.Co fair, and several other localities and things, we believe.  He has as much 'git' as the advance agent of a mammoth circus.  Note:  Prof. Hurd is on the road 'barnstorming' for UIU.

...1889, The UIU Gymnasium was completed.

 ...1889Nov08Fayette.IA, Prof. Hurd lost a plug hat on the election.  He kicked a hole through it when he became satisfied with republican ticket was being swamped.  Note:  Prof. Hurd wore stovepipe hats.

...1890, The Chapel was completed with basement rooms for class work and an auditorium for 600, cost $7500.


...1890May30Fayette.IA, Prof. Hurd has a new Thomas lawn mower.  You will doubtless now see a well kept lawn over in Canada when you go that road.. 
...The Hurd's lived on a small farmstead along the hillside north of the Fayette bridge, several hundred yards past Marvin's Mill, on the west side of what was known as the West Union Road or Hwy11, which became Hwy150.

....His wife's parents had a farm adjacent.  Maps near at the end of the page will show the Hurd/Brunson locations.
....The area north of the bridge was locally called 'Canada.'  Today the bridge is new & in a more easterly alignment from the old Hwy 11 or 150 route.  Since the 1999 flood, original structures of the Hurd/Bissell era are gone.

...1890Jun06Fayette.IA,  Major flooding.  It is not often this section of the country is visited by a thunder storm of twelve tedious hours durations, but one came about 4pm, Tues, and continued till that hour the following morning.  At time the storm was heavy and boisterous.  It was a night of electric display, loud thunder and vigorous rainfall.  The Volga was swollen to a rushing torrent, and its tributaries must have cleaned up many people's barn and door yards, judging by the drift that floated past town on Wed. morning.  Lightning left its mark on Dr. Baker's new residence, but nobody was hurt.   Prof. Hurd had a picnic releasing pigs from a pen in which they stood a chance of drowning.  We presume not many people were asleep between two and three a.m.  Wed. morning's freshet took out at least 500 car loads of sand and soil from the south bank of the Volga between the bridge and Washington St.  Probably 6k-10k cubic yards of sand disappeared  in two to three hours' time.  Still another tempest came on the evening of Wed. and fairly flooded the streets again.  It was mixed up with thunder, lightning, wind, rain and hail.  No additional damage was done by it that we have heard.  Some serious cuts have been made about Klock's dam and race which will take some time to repair.  A substantial wooden flume would be less expense in the long run than the race has already been to its various owners.

...1890Sep05Fayette.IA, Prof. Hurd was distributing University circulars at Independence last week and Prof. Ruggles performed a like missionary task at Cresco Fair.
...1890, Under the influence of Pres. Bissell & Prof. Hurd, the UIU Board of Trustees set out to raise an endowment, which by 1895 reached $24k.

...1891...Prof. Henry Ebenezer Hurd, Page 597 - 1891 Portrait & Biographical Album of Fayette Co. Iowa
"PROF. HENRY EBENEZER HURD, Principal of the Business College and Professor of book-keeping and commercial law in the Upper Iowa University, is the senior professor in the above institution. He is a native of the Empire State, having been born in Herkimer County, June 25, 1843. He is of English and Scotch-Irish lineage, and has inherited the strong physical build of the former and the quick mental activity of the latter people. His grandfather, Ebenezer Hurd, emigrated from Connecticut to Herkimer County, N. Y., where the father of the Professor, Dr. A. E. Hurd, was born. The Doctor prepared himself for the medical profession first at Fairfield, N. Y., and later at Albany. In an early day he emigrated to Illinois, where he married Miss Persis Brown, a native of Massachusetts. Soon after his marriage, the Doctor returned with his young wife to his native State but in 1884 they again sought a home in Illinois, locating in Ogle County.  Prof. Hurd, who is the second of a family of seven children, six sons and a daughter, was but a year old at the time of the removal to Illinois. When seventeen years of age, we find him enrolled as a student at Wheaton College. On the 17th of May, 1864, Prof. Hurd joined the One Hundred Thirty-second Illinois Infantry, and followed the old flag until October 17, when he was honorably discharged. In December, 1864, he entered Eastman's Commercial College of Poughkeepsie, N. Y. In 1867, he came to this city and established Hurd's National Business College of the Upper Iowa University, at the head of which he has since stood. He has taken an active part in building up the University, and the finances of the institution have been under his charge. Since 1874 there have been built three large edifices.  On the 2d of February, 1871, Prof. Hurd was united in marriage with Miss Henrietta, daughter of Hon. H. S. Brunson, a sketch of whom appears elsewhere in this work. The lady was born in LaFayette County, Wis., March 24, 1845, and by their union they have one child, a daughter, Persis J. The Professor and his wife are also rearing two interesting little girls, his brother's children. He is an earnest worker in the cause of temperance and when the prohibitory amendment was before the people of Iowa, labored untiringly for its adoption."

