Fayette County Iowa,
1851+ pioneers in the Lima, Albany, Frog Hollow area in the NE corner of Westfield.Twp,
burials, descendent tree, plat maps, notes.

1851...Winslow Stearns & likely father Hamilton, bro's Charles & Sheldon followed other New Englanders to newly opened land in NE Iowa.
1851...Winslow stayed to become a primary pioneer in/near Lima, Charles settled in Elkader, Clayton.Co.IA, Hamilton & Sheldon returned to Clinton.Co.NY.
1860...Hamilton & Sheldon moved their families to join/farm the rest of their lives in the Lima, Albany, Frog Hollow area.

Overview timeline:
Before Iowa, farming in VT & NY:

1824...Hamilton Joseph Stearns (1799/VT-1879/IA, married in Charlotte, Chittenden.Co.VT, Sophronia Wheeler (1802/VT-1843NY), they had 5 children born in Charlotte.
1824...Hamilton was a farmer.
1825...son Winslow born (1825/VT-1889/Lima area; married 1853/Lima.IA, to Phebe Landon Kent (1830/VT-1915/Fayette.IA), they had 3 children.
1827...son Sheldon Wheeler born (1827/VT-1887/Lima area; married 1848/NY to Lillis Philena Stafford (1823/NY-1899/Lima. area), they had 5 children in Beekmantown.NY.
1831...son Charles Franklin born (1831/VT-1894/Elkader.IA; married 1858/IA to (Elizabeth Askew 1834/Eng-?/IA), they had 3 children in Clayton.Co.IA.
1836...son Frances & dau Mary Ellen (b/d1836, Charlotte.VT). moved from Charlotte.VT to Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY, Hamilton continued farming, would become quite successful.
1843...wife Sophronia nee Wheeler died at Beekmantown.NY.
1844...Hamilton remarried Rebecca Mix (1815/Beekmantown.NY-1902/Osceola.Co.IA), they would have 2 children at Beekmantown.NY.
1845...dau Mary Emeline 'Emma' born (1845/NY-1933/Cresco.IA; married in Iowa, James Clinton Webb 1864, 1879 Dresden Lucius Durfey)
1850...Census: Beekmantown.NY. Stearns: HamiltonJ51 farming $5k, 2nd wf Rebecca Nee Mix Stearns35, Winslow25, MaryE5, f/law James Mix64, m/law Martha Mix56; son Sheldon family farming adj.
1850...after 1850, The Hamilton Joseph Stearns, along with many New England 'neighbors,' began entering land newly opened to the 'white tide' in Fayette.Co.IA.
1853...son Jay Hamilton born (1853/NY-1921/San.Francisco; married in Iowa, Ella De'et Cornish (1855/OH-1925/Omaha), divorced or separated after 8 children in Lima area.

To Iowa:
1851...Winslow, Charles, and likely father Hamilton & possibly Sheldon, journeyed to NE Iowa. Winslow & Charles stayed, Hamilton & Sheldon would have returned to Beekmantown.NY, until 1860.
1851...Winslow entered 280a 1+mi N of Lima (part would become brother Sheldon's farm after 1860, both had farmsteads in Sec 1, Westfield.Twp.
1851...Winslow.Stearns, Daniel.Miller, Cornelius.Lacy, platted in Sec 1, Westfield.Twp, 'Volga City' (initially 'Lightville', changed to Lima, Jan1853).
1852...Winslow was Fay.Co.IA surveyor 1852-1854 & 1862-1864.
1852...Charles would stay in Clayton.Co.IA; 1852 working as teacher & printer for Elkader paper, 1853 Clerking for Elkader Mill, 1856 mercantile in Clayton village, 1861 mercantile in Elkader for remainder of life.
1854...Winslow & wife are the only Stearns enumerated in Fay.Co.IA.
1857...Lima Congregational Church organized by Rev. S.D. Helms, Winslow Stearns & wife members.
1860...Hamilton & son Sheldon move families from Clinton.Co.NY to Lima village, 1860Jun; Sep1860, move to final home farms,  Sheldon 1+mi N of LIma in Sec 1, adj to Winslow, Hamilton 2mi N of Albany in Frog Hollow, Sec 11, 2mi SW of Winslow & Sheldon.
1864...Mary Emeline (1845/NY-1933/Cresco.IA), married 1864 at Lima, James Clinton Webb (1844/NY-1926/VT), they had 2 children & divorced; Mary married 1878 at Lima, Dresden Lucius Durfey (1850/OH-1929/Cresco.IA) they had 4 children & lived at Lima, Volga City, Cresco.IA.
1874...Jay Hamilton, youngest son, married neighbor Ella De'et Cornish (1855/OH-1925/Omaha.NE), they would have 8 children on the home farm in Frog Hollow.  After losing the farm abt.1898, the family moved to farm in Osceola.Co.IA for 6+yr.  Jay left for CA in 1905 to find work; the family stayed separated.
1879...Winslow was carpenter/foreman, starting the building of the Lima.IA Church.
1879...Father Hamilton dies on his home farm in Sec 11, Frog Hollow.
1887...Sheldon dies on home farm in Sec 1, 1+mi N of LIma.
1889...Winslow died on his home farm in Sec's 1&12, Westfield.Twp. His wife remained on the home farm until 1898, when she moved into Fayette.IA, with dau. Aurelia. 
1900...the area in the NE corner of Westfield.Twp, N of Lima/Albany, and in Frog Hollow, plus Fayette village & Fay.Co.IA, remained the location of numerous 2nd/3rd generation Stearns & collateral surname families.

Overview maps give a visual of the migration locations in NE Iowa

Descendant Tree for Hamilton Joseph Stearns x 1st wf Sophronia Wheeler & 6 children, x 2nd wf Rebecca Mix & 2 chidlren.
(expanded tree follows burial table)

1 [1] STEARNS, Hamilton Joseph b: 29 Jan 1799 in Monkton, Addison.Co.VT d: 03 Apr 1879 in Frog Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Sec 11, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Burial: Lima Cem, sec 2; sec 13, Westfield Twp, Fay. Co, IA. Note 6: 07 Apr 1824 Living at Charlotte, Chittenden.Co.VT at time of marriage. Note 8: 1830 Census: Cannot find, assuming still at Charlotte, Chittenden.Co.VT until late 1830's, before moving to Clinton.Co.NY in 1836. Note 9: 1836 Moved family from Charlotte, Chittenden.Co.VT to Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY. Note 10: 1840 Census: Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY. Jos Hamilton Stearns family of 5; 1m/5-9y, 1m/10-14y, 1m/15-19y, 1m/40-49y, 1f/30-39y. Note 13: 1850 Census: Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY. Stearns: HamiltonJ51 farming $5k, 2nd wf Rebecca Nee Mix Stearns35, Winslow25, MaryE5, f/law James Mix64, m/law Martha Mix56; son Sheldon family farming adj. Note 15: 1851 Fay.Co.IA.1878Hist: Winslow Stearns & father (Hamilton) came from VT to farm in NE corner of Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Only Winslow entered land 1851. Hamilton would have returned to his NY farm until after 1860, bz/2011. Note 16: 1860 Census: Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY. Stearns: H.G.61 farming $5k/2k, Rebecca45, MaryE15, JayH7, Brett Aldridge19 farmhand. Note 17: Abt. Jun 1860 Hamilton & son Shledon moved families from NY to Lima.IA 1860Jun; 1860Sept, moved to home farms, Sheldon near Winslow in Sec 1, N of Lima, Hamilton to Sec 11 in Frog Hollow; Winslow located to Lima 1851, son Charles located 1851/52 to Clayton.Co.IA. Note 18: Abt. Sep 1860 Hamilaton, with 2nd wf Rebecca, dau Mary, son Jay (would take over home farm), located on his final farm in Frog Hollow, 1.7mi N of Albany in Sec 11 of Westfield.Twp; sons Winslow & Shelden were 2mi to the ExNE. Note 19: 1868 Fay.Co.IA.1868Plat: H.J. Stearns, 140a in NW1/4 of Sec 11 (farmstead 1.7mi N of Albany or 2mi NW of Lima, in very NE corner of Sec 11, overlooking Frog Hollow valley to the west), Westfield.Twp; sons Winslow & Sheldon 1.5mi ExNE. Note 21: 1870 Census: Frog Hollow farm, 1.7mi N of Albany in Sec 11, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Sterns/Stearns: Hamilton71 farming $4k/865, 2nd wf Rebecca53NY, Jay17NY. Note 23: 1879 Fay.Co.IA.1879Plat: Same as 1868 plat, plus 50a along Volga River between Albany & Lima in mid 1/2 of E1/4, Sec 14, Westfield.Twp. Note 26: Sep 1888 Fayette.IA.Paper: J.Stearns (son on the home farm) house N. of Albany burned to ground.

.. +WHEELER, Sophronia b: 10 Mar 1802 in VT d: 19 Oct 1843 in Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY Burial: East Beekmantown Cem, Clinton.Co.NY m: 07 Apr 1824 in Charlotte, Chittenden.Co.VT

2 STEARNS, Winslow b: 08 Dec 1825 in Charlotte, Chittenden.Co.VT d: 08 Jan 1889 in Farmstead 1.5mi N of Lima, Sec 1, Westfield Twp, Fay. Co, IA Burial: Grandview Cem, Aec A, Lot 159, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. Note 2: 1850 Census: Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY. Stearns: HamiltonJ51 farming $5k, 2nd wf Rebecca Nee Mix Stearns35, Winslow25, MaryE5, f/law James Mix64, m/law Martha Mix56; son Sheldon family farming adj. Note 3: May 1851 Winslow.Stearns, Daniel.Miller, Cornelius.Lacy, platted 'Volga City' (initially 'Lightville', changed to Lima, Jan1853), Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA; DanielH Miller & Cornelius Lacy, proprietors; surveyor ErastusA.Light, filed 1851Oct, recorded 1853May. Note 4: Jun 1851 Land.Entry $1.25/a: Winslow Stearns, Sec 12, at $1.25/a, 40a in SE1/4 of NW1/4 & 80a in SW1/2 of NE1/4. Note 5: 30 Sep 1851 Land.Entry, Fay.Co.IA, Westfield.Twp, Winslow Stearns: Sec 1, LW for 40a in SE1/4 of SW1/4 (home farmstead); also Sec 12, 80a in N1/2 of NE1/4 & 40a in NE1/4 of NW1/4. Note 7: 1852 Fay.Co.IA County Surveyor: Winslow Stearns, 1852-1854, 1862-1864; Co.Trustee1868. Note 8: 1854 Census: Sec 1 farmstead 1.5mi N of Lima, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Winslow Stearns, family of 2 (only Stearns enumerated in Fay.Co.IA, bz/2011). Note 9: 23 Jun 1854 Land.Entry $1.25/a: Winslow Stearns, 80a, W1/2 of SW1/4, Sec 1, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 10: 1856 Census: Sec 1 farmstead 1.5mi N of Lima, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Sterns/Stearns: Winslow31VT farming, PhebeL26, OrvilleW2. Note 11: 1857 Congregational Chruch organized at Lima by Rev.S.D. Helms, Winslow Stearns & wife, members. Note 12: 1860 Census: 1.5mi N of Lima in Sec 1, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: Winslow35 farming $3k/1k, Phoeaba29, OrvilW5, Aurelia1; Oran Briggs15WI farmhand, Edny/Edna Briggs12WI. Note 13: Abt. Jun 1860 Hamilton & son Shledon moved families from NY to Lima.IA 1860Jun; 1860Sept, moved to home farms, Sheldon near Winslow in Sec 1, N of Lima, Hamilton to Sec 11 in Frog Hollow; Winslow located to Lima 1851, son Charles located 1851/52 to Clayton.Co.IA. Note 15: 1868 Fay.Co.IA.1868Plat: W.Stearns farmstead on S midline/W side of road, 1.5+mi N of Lima, of Sec 1, Westfield.Twp. Note 16: 1868 Fay.Co.IA.1868Plat: Westfield.Twp, 160a S1/4 Sec 01, & adj to the south 90a N1/8 of E3/4 of Sec 12. Note 18: 1870 Census: 1.5mi N of Lima in Sec 1 of Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: Winslow46 farming $5720/1125, Phoebe40, Orville15, Orilla11. Note 20: 1878 Fay.Co.IA.1878.Hist: Farming 202a, Sec 1, Westfield.Twp, in Frog Hollow, 2mi N of Lima. Note 21: 1879 Fay.Co.IA.1879Plat: Same as 1868 plat. Winslow was carpenter/foreman of the crew building the Lima Church from timbers/lumber hauled up from the Henry Mill at Lima. Note 22: 1880 Census: 1.5mi N of Lima in Sec 1 ofWestfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: Winslow55VT farming, PhoebeL50VT, AureliaS21IA, EugeniaP9IA. Note 23: 1880 Ag.Census: 100a tilled, 50a pasture, 50a woods, 4horses, 4cows, 8other, 250#butter, 30lambs, 90sheep sold, 25hogs, 40poultry, 50doz eggs, 25a corn/2k bu, 8a oats/250bu, 6a wheat/30bu, 1/2a potato/40bu, 2a apples/100bu, 500# honey, 30#wax, 40cords wood. Note 24: 1885 Census: 1.5mi N of Lima in Sec 1 of Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: Winslow60VT, PhebeS54VT, AureliaS25IA, Eugenia244IA; bro. Sheldon adj. Note 25: Oct 1887 Fayette.IA.Paper: W.Stearns finishing new residence. Note 29: Early members of Lima.IA Congregational Ch. Note 31: Age at death, 64y1m2d.

.... +KENT, Phebe Landon b: 24 Mar 1830 in South.Hero.Twp, Grand.Isle.Co.VT d: 25 Dec 1915 in State.St, Fayette, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Burial: 28 Dec 1915 Grandview Cem, sec A, lot 159, Fayette village, Fay. Co, IA m: 28 Apr 1853 in Lima Ch, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Father: Hellemach Annatje 'Helmer' KENT Mother: Samantha FLETCHER Note 7: 1853 Obit summary: Came to Lima, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA, married Winslow Stearns & moved to 40a farmstead 1.5mi N of Lima. Note 9: 1857 Winslow/Phebe Stearns involved in establishing Lima Congregational Church. Note 15: 1885 Census: 1.5mi N of Lima in Sec 1 of Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: Winslow60VT, PhebeS54VT, AureliaS25IA, Eugenia244IA; bro. Sheldon adj. Note 16: 1895 Census: Sec 1, 1.5mi N of Lima, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: PhoebeL64 nee Kent widow, AureliaS35, EugenieP24. Note 17: Bet. 08 Jan 1889 - Mar 1898 Husb. Winslow died, Phebe remained on farm until buying Reed home & moving into Fayette with dau Aurelia, 1898Mar. Note 18: Apr 1898 Land: PhebeL.Sterns bought all of the west side of block 7, S.H.Robertson Add. in Fayette, directory off NE corner of UIU campus. Note 22: 1900 Census: State.St, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: PhebeS70 widow, dau AureliaS41. Note 27: 1910 Census: State.St, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: PheobeL80 widow own income, dau AurelisS50 own income. Note 28: Age at death, 85y8m29d.

2 STEARNS, Sheldon Wheeler b: 03 Jan 1827 in Charlotte, Chittenden.Co.VT d: 02 Apr 1887 in Farm 2.5mi N of Lima, Sec 1, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Burial: Lima Cem, sec 2, lot 33; sec 13, Westfield Twp, Fay. Co, IA. Note 5: 1936 Moved with parents from Charlotte, Chittenden.Co.VT to Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY. Note 10: 1850 Census: Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY. Stearns: SW24 (Sheldon Wheeler) farming, Philena27, CharlesH9m. Note 11: 1850 Census: Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY. Stearns: HamiltonJ51 farming $5k, 2nd wf Rebecca Nee Mix Stearns35, Winslow25, MaryE5, f/law James Mix64, m/law Martha Mix56; son Sheldon family farming adj. Note 13: 1860 Census: Lewis, Essex.Co.NY. Stearns: S.W.33 farming $800/200, Philena36, ChasH11, Newton9, IdaC7, Lilla1, Bertha3m. Note 14: Bet. Jun - Sep 1860 Hamilton & son Shledon moved families from NY to Lima.IA 1860Jun; 1860Sept, moved to home farms, Sheldon near Winslow in Sec 1, N of Lima, Hamilton to Sec 11 in Frog Hollow; Winslow located to Lima 1851, son Charles located 1851/52 to Clayton.Co.IA. Note 15: 1868 Fay.Co.IA.1868Plat: S.W.Stearns, 80a 2mi N of Lima (1/2mi N of bro. Winslow), N1/2 of SE1/4, farmstead in NW area of the 80a. Note 16: 1870 Census: 2mi N of Lima, Sec 1, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: Sheldon45 farming $2k/750, Lettie47, Chas21 farming, Newon19 farmhand, Ida16, Sillas12, Bertty9; near bro. Winslow. Note 18: 1878 Farming & Twp. Assessor, farming 2mi N of Lima, Sec 1, Westfield Twp, Fay. Co, IA. Note 19: 1879 Fay.Co.IA.1868Plat: Same as 1868 Plat; father Hamilton farmstead 2mi SE on E side of the Frog Hollow valley, 1.8mi N of Albany in the NE corner of Sec 11 Westfield.Twp. Note 20: 1880 Census: 2mi N of Lima, Sec 1, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: SheldonW53VT farming, LilliaP55NY, LillisE21NY, BerthaK19NY. Note 21: 1880 Ag.Census: 55a tilled, 25a wood/grass, 2horses, 4cows, 6other, 3lambs, 40#fleece, 33hogs, 50poultry, 200doz eggs, 14a corn/800bu, 3a oats/90bu, 6a wheat/40bu, 1/4a sorgum/25gal, 1/2a pototo/40bu, 1.5a apples/50bu, 20cords wood. Note 22: 1885 Census: 2mi N of Lima, NW1/4 of SE1/4, Sec 01, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: SheldonW57VT, LillieP40NY, BerthaH24IA; bro Winslow adj.

.... +STAFFORD, Lillis Philena b: 06 Aug 1823 in Cllinton.Co.NY d: 06 Feb 1899 in Farm 2.5mi N of Lima, Sec 1, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Burial: Lima Cem, sec 2, lot 33; sec 13, Westfield Twp, Fay. Co, IA. m: Abt. 1848 in Plattsubrg, Clinton.Co.NY Note 14: 1895 Census: Sec 1 home farm, 2mi N of Lima, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Philena Stearns71 widow, with s/law & dau, Frank & Bertha nee Stearns Helms.

2 STEARNS, Charles Franklin b: 09 Dec 1831 in Charlotte, Chittenden.Co.VT d: 13 Dec 1894 in Elkader, Boardman.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA Burial: Possilby, Clayton Cem, Clayton.Co.IA (Charles Stearns burial with no dates, bz/2016). Note 6: 1846 Bio: Apprenticed as printer in Burlington, Chittenden.Co.VT, self supporting at age 14. Note 7: 1849 Went of Farmingham, Middlesex.Co.MA, clerked in general mercantile. Note 8: 1850 Returned to Clinton.Co.NY, taught school. Note 11: Abt. Mar 1852 Bio: Came from NY to IA with brother (likely 1851 with Winslow, who would settled Fay.Co.IA) (age20), worked a year for Clayton Herald, Elkader, Clayton.Co.IA, taught school. Note 12: Abt. Mar 1853 Started clerking for Elkader Mill Co, Clayton.Co.IA. Note 14: 1857 Went into mercantile business at Clayton City, Clayton.Co.IA. Note 15: 1860 Census: Clayton City, Clayton.Co.IA. Sterns/Stearns: Charles27 merchant $1600/1k, Elizabeth24Eng, Charles1IA, Mary Ashew60Eng (assume m/law, bz/2015). Note 16: Abt. Jun 1860 Hamilton & son Shledon moved families from NY to Lima.IA 1860Jun; 1860Sept, moved to home farms, Sheldon near Winslow in Sec 1, N of Lima, Hamilton to Sec 11 in Frog Hollow; Winslow located to Lima 1851, son Charles located 1851/52 to Clayton.Co.IA. Note 18: 1861 Went into mercantile business at Elkader, Clayton.Co.IA. Note 22: 1870 Census: Elkader, Boardman.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA. Sterns/Stearns: CharlesF38VT variety merchant $2200/3300, Elisabeth33Eng, ElmoreC10IA, DelossH7IA, Jane Bokes17Eng house keeper, CharlesH Stearns20NY clerking. Note 25: 1880 Census: Elkader, Boardman.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA. Stearns: CharlesF47 dry goods merchant, Elizabeth44, ElmoreC20, DelosH17, FredR9, LillieL Cass19WI servant, f/law John Askew79Eng.

.... +ASKEW, Elizabeth b: Jan 1834 in England d: in Clayton.Co.IA? m: 1858 in Clayton.Co.IA Father: John ASKEW Mother: Mary UNKNOWN

2 STEARNS, Myron Powell b: 01 Jan 1836 in Charlotte, Chittenden.Co.VT d: Jan 1836 in Charlotte, Chittenden.Co.VT

2 STEARNS, Mary Ellen b: 01 Jan 1836 in Charlotte, Chittenden.Co.VT d: Jan 1836 in Charlotte, Chittenden.Co.VT

*2nd Wife of [1] STEARNS, Hamilton Joseph:

.. +MIX, Rebecca b: 29 Jan 1815 in Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY d: 22 Sep 1903 in Harris area, Fairview.Twp, Osceola.Co.IA Burial: Fairview Cem, Ocheyedan, Osceola.Co.IA. m: 31 Jan 1844 in Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY Father: James MIX Mother: Martha WINTER Note 6: 1880 Census: Sec 11, on father's Frog.Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: JayH27NY farming, EllaD25OH, ElmerG3, EdwardE1, mother Rebecca65NY nee Mix. Note 8: 1885 Census: Sec 11, on father's Frog.Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: Jay32NY farming, EllaD30OH, GuyE7, EdwardE5, JosephF3, HarryN1, mother Rebecca69Ny widow. Note 10: 1895 Census: Frog.Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Sec 11, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: JayH41 farming, EllaD39, GuyE17, EdwardE15, JosephF13, HarryN11, ArthurJ.D.9, MattieP5, mother Rebecca79 nee Mix widow. Note 14: 1900 Census: Harris area, Fairview.Twp, Osceola.Co.IA. Stearns: JH47(Jay) farming, wf ED45(Ella), EE21(Edward), HN17(Harry), AJD15(Arthur), MP10(Mattie), EE5(Earnest), mother Rebecca nee Mix Stearns85. Note 16: 1910 Census: Harris area, Fairview.Twp, Osceola.Co.IA. Stearns: JH47(Jay) farming, wf ED45(Ella), EE21(Edward), HN17(Henry), AJD15(Arthur), MP10(Mattie), EE5(Earnest), mother Rebecca nee Mix Stearns85.

2 [2] STEARNS, Mary Emeline 'Emma' b: 09 Feb 1845 in Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY d: 23 Sep 1933 in Cresco, Howard.Co.IA Burial: Oak Lawn Cem, Cresco, Howard.Co.IA. Note 5: 1850 Census: Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY. Stearns: HamiltonJ51 farming $5k, 2nd wf Rebecca Nee Mix Stearns35, Winslow25, MaryE5, f/law James Mix64, m/law Martha Mix56; son Sheldon family farming adj. Note 7: 1860 Census: Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY. Stearns: H.G.61 farming $5k/2k, Rebecca45, MaryE15, JayH7, Brett Aldridge19 farmhand. Note 8: Abt. Jun 1860 Hamilton & son Shledon moved families from NY to farms near Winslow, N of Lima/Albany in NW Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA; son Winslow located to Lima 1851/1852, son Charles located abt 1852 to Clayton.Co.IA. Note 12: 1870 Census: Albany area (close to Earle's Mill/Nefzger's Store), Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Webb: James26NY farming $1k/300, Emma25NY nee Stearns, Anna3IA. Note 13: Bef. 1877 Divorced from James Webb; remarried to Dresden Durfey 1878. Note 14: 1880 Census: Lima area, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Durfey: DresdenL36 farming, MaryE35 nee Stearns Webb, JosephF Durfey1m, s/dau Phoebe Webb8. Note 15: 1885 Census: Lima, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Durfey: DresdenL34 laborer, MaryC39 nee Stearns Webb, Anna Webb18, Pheba Webb13, Frederick Durfey5, Charles Durfey3. Note 17: 1895 Census: Volga City, Clayton.Co.IA. Durfey: Dresden44OH, Mary nee Stearns50NY Webb, Phoebe23 nee Webb, Fred14, Charley12, Herbert10, Henry6. Note 18: 1900 Census: Volga.City, Sperry.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA. Durfey: DresdenL59 day laborer, EmmaM55, CharlesD18 laborer, HerbertP15, HenryJ13. Note 22: 1910 Census: Davies.St, Cresco Vernon.Springs.Twp, Howard.Co.IA. Durfey: DresdenM.O.60 retired, MaryC65 Note 24: 1920 Census: 427 4th.Ave.SE, Cresco, Howard.Co.IA. Durfey69 retired, MaryE74, g/son's Oliver Durfey11IA, Albert8IA. Note 26: 1930 Census: 427 4th.Ave.SE, Cresco, Howard.Co.IA. Durfey: MaryE85 widow, son HenryI43, g/son AlbertP18.

.... +WEBB, James Clinton b: 06 Jun 1844 in Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY d: 20 Nov 1926 in Montpelier, Washinigton.Co.VT m: 28 Sep 1864 in Lima Ch, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Father: Thomas WEBB Mother: Phoebe MCCRADY Note 11: 1870 Census: Albany area (close to Earle's Mill/Nefzger's Store), Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Webb: James26NY farming $1k/300, Emma25NY nee Stearns, Anna3IA.

*2nd Husband of [2] STEARNS, Mary Emeline 'Emma':

.... +DURFEY, Dresden Lucius M. b: 16 Mar 1850 in Washington.Twp, Wood.Co.OH d: 07 Jul 1929 in Cresco, Howard.Co.IA Burial: Oak Lawn Cem, Cresco, Howard.Co.IA. m: 07 Apr 1878 in Lima, Westfield Twp, Fayette Co, IA. Father: Phineas Hopkins DURFEY Mother: Clarissa A. OWEN Note 8: Lived Volga City, Clayton Co, Iowa. Note 12: 1880 Census: Lima, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Durfey: DresdenL36 farming, MaryE35 nee Stearns Webb, JosephF Durfey1m, s/dau Phoebe Webb8. Note 13: 1885 Census: Lima, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Durfey: DresdenL34 laborer, MaryC39 nee Stearns Webb, Anna Webb18, Pheba Webb13, Frederick Durfey5, Charles Durfey3. Note 17: 1895 Census: Volga City, Clayton.Co.IA. Durfey: Dresden44OH, Mary nee Stearns50NY Webb, Phoebe23 nee Webb, Fred14, Charley12, Herbert10, Henry6. Note 20: 1900 Census: Volga.City, Sperry.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA. Durfey: DresdenL59 day laborer, EmmaM55, CharlesD18 laborer, HerbertP15, HenryJ13. Note 22: 1910 Census: Davies.St, Cresco Vernon.Springs.Twp, Howard.Co.IA. Durfey: DresdenM.O.60 retired, MaryC65 Note 24: 1920 Census: 427 4th.Ave.SE, Cresco, Howard.Co.IA. Durfey69 retired, MaryE74, g/son's Oliver Durfey11IA, Albert8IA.

2 STEARNS, Jay Hamilton b: 12 Jan 1853 in Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY d: 20 May 1921 in South San Francisco, San.Mateo.Co.CA Burial: Assumed in Mateo.Co.CA, bz/2016. Note 6: Abt. Jun 1860 Hamilton & son Shledon moved families from NY to farms near Winslow, N of Lima/Albany in NW Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA; son Winslow located to Lima 1851/1852, son Charles located abt 1852 to Clayton.Co.IA. Note 8: 1880 Census: Sec 11, on father's Frog.Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: JayH27NY farming, EllaD25OH, ElmerG3, EdwardE1, mother Rebecca65NY nee Mix. Note 10: 1885 Census: Sec 11, on father's Frog.Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: Jay32NY farming, EllaD30OH, GuyE7, EdwardE5, JosephF3, HarryN1, mother Rebecca69Ny widow. Note 12: 1895 Census: Sec 11, Frog.Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: JayH41 farming, EllaD39, GuyE17, EdwardE15, JosephF13, HarryN11, ArthurJ.D.9, MattieP5, mother Rebecca79 nee Mix widow. Note 15: Bet. 1897 - 1898 Lost farm in NE Westield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA & moved to Harris area, Fairview.Twp, Osceloa.Co.IA for 6yrs. Note 17: 1900 Census: Harris area, Fairview.Twp, Osceola.Co.IA. Stearns: JH47(Jay) farming, wf ED45(Ella), EE21(Edward), HN17(Harry), AJD15(Arthur), MP10(Mattie), EE5(Earnest), mother Rebecca nee Mix Stearns85. Note 18: Abt. 1905 Jay left Osceola.Co.IA to find work in CA, never returned, family stayed separted (NancyS/2016). Note 20: 1910 Census: Boarding house in San.Mateo.Co.CA. JayH Stearns1853NY cement worker, listed married. Note 22: 1920 Census: Hotel on San.Burno.Rd, South San Francisco, San.Mateo.Co.CA. Jay.H Stearns67NY ship yard laborer, listed single.

.... +CORNISH, Ella De'et b: 05 Mar 1855 in Farmer area, Defiance.Co.OH d: 16 Jul 1925 in Dau Mattie's home, Omaha, Douglas.Co.NE Burial: Lima Cem, sec 2, lot 32; sec 13, Westfield Twp, Fay. Co, IA. m: 19 Apr 1874 in West Union, Fayette Co, IA Father: Daniel Needham CORNISH Mother: Amy Ann RICE Note 4: Abt. 1860 Moved with parents from Definace.Co.OH to farm N of Lima in NE Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 6: 1880 Census: Sec 11, on father's Frog.Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: JayH27NY farming, EllaD25OH, ElmerG3, EdwardE1, mother Rebecca65NY nee Mix. Note 7: 1885 Census: Sec 11, on father's Frog.Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: Jay32NY farming, EllaD30OH, GuyE7, EdwardE5, JosephF3, HarryN1, mother Rebecca69Ny widow. Note 8: 1895 Census: Frog.Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Sec 11, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: JayH41 farming, EllaD39, GuyE17, EdwardE15, JosephF13, HarryN11, ArthurJ.D.9, MattieP5, mother Rebecca79 nee Mix widow. Note 9: 1900 Census: Harris area, Fairview.Twp, Osceola.Co.IA. Stearns: JH47(Jay) farming, wf ED45(Ella), EE21(Edward), HN17(Harry), AJD15(Arthur), MP10(Mattie), EE5(Earnest), mother Rebecca nee Mix Stearns85. Note 15: Abt. 1905 Husb. Jay left Osceola.Co.IA for CA to find work, family stayed separated (NancyS/2016). Note 19: 1910 Census: West.Union, Union.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: EllaE54OH, dau Mattie19IA. Note 22: 1912 Living on S.side of Linden.Ave, West.Union.IA, home/barn/acre.


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Iowaz Index Page
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Page Chronology:  2016Feb10, page initially uploaded.

...Web page objectives:   share data, jump start others, make contacts, use a simple web page format.
Do not trust any tree/report data as totally valid.   Use the data to jump start your own research....the information will the best guess at the time of working on a specific project.  Often World Connect or Ancestry trees/data were utilized as a foundation upon which to add material gleamed from obits, articles, histories, biographies, stories, burials, censuses and other data collected. 

Stearns burials
 in Fayette Co, Iowa

Surname First, Middle Maiden Spouse or Parents Birth Death/Burial Cemetery City/Twp Notes


Colored rows = info/data updated; white rows = not updated, needing data. 

Stearns Joseph Francis Stearns Thorp Lydia Mary 1879/Sec2, Westfield.Twp-1967/West.Union, IA. 30 Apr 1881 27 Mar 1960 Grandview Fayette Sec H, Lot 65, S end, burial #2540.  Son of Jay Hamilton Stearns 1853/Clinton.Co.NY-1921/San.Francisco.CA & Ella Cornish 1855/Defiance.Co.OH-1925/Omaha.NE. Ch: Alfred.Arthur1905, Frances.Marian1907, Doris 'Mattie'1909, Winnifred 'Winnie'1912.
Stearns Lydia Mary Thorp Stearns Joseph Francis 1881/Sec11. Westfield.Twp-1960/Sumner.IA hosp; res of Fayette.. Jan 16, 1879 Nov 23, 1967 Grandview Fayette Sec H, Lot 65,2nd from S, burial #2716.  Dau of Alfred John 'Ben' Thorp 1833/Chautauqua.Co.NY-1887/Sec2, Westfield.Twp & Bashemath Smith 1836/Middlesex.Co.Eng-1933/Fayette.IA.  Ch: Alfred.Arthur1905, Frances.Marian1907, Doris 'Mattie'1909, Winnifred 'Winnie'1912.
Stearns Phebe Landon Kent Stearns Winslow 1825/Chittenden.Co.VT-1889/Sec1, Westfield.Twp Mar 24, 1830 25 Dec 1915 Grandview Fayette Sec A, Lot 159 (owner F.D. Paine), S side, burial #1177,  Age,85y9m1d in book; age on marker 85y8m29d (death date correct, bz/2016).  Dau of Hellemach Annatje 'Helmer' Kent 1786/Morris.Co.NJ-1858/Grand.Isle.Co.VT & Samantha Fletcher 1794/Grand.Isle.Co.VT-1861/Grand.Isle.VT.  Ch:  Orville.Wheeler1854, Aurelia.Samantha1859, Eugenia.Phebe1870.
Stearns Winslow Stearns Kent Phebe Landon 1830/Grand.Isle.Co.VT-1915/Fayette.IA. Dec 8, 1825 8 Jan 1889 Grandview (likely at Lima) Fayette Sec A, Lot 159 (NOTE: Inscription (less weathered/newer) on marker with wife Phebe's, but Winslow is NOT listed in the original Grandview burial book, thus assume he was buried at Lima, bz/2016). Age,64y1m2d & death 1889Jan8 on marker.  Son of Hamilton Joseph Stearns 1799/Addison.Co.VT-1879/Sec11, Westfield.Twp & Sophronia Wheeler 1802/VT-1843/Clinton.Co.NY. Winslow was early 1851 pioneer of Lima area;  entered land 1.7mi N of LIma & involved in platting Lima in 1851, starting the Lima Cong. Ch in 1857 & overseeing 1878 ch. construction. Ch:  Orville.Wheeler1854, Aurelia.Samantha1859, Eugenia.Phebe1870.
Stearns Alfred Arthur Stearns Baker Thelma Mae 1909/Oelwein.IA-1997/Fayette.IA Jul 10, 1905 Mar 9, 1962 Lima Cem Lima Sec 3.  Son of Joseph Francis Stearns 1881/Sec11, Westfield.Twp-1960/Sumner.IA hosp; Fayette.IA res. & Lydia Mary Thorp 1879/Sec2, Westfield.Twp-1967/West.Union.IA.  Ch:  MilfordL1929, LaurelJ1930, Charles.Joseph1932, John1934, Kaye1936, Mavis1838, Alle.Lee1940, Janis.Ann1944, Edward1947.
Stearns Edward Eugene Stearns Irwin Josephine 'Maud' 1866/Mahaska.Co.IA-1950/Inyo.Co.CA (last of 4 husb's). 3 Apr 1879 12 Nov 1940 Lima Cem Lima Sec 2. Died at Mojave, Kern.Co.CA. Son of Jay Hamilton Stearns 1853/Clinton.Co.NY-1921/S.SanFrancisco.CA & Ella Cornish 1855/Defiance.Co.OH-1925/Omaha.NE.  No Children.
Stearns Ella  De-ett Cornish Stearns Jay Hamilton 1853/Clinton.Co.NY-1920/San.Francisco.CA (divorced or separted aft 1900). 5 Mar 1855 16 Jul 1925 Lima Cem Lima Sec 2, Lot 32.  Age 70y.  Born Defiance.Co.OH, died Omaha.NE.  Dau of Daniel Needham Cornish 1819/Franklin.Co.NY-1904/Union.Twp & Amy Ann Rice 1833/NY-1869/Frog.Hollow.  Ch:  Elmer.Guy1877, Eddward.Eugene1879, Joseph.Frances 'Joe' 1881, Harry.Nathan1883, Arthur.Daniel 'Jay' 1885, Benjam.Franklin1887, Mattie.Philena1889, Earnest.Emmet1895.
Stearns Elmer Guy Stearns Durfey Arley Irene 1884/Lima.IA-1976/Fay.Co.IA.  (2nd of 4 husb's) 5 May 1877 18 May 1941 Lima Cem Lima Sec 3.  Son of Jay Hamilton Stearns 1853/Clinton.Co.NY-1921/S.SanFranciso.Co.CA & Ella Cornish 1855/Defiance.Co.OH-1925/Omaha.NE.  No children.
Stearns Hamilton Joseph Stearns Wheeler Sophronia 1802/?VT-1843/NY, 1st wf(abt1825); 2nd wf(1844) Rebecca Mix 1815/Clinton.Co.NY-1903/Osceloa.Co.IA 22 Jan 1799 3 Apr 1879 Lima Cem Lima Sec 2.  Died Sec 11 farm, Westfield.Twp. Son of John Stearns 1750/Hillsboro.Co.NH-1823/Addison.Co.VT & Sarah Hamlin1760/Plymouth.Co.MA-1850/Addison.Co.NY.  Ch with Sophronia Wheeler:  Winslow1825, Sheldon Wheeler1827, Charles Franklin1831, Myron.Powell1836, Mary.Ellen1836.  Ch with Rebecca Mix;  Mary Emeline1845, Jay Hamilton1853,
Stearns Harry Nathan Stearns Stearns son of Jay Hamilton 15 Jan 1883 2 Mar 1935 Lima Cem Lima Sec 2.   Son of Jay Hamilton Stearns 1853/Clinton.Co.NY-1921/S.SanFrancisco.Co.CA & Ella Cornish 1855/Defiance.Co.OH-1925/Omaha/NE.  Assumed unmarried, bz/2016.
Stearns Lillis Philena Stafford Stearns Sheldon Wheeler 1827/Chittenden.Co.VT-1887/Sec1, Westfield.Twp 6 Aug 1823 6 Feb 1899 Lima Cem Lima Sec 2, Lot 33.  Need parents.  Ch:  Henry.Charles1849, Newton.Wheeler1859, Ida.Aurelia1854, LillisE1858, BerthaK1860.
Stearns Sheldon Wheeler Stearns Stafford Lillis Philena 1823/Clinton.Co.NY-1899/Sec1, Westfield.Twp 3 Jan 1827 2 Apr 1887 Lima Cem Lima Sec 2, Lot 33.  Son of Hamilton Joseph Stearns 1799/Addison.Co.VT-1879/Lima.area & Sophronia Wheeler 1802/VT-1843/Clinton.Co.NY.  Ch: Henry.Charles1849, Newton.Wheeler1859, Ida.Aurelia1854, LillisE1858, BerthaK1860.
Stearns Thelma Mae Baker Stearns Alfred Arthur 1905/Sec11, Westfield.Twp-1962/Sumner.IA hops; res of Fayette. Apr 15, 1909 May 23, 1997 Lima Cem Lima Sec 3.  Dau of Charles Myron Baker 1886/Fay.Co.IA-1930/Fay.Co.IA & Jenny Irene Welsh 1888/Fairfield.Twp-1968/Waterloo.IA.  Ch:  MilfordL1929, LaurelJ1930, Charles.Joseph1932, John1934, Kaye1936, Mavis1838, Alle.Lee1940, Janis.Ann1944, Edward1947.


Basic descendent tree of the major surname line in Fayette Co, Iowa.
Some collateral surname trees may be available as the Stearns line married in many pioneer lines in Fayette.Co.IA.
Trees were created from online, census, burial info/data and other data so there will be speculations/best guesses.
Trees can be added too or corrected should anyone want to copy/paste/email info.
Do not take any material/dates as absolute fact.  Use the data to jump start your own research.

Descendants of Issac Stearns

1 STEARNS, Issac b: 25 Feb 1601/02 in Nayland Parish, Suffolk.Co.England d: 19 Jun 1671 in Watertown, Middlesex.Co.MA Note 1: Feb 2016 Stearns last edited: Barry.Zbornik, Hannibal.MO, iowaz AT Note 6: 1630 Came on ship 'Arabella,' setting in Watertown, Middlesex.Co.MA, near Mt.Auburn.MA.

.... +BARKER, Mary Miram b: 01 Jan 1603/04 in Nayland, Suffolk.Co.England d: 23 Apr 1677 in Watertown, Middlesex.Co.MA

2 STEARNS, Isaac b: 06 Jan 1632/33 in Watertown, Middlesex.Co.MA d: 29 Aug 1676 in Watertown, Middlesex.Co.MA

...... +BEERS, Sarah b: 05 Dec 1639 in Watertown, Middlesex.Co.MA d: 24 Jan 1723/24 in Concord, Middlesex.Co.MA m: Abt. 1660 in Middlesex.Co.MA Father: Richard BEERS Mother: Elizabeth FURMAN

... 3 STEARNS, Ebenezer b: in Middlesex.Co.MA

... 3 STEARNS, Sarah b: 14 Jan 1661/62 in Cambridge, Middlesex.Co.MA d: 19 Dec 1727 in Concord, Middlesex.Co.MA

... 3 STEARNS, Mary b: 08 Oct 1663 in Watertown, Middlesex.Co.MA d: 24 Feb 1732/33 in Lexington, Middlesex.Co.MA

... 3 STEARNS, Isaac b: 26 Aug 1665 in Watertown, Middlesex.Co.MA d: 22 May 1741 in Stoughton, Norfolk.Co.MA

......... +STONE, Elizabeth b: 09 Oct 1670 in Watertown, Middlesex.Co.MA d: 1741 in Stoughton, Norfolk.Co.MA

..... 4 STEARNS, Simon b: 19 Oct 1697 in Cambridge, Middlesex.Co.MA d: 1767 in Stoughton, Norfolk.Co.MA

........... +HIXON, Margaret b: 1703 in Stoughton, Norfolk.Co.MA

........ 5 STEARNS, Simon b: 19 Nov 1733 in Stoughton, Norfolk.Co.MA d: 01 Feb 1816 in Stoughton, Norfolk.Co.MA

.............. +JOHNSTON, Mary b: 18 Jul 1738 in Bridgewater, Plymouth.Co.MA d: 1819 in Stoughton, Norfolk.Co.MA

........... 6 STEARNS, Betheul b: 04 Jul 1789 in Stoughton, Norfolk.Co.MA d: 07 Apr 1834 in Stoughton, Norfolk.Co.MA

................. +BUTTERFIELD, Sarah b: 29 Nov 1782 in Wilton, Hillsbough.Co.NH d: 21 Nov 1861

............. 7 STEARNS, Lewis Ellison b: 06 Aug 1807 in Wilton, Franklin.Co.ME d: 28 Jun 1889 in Rockford, Winnegago.Co.IL Note 11: 1860 Census: Guilford, Winnebago.Co.IA. Stearns: LewisE52 farming $500/400, HannahG39, Ambrose17, Clarinda19, LenardA14ME, TheronC5IL, David Reed40NH Note 16: 1880 Census: Alpha, Eden.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: Theron25 physician, Mary22, Louis2, Edward Bretner21Eng clerking in drug store, father Louis Stearns72 retired, mother Hannah Stearns63.

................... +WALKER, Hannah Gleason b: 01 Dec 1820 in Freedom, Waldo.Co.ME d: 02 Jan 1881 in Rockford, Winnegago.Co.IL m: 27 Aug 1835 in Wilton, Franklin.Co.ME

................ 8 STEARNS, Arabella b: 12 Aug 1836 in Waldo.Co.ME

................ 8 STEARNS, Brucilla b: 03 Mar 1839 in Waldo.Co.ME

................ 8 STEARNS, Clarinda 'Clara' b: 03 May 1841 in Thorndike, Waldo.Co.ME d: 28 Nov 1918 in Rockford, Winnegago.Co.IL

................ 8 STEARNS, Ambrose b: 04 Apr 1843 in Bowerbank, Piscataquis.Co.ME d: 07 Dec 1918 in Bryon, Ogle.Co.IL

................ 8 STEARNS, Leonard Aires b: 05 Jun 1845 in Bowerbank, Piscataquis.Co.ME d: 01 Dec 1917 in Kansas City, Jackson.Co.MO Note 11: Abt. 1878 Moved from WI to doctor in Fredericksburg, Chickasaw.Co.IA. Note 13: 1882 Moved to doctor in Nashua, Chickasaw.Co.IA. M/law Eliz.Faulkner bought/moved drug stock of Pitts & Padden for him. Note 16: Abt. 1885 Left NE Iowa for good.

...................... +FAULKNER, Melinda b: Mar 1853 in Rockford, Winnebago.Co.IL d: 16 Jun 1907 in Rockford, Winnebago.Co.IL m: 04 Jul 1877 in Beloit, Rock.Co.WI Father: George FAULKNER Mother: Elizabeth COLETHROP

.................. 9 STEARNS, Leon Glenn 'Lee' b: 17 Jul 1880 in Fredericksburg, Chichasaw.Co.IA d: 11 Mar 1931 in Chicago, Cook.Co.IL

.................. 9 STEARNS, Genevieve 'Jennie' b: 17 Mar 1884 in Fredericksburg, Chichasaw.Co.IA d: 08 Feb 1977 in Kansas City, Jackson.Co.MO

.................. 9 STEARNS, Baby Boy b: Abt. 1878 in WI d: Abt. 1878 in WI (at birth).

................ 8 STEARNS, Lewis b: 1848 in Bowerbank, Piscataquis.Co.ME

................ 8 STEARNS, Theron Clark 'Frank' b: 14 Nov 1854 in Chicago, Cook.Co.IL d: 20 Aug 1923 in Jersey City, Hudson.Co.NJ Note 8: 1860 Census: Guilford, Winnebago.Co.IA. Stearns: LewisE52 farming $500/400, HannahG39, Ambrose17, Clarinda19, LenardA14ME, TheronC5IL, David Reed40NH Note 14: 1876 Graduated: Northwestern U. Medical Sch, Chicago Medial College. Note 16: 1880 Census: Alpha, Eden.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: Theron25 physician, Mary22, Louis2, Edward Bretner21Eng clerking in drug store, father Louis Stearns72 retired, mother Hannah Stearns63. Note 20: 1910 Census: Bayview.Ave, Jersey City, Hudson.Co.NY. T.C. Sterns/Stearns56 widower analytical chemist, boarder with R.B. Ardts75 family. Note 24: 05 Dec 1912 Allopath Physician in Jersey.City.NJ.

...................... +BALDWIN, Mary L. b: 1857 in CT d: Bef. 1910 m: 14 Sep 1876 in Cook.Co.IL

.................. 9 STEARNS, Louis b: 1878 in Cook.Co.IL

.................. 9 STEARNS, Eva Caroline b: Jul 1881 in Alpha, Eden.Twp, Fay.Co.IA

............. 7 STEARNS, Fourteen More

........... 6 STEARNS, Several More

........ 5 STEARNS, Eight More

... 3 STEARNS, Samuel b: 11 Jan 1666/67 in Concord, Middlesex.Co.MA d: 19 Nov 1721 in Lexington, Middlesex.Co.MA

......... +WAITE, Pheobe b: 26 Jul 1676 in Watertown, Middlesex.Co.MA d: Aft. 1750 in Littleton, Middlesex.Co.MA Father: Thomas WAITE Mother: Sarah CUTLER

..... 4 STEARNS, Samuel b: 07 Mar 1701/02 in Lexington, Middlesex.Co.MA d: 1787 in Hollis, Hillsboro.Co.NH

........... +ROBBINS, Keziah b: 02 Oct 1705 in Groton, Middlesex.Co.MA d: in Monkton, Addison.Co.VT Father: Ebenezer ROBBINS Mother: Margaret BARRETT

........ 5 STEARNS, Ebenezer b: 25 Dec 1744 in Hollis, Hillsboro.Co.NH d: 1816 in Monkton, Addison.Co.VT Note 6: During Rev. War, devoted to Colonial cause, captured by Tories. Was a 5th generation in America.

.............. +AMES, Rachel b: 25 Dec 1744 in Hollis, Hillsboro.Co.NH d: 06 Apr 1841 in Monkton, Addison.Co.VT m: 29 Jun 1773 in Hollis, Hillsboro.Co.NH

........... 6 STEARNS, Ebenezer b: 1775 in Monkton, Addison.Co.VT d: in IL

........... 6 STEARNS, John b: 26 Apr 1778 in Monkton, Addison.Co.VT d: 18 May 1870 in Phoenix, Jackson.Co.OR Burial: Stearns Cem, Talent, Jackson.Co.OR. Note 8: Bef. 1821 Clergyman in Monkton, Addison.Co.VT. Note 9: Abt. 1821 Moved from Monkton to Pankton, Addison.Co.VT. Note 12: Babt. Clergyman. Note 14: 1850 Census: Howard.Twp, Winnebago.Co.IL. Stearns: DavidA42 farming $2k, Fidelia29, OscarL9, OleneA7, MewellD6, Arminda3, father John72 Bapt.Minister, mother Asenath65; Campbell families near. Note 17: 09 Oct 1853 Moved from Howard.Twp, Winnebago.Co.IL to Jackson.Co.OR with dau Valina Williams family. Note 22: 1860 Census: Jacksonville P.O., Manzaneta.Precint, Jackson.Co.OR. Williams: Issachar37 farming $3k/1k, Valina nee Stearns37, A.W.15, Asenath14, H.O.9, WmF6, ChasS4, MaryE1m, f/law John Stearns82VT Bapt. Clergyman, Myron Field30 farmhand.

................. +CAMPBELL, Amanda Asenath b: 10 Oct 1785 in South Hero, Grand.Isle.Co.VT d: 09 Jun 1852 in Durand, Winnegago.Co.IL Burial: Howard Union Cem, Davis.Twp, Winnebago.Co.IL. m: 22 Jul 1804 in Addison.Co.VT Father: David CAMPBELL Mother: Debroah EASTMAN

............. 7 STEARNS, Harry Franklin b: 18 Oct 1805 in Monkton, Addison.Co.VT

............. 7 STEARNS, David Ebenezer b: 11 Feb 1808 in Monkton, Addison.Co.VT d: 31 Aug 1886 in Jackson.Co.OR Burial: Stearns Cem, Talent, Jackson.Co.OR. Note 5: 1821 Moved from Monkton to Pankton, Addison.Co.VT, with parents. Note 8: 1850 Census: Howard.Twp, Winnebago.Co.IL. Stearns: DavidA42 farming $2k, Fidelia29, OscarL9, OleneA7, MewellD6, Arminda3, father John72 Bapt.Minister, mother Asenath65; Campbell families near.

................... +CANON, Fidelia Sophia b: 30 Sep 1820 in Twinsburg, Summit.Co.OH d: 08 Feb 1869 in Jackson.Co.OR Burial: Stearns cem, Talent, Jackson.Co.OR. Father: George Washington CANON Mother: Bathsheba WHITE

................ 8 STEARNS, Oscar L. b: 1841 in Howard.Twp, Winnebago.Co.IL

................ 8 STEARNS, Olene A. b: 1843 in Howard.Twp, Winnebago.Co.IL

................ 8 STEARNS, Newell D. b: 1844 in Howard.Twp, Winnebago.Co.IL

................ 8 STEARNS, Arminda b: 1847 in Howard.Twp, Winnebago.Co.IL

............. 7 [1] STEARNS, Orrin Orlando b: 27 Feb 1810 in Monkton, Addison.Co.VT d: 20 Oct 1885 in Lodi, Columbia.Co.OR Burial: Mt.Pleasant Cem, Lodi, Columbia.Co.WI Note 11: Babt. Minister like father John. Note 15: 1821 Moved from Monkton to Pankton, Addison.Co.VT, with parents. Note 16: Bet. 1830 - 1831 Moved from Planton.VT to Newton, near Boston.MA, started prepartory course; returned to Monkton for studies. Note 17: 1832 Entered VT University for half yr; entered Brown U. at Providence.RI. Note 18: 1837 Graduated from Brown U., ordanted Pastor of Bapt.Ch at Sturbridge, Worchester.Co.MA. Note 19: Bet. 1840 - 1842 Became Principal of Hancock Literary & Sci. Instituion in Hancock.NH. Resigned 1842, failing health. Note 20: Bet. 1843 - 1854 Principal of Rockingham Academy, Hampton.Falls.NH for yr; then to Deerfield.NH > Milford.NH > Manchester.NH > Thomaston.ME for 3ry. Note 22: Bet. 1854 - 1858 Moved from the east to Racine, Racine.Co.WI, 1854-1858; > Winona.MN 1858-1861; > farm in Vienna.Twp, Dane.Co.WI 1862-1864. Note 24: Aft. 1864 Became Pastor of Lodi Baptist Ch, Columbia.Co.OR, for rest of life.

................... +VALENTINE, Nancy C. 'Ann' b: 1810 in Cambridge, Middlesex.Co.MA d: 28 Mar 1849 in Manchester, Hillsborough.Co.NH m: Bef. 1845

................ 8 STEARNS, Five Sons

............. *2nd Wife of [1] STEARNS, Orrin Orlando:

................... +ASHMAN, Anna b: in NY m: Aft. 1850

............. 7 [2] STEARNS, Myron Newell b: 01 Jan 1812 in Monkton, Addison.Co.VT d: 29 Dec 1868 in Santa Clara, Santa.Clara.Co.CA Note 11: Babt. Minister like father John.

................... +UNKNOWN, Dorcas b: 1822 d: in Jackson.Co.OR Burial: Stearns Cem, Talent, Jackson.Co.OR.

............. *2nd Wife of [2] STEARNS, Myron Newell:

................... +MEAD, Carolina Sophia d: 29 Dec 1844 m: Bef. 1840

............. 7 STEARNS, Samuel Eastman b: 22 Mar 1814 in Monkton, Addison.Co.VT d: 12 Dec 1890 in Almeria, Hamilton.Co.OH

................... +WHITAKER, Susan Terry b: 30 May 1826 in Batvia, Clemront.Co.OH d: 23 Aug 1913 in Portland, Multnomah.Co.OR

............. 7 STEARNS, Annie Maria b: 05 Feb 1816 in Monkton, Addison.Co.VT d: 28 Jun 1850 in Pendleton, Hamilton.Co.OH

................... +JORDAN, Robert Keating b: 15 Jan 1814 in South thomaston, Knox.Co.ME d: 28 Nov 1883 in San Francisco, San.Franciso.Co.CA

............. 7 STEARNS, Avry Perry b: 25 Sep 1818 in West haven, Rutland.Co.VT d: 13 Oct 1857 in Jackson.Co.OR Burial: Stearns Cem, Talent, Jackson.Co.OR.

............. 7 STEARNS, William Orson b: 13 Nov 1820 in Monkton, Addison.Co.VT d: 05 May 1900 in Springfield, Lane.Co.OR Burial: Laurel Grove Cem, Springfield, Lane.Co.OR. Note 5: 1850 Census: Lysander, Percatonica.Twp, Winnebago.Co.IL. Stearns: Wm.O29 carpenter $300, MariaA24, LewisC2, NewmanO0. Note 7: 1856 Census: Auburn, Auburn.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: W.O.35VT carpenter, Maria30VT, N.O.6IL. Note 9: 1860 Census: Auburn, Auburn.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Sterns/Stearns: Wm40VT, Maria35VT, Newman11IL, Emma2IA. Note 11: 1870 Census: ?? Note 13: 1880 Census: Willington.St, Waterloo, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA. Stearns: WilliamO59VT farmer, MariaA54VT.

................... +CAMPBELL, Maria A. d: 22 Mar 1884 Burial: Howard Union Cem, Davis.Twp, Winnebago.Co.IL. m: 25 Dec 1845 in Winnebago.Co.IL Father: Newman CAMPBELL Mother: Laura JEWEL

................ 8 STEARNS, Lewis C. b: 1848 in Lysander, Percatonica.Twp, Winnebago.Co.IL d: Bef. 1856 in Winnebago.Co.IL or Fay.Co.IA

................ 8 STEARNS, Newman Orson b: 15 Oct 1849 in Lysander, Percatonica.Twp, Winnebago.Co.IL d: 15 Apr 1866 in Fay.Co.IA or Winnebago.Co.IL Burial: Howard Union Cem, Davis.Twp, Winnebago.Co.IL. Note 11: Age at death, 16y6m.

................ 8 STEARNS, Emma C. b: 04 Jul 1857 in Auburn, Auburn.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 21 Sep 1865 in Fay.Co.IA or Winnebago.Co.IL Burial: Howard Union Cem, Davis.Twp, Winnebago.Co.IL. Note 11: Age at death, 8y2m17d.

............. 7 STEARNS, Valina Asenath b: 12 Jan 1823 in Monkton, Addison.Co.VT d: 21 Jan 1911 in Eugene, Lane.Co.OR Burial: Laurel Grove Cem, Springfield, Lane.Co.OR. Note 10: 09 Oct 1853 Moved to Oregon with husb. Note 11: 23 Mar 1854 Settled a 'Donation Land Claim' with husb. in Jackson.Co.OR. Note 15: 1860 Census: Jacksonville P.O., Manzaneta.Precint, Jackson.Co.OR. Williams: Issachar37 farming $3k/1k, Valina nee Stearns37, A.W.15, Asenath14, H.O.9, WmF6, ChasS4, MaryE1m, f/law John Stearns82VT Bapt. Clergyman, Myron Field30 farmhand.

................... +WILLIAMS, Iaacher b: 13 Dec 1823 in Belmont.Co.OH d: 11 Dec 1901 in Springfield, Lane.Co.OR Burial: Laurel Grove Cem, Springfield, Lane.Co.OR. m: 11 Jun 1850 in Cinncinnati.OH

................ 8 WILLIAMS, Seven Children b: in OR

............. 7 STEARNS, Louisa Melissa b: 02 Jul 1825 in Monkton, Addison.Co.VT

................... +BUTTON, Charles

............. 7 STEARNS, Charlotte Emily b: 01 May 1827 in Monkton, Addison.Co.VT d: 07 Aug 1912 in Springfield, Lane.Co.OR Note 11: 1889 Divorced from Bynon Pengra.

................... +PENGRA, Bynon Johns b: 14 Feb 1823 in Darien, Genesee.Co.NY d: 18 Sep 1903 in Coburg, Lane.Co.OR m: 10 May 1849 in Winnebago.Co>IL

................ 8 PENGRA, Seven Children

............. 7 STEARNS, Harriet Jane b: 07 Apr 1829 in Elizabethtown, Essex.Co.NY d: 30 Jun 1830 in Elizabethtown, Essex.Co.NY

........... 6 STEARNS, Stephen b: 1780 in Monkton, Addison.Co.VT

........... 6 STEARNS, Nathan b: 1788 in Monkton, Addison.Co.VT

........ 5 STEARNS, John b: 15 Oct 1750 in Hollis, Hillsboro.Co.NH d: 01 Jul 1823 in Monkton, Addison.Co.VT

.............. +HAMLIN, Sarah b: 20 Sep 1760 in East Bridgewater, Plymouth.Co.MA d: Jan 1850 in Monkton, Addison.Co.VT m: Bet. Jan 1781 - Mar 1782 in Cummington, Hampshire.Co.MA Father: Isaac HAMLIN Mother: Sarah SHAW

........... 6 STEARNS, Polly b: 1782 in Monkton, Addison.Co.VT d: 1783 in Monkton, Addison.Co.VT

........... 6 STEARNS, Sarah b: 13 Jul 1784 in Monkton, Addison.Co.VT d: 01 Jan 1827 in Monkton, Addison.Co.VT

........... 6 [3] STEARNS, Calvin b: 02 Aug 1786 in Monkton, Addison.Co.VT

................. +COGSWELL, Hannah

........... *2nd Wife of [3] STEARNS, Calvin:

................. +CARLTON, Margaret b: 23 Sep 1803

........... 6 STEARNS, Luther b: 13 Jul 1788 in Monkton, Addison.Co.VT

................. +AMES, Hannah

........... 6 STEARNS, Bateman b: 02 May 1790 in Monkton, Addison.Co.VT d: 12 Sep 1863 in Hinesburg, Chittenden.Co.VT Burial: Hinesburg Cem, Chittenden.Co.VT.

................. +BENEDICT, Anna b: 1792 d: 1861

............. 7 STEARNS, Alanson Bendict b: Abt. 1815 in Hinesburg, Chittenden.Co.VT d: 1821 in VT

............. 7 STEARNS, Celinda A. b: 07 May 1821 in Hinesburg, Chittenden.Co.VT d: 05 Sep 1866 in Hinesburg, Chittenden.Co.VT

........... 6 STEARNS, Susannah b: 02 Feb 1793 in Monkton, Addison.Co.VT d: 20 Jan 1861 in Monkton, Addison.Co.VT Burial: North Ferrisburgh Cem, Addison.Co.VT.

................. +PARCH, Warren b: 03 Jul 1787 in Danbury, Fairfield.Twp,CT d: 02 Mar 1870 in Hiawatha, Brown.Co.KS

........... 6 STEARNS, Samuel T. b: 10 Mar 1795 in Monkton, Addison.Co.VT d: 12 Oct 1856 in Jackson.Twp, Jackson.Co.MI

........... 6 STEARNS, Parsons b: 1797 in Monkton, Addison.Co.VT

........... 6 [4] STEARNS, Hamilton Joseph b: 29 Jan 1799 in Monkton, Addison.Co.VT d: 03 Apr 1879 in Frog Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Sec 11, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Burial: Lima Cem, sec 2; sec 13, Westfield Twp, Fay. Co, IA. Note 6: 07 Apr 1824 Living at Charlotte, Chittenden.Co.VT at time of marriage. Note 8: 1830 Census: Cannot find, assuming still at Charlotte, Chittenden.Co.VT until late 1830's, before moving to Clinton.Co.NY in 1836. Note 9: 1836 Moved family from Charlotte, Chittenden.Co.VT to Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY. Note 10: 1840 Census: Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY. Jos Hamilton Stearns family of 5; 1m/5-9y, 1m/10-14y, 1m/15-19y, 1m/40-49y, 1f/30-39y. Note 13: 1850 Census: Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY. Stearns: HamiltonJ51 farming $5k, 2nd wf Rebecca Nee Mix Stearns35, Winslow25, MaryE5, f/law James Mix64, m/law Martha Mix56; son Sheldon family farming adj. Note 15: 1851 Fay.Co.IA.1878Hist: Winslow Stearns & father (Hamilton) came from VT to farm in NE corner of Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Only Winslow entered land 1851. Hamilton would have returned to his NY farm until after 1860, bz/2011. Note 16: 1860 Census: Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY. Stearns: H.G.61 farming $5k/2k, Rebecca45, MaryE15, JayH7, Brett Aldridge19 farmhand. Note 17: Abt. Jun 1860 Hamilton & son Shledon moved families from NY to Lima.IA 1860Jun; 1860Sept, moved to home farms, Sheldon near Winslow in Sec 1, N of Lima, Hamilton to Sec 11 in Frog Hollow; Winslow located to Lima 1851, son Charles located 1851/52 to Clayton.Co.IA. Note 18: Abt. Sep 1860 Hamilaton, with 2nd wf Rebecca, dau Mary, son Jay (would take over home farm), located on his final farm in Frog Hollow, 1.7mi N of Albany in Sec 11 of Westfield.Twp; sons Winslow & Shelden were 2mi to the ExNE. Note 19: 1868 Fay.Co.IA.1868Plat: H.J. Stearns, 140a in NW1/4 of Sec 11 (farmstead 1.7mi N of Albany or 2mi NW of Lima, in very NE corner of Sec 11, overlooking Frog Hollow valley to the west), Westfield.Twp; sons Winslow & Sheldon 1.5mi ExNE. Note 23: 1879 Fay.Co.IA.1879Plat: Same as 1868 plat, plus 50a along Volga River between Albany & Lima in mid 1/2 of E1/4, Sec 14, Westfield.Twp. Note 26: Sep 1888 Fayette.IA.Paper: J.Stearns (son on the home farm) house N. of Albany burned to ground.

................. +WHEELER, Sophronia b: 10 Mar 1802 in VT d: 19 Oct 1843 in Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY Burial: East Beekmantown Cem, Clinton.Co.NY m: 07 Apr 1824 in Charlotte, Chittenden.Co.VT

............. 7 STEARNS, Winslow b: 08 Dec 1825 in Charlotte, Chittenden.Co.VT d: 08 Jan 1889 in Farmstead 1.5mi N of Lima, Sec 1, Westfield Twp, Fay. Co, IA Burial: Grandview Cem, Aec A, Lot 159, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. Note 2: 1850 Census: Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY. Stearns: HamiltonJ51 farming $5k, 2nd wf Rebecca Nee Mix Stearns35, Winslow25, MaryE5, f/law James Mix64, m/law Martha Mix56; son Sheldon family farming adj. Note 3: May 1851 Winslow.Stearns, Daniel.Miller, Cornelius.Lacy, platted 'Volga City' (initially 'Lightville', changed to Lima, Jan1853), Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA; DanielH Miller & Cornelius Lacy, proprietors; surveyor ErastusA.Light, filed 1851Oct, recorded 1853May. Note 4: Jun 1851 Land.Entry $1.25/a: Winslow Stearns, Sec 12, at $1.25/a, 40a in SE1/4 of NW1/4 & 80a in SW1/2 of NE1/4. Note 5: 30 Sep 1851 Land.Entry, Fay.Co.IA, Westfield.Twp, Winslow Stearns: Sec 1, LW for 40a in SE1/4 of SW1/4 (home farmstead); also Sec 12, 80a in N1/2 of NE1/4 & 40a in NE1/4 of NW1/4. Note 7: 1852 Fay.Co.IA County Surveyor: Winslow Stearns, 1852-1854, 1862-1864; Co.Trustee1868. Note 8: 1854 Census: Sec 1 farmstead 1.5mi N of Lima, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Winslow Stearns, family of 2 (only Stearns enumerated in Fay.Co.IA, bz/2011). Note 9: 23 Jun 1854 Land.Entry $1.25/a: Winslow Stearns, 80a, W1/2 of SW1/4, Sec 1, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 10: 1856 Census: Sec 1 farmstead 1.5mi N of Lima, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Sterns/Stearns: Winslow31VT farming, PhebeL26, OrvilleW2. Note 11: 1857 Congregational Chruch organized at Lima by Rev.S.D. Helms, Winslow Stearns & wife, members. Note 12: 1860 Census: 1.5mi N of Lima in Sec 1, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: Winslow35 farming $3k/1k, Phoeaba29, OrvilW5, Aurelia1; Oran Briggs15WI farmhand, Edny/Edna Briggs12WI. Note 13: Abt. Jun 1860 Hamilton & son Shledon moved families from NY to Lima.IA 1860Jun; 1860Sept, moved to home farms, Sheldon near Winslow in Sec 1, N of Lima, Hamilton to Sec 11 in Frog Hollow; Winslow located to Lima 1851, son Charles located 1851/52 to Clayton.Co.IA. Note 15: 1868 Fay.Co.IA.1868Plat: W.Stearns farmstead on S midline/W side of road, 1.5+mi N of Lima, of Sec 1, Westfield.Twp. Note 16: 1868 Fay.Co.IA.1868Plat: Westfield.Twp, 160a S1/4 Sec 01, & adj to the south 90a N1/8 of E3/4 of Sec 12. Note 17: 1879 Fay.Co.IA.1879Plat: Same as 1868 plat. Winslow was carpenter/foreman of the crew building the Lima Church from timbers/lumber hauled up from the Henry Mill at Lima. Note 18: 1870 Census: 1.5mi N of Lima in Sec 1 of Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: Winslow46 farming $5720/1125, Phoebe40, Orville15, Orilla11. Note 20: 1878 Fay.Co.IA.1878.Hist: Farming 202a, Sec 1, Westfield.Twp, in Frog Hollow, 2mi N of Lima. Note 22: 1880 Census: 1.5mi N of Lima in Sec 1 ofWestfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: Winslow55VT farming, PhoebeL50VT, AureliaS21IA, EugeniaP9IA. Note 23: 1880 Ag.Census: 100a tilled, 50a pasture, 50a woods, 4horses, 4cows, 8other, 250#butter, 30lambs, 90sheep sold, 25hogs, 40poultry, 50doz eggs, 25a corn/2k bu, 8a oats/250bu, 6a wheat/30bu, 1/2a potato/40bu, 2a apples/100bu, 500# honey, 30#wax, 40cords wood. Note 24: 1885 Census: 1.5mi N of Lima in Sec 1 of Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: Winslow60VT, PhebeS54VT, AureliaS25IA, Eugenia244IA; bro. Sheldon adj. Note 25: Oct 1887 Fayette.IA.Paper: W.Stearns finishing new residence. Note 29: Early members of Lima.IA Congregational Ch. Note 31: Age at death, 64y1m2d.

................... +KENT, Phebe Landon b: 24 Mar 1830 in South.Hero.Twp, Grand.Isle.Co.VT d: 25 Dec 1915 in State.St, Fayette, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Burial: 28 Dec 1915 Grandview Cem, sec A, lot 159, Fayette village, Fay. Co, IA m: 28 Apr 1853 in Lima Ch, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Father: Hellemach Annatje 'Helmer' KENT Mother: Samantha FLETCHER Note 7: 1853 Obit summary: Came to Lima, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA, married Winslow Stearns & moved to 40a farmstead 1.5mi N of Lima. Note 9: 1857 Winslow/Phebe Stearns involved in establishing Lima Congregational Church. Note 15: 1885 Census: 1.5mi N of Lima in Sec 1 of Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: Winslow60VT, PhebeS54VT, AureliaS25IA, Eugenia244IA; bro. Sheldon adj. Note 16: 1895 Census: Sec 1, 1.5mi N of Lima, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: PhoebeL64 nee Kent widow, AureliaS35, EugenieP24. Note 17: Bet. 08 Jan 1889 - Mar 1898 Husb. Winslow died, Phebe remained on farm until buying Reed home & moving into Fayette with dau Aurelia, 1898Mar. Note 18: Apr 1898 Land: PhebeL.Sterns bought all of the west side of block 7, S.H.Robertson Add. in Fayette, directory off NE corner of UIU campus. Note 22: 1900 Census: State.St, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: PhebeS70 widow, dau AureliaS41. Note 27: 1910 Census: State.St, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: PheobeL80 widow own income, dau AurelisS50 own income. Note 28: Age at death, 85y8m29d.

................ 8 STEARNS, Orville Wheeler b: 03 Oct 1854 in Farmstead 1.5mi N of Lima, Sec 1, Westfield Twp, Fay. Co, IA d: 22 Feb 1940 in Sonoma, Sonoma.Co.CA Burial: Chapel of the Chmes Mausoleum, Santa Rosa, Sonoma.Co.CA Note 9: 1870 Census: NE corner, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: Winslow46 farming $5720/1125, Phoebe40, Orville15, Orilla11. Note 10: 1879 Fay.Co.IA.1879Plat: W.O. Stearns, 40a 4mi NW of Lima or 3mi SE of West.Union, SE1/4 of NW1/4, Union.Twp. Note 11: 1880 Census: Nora precinct, Nuckolls.Co.NE. Stearns: O.W.25IA, AnnieR20IA, EthelM.1 Note 12: 1885 Census: Nora precinct, Nuckolls.Co.NE. Orville Sterns b.1855/IA. Note 15: 1900 Census: Young.St, Fresno, Fresno.Co.CA. Stearns: OrvilleW45 bee keeper, AnnieR40, GertrudeA18. Note 16: Dec 1902 Fayette.IA.Paper: Orville Stearns from CA, visiting mother after 15yrs. Note 17: Oct 1910 Fayette.IA.Paper: Ms.Kitty Stearns, youngest dau of O.W. Stearns of Selma, Fresno.Co.CA, is marrying Lewis M Folsom. Note 20: 1910 Census: Fresno, Fresno.Co.CA. Stearns: Orval55 operating tavern/bar, Annie50, Gertrude27 music teacher, Takio Omino17 Note 23: 1920 Census: 1927 Young.St, Selma, Fresno.Co.CA. Stearns: OrvilleW65 apriist/bees, AnnaR60. Note 27: 1930 Census: 1927 Young.St, Selma, Fresno.Co.CA. Stearns: O.W.75 retired, AnnieR70.

...................... +PAINE, Anna R. Payne b: Nov 1859 in West.Union area, Union.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 1940 in Sonoma, Sonoma.Co.CA Burial: Chapel of the Chmes Mausoleum, Santa Rosa, Sonoma.Co.CA m: 06 Dec 1877 in Fay.Co.IA Father: William J. PAINE Mother: Mary UNKNOWN Note 8: 1860 Census: West.Union area, Union.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Paine: Wm24Eng farmng $0/300, Mary22OH, R.A.8mIA. Note 10: 1870

.................. 9 STEARNS, Ethel M. b: 20 Feb 1878 in Farmstead, 4mi NW of Lima in Sec27, Union.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. d: 25 Jan 1954 in Los Angeles, Los.Angeles.Co.CA

........................ +POWELL, James M. b: 05 Feb 1869 in Gibson.Co.TN

..................... 10 POWELL, Gwenmar b: 1903 in CA

..................... 10 POWELL, Adanson b: 1906 in CA

..................... 10 POWELL, Yolinde Hadassha b: 1906 in CA d: 1936

..................... 10 POWELL, Freda b: 1907 in CA d: 1989

..................... 10 POWELL, Eugenia Margaret 'Gena' b: 1909 in CA d: 1988

.................. 9 STEARNS, Kittie b: Abt. 1880 in Nora precinct, Nuckolls.Co.NE Note 8: 1885 Census: Nora precinct, Nuckolls.Co.NE. Orville Sterns b.1855/IA. Note 12: Oct 1910 Fayette.IA.Paper: Ms.Kitty Stearns, youngest dau of O.W. Stearns of Selma, Fresno.Co.CA, is marrying Lewis M Folsom.

........................ +FOLSOM, Lewis M. m: in CA

.................. 9 STEARNS, Gertrude A. b: Feb 1882 in Nora precinct, Nuckolls.Co.NE Note 9: 1885 Census: Nora precinct, Nuckolls.Co.NE. Orville Sterns b.1855/IA. Note 12: 1900 Census: Young.St, Fresno, Fresno.Co.CA. Stearns: OrvilleW45 bee keeper, AnnieR40, GertrudeA18. Note 16: 1910 Census: Fresno, Fresno.Co.CA. Stearns: Orval55 operating tavern/bar, Annie50, Gertrude27 music teacher, Takio Omino17

................ 8 STEARNS, Aurelia Samantha b: 29 May 1859 in Farmstead 1.5mi N of Lima, Sec 1, Westfield Twp, Fay. Co, IA d: 17 Dec 1943 in Fresno, Fresno.Co.CA Burial: Clovis Cem, Clovis, Fresno.Co.CA Note 6: 1880 Census: NE corner, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: Winslow55VT farming, PhoebeL50VT, AureliaS21IA, EugeniaP9IA. Note 8: 1895 Census: Sec 1, 1.5mi N of Lima, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: PhoebeL64 nee Kent widow, AureliaS35, EugenieP24. Note 9: 1900 Census: State.St, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: PhebeS70 widow, dau AureliaS41. Note 10: Aug 1907 Fayette.IA.Paper: Ms.Aurelia Stearns bought Prof.Moore home, her mother will move into house; 1907Oct, Fred Whitely rented Stearns home, moving to town. Note 11: 1910 Census: State.St, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: PheobeL80 widow own income, dau AurelisS50 own income. Note 12: Bet. 1915 - 1917 Living with mother when she died on State.St, Fayette.IA; Sep1916, sold house, Dec1917 living in Selma.CA. Note 13: 1920 Census: Selma, Fