McAlavey, McAlavy, McLavey
surname & burials
Fayette County Iowa
Numerous spelling variations exist:  McAlavey, McAlavery, McAlavay, McAlary, McLavy, McLavey, McLavaery.


...Mill Grove Cemetery, lost in section 3 of Fairfield.Twp, would be located along Brush Creek surrounded by Wm. McAlavey farmland, thus became referenced also as McAlavey Cemetery.
...There are no suspected McAlavey/McLavey burials to date (Oct2013/bz) at Mill Grove. 
...Likely most of the few burials at Mill Grove were before the McAlavey family moved to the area in late 1854.  The Mill Grove neighborhood has first settlers about 1850.


Contains webpage links to various Fayette Co. surnames and history projects.
Iowaz Index Page
The photo hosting site contains material regarding history, maps, genealogy of Fayette, Co, Iowa
Iowaz Photo Hosting Site

Page chronology:   2003, surname review for Fayette.Co.IA started; 2012Sept, major review; 2013Oct05, Page initially uploaded; 2013Oct06, reloaded Mill.Grove Cem burial grid.

...Web page objectives:   share data, jump start others, make contacts, use a simple web page format.
...Do not trust as totally valid any tree/report will be my best guess at the time of working on a specific project.  Often World Connect or Ancestry trees/data were utilized as a foundation upon which to add material gleamed from obits, articles, histories, biographies, stories, burials, censuses and other data collected.


Basic descendent trees of the major surname lines in Fayette Co, Iowa.
I had to re-create trees from online, census, burial info so there will be speculations/best guesses.
These trees can be added too or corrected should anyone want to copy/paste/email info.

Descendants of Miles McAlavey
    1      MCALAVEY, Miles    b: 1700 in Ireland (Scotch/Irish)    d: 1743 in PA                    Note 1: Oct 2013 McAlavey last edited:  Barry.Zbornik Hannibal.MO    Note 2: McAlavey worked on: 2002, 2004, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013, bz.                                                                                                                                                   
..        +AYERS, Mary Jane    b: 1704 in Ireland    d: 1743 in PA                                                                                                                                                                           
.    2      MCALAVEY, William McAlvey    b: 1728 in Down.Co.Ireland    d: 21 Aug 1822 in Shavers Creek, Huntingdon.Co.PA                                                                                                                                                                           
.....        +ALLEN, Margaret    b: 1734 in Donegal.Co.Ireland            m: 16 Sep 1789 in Carlisle, Cumberland.Co.PA                                                                                                                                                                   
.....    3      MCALVAY, Allen McLavey McAlavey    b: 1793 in Huntingdon.Co.PA    d: Aft. Jun 1870 in Dwight area, Greenfield.Twp, Grundy.Co.IL                                                Note 8: 1820 Census: Barree, Jackson.Twp, Huntingdon.Co.PA.  McAlevy: Allen, wf & 2ch.    Note 9: 1830 Census: Barree, Jackson.Twp, Huntingdon.Co.PA.  McAlevy: Allen, wf & 5ch.    Note 10: 1840 Census: Barree, Jackson.Twp, Huntingdon.Co.PA.  McAlevy: Allen, wf & 9ch.    Note 11: 1850 Census: Jackson.Twp, Huntington.Co.PA.  McEllavey: Allen56 laborer, Lititia59, James30 laborer, RuthA16.        Note 13: Abt. 1855 Moved to farm adj to Kaufman's.Mill, sec 3, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA (bz/2004).                            Note 20: 1860 Census: Putnam.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.  McLavey: Allen60 farming $0/300, Lettis60, son James40 farming $400/200, son Charles26.        Note 22: Aft. 1865 Sometime after wife's death, lived life out with dau. in ILL.            Note 25: 1870 Census: Greenfield.Twp, Grundy.Co.IL.  Somerville: Alexaner37 farming, Ruth nee McLavey35, Lewis4, LizzieM2, f/law Allen McLavey76.                                                       
.........        +HUSTON, Latischa Leticia    b: 1789 in Kishacoquillas Valley, Mifflin.Co.PA    d: 15 Dec 1865 in Farm, sec 3, Fairfield Twp, Fay Co, IA.    Burial: Groat Cem, sec 32, Fairfield Twp, Fay. Co, IA    m: 1817 in PA    Father: John HUSTON    Mother: Jeannette WILLIAMS                                                                                                                                                           
.........    4      [3] MCALAVY, William McLavey McAlvey McAlavey    b: 10 Mar 1818 in Jackson.Twp, Huntingdon.Co.PA    d: 14 Sep 1892 in Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA    Burial: Groat Cem (surname McAlavy), sec 32 of Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.                    Note 2: Surname analogs; McAlvery, McAlavay, McLavy, McLavey, McLavaery, McAlary.                Note 6: Abt. Sep 1854 Hist1878; came to Fay.Co.IA, Fall of 1854 (to sec 3 farm at Mill Grove, Fairfield.Twp, bz/2004)    Note 7: 1860 Census; farming, sec 3-4, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA, adj to Jacob & R.W. Kaufman at Kaufman.Mill (Mill.Grove).    Note 8: 1860 Census: farming $800/400, sec 3, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA (Taylorville P.O.).  McClavy: Wm47, Lemina37, Allen18, WmE16, James12, Francis10, CasenD8, Alfred6, LettaA4, Chas2, b/law S.J. Coleson27.        Note 10: 1870 Census: Taylorville area, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.  Barnes: McAlary: Wm52 farming $1600/1430, Eliza nee McCleland54, Alfred17, Minnie15, Frances21; near Solon Barnes.        Note 12: 1878 Hist; farming 160a, sec 3&4, Fairfield Twp, Fay. Co, IA.                                                                                                           
.............        +COLESON, Lemina Alemina Catharine    b: Jun 1818 in Mercer.Co.PA    d: 15 Jan 1861 in Mill.Grove area, Sec 3 farm, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA    Burial: Groat Cem (surname McAlavy), sec 32 of Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.    m: 08 Jul 1842 in Mercer.Co.PA    Father: Unknown COLESON                Note 3: Given analog; Alemina.                                                                                                                                               
.............    5      [1] MCALAVEY, Allen    b: 16 Jun 1842 in Mercer.Twp, Mercer.Co.PA    d: 29 Jul 1936 in Weiser, Washington.Co.ID    Burial: Hillcreat Cem, Weiser, Washington.Co.ID.                                                    Note 10: 1870 Census: Mr.Ayr area, Benton.Twp, Ringgold.Co.IA.  McLavey:  Allen38 farming $800, wf Mary nee Harkin24WI, son CharlesA1IA, sis Lettie14IA, James58PA $800 (uncle? bz/2012).            Note 13: Bet. 1870 - 1873 Obit of Uncle James:  Allen & James moved from Fay.Co.IA to Hockinson area farm, Clark.Co.WA, bz/2012.            Note 16: 1887 Census:  Hockinson aera, Twp3, Clark.Co.WA.  McAlavy: Allen34(error44) farmer, Mary42, Charles18, Almina16, Edward7, Earl3, uncle James67 farmer.        Note 18: 1900 Census: Hockinson area, Twp3, Clark.Co.WA.  McAlavy: Allen57 farmer, MaryE54 (5ch, 3living), EdwardL19, Earl17, uncle James80.                                                                                   
.................        +HARKIN, Mary Elizabeth    b: 27 Jul 1845 in Kenosha, Kenosha.Co.WI    d: 27 Jul 1903 in Hockinson area,  Clark.Co.WA        m: 13 Nov 1866 in Fay.Co.IA    Father: William H. HARKIN    Mother: Catharine UNKNOWN                    Note 5: 1850 Census: Kenosha, Kenosha.Co.WI.  Harkin: Wm35 laborer $200, Catharine32, Wm14, Thomas9, Jane7, Mary5, James2, Catharine0.            Note 8: 1856 Census: Cass.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA. Harkins: Wm45Ire farming, Catherine40Ire, WmH20MA, Thomas15IL, Jane13WI, Mary10WI, James9WI, Catharine6WI, Ann4WI?.                Note 12: 1870 Census: Mr.Ayr area, Benton.Twp, Ringgold.Co.IA.  McLavey:  Allen38 farming $800, wf Mary nee Harkin24WI, son CharlesA1IA, sis Lettie14IA, James58PA $800 (uncle? bz/2012).                                                                                                           
.................    6      MCALAVEY, William                                                                                                                                                                                   
.................    6      MCALAVEY, Charles Martin    b: Nov 1868 in Mt.Ayr area, Benton.Twp, Ringgold.Co.IA    d: 17 Jun 1925 in Long Beach, CA                                                Note 8: 1870 Census: Mr.Ayr area, Benton.Twp, Ringgold.Co.IA.  McLavey:  Allen38 farming $800, wf Mary nee Harkin24WI, son CharlesA1IA, sis Lettie14IA, James58PA $800 (uncle? bz/2012).                                                                                                                           
.................    6      MCALAVEY, Alemmak 'Almina' 'Elena'    b: 02 Oct 1870 in Mt.Ayr area, Benton.Twp, Ringgold.Co.IA    d: 22 Oct 1893 in Heisson, Clark.Co.WA                                                                                                                                                                           
.....................        +HEISEN, Henry Rhinehardt    b: 02 Jan 1866 in McMinnville, Yamhill.Co.OR    d: 28 Apr 1942 in Clark.Co.WA        m: 24 Sep 1889 in Clark.Co.WA    Father: Alexander Rhinehardt HEISEN    Mother: Mary Elizabeth RELYEA                                                                                                                                                           
.....................    7      HEISEN, Allen Alexander    b: 03 May 1890 in Heisson, Clark.Co.WA    d: 25 Jun 1972 in Eugene, Lane.Co.OR                                                                                                                                                                           
.....................    7      HEISEN, Roy H.    b: 1892 in Heisson, Clark.Co.WA    d: 05 Jan 1894 in Heisson, Clark.Co.WA                                                                                                                                                                           
.................    6      MCALAVEY, Edward Lester    b: Jun 1880 in Hockinson area, Clark.Co.WA                                                    Note 8: 1920 Census: Lackamas.Twp, Clark.Co.WA.  Mattson: CFred34 farmer, wife Flora35, Ed.McAlvay39 farmhand, Wilhelmina Hagen29 servant.        Note 10: 1930 Census: Lackamas.Twp, Clark.Co.WA.  McAlavy:  EdwardL49 farmer single.                                                                                                                   
.................    6      MCALAVEY, Earl    b: Aug 1882 in Hockinson area, Clark.Co.WA    d: 1958                                                                                                                                                                           
.............        *2nd Wife of [1] MCALAVEY, Allen:                                                                                                                                                                                   
.................        +ZION, Sarah Ellen    b: 06 Feb 1862 in Anderson, Madison.Co.IN    d: 03 Jun 1940 in Weiser, Washington.Co.ID        m: 08 Aug 1923 in Weiser, Washington.Co.ID    Father: Benjamin ZION    Mother: Elizabeth MOON                                                                                                                                                           
.............    5      MCLAVEY, William Elliott McAlavey McAlavy    b: 08 Aug 1844 in Mercer.Twp, Mercer.Co.PA    d: 28 Jan 1918 in Wadena area?, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA    Burial: Wadena Cem (sec 1, surname McLavey), Illyria Twp, Fay. Co, IA.                                                    Note 10: 22 Feb 1862 Enlisted Co. E., 9th IA; served CoF 59th IA Vol Inf.  Musterd 1862Mar09.    Note 11: 04 Jan 1863 Promoted: 6th Cp; 5th Cp 1865Jan04; 4th Cp 1865Jan25.    Note 12: 18 Jul 1865 Mustered out at Louisville.KY, returned home to Wadena area.        Note 14: 1870 Census: Wadena, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.  McLavy: Wm25PA farm hand (miller) with David Hineman 61NY farmer $81k/13,900 (owner/operator of Wadena Mill).        Note 16: 1880 Census: Wadena area, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.  McAlavy: Wm35 farming, wf Mary19, dau Maude4.    Note 17: 1880 Census?? Mary.Wilson24 is in Center.Twp, Jewell.Co.KS with parents & sibling?? bz/2013.                    Note 22: 1900 Census: Wadena area, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.  McAlava: Wm1844Aug farming, Mary1856Jun married 20yrs 4ch, Libbie1882Aug, Melvin1884Nov, Jessie1890Mar.        Note 24: 1910 Census:  Arlington.Rd, just S of Wadena, Fay.Co.IA.  McLavey: WmE65, MaryH53, JessL21 farming & wf PhoebeL21, Wm25.                                                           
.................        +WILSON, Mary H.    b: 20 Jun 1856 in Fairbault.Co.MN    d: 09 Dec 1934 in Arlington?, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA    Burial: Wadena Cem (sec 1, surname McLavey), Illyria Twp, Fay. Co, IA.    m: 1880 in Fay.Co.IA?    Father: Crawford WILSON    Mother: Susan BOONE                        Note 6: See husb. Wm's notes for data.                                                                Note 22: 1925 Census: with dau Maud, Arlington, Fay.Co.IA.  Conner: OscarH40, Maud45, Mary McLavey67.                                                                   
.................    6      MCLAVEY, Maude McAlavey McAlavy    b: 1880 in Fay.Co.IA    d: Aft. 1925                                                Note 8: 1925 Census: Arlington, Fay.Co.IA.  Conner: OscarH40, Maud45, m/law Mary McLavey67.                                                                                                                           
.....................        +CONNER, Oscar H.    b: 1885 in Iowa                Father: Elijah CONNER    Mother: Elvera Penney FENNEY                                Note 8: 1925 Census: Arlington, Fay.Co.IA.  Conner: OscarH40, Maud45, m/law Mary McLavey67.                                                                                                                           
.................    6      MCLAVEY, Libbie McAlavey McAlavy    b: Aug 1882 in Fay.Co.IA                                                                                                                                                                               
.................    6      MCLAVEY, William Melvin McAlavey McAlavy    b: Nov 1884 in Fay.Co.IA    d: 1951 in Fay.Co.IA    Burial: Wadena Cem (sec 2, surname McLavey) Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.iA                                                                                                    Note 22: 1925 Census: Wadena, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.  McAlavey: Will40, Lillian27, Frances8, Myrtle5, Ruth3.                                                                   
.....................        +BOLEYN, Lillian Emma    b: 1898 in Iowa                Father: Joseph A. BOLEYN    Mother: Sabrina Emmeretta ORPET                                                                                                                                                           
.....................    7      MCALAVEY, Frances Leola    b: 18 May 1913 in Wadena area, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA    d: 15 Mar 1977 in Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA                                                                                                                                                                           
.........................        +DANIELS, Dale W.    b: 10 Jun 1914 in Reinbeck, Grundy.Co.IA    d: 25 Jan 1936 in Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA            Father: George Arthur DANIELS    Mother: Maud Ethel WEAN                                                                                                                                                           
.....................    7      MCALAVEY, Myrtle    b: 1920 in Wadena area, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA                                                                                                                                                                               
.....................    7      MCALAVEY, Ruth    b: 1922 in Wadena area, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA                                                                                                                                                                               
.....................    7      MCALAVEY, Cecil suspect        d: in A burial listed in Wadean.Cem, Fay.Co.IA    Burial: Sec 2 of Wadena Cem, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.                                                                                                                                                                       
.....................    7      MCALAVEY, Derryll suspect        d: in A burial listed in Wadean.Cem, Fay.Co.IA    Burial: Sec 2 of Wadena Cem, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.                                                                                                                                                                       
.................    6      MCLAVEY, Jesse Lewis McAlavey McAlavy    b: 02 Mar 1889 in Farm, sec 3, Fairfield Twp, Fay Co, IA.    d: 14 Nov 1953 in Linn.Co.OR                                                                                                                                                                           
.....................        +LOCKARD, Phoebe Evelyn    b: 13 Aug 1889 in Armstrong Grove, Emmiet.Co.IA    d: 23 Apr 1962 in Linn.Co.OR        m: 25 Dec 1909 in Wadena area, Fayette Co, IA    Father: Joseph David LOCKARD    Mother: Caroline Adie Ada CRAWFORD                                                                                                                                                           
.....................    7      MCALAVEY, Clyde L.    b: 07 Oct 1909 in Wadena area, Fayette Co, IA    d: 27 Feb 1988 in Albany, Linn.Co.OR                                                                                                                                                                           
.....................    7      MCALAVEY, Harold W.    b: 29 May 1913 in Fort Collins, Larimer Co, CO    d: 01 May 1995 in Sterling, Logaon.Co.CO                                                                                                                                                                           
.....................    7      MCLAVEY, Floyd Lavern McAlavey    b: 28 May 1917 in Colorado    d: 17 Sep 1996 in Arlington, Fay.Co.IA    Burial: Tylorville Cem, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.                                                                                                                                                                       
.........................        +UNKNOWN, Lucille M.    b: 01 Apr 1918    d: 20 Jun 1992                                                                                                                                                                           
.....................    7      MCALAVEY, Gale    b: 11 Mar 1923 in Colorado    d: 24 Dec 1985 in Tripoli, Bremer.Co.IA                                                                                                                                                                           
.........................        +PIERCE, Dorothy Virginia    b: 09 Jul 1922 in Fay.Co.IA    d: 04 Mar 2010 in Manchester, Delaware.Co.IA            Father: Russell PIERCE    Mother: Minerva LOCKARD                                                                                                                                                           
.....................    7      MCLAVEY, Darold E. McAlavey    b: 15 Jul 1929 in Colorado    d: 24 Aug 1996 in Salem, Marion.Co.OR                                                                                                                                                                           
.............    5      [2] MCLAVEY, James H. McAlavey McLavy    b: 19 Apr 1847 in Mercer.Twp, Mercer.Co.PA    d: 24 Jan 1895 in Clark.Co.WA                                                Note 8: 1870 Census: Mt.Ayr P.O. Benton.Twp, Ringgold.Co.IA.  McLavey: James23 sawmill worker $0/1k, Catherine19, Annie2.            Note 11: 1880 Census: Klickitat.Co.WA.  McLavy: James33 farming, Kate30, Anna11, Amy9, Guy4, Roy2.                                                                                                               
.................        +HARKIN, Catharine 'Kate'    b: Jun 1850 in Kenosha, Kenosha.Co.WI    d: 20 Nov 1880 in Goldendale, Klickital.Co.WA        m: 04 Jul 1867 in Fay.Co.IA    Father: William H. HARKIN    Mother: Catharine UNKNOWN                                                                                                                                                           
.................    6      MCLAVEY, Anna Elizabeth    b: Jul 1868 in Mt. Ayr, Benton.Twp, Ringgold.Co.IA    d: 06 Mar 1956 in Multnomha.Co.OR                                                                                                                                                                           
.................    6      MCLAVEY, Amy Alice    b: Jan 1871 in Mt. Ayr, Benton.Twp, Ringgold.Co.IA    d: 28 Aug 1930 in Yakima.Co.WA                                                                                                                                                                           
.................    6      MCLAVEY, Guy G.    b: 1876 in Goldendale, Klickital.Co.WA    d: 16 Jun 1943 in Yakima.Co.WA                                                                                                                                                                           
.................    6      MCLAVEY, Lue Roy    b: 26 Nov 1877 in Goldendale, Klickital.Co.WA    d: 29 Jul 1953 in Klickitat.Co.WA                                                                                                                                                                           
.............        *2nd Wife of [2] MCLAVEY, James H. McAlavey McLavy:                                                                                                                                                                                   
.................        +GIBBONS, Anna Maria    b: 18 Feb 1866 in Washougal.Co.WA    d: 27 Jul 1944 in Vancouver, Clark.Co.WA        m: 18 Mar 1887 in Clark.Co.WA                                                                                                                                                                   
.............    5      MCALAVEY, Francis    b: 1850 in Mercer.Twp, Mercer.Co.PA                                                                                                                                                                               
.............    5      MCALVAY, Casandana B. 'Cassie' McAlavey    b: 1852 in Mercer.Twp, Mercer.Co.PA    d: 01 Apr 1891 in Fay.Co.IA    Burial: West Union Cem (suname McAlavy), Fay.Co.IA                                                                                                                                                                       
.................        +UNMARRIED                                                                                                                                                                                   
.............    5      MCALAVEY, Alfred    b: 1854 in Mercer.Twp, Mercer.Co.PA                                                                                                                                                                               
.............    5      'MINNIE'MCALAVEY, Letta A. 'Lettie'    b: 1856 in Sec 3 farm, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA                                                    Note 8: 1870 Census: Mr.Ayr area, Benton.Twp, Ringgold.Co.IA.  McLavey:  Allen38 farming $800, wf Mary nee Harkin24WI, son CharlesA1IA, sis Lettie14IA, James58PA $800 (uncle? bz/2012).                                                                                                                           
.............    5      MCALAVEY, Charles E. McAlavy    b: 28 Oct 1858 in Sec 3 farm, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA    d: 1929 in Fay.Co.IA    Burial: Wadena Cem (sec 3, lot 13, surname McAlavey), Illyria Twp, Fay. Co, IA.                                Note 5: Farmed near Wadena, then ran livery in Norton Center KS & Republican.City, NE.    Note 6: After NE, ran livery at Sioux City & Wadena.IA, followed by in Clermont.IA.                                            Note 17: 1895 Census: Brush.Cr.village, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.  McAlavey: ChasE35, Minnie42, Pearl7, Cassie5.    Note 18: Abt. 1907 Ran livery in Clermont, Fay.Co.IA.    Note 19: 1910 Census: Vine.St, Clermont, Fay.Co.IA.  McAlvaey: Charles49 livery proprietor, Minnie48, Cassi19.            Note 22: 1925 Census: Clermont.Twp, Fay.Co.IA; McAlavey: ChasE66PA (mother listed Cath. Williamson), wf Minie (nee Ogle)65OH                                                                   
.................        +LUCAS, Marintha 'Minnie'    b: Abt. 1860 in OH    d: 1929 in Fayette Co, IA    Burial: Wadena Cem (sec 3, lot 13, surname McAlavey), Illyria Twp, Fay. Co, IA.    m: 1884 in Fay.Co.IA    Father: John LUCAS    Mother: Ann Hagel or OGEL                                                                                                                                                           
.................    6      MCALAVEY, Pearl McAlavy    b: 1888 in Fairfield Twp, Fayette Co, IA                                                                                                                                                                               
.................    6      MCALAVEY, Casie McAlavy    b: 1891 in Fairfield Twp, Fayette Co, IA                                                                                                                                                                               
.........        *2nd Wife of [3] MCALAVY, William McLavey McAlvey McAlavey:                                                                                                                                                                                   
.............        +MCCLELAND, Elizabeth    b: Dec 1816 in Lawrence.Co.PA    d: 16 Apr 1873 in Fay.Co.IA    Burial: Illyria Cem, lot 3, surname McAlavy, Illyria Twp, Fay. Co, IA    m: 23 Jun 1861 in Wadena area, Fayette Co, IA                                                                                                                                                                   
.........    4      MCALVAY, James    b: 16 Jan 1820 in Jackson.Twp, Huntingdon.Co.PA    d: 10 Jun 1903 in Nephew Allen's farm, Hockinson area, Clark.Co.WA                                                Note 8: Bet. 1844 - 1845 Obit: age 24, moved from PA to IL for 3yrs.        Note 10: Bet. 1848 - 1850 Obit:  aft 3yr, moved IL to Fayette.Co.IA (?possible but would have been below Mission Trail, perhaps in Putnam.Twp, bz/2012).        Note 12: 1868 Plat:  40a, NE1/4 of NW1/4, Putnam.Twp, Fay.Co.IA, 2m S of bro Wm in sec 6, 4mi SW of Brush.Creek (Arlington), bz/2012.        Note 14: Bet. 1870 - 1873 Obit: aft 23yrs in IA, moved with nephew Allen McAlvay to Clark.Co.WA, for next 30yrs.        Note 16: 1887 Census: Twp3, Clark.Co.WA.  McAlavy: Allen34(error44) farmer, Mary42, Charles18, Almina16, Edward7, Earl3, uncle James67 farmer.                                                Note 28: Cause of death: dropsey of heart, age 83y4m24d.                                           
.............        +UNMARRIED                                                                                                                                                                                   
.........    4      MCALVAY, Jane    b: 09 Jun 1822 in Jackson.Twp, Huntingdon.Co.PA    d: 13 Oct 1898 in Jackson.Twp, Huntingdon.Co.PA                                                                                                                                                                           
.............        +MAGILL, James W.    b: 08 Jul 1817 in PA    d: 26 Aug 1889 in Jackson.Twp, Huntingdon.Co.PA                                                                                                                                                                           
.........    4      MCALVAY, Margaret    b: 02 Oct 1825 in Jackson.Twp, Huntingdon.Co.PA    d: 22 Mar 1898 in Stone Valley, Huntingdon.Co.PA                                                                                                                                                                           
.............        +WILLIAMSON, Robert    b: 1820 in PA    d: 19 Nov 1897 in Jackson.Twp, Huntingdon.Co.PA                                                                                                                                                                           
.........    4      MCALVAY, Thomas Jefferson    b: 1829 in Jackson.Twp, Huntingdon.Co.PA    d: 06 Jan 1878 in Huntingdon or Center.Co.PA                                                                                                                                                                           
.............        +SPANGLER, Levina Elvina    b: 18 Jul 1830 in PA    d: 06 Oct 1865 in Rock Grove, Stephenson.Co.IL                                                                                                                                                                           
.............    5      MCALVAY, George William    b: 12 Dec 1861 in Rock Grove, Stephenson.Co.IL    d: 05 Jan 1923 in Topeka, Shawnee.Co.KS                                                                                                                                                                           
.................        +FUNK, Mary J.    b: 31 Mar 1860 in Millheim, Center.Co.PA    d: 27 Feb 1944 in Lincoln.Co.KS                                                                                                                                                                           
.........    4      MCALAVY, Charles    b: Abt. 1832 in Jackson.Twp, Huntingdon.Co.PA    d: 17 Nov 1862 in St. L., Civil War hospital.                            Note 3: 1860 Census; with bro. James on Putnam Twp farm SE of Brush Cr village, Fay. Co. IA.        Note 5: 05 Sep 1861 Enlisted, Ia Vols.    Note 6: Probably wounded, Battle of Blue Milles near Liberty, MO.                                                                                                                                   
.........    4      MCALVAY, Ruth A.    b: 12 Apr 1835 in Jackson.Twp, Huntingdon.Co.PA    d: 02 Oct 1916 in St. Marys, Pottawatomie.Co.KS                                                Note 8: 1870 Census: Greenfield.Twp, Grundy.Co.IL.  Somerville: Alexaner37 farming, Ruth nee McLavey35, Lewis4, LizzieM2, f/law Allen McLavey76.                                                                                                                           
.............        +SUMMERVILLE, Alexander Waugh    b: 01 May 1833 in Millroy, Mifflin.Co.PA    d: 01 Apr 1901 in Louisville, Pottawatomie.Co.KS                                                Note 8: 1870 Census: Greenfield.Twp, Grundy.Co.IL.  Somerville: Alexaner37 farming, Ruth nee McLavey35, Lewis4, LizzieM2, f/law Allen McLavey76.                                                                                                                           
.............    5      SUMMERVILLE, Lewis    b: 1866 in Greenfield.Twp, Grundy.Co.IL                                                                                                                                                                               
.............    5      SUMMERVILLE, Elizabeth M. 'Lizzie'    b: 1868 in Greenfield.Twp, Grundy.Co.IL                                                                                                                                                                               
.........    4      MCALVAY, Samuel    b: 1836 in Jackson.Twp, Huntingdon.Co.PA    d: 1856 in Fay.Co.IA                                                                                                                                                                           
.....    3      MCALAVEY, William    b: in Huntingdon.Co.PA                                                                                                                                                                               
.....    3      MCALAVEY, Mary    b: in Huntingdon.Co.PA                                                                                                                                                                               


McAlavey, McLavey burials
 in Fayette Co, Iowa

Surname First, Middle Maiden Spouse or Parents Birth Death/Burial Cemetery City/Twp Notes


Colored rows = info/data updated; white rows = not updated, needing data. 

McAlavey Charles E McAlavy Lucas Marintha 1860/OH-1929/Fay.Co.IA Oct 28, 1858 1929 Wadena Cem Wadena Sec 3, lot 13.  Son of Wm McAlvay 1818/PA-1892/Fairfield.Twp & 1st wf Lemina Catharine Coleson 1818/PA-1861/Mill.Grove.area.  Ch: Pearl, Casie.
McAlavey Marintha 'Minnie' Lucas McAlavey Charles E. 1858/Fairfield.Twp-1929/Fay.Co.IA 1860 1929 Wadena Cem Wadena  Sec 3, lot 13.  Dau of John Lucas ?/OH-?/? & Ann Hagel ?/OH-?/?  Ch; Pearl,  Casie.
McAlavy L     No date No date Groat Fairfield Twp Listed as McA(?) in Groat; probably McAlavy/McAlavey,  bz2009.  
McAlavy Latischa Huston McAlavy Allen 1793/PA-1870/Grundy.Co.IL 1789 15 Dec 1865 Groat Fairfield Twp Age 77yr.  Dau of  John Huston 1769/?-?/? & Jennette Williams ?/?-?/?  Ch; Wm, James, Jane, Margaret, Thomas, Charles, Ruth, Samuel 
McAlavy Lemina Catharine Coleson McAlavy Wm 1818/PA-1892/Fairfield.Twp Jun 1818 15 Jan 1861 Groat Fairfield Twp Age 42y..  Need parents, had a bro. S.J. Coleson.  Ch; Allen, WmE, JamesH, Francis, Casandana, Alfred, LettaA, CharlesE.
McAlavy William McAlavy Coleson Lemina Catharine 1818/PA-1861/Fairfield.Twp, 1st wf; 2nd wf, Eliz McCleland 1816/PA-1873/Fay.Co.IA 10 Mar 1818 14 Sep 1892 Groat Fairfield Twp Son of  Allen McLavey McAlavey 1793/PA-1870/IL & Latischa Huston 1789/PA-1865/Fairfield.Twp.   Ch with Lemina Coleson:  Allen, WmE, JamesH, Francis, Casandana, Alfred, LettaA, CharlesE.
McAlavy Elizabeth McCleland McAlavy William 1818/PA-1892/Fairfield.Twp, 2nd wf. Dec 1816 16 Apr 1873 ILLYRIA Cem ILLYRIA Twp Broken stone.  No McAlavy Ch.  Need parents.
McAlavy Casandana B. 'Cassie' McAlavy Unmarried 1852 1 Apr 1891 West Union West Union
Dau of Wm McAlvay 1818/PA-1892/Fairfield.Twp & Lemina Catharine Coleson 1818/PA-1861.



McLavey Floyd Lavern McLavey, McAlavy Unknown Luciell M. 1918/?-1992/? May 28, 1917 Sep 17, 1996 Taylorsville Fairfield Twp Son of Jesse Lewis McLavey/McAlavey 1889/Fairfield.Twp & Phoebe Evelyn Lockard 1889/Emmet.Co.IA.-1962/Linn.Co.OR.
McLavey Cecil McLavey, McAlavy McLavey suspect son of Wm Melvin No date No date Wadena Cem Wadena Sec 2. Possibly son of Wm. Melvein McLavey & Lillian Emma Boleyn, bz/2013.
McLavey Derryll McLavey, McAlavy McLavey suspect son of Wm Melvin No date No date Wadena Cem Wadena Sec 2.  Possibly son of Wm. Melvein McLavey & Lillian Emma Boleyn, bz/2013.
McLavey Mary H Wilson McLavey/McAlavy Wm E 1844/PA-1918/Wadena.area 20 Jun 1856 9 Dec 1934 Wadena Cem Wadena Sec 1.   Dau of Crawford Wilson 1835/OH-1899/Jewell.Co.KS & Susan Boone 1833/MI-1902/Jewell.Co.KS.  Ch; Maude, Libbie, WmM, Jesse Lewis.
McLavey William E McLavey, McAlavy Wilson Mary H 1856/IA-1934/Wadena.area 8 Aug 1844 28 Jan 1918 Wadena Cem Wadena Sec 1.  Co F 59th Reg Inf Vol.   Son of Wm McAlavy 1818/PA-1892/Fairfield.Twp & Lemina Catharine Coleson 1818/PA-1861/Fairfield.Twp.  Ch; Maude, Libbie, WmM, Jesse Lewis.
McLavey William Melvin McLavey, McAlavy Boelyn Lillian Emma 1898/IA-?/? Nov 1884 1951 Wadena Cem Wadena Sec 2. WWI Vet.  Son of WmE. McLavey 1844/PA-1918/Wadena.area & MaryH Wilson 1856/IA-1934/Wadena.area.  Ch:  Frances Leola, Myrtle, Ruth.

Colored rows = info/data updated; white rows = not updated, needing data.

Surname First, Middle Maiden Spouse or Parents Birth Death/Burial Cemetery City/Twp Notes



Land Entry/Transfers, Sec 3, Fairfield.Twp, Fayette.Co.IA:
1851Mar13; Kaufman, Jacob, Fairfield.Twp, entered in sec 3, SW1/4 of NW 1/4, 42a.
1851Aug01, Kaufman, Jacob, Fairfield.Twp, entered in sec 3, NW1/4 of NW1/4, 40a.
1852Sep17, Kaufman, Jacob bought from Wm. Stephenson, SW1/4 of SW1/4 of NW1/4 and No1 (Kaufman's Mill site, bz/2002)
1852Sep17, Rowley, Jessee bought from Wm. Stephenson, Fairfield.Twp, sec 3, SW1/4 of NW1/4, except No1.
1853Nov28, Kaufman, Jacob sold to Jessee Rowley, Fairfield.Twp, sec 3, NW1/4 of NW1/4.
1854Dec14, McAlavey, Wm & James bought from Jess Rowlery, Fairfield.Twp, sec 3, W1/2 of NW1/4, except No1 (Kaufman's Mill was pre-McAlavey being one of the first (1851) milling operations in the county and continued to be operated at the SW portion of the McAlavey acres but the Kaufman's until 1867 when Jacob Kaufman sold his mill operation and farm across the road to the west to Philander Rawson, bz/2002)
1856Jan08, Kaufman, Jacob sold to wf. Catharine Kaufman,  Fairfield.Twp, sec 3, SW1/4 of SW1/4 of NW1/4 also No1.
1859Apr24, Kaufman, Jacob, sold to Lyida M. Kenoyer, Fairfield.Twp, sec 3, 6a off S. side of SW1/4 of SW1/4 of NW1/4, also No1.
1860Jan18, McAlavy, James sold 80a to Wm. McAlvay, Fairfield.Twp, sec 3, W1/2 of NW1/4, except No1.
1860Jan18, McAlavy, Wm sold to James McAlavy, Fairfield.Twp, sec 3, 20a off E side of W1/2 of NW1/4.
1867Feb05, Kaufman, Jacob, sold to Philander Rawson (Assumed to be Kaufman Mill site, 'No1', which became the long standing Rawson's Mill, bz/2002)

Land Entry/Transfers, Sec 4, Fairfield.Twp, Fayette.Co.IA:
1851Mar13; Kaufman, Jacob, Fairfield.Twp, sec 4, W1/2 of NE1/4, 125a.
1852May03, Kaufman, Jacob, Fairfield.Twp, sec 4, NE1/4 of SE1/4, 40a.|
1856Jan08, Kaufman, Jacob sold to wf Catharine Kaufman, Fairfield.Twp, sec 4, NE1/4 & N1/2 except N1/2 of S1/2 of NE1/4 of SE1/4 (mill location).
1856Jan08, Kaufman, Jacob, sold to Lydia M. (Silas) Kenoyer, Fairfield.Twp, sec 4, S1/2 of S1/2 of NE1/4 of SE1/4.
1859Jan24, Kaufman, Jacob, sold to Lydia M. (Silas) Kenoyer, Fairfield.Twp, sec 4, part of NE1/4 of SE1/4.
1860Feb15, Kaufman, Jacob, sold to Antony Keller, nothing described?
1867Feb05, Kaufman, Jacob, sold to Philander Rawson, NE1/4 (Ex) and part of NE1/4 of SE1/4, no1.  (Rawson farm on west side of Wadean/Arlington road)

1878 History of Fayette Co, Iowa

McAlavy, William, farmer in sec 3 of Fairfield twp, P.O. Wadena (in Illyria twp); born in Huntingdon, Penn., March 10, 1818. Married Lamina Coleson, July 8, 1842; she was born in Mercer Co., Penn., in June, 1818; she died Jan. 5, 1861; he came to Fayette Co, Iowa in the fall of 1854, settling on his present farm; he now owns 160 acres. He married his second wife, Elizabeth McCleland, June 23, 1861; she was born in Lawrence Co., Penn., in December, 1816; their children are Ellen, William E., James Fancis, Casandana, Alfred, Lettie A. and Charles. He is a Republican.

McLavey, Wm. E., enlisted Feb. 22, 1864, 9th Iowa, Co. E.

McAlavay, Chas., enlisted Sept. 5, 1861, died Nov. 17, 1862 at St. L. (probably wounded at a battle in Missouri, such as Blue Miles near Liberty, MO, then returned to St. L. hospitals via a steamer on the Missouri River. bz/2002)

Fitch’s 1910 History of Fayette Co, Iowa, page 1210, 1211
(Note: the children listed from the marriage of William’s second wife are really those with his first wife. BZ/2003.)
Each man to his occupation, and may he have that one in which he is contented, can do his work best, and make life comfortable with the monetary rewards. The livery man has a business in some respects peculiar and adapted only to certain temperaments, but which seems to appeal to farmers, judging from the number of those who leave farming to follow this business. The livery business, like all others, has its agreeable and disagreeable sides. The livery man is necessarily more or less of a lover of horses and so the treatment which his horses receive at the hands of some of those who hire them must be disagreeable to him. Very useful he is, yet the traveling man and the young man,, who used to be his best customers, are forsaking him for the automobile garage. To succeed he must possess a knowledge of horses, a knowledge of men, and must be a good manager above all else. Evidently Mr. Charles McAlavey fills all of these requirements.

Charles E. McAlavey was born in Fayette county, Iowa, October 28, 1858, the son of William and Catharine (Coleson) McAlavey, both natives of Pennsylvania who came to Fayette county in 1855 and settled at Mill Grove, where she died in 1859, and he in October 1892, aged seventy-six. They were the parents of eight children of whom six are living. Mr. McAlavey was always a consistent Democrat. Charles E. McAlavey was brought up on the farm and educated in common schools. For some time he farmed, then engaged in the livery business, first at Norton Center, Kansas, then at Republican City, Nebraska, later at Sioux City, Iowa, then at Wadena, back in Fayette County, Iowa, and has been in Clermont, Clermont Twp., for three years. In 1884 Mr. McAlavey married Minnie Lucas a native of Ohio, daughter of John and Ann (Hagel) Lucas (John farmed in sec 10 of Illyria Twp, 3+m N of Wadena and 1+m SE of Illyria village) who came to Fayette County at an early day and here both died. His married life has been pleasant, and has been blessed by the birth of two daughters, Pearl and Cassie. Mr. McAlvey is a stanch Republican. He has won a reputation for the character of the horses and turn-outs which are kept in his stable. He is a man of many good points of character and one who is hailed as a good companion by many citizens of the county and passing travelers.

Paper Articles:
1891May07.Brush.Creek:   From Mill Grove; James Andreas is on the sick list.  Mrs. Wm. McLavey, who was so severely hurt last week by the team running away, is convalesing.
1893Jun02Fri.Brush.Creek:  From Wadena; Mrs. Wilson, Father of Mrs.
McAlavy from Independence, is visiting.  Chas. Clark from Brush Creek and Ms. Maud McAlavy, from near Wadena were married last Sunday.

1852 Census, Fairfield.Twp, Fayette.Co.IA
01. Baker, HenryH
02. Brooks, David
03. Howes, Samuel
04. Brook, John
05. Brooks, Jesse
06. Moin, John
07. Crawford, James
08. Palmer, Newton
09. Seely, Samuel
10. Fingers, D.J.
11. Sutton, Lot
12. Evans, Chas
13. Guin, R.J.F.
14. Guin, Jacob
15. German, David
16. Lonsbury, R.K.
17. Stampf, Nicohas
18. Hysham, Jacob
19. Crosby, Francis
20. Harrow, AsaS
21. Bruce, J.L.
22.Thompson, Samuel Andrew
23. Dickinson, Friend
24. Eaton, Leti
25. Avery, A.D.
26. Taylor, Silas
27. Kaufman, Jacob (Mill Grove, Kaufman's Mill)
28. Kaufman, Robert
29. Sracross, Wm.
30. Cowin (Cowan/Cowin), Nicholas
31. Stephenson, Wm
32. Rowley, Jesse
33. Gardner, Andrew
34. Gardner, ?
35. Barnes, SolonW (suspect 2 Barnes infants buried at Mill.Grove Cem, bz/2010)
36. Martin, Andrew
37. Hummel, John
38. Frost, Wm
39. Heddinger, John
40. Park, Isaac
41. Crook, John
42. Hinman, Michael
43. Fennel, Paul
44. Lumsden, Wm
45. Mitchell, JospehB
46. Light, W.F. (bro ErastusA at 'Lightville'/Lima)
47. Andrew, Horace
48. Ludlow. S.H.
49. Perkins, Calvin
50. Lowe, DavidP
51. Adams, Jermiah
52. Fussel, DavidE
53. Fish, John
54. Pack/Peck, Alan
55. Lockard, Hugh
56. Hensley, Andrew Jackson
57. Peters, R.
58. Fennel, Thomas
59. Chapel, John
60. Heller, Morris
61. Evans, Thomas
Fairfield males 162, Fairfield females 158, Total 320.

1854 Census, Fairfield.Twp, Fayette.Co.IA

Bumphry/Humphry, Major
Crosby, F.
Gardner, John
Miller, Jacob
Kaufman, Jacob  (Mill Grove, Kaufman's Mill)
?, Horace
Panghorn, Wm
Keller, Morris
Stranahan, Wm
Powers, Robert
McAverill, Lewis
Rowley, Jesse
Bailiff, Wm
Stephenson, Wm

Lonsbuerry, R.K.
Miller, John
Eaton, Levi
Eaton, Delos
Taylor, Silas
Gann, Jonas
Crawford, James
Gain/Gann?, Mrs?
Putman, N.W.
Darling, David
Darling, John
Sutton, Lott
Cary, L.
Cary, Lucius
Newton, Carl
Finney, Daniel
Finney, Josiah
Seeley, Samuel
Newton, Parmer
Wade, Daniel
Moine, John
Brooks, Walter
Brooks, David
Brooks, John
Dourson, Thomas
Hill, Jacob
Sherman Suley
Handcock, Geo
Moe, Peter
Richards, James
Fairfield Males 126, Fairfield Females 100, Total 226. Voters 38. Militia 24.

1860 Census, Kaufman Mill area, some of the families enumerated at or adj. to the mill area:
...Industry around Kaufman's Mill in 1860 included sawing lumber and using the power of the water/steam mill to operated carpentry machinery, plus craftsman as a shoemaker and blacksmith/wagonmaker.  Almost everyone has some farm and/or timber operation so merchants/craftsman may have been enumerated as farmers.

2041/1770, Miller, Giles 34NY blacksmith $1k/400, wf Maria34NY & 4ch.
2042/1771, Cooney, Jacob 44NY shoe maker $400/300, wf Louisa30NY & 5ch.
2043/1772, Jones, Fleming 35OH chair maker $100/130, wf Hariett30NY & 2ch (Flemming would relocate to operate the 'Albany Chair Factory' at Richard Earle's Albany Mill.  The family would later relocate in Fayette village as furniture makers associated with Hunt's Furniture/Undertaking on the NW corner of Water & Main, bz/2012)
2044/1773, Ward, GeoW 34NY cabinet maker $550/150, wf Rebecca33IN & 3ch.
2045/1774, Kaufman, R.W. 35PA farming $0/300, wf Barbra34PA & 5ch.
2046/1775, Kaufman, Jacob 39PA farming (mill.wright/miller, Kaufman's Mill) $2k/500, wf Cathrine40PA & 3ch.|
2047/1776, McLavy, Wm 47PA farming $800/400, wf Lemina37PA & 8ch.
2048/1777, German, David50NY farming $450/300, wf Mary37NY & 5ch.
2049/1778, Whaley, Allen33MI farming $450/350, wf Emily32NY & 3ch.








Do not trust as totally valid any tree/report data.  Often World Connect or Ancestry trees/data were utilized as a foundation upon which to add material gleamed from obits, articles, histories, biographies, stories, burials, censuses and other data collected.  My primary interest is generally the pioneer history and includes linking village and neighborhood surnames together for several of the early generations.  Family connections, locations and other data may have to be speculated in order to continue a complex series of inter-related projects.  My web pages are primarily personal study projects for note keeping, but can also jump start others.  I have a huge number of projects started and rarely return to edit/update material unless interest is rekindled.  Any web pages online are usually linked off the 'Index Page.'  Numerous projects are not put on web pages but are in draft form or in the form of photo albums on the 'Photo Hosting Site.'   I may have material for research use in storage, plus will/can upload other people's material if appropriate.




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Barry Zbornik
Hannibal, MO 


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