...1891Apr10Fayette.IA,  Arrangements have been perfected whereby Clark.St, in Fayette, is to be opened from its present western terminus through the grove to what is known as Lover's Lane.  It is to be 80ft wide and it is stipulated that there shall be left standing two lines of native shade trees each side of the street.  Barns are to be set back from the street and sidewalks put down its entire length west of Main.St.  Blocks and lots are being platted and staked out, and by midsummer a fine 'boulevard' will be opened and the town in the center of another building boom that no man can stop.  We are very much pleased to note the indications of future prosperous growth for the town.  We who have waited 34yrs for its coming, are in hopes to see an advance movement all long the line.  Prof. Hurd is entitled to much of the credit due to this last movement.

...1891Sep04Fayette.IA, Prof Hurd took in the Monticello fair yesterday (advertising UIU and handing out flyers), and we think he was about the only passenger from this station to occupy those six coaches.

...1891Nov20Fayette.IA, Professor Hurd, in behalf of the University, and Judge Hoyt, representing the UIU Board of Trustees, have decided in their own minds that we have published a libelous, slanderous and perhaps infamous article in this paper concerning students and teachers.  The way they reach this fine legal decision is by taking the last paragraph of a squib without the explanatory preface.  Hereafter we shall say the least possible concerning anything that is tender footed or has corns, and when hoodlums come around, whether from holy or unholy ground, and commence to raid out premises we shall open our doors and invite them in to despoil out furniture, and bet their pardon for being slow about it.  The facts are we have smothered and suppresses ten times more than we have published.  The general verdict is that we have been very considerate under all the circumstances.  In regard to the squib referred to, we don't think any sane person took it that we meant to carry the idea that the teachers were in the list of raiders or where 'thieves and  burglars.'  Such an idea is simply preposterous.

...1891Dec04Fayette.IA, Prof. Hurd is ranging around this week advertising UIU.

...1892Jan15Fayette.IA, Prof. Hurd has had a wavering time with la grippe, although he manages to keep about most of the time.

...1892Dec20Fayette.IA, Prof. Hurd spent Xmas with his father at Stillman.Valley.IL.  The old gentleman is 84yrs, and failing of late.

...1892Dec20Fayette.IA, We have been acquainted with Prof Hurd, of the Business College of UIU ever since he came here, nearly 25yrs ago, and know that he was then a graduate of Eastman National Business College, of Poughkeepsie, NY.  We also know that he has graduated very many young men who have become successful in business.  The College is not an experimental affair but a permanency, and is not merely a theoretical school but is conducted on the actual business plan.  We do not hesitate to say that it is the best school in Northern Iowa in which to obtain a thorough business education.

 ...1893Jan13Fayette.IA, Prof. Hurd registered seven new students in his department last week.

...1893Aug17Fayette.IA, Prof. Hurd and daughter Persis went to Aurora last Sat. to advertise the UIU among the Harvest Homers (Fay.Co.IA picnic/gathering) there congregated.  We think the Professor will do the same act today among the assembled grangers at Lamont.

...1893Aug25Fayette.IA, Ms. Gertrude Hurd, of Stillman.Valley.IL, a niece of Prof. H.E. Hurd, and who attended UIU last year, has been a very sick young lady and latter part of vacation, at here IL home.  A report gained credence here last Mon, that she had died, but Prof. Hurd had no such news.  However he telegraphed to Stillman.Valley in regard to the matter and received a dispatch just in time to catch the train, that she was alive but worse.  He and his dau. Persis went on the down passenger.

...1893Sep22Fayette.IA, Prof. Hurd has unloaded another installment of commercial book covers at this office which means keeping our kettle hot for ten hours.
...1893Oct20Fayette.Ia, Prof Hurd left Fayette, for IL last Tues. evening.  He expects to be gone about a week, planning to take a look at the Fair on his way home.  Miss Persis Hurd has charge of the Commercial Dept. during the Professor's absence.

...1894Jan04Fayette.IA, UIU opened Tues. the 12th with a large attendance, many new students among the number.  The weather was cold, but the prospects fine.  Prof Hurd smiled all over his countenance.  One new student remarked "he had never been used to city life, especially in a city (Fayette) of this size."  We think the large number of new students is due to the fact that the pumpkins (corn) have all been husked.

...1894Mar22Fayette.IA, Prof. Hurd was itinerating at Lawler and other northwestern hamlets last week.

...1894May17CharlesCity, Mr. E. Anderson will leave next Mon for Strawberry Pt. to visit his parents and on Wed go to Fayette to attend the wedding of his brother Rev. C. Alderson to Miss Persis Hurd, dau of Prof. Hurd of Fayette.

...1894May17Fayette.IA.  Yesterday, May 16, 1894, at 2pm, occurred the marriage of Rev. C.E. Alderson of Topeka.KS and miss Persis Hurd, of Fayette, only daughter (and only heir) of Mrs. and Prof. H.E. Hurd of University Faculty, Rev. Solon Brunson, uncle of the bride, performing the ceremony.  Mr. Alderson was in the UIU class of '92, Miss Hurd the class of '91.  The house was literally packed and it is a commodious one, with invited guests, many of them having known the bride all her life, as well as her mother when she was a young girl.  It does not seem so very long ago when we attended the marriage ceremony of the pride's parents.  All who were present yesterday seemed to take a personal interest in the occasion, and after the ceremony congratulations and good wishes were expressed with a fervor amounting to a benediction.  Refreshments followed, when the guests imperceptibly retired to make room for the reception of the University students, the University Band appearing in an uniform of white caps and coats, looking very nobby for the occasion.  it was on of the pleasantest occasions we have witnessed for many changing moons.  We understand the newly wedded left on the 5:18 train on route for the groom's home at Topeka.KS, were Rev. Alderson is stationed.

...1894Jun28Fayette.IA, Prof. Hurd went to Kansas last week, probably to see how the newly married couple are prospering.

...1894Aug02Fayette.IA, Prof. Hurd started out Monday sowing tracts and circulars pertaining to the school in a broadcast style over Northern Iowa.

...1894Aug13Fayette.IA, Prof. Hurd came home Sat. night bringing a big grip sack and a tired looking face.  Rustling for business is said to be a weary warfare.

...1895Mar14Fayette.IA, For Rent, 200a farm at Westgate, Fay.Co.IA.  Inquire of Prof. H.E. Hurd or Judge W.A. Hoyt, at Fayette.

...1895May30Fayette.IA, Mrs. Percis Alderson is at the home of her father, Prof. Hurd.

...1895Jul18Fayette.IA, Mrs. Prof Hurd is reported as surely improving from her late severe illness.

...1895Aug29Fayette.IA, Article/Ad:  Business College first opened in 1867.  A thorough knowledge of Book-keeping and the great laws of trade was never more necessary.  for lack of this thousands fail.  Every American youth should secure a thorough business education.  A long and honorable career is the best advertisement any institution can have.  For 28yrs, the Business College of this institution (UIU) has been in successful operation, and the constantly increasing attendance attest the character of the work done.
    Advantages for acquiring a practical business education guaranteed equal to those of the best schools in the large cities, are furnished at less than half the expense.  Tuition, board and room for twelve week is $44; with books heat and lights added, $51.25.  The same for six months, $73, including books, heat and lights, $85.  We guarantee satisfaction, and help our graduates to secure lucrative situations. 
The building erected in 1887 (initially called North Hall, later Science Hall, contained men's dorm on 3rd floor, boarding service on 1st floor & the Business Dept/College on the 2nd floor) is heated throughout with two steel furnaces, and contains the offices, the bank, the merchant's emporium, the business rooms--so arranged as to be thrown into one large hall when desired--and the short hand and type-writing rooms.  The principal office is carpeted and furnished for the comfort and convenience of visitors.  Adjoining this is the stationery store room, in which is kept all the writing material used in the school.
The Business College--is a business world in itself, and resembles great counting-room in which may be seen progress all kinds of business operations.   The course is arranged with a view of developing business capacity and familiarity with all the varied principles of trade, from the simplest idea of debit and credit up to the most intricate and complex transaction.  The student is taught the various forms of Book-keeping, Commercial Arithmetic, business Correspondence, Commercial Law, Penmanship, etc.  He opens a set of books, enters the Counting-room, the Merchants' Emporium, the Bank, and becomes acquainted with all the branches of business by actual practice, learning in months what would take years by the old method.  The most modern methods of Book-keeping are used. 
    Note--Dry goods are bought and sold by sample; flour, grain, groceries, etc., are represented by printed cards.  Business papers, such as notes, drafts, certificates of deposit and of stock, contracts, etc., are the same in form as those used in actual business.  The money used in the bank is the college currency, which consists of neatly lithographed bank bills.
Short-hand and Type-writing Department.  The great business houses, manufactories, railroad, telegraph and law offices, in fact in every business where an extensive correspondence is carried on, the phonographer and type-writer is in great demand, and receives from $35-$75 per month.  The Ben Pitman system is taught, which is the best ever devised, and our aim is to make accurate and rapid writers.  The best type-writing machines are used. 
    Note--This Department is devoted exclusively to Short-hand and Type-writing instruction.  The course included a thorough knowledge of Spelling, Punctuation, Correspondence, the theory and practice of Short-hand and Type-writing.  We refer in out past record, and guarantee to each student a thorough knowledge  of the subject before the course is complete.
 Time required.  The clerk's course can be completed in three months.  The full course embracing the different kinds of Book-keeping, Banking, Actual Business Practice, Commercial Arithmetic, Law and Correspondence, Penmanship, etc., or the course in Short-hand, requires from three to six months, depending on ability, application, and advancement.
Expenses.  Board, Room-rent, and Tuition...3m, $44; 6m, $73.  Tuition for Clerk's Course, $20; Diploma Course, time unlimited, $25;  Books for Clerks' Course $3.75..full course $5.  Short-hand and Type-writing..3m, $25; 6m, $35.  Type-writing, per term, $8.
For further particulars, address..Henry E. Hurd, M.Acct., Principal of Business College, Fayette, Iowa.

...1895Sep05Fayette.IA, Rev. Chris. Alderson and wife Persis, of Topeka.KS are at the home of Prof. Hurd, probably to remain till his Conference (M.E. Church) decides where he is to be next located.

...1895Dec12Fayette.IA, Prof Hurd is on the go most of the time during the vacation.  He went to Strawberry Point on Monday.

...1896Apr02Fayette.IA, People generally were glad to see Mrs. Hurd out riding, on Monday, her first appearance (from being ill), we believe, in nearly if not quite six months.

...1896Apr16Fayette.IA, Prof. Hurd is having his commercial rooms (at UIU) rejuvenated at his own expense.

...1896May28Fayette.IA, Prof. Hurd and wife were at Greene over Sunday, returning Monday evening.

...1896Jun23Fayette.IA, There is money in a good business education.  It pays better than any other investment.  You will save money and make money by writing to H.E. Hurd, Fayette.IA, for a Business College Circular.  The Business College at Fayette offers courses in commercial training not excelled by any other shcool in the country.  Expenses very low.  Send for a Circular.

...1896Oct08Fayette.IA, Rev. C.R. Alderson, of Greene, and his wife Presis (nee Hurd, Henry's dau), were in town Sunday with the Hurd's, her parents.

...1896Oct15Fayette.IA, Dr. Bissell (UIU Pres.) and Prof. Hurd, as is their custom, attended the annual (M.E. Ch) Conference.

...1897Jul20.Fayette.IA,  Upper Iowa University (Excerpts from a recent Circular)...UIU is one of the oldest and best literary institution s in the state of Iowa.  It was founded in the 1850's and first opened its doors to admits students in Jan. 1857.  During the 41yrs of its existence it had educated nearly 10,000 young men and women and in the past five years had increased its college attendance over 400%, doubled its alumni, erected four building and added $50,000 to its endowment.  It has over 400 students annually and now ranks fourth among the colleges of Iowa as to the number of students in its College Department.  There are five buildings used for school purposes, and the institution is manned by a strong and able faculty educated in the best schools in the land.  Each teacher is a specialist in their line and has supplemented a long course of training by several years of teaching in his chosen field.
    The Material equipment of the school is excellent.  It has a library of 5,000 volumes, a good gymnasium under the control of the Christian Associations, a fine 5inch refracting telescope made by the celebrated firm of Alvin Clark and Sons, a good  museum which has been recently moved to new quarters in Science Hall and enlarged by a generous give from the National Museum at Washington, well equipped Biological, Chemical and Physical Laboratories and first class facilities in every way.
    The Academy (High School level) offers first class instruction in the Common Branches, Languages, Mathematics, Science, English, History, etc., and furnishes the best of preparation for college.  Three courses (tracts) are offered.  Students who do not desire to pursue one of the regular courses may take such work as is best suited to their needs.
    The College offers courses of advanced instruction equal to any college in the country in Greek, Latin, German, French, Mathematics, History, Political Science, Literature, Pedagogy, Ethics, Botany, Zoology, Physiology, Histology, Embryology, Geology, Physics, Chemistry, and other subjects taught in the best colleges.  It offers three courses (majors) of instructions, Classical, Scientific and Latin Scientific.  All subjects in the Sciences are pursued by the laboratory method.
    The Normal Department offers thorough courses of instruction in Common Branches, Drawing, Physiology, Physics, Political Economy, Methods of Teaching and other higher branches.  Beginning classes are organized in the common branches each term.  A regular course of four years offered which leads to a diploma.  This department gives a most thorough preparation for teaching.
 The Commercial School at UIU is the pioneer business college of Northern Iowa.  Organized by Professor Henry Hurd In 1867, it has continued year after year to send young men out into successful business pursuits all over Iowa and many adjoining states.  Instruction in this department is mainly individual.  By this method, no student is held back but each is allowed to push on and master the subject as fast as his time and talents will permit and not student is advanced so rapidly that he cannot fully grasp and master the subject.  Bookkeeping and Commercial Law, Penmanship, business Correspondence, Legal Forms, Shorthand and Typewriting are taught in the most thorough manner.  Actual Business is a leading feature.  Write Professor Hurd for a special circular.

...1897Sep09Fayette.IA,  Dr. Bissell (UIU Pres) returned from Europe.

...1897Dec09Fayette.IA, Prof. Hurd was taken ill in the Business College room Monday, during the registration of students, and was obliged to quite work.  It brought about by overwork.  He was out again the next morning however.

...1898Mar24Fayette.IA, Prof HUrd and H.S. Brunson have shingled the rectangular residence occupied by them.

...1898Apr21Fayette.IA, Prof Hurd goes this week to Stillman Valley, ILL., to be absent about a week.

...1898Jul14Fayette.IA, Prof Hurd and wife left Tuesday evening to visit the Trans-Mississippi Exposition at Omaha.  Mrs. Bissell left home the 7th for her annual summer visit with her people at South Bend, Ind.

...1898Aug18Fayette.IA, Prof Hurd returned Tues. from Stillman Valley, ILL.  Mayme and Madge Hurd have gone to Marion.IA.

...1898Aug25Fayette.IA, The Waucoma Sentinel is back in the hands of Backock & Norman Hurd, Mr. Lyons having returned to New Hampton to act as solicitor for the Tribune.

...1898Oct06Fayette.IA, Prof Hurd has been on the sick list since Monday.

...1898Oct27Fayette.IA, Prof Hurd and wife are visiting with the Warners, in Kansas City, and are expected home the last of this week.

...1898Nov24Fayette.IA, Hurd's Business College has its annual book-cover job in the form for a 1400 run with forty stop-overs.  The changes will make nearly an all day's job.   The Oelwein Journal, Walter C. Hammer, proprietor, reached our dissecting table Monday.  It is a six-column quarto and well  "executed."  It is the sixteenth weekly newspaper for Fayette county, yet Eldorado, Auburn, St. Lucas, Alpha, Growler's Gulch', Donnan, Randalia, Corn Hill, Albany, Lima, and Wadena are yet unrepresented by a newspaper, and Brainard, we omitted that.

...1898Dec02Fayette.IA, Upper Iowa University is one of the pioneer institutions of Iowa, founded in 1857 and has educated ten thousand, and the alumni roll has reached over three hundred.  The courses are fully abreast of those of the best American schools, and a nobler band of students than is now gathered in its halls never came together.  In these times many institutions find themselves in financial trouble on account of the income being insufficient to meet the current expenses.  The UIU is not an exception.  Recently the Bd. of Bishops of the M.E. Church, at the urgent request of the college presidents has made an appeal for a 20th Century Thank Offering of ten million dollars to the school of the church.  The UIU should have fifty thousand dollars added to its endowment at once.   Then the material equipments could be increased, the Faculty enlarged and the way paved for a larger endowment in the future.  Many people should remember the University in their wills or placing present funds in the hands of the Borad of custodians for investment, the interest paid to them during their lifetime and the principal revert to the University at their death.  The UIU Custodians-- Ex. Gov. Larrabee, Hon. W.E. Fuller, John Jamison, Judge W.A. Hoyt and Prof H.E. Hurd--would see that the funds were well invested and pay over to them an annual or semi-annual interest during their lifetime.  By a united effort on the part of the friends of the school it can be well endowed.

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...1899Sep14Fayette.IA, Prof and Mrs. Hurd entertained the UIU Faculty at their home last Fri. evening.

...1899Oct26Fayette.IA, Misses Mary and Madge Hurd were Maynard visitors the first of the week.

...1899Nov02Fayette.IA, Mrs. A. E. Hurd of Maynard was a guest at her b/law's Prof. Hurd's in Fayette last week.

...1899Nov11Fayette.IA, the Methodist Ladies' Aid Society gave a supper at the residence of H.E. Hurd, last evening.

...1899Nov16Fayette.IA, Herbert Monroe is clerking in the Bargain Store and studying in Hurd's Business College.

...1899Dec07Fayette.IA, Mrs. Alderson (Persis Hurd) entertained the members of the Business College Thur evening, which they made the opportunity for presenting her a find gift.

...1899Dec21Fayette.IA, Marion Danis, of Lamoni, came to Fayette with R.A. Chapman and will enter the Business College next term.  Mr. Stahl, of Rossville, has come to study in the Business College this vacation.

...1899, Dr. G.P. Benton took over as UIU President.

 ...1901Aug01Fayette.IA,  Mrs. Eliz Bailey is transferring her household effects from her old home at North Hall to the home of her dau., Mrs. Chas. Wilson.  North Hall is to undergo remodeling soon for the accommodation of the Business College.   UIU Business College and School of Shorthand, Typewriting and Penmanship in Fayette.IA.  New College halls.  Most modern equipment.  Entirely new faculty , every member a specialist of culture and practical experience.  Excellent  management, high quality of work, thorough, practical.  Students enthusiastic.  Course fascinating.  Teachers sharp, energetic, agreeable.  Terms right.  The best school in the Northwest today for reliable commercial training.  School opens Sept 16, 1901.  Drop postal card for illustrated catalogs, terms, and full information to Geo. A. Oliver, A.M., Prin.

...1901Aug09Fayette.IA, The lower floor of the Chapel building is being remodeled for the Business College.  UIU Business College and School of Shorthand, Typewriting and Penmanship, Fayette.IA.  A new departure--brimful of fresh, up-to-date ideas, enthusiasm and conquest.  We guarantee entire satisfaction.  The new faculty has hundreds of former students scattered throughout the Northwest freely attesting it.  While we aim to make business men, our highest aim is to produce men in business.  a thinker is better than a scholar.  Out climate, grounds, college halls and social relations are delightful.  Enrol for commercial training where the work is clear, enthusiastic, pleasant.  School opens Sep 16, 1901.  Gee. A. Oliver, Prin.


...1901Sep12Fayette.IA, Papering is being done in the hall proper of Science Hall.  The Business College is being equipped with new desks, tables, etc., and the books in the old library have been undergoing renovation and rearrangement by Mrs. Alderson (Persis Hurd).

...1901Oct, The Henderson Library on the UIU Campus was completed and dedicated.  Carnegie funds of $25k were utilized.

...1902Jan02Fayette.IA, Prof. Oliver went north Sat in the interests of the Business College.  That dept. began work again this week.  The Smith Premier Typewriter Co, has furnished the UIU with a supply of neat blotters, advertising the school and the business college.

...1902Feb06Fayette.IA, Dr. J.W. Bissell will lecture for the YMCA in chapel Feb 14, on "the Land of the Pharaohs." Admission 34c.

...1902Aug28Fayette.IA, UIU Business College at Fayette.  Thoroughly equips ordinary young men and women for positions of profit and influence.  Everything modern.  Best, new typewriters on the American market, six jolly teachers, speediest shorthand, happy students, beautiful penmanship, latest forms of bookkeeping, satisfied parents, library, gymnasium, athletics, nothing superior anywhere.  Write to Geo. A. Oliver for descriptive circular.

...1902, Dr. Thomas J. Bassett became UIU President.

...1903Dec03Fayette.IA, Prof Oliver's business college has had its number increased by the arrival of a dozen new students this week.   Five cases of small pox have broken out in Smithfield Twp, all of which have  been quarantined.

...1904Jun16Fayette.IA, The Business College, School of Shorthand and Typewriting graduated 45 students during the year.

...1904Jan07Fayette.IA, William Seward Hurd, brother of the late Henry Hurd came from Stillman Valley (Ogle.Co.IL) for a brief visit at the Hurd home in Fayette.  Miss Madge Hurd returned to Denison (Crawford.Co.IA) on Monday after a brief vacation at home in Fayette.  Note:  Wm. Seward is the actual father of  Madge & Mayme Hurd, who were adopted/raised by their Uncle Henry E. Hurd in Fayette.IA.  William Seward Hurd

...1904Apr07Fayette.IA, Miss Madge Hurd, preceptress at Denison Normal College, is enjoying vacation at home in Fayette.

...1904Jun16Fayette.IA, The (UIU) class of '02 held a reunion Wed night at the home of Miss Madge Hurd.

...1904Jun23Fayette.IA, Miss Madge Hurd, how has  been a teacher in the Dension Normal College the past two years, is home for vacation.  She will be a student at Northwestern University in Evanston.IL, next year.

...1904Jul07Fayette.IA, Ordinance No. 78, for a sidewalk 4ft wide of plank not less than 1 1/2in thick, laid on not less than three good stringers or made of other permanent materials subject to approval.  The walk will start at the North approach to the North bridge in Fayette and extend  along the west side of the the road, on the east side of block 4 of River Addition, continuing about 200 ft, along land owned by J.E. Graham and Mrs. Henry E. Hurd and Jane Brunson.  Note:  The Hurd/Brunson home was the second house on the west side of the road, north of the Fayette bridges.

...1904Sep15Fayette.IA, Miss Madge Hurd left last week to pursue post graduate work at Northwestern.

...1905, Dr. Wm. A. Shanklin became UIU President.

...1905Mar23Fayette.IA, G.E. Noble, a commercial student in Fayette when Prof. Hurd was in charge, is now state veterinarian of Idaho.

...1905May18Fayette.IA,  The Misses Hurd (Madge & Mayme) enjoyed a visit during the week from their brother, Wm. Hurd, and wife from Stillman Valley, IL, whe arrived the lager part of the week via Maynard.

...1905Nov23Fayette.IA, Leonard Hurd of Stillman Valley, IL, came Sat.

...1905Dec14Fayette.IA, Death of Rev. Harvey Southmit Brunson, Friday Dec 8, 1905, at age 91, Fayette's oldest resident at the time, being born May 10, 1814 in Euclid.OH.  Converted to the M.E. Church in 1840, he began preaching the gospel in 1841 and was admitted to the Rock River conference in 1842.  His first charge was the Freeport.IL circuit and his last in that conference was in Chicago in 1848.  In 1850 he entered a farm south of West Union, IA, moving there in 1851.  In 1855 he was placed as presiding elder in the Upper Iowa Conference when it formed.  He continued active work in the ministry until 1863.     He held a number of county offices and was elected State Senator in 1863, serving 2 sessions.  In 1864 he came to Fayette, buying the Fayette House Hotel, and operating it for some time.  He was a J.P., Mayor of Fayette, on the County Board of Supervisors, UIU Trustee for most of his time in Fayette and Pres of that board 12yrs.  Bet 1868-1874 was one of the directors of the Davenport & St. Paul RR, and ass't treasurer for several years.  It was largely due to his determination and enthusiasm the line not abandoned after the survey had reached Fayette, as a period of financial depression with discouragement set in, the company's finances were poor, and the president of the RR could see no way of getting the line out of Fayette.  Rev. Brunson offered to take the civil engineer and crew to find a way and to extend the survey to Cresco.  He was given authority, and accomplished his work without expense to the company, staying in the field with the crew, and finding money and supplies.  He also found time to reach every Sunday.  He was pres. of the M.E. Ch building committee in 1876.  The project of founding a M.E. College in Fayette originated in a conversation between Rev. Brunson and Mrs.(Jane) Robert Alexander at the home of James E. Robertson.  Rev. Brunson suggested Mrs. Alexander cold send her daughters to the M.E. College in Mr. Vernon.IA but she expressed a wish that such a school might be established  'here.' (In the Westfield village area as Fayette had not been platted yet).  In 1884, at the age of 70, he took up active ministry work for a year at the Albany.IA church.  During his latter years he lived quietly at his home across the river (in Fayette, the 2nd house north of the bridge, on the west side of the road; after 1999 the area is devoid of structures), and looked after the small farm connected to it.  On Sunday, May 15, 1904, five days after his 90th birthday he preached a sermon in the M.E. Church.  He married Ms. Jane McCool, Mar 6, 1845, in Freeport.IL.   They had five daughters and one son.

...1906Mar22Fayette.IA, Ms. Madge Hurd entertained a company of friends Fri. evening.

...1906May31Fayette.IA, Ms. Mayme Hurd has returned from her year's work as teacher in Manila.IA.

...1906Aug16Fayette.IA, Misses Mayme & Madge Hurd went to Maynard yesterday, whence Mayme leaves for Stillman Valley, IL, for a week's visit.

...1906Sep06Fayette.IA, Misses Mayme Hurd and Laverne Johnson went this week to Denison to teach in the Normal College there.

...1906Oct25Fayette.IA, Mrs. H.E. Hurd entertained Sat evening in honor of Mr/Mrs Warner, who departed Mon. for their home in Boulder.CO.

...1906Dec06Fayette.IA, The Misses Mayme & Madge Hurd last week visited at home in Fayette.

...1907Feb20Fayette.IA, Ms. Madge Hurd departed Fri for Norfolk.VA.  In company with Ms. Minnie Brunson she will visit the Jamestown Exposition, where Minnie is employed, but also many of the large cities of interest in the east, among them Washington and New York.  Ms. Madge recently completed her grad work at Northwestern in Evanston.IL.

...1907Jun20Fayette.IA, Ms. Mayme Hurd returned Sat from Denison.

...1907Jul25Fayette.IA, Dr. Solon C. Bronson, of Evanston.IL has been visiting with his sister Mrs. Henry (Henrietta) Hurd for a day or two.  A stag dinner party was held yesterday noon at her home in his honor.

....1907Dec12Fayette.IA, Mrs. Alderson (Persis Hurd, dau of HenryE) and Ms. Madge Hurd went to Stillman.Valley.IL on Mon, to attend the funeral on Tues of Mrs. Alderson's grandmother (this is not Henry's mother, but is Margaret V. Vandyke, the 2nd wf of his father, or step/mother), the mother of Henry E. Hurd (Henry's mother was Persis Partice Brown) the former head of the UIU Business College.  She was 93yrs old. Ms. Alderson returned immediately, but Ms. Hurd will not return until the last of the week.

...1907Dec26Fayette.IA, Ms. Mayme & Madge Hurd returned from Stillman.Valley.IL on Monday.

...1908Jun18Fayette.IA, Mrs.. Lucretia Brunson Warner of (Denver) Colorado is a quest of her sister Mrs. Henrietta Hurd.

...1908Jul02Fayette.IA, Mrs. Persis Hurd Alderson & Ms. Madge Hurd (s/sis, 1st cousin) are attending summer school in Madison.WI.  Madge will teach at Cresco.IA H.S. next year.

...1908Aug13Fayette.IA, Mrs. Alderson and Mrs. John Dorman were hostesses at the Hurd home (mother Hurd, north of bridge) when they recieved a number of acquaintances in honor of Ms. Meulah Wright.  Guests were entertained on the lawn and porch, and served refreshments.  Ms. Wright read a specimen of the good work UIU used to enjoy when she was a teacher of elocution here (clear, expressive speech with distinct pronunciation/articulation).

...1908Sep03Fayette.IA, The Cresco school began Monday with S.E. Tift as principal.  Miss Margaret Hurd teaches Latin and German.

...1909, Dr. R.W. Cooper became UIU President.

...1909Jul09Fayette.IA, Mrs. Hurd and Ms. Mayme Hurd left fora visit with Mrs. Warner at Denver.Co and other points in that state.  Aug05: Mrs. Hurd & Ms. Mayme returned.

...1909Sep09Fayette.IA, Ms. Madge Hurd has returned to Cresco to begin here second year as teacher of Latin in the high school.

...1909Oct14Fayette.IA, Mrs. H.E. Hurd is reported as improving.

...1910Apr07Fayette.IA, Misses Hurd and Frances & Florence Dorman walked down the railroad track to Strawberry.Pt last Wed, being onthe way from 1pm to 7:45pm.

...1910Apr14Fayette.IA, Supt. Nearpass of Cresco & Supt. Richter of Decorah were guests at the home of Mrs. H.E. Hurd during their say in Fayette last week.

...1910May05Fayette.IA,  Ms. Lul Hurd, teaching in Elgin, spent Sunday in Fayette.  1910Aug04Elgin.IA.  Ms. Lulu Hurd who was assistant principal last year & re-elected for next year has tendered her resignation.

...1910Sep01Fayette.IA, Misses Mayme & Madge Hurd are coming home from Lake Superioer where they have enjoyed an outing during August with relatives from Stillman Valley, IL.  They have been camping on Sand Island, one of the Apostle Islands near Bayfield.WI.

...1915Nov09Oelwein.IA,  Land Transfer:  Emma E. Bisssel (wf of UIU Pres. John W. Bissell) to Richard Otley, Lots 1,2,3, Bk 9, Fayette.IA for $3k (these are the lots directly south & across the street from the UIU President's Home).

...1916,  Dr. C.P. Colegrove became UIU President.

...1917Nov08Fayette.IA, Ms. Mame Hurd came up from DesMoines for avisit with her cousin Mrs. Chas. Maters and other relatives.   Seward Hurd of Stillman Valley, IL, has been visiting his brother Arnold Hurd in Maynard and other relatives and looking after his farm.  Note:  Seward was the father of Mayme & Madge Hurd, who were raised by Henry Hurd (Seward's brother in Fayette.IA).  Howard Hurd & wife came from Decorah to visit his parents in Maynard, Mr/Mrs Arnold Hurd (Howard would be a first cousin of Mame & Madge).

...1918Jun27Fayette.IA, Mrs. H.E. Hurd of DesMoines was the guest of friends in  Fayette, then went to West.Union.

...1919Aug19Fayette.IA,  Chas. Masters sold the Seward Hurd farm NW of Maynard.

...1920Jan20Fayette.IA, Seward Hurd of Stillman Valley, IL, visited his brother Arnold in Maynard & other relatives.

...1920Feb12Fayete.IA, For the consideration of $1 paid by W.S. (Wm. Seward) Hurd,  Mary Hurd & Mardge Hurd, Fay.Co.IA sell & quitclaim the N1/2 of SE1/4 (80a) of sec 4, T92n, R9W, Harlan.Twp.

...1920Feb26Fayette.IA, Seward Hurd (brother of Henry) of Stillman Valley, IL, is visiting and looking after his farm (North of Maynard in Harlan.Twp.  Henry Hurd invested in farms north of Maynard and encouraged his siblings to locate in the area.  Seward & Henry jointed owned farmland, also).

...1927DecFayette.IA, Science Hall (North Hall) the third building erected on the UIU Campus, burned to the ground.  Science Hall was erected by F.E. Sanders in 1887, the walls of rec brick up to the second floor, and frame construction on the third floor, with the of oak shingles of the day. The fire started on the roof, thought from sparks from the chimney.  A similar fire occurred about 1915, but did not destroy the building.  A line of students carried out most of the movables of the chemistry, physics & biology dept's,  valued at $12k.  A great amount of chemicals, lab fixtures, instruments and 33 microscopes were saved.  This was the only building with a full basement, where everything was lost to include janitor supplies, tools, stored items, 12 tons of coal.  A few weeks before the fire the college museum had been moved to one of the society halls in Henderson Library. The building was valued at $15k.  Insurance amounted to $5k, of which $500 was on equipment. Plans for a new Science Building would commence for summer 1928 construction.  The Chemistry & Physics Dept's were crowded into rooms under the Chapel.  The Zoology & Botany Dept's moved to the NW room of the 3rd story in College Hall, which was divided into two room.  The Upper Iowa M.E. Conference fixed Summer 1929, when UIU could campaign for $500k to provide for indebtedness, endowment, buildings & improvements.  A new Science Hall may await the completion of that campaign.

...1928MayFayette.IA, Ground was broken for a new UIU Science Hall, designed by architect Charles Altfillisch of Decorah.

...1933Feb, Fired destroyed the UIU Chapel.  The Chapel was never rebuild. 


.....To be continued sometime bz/2014

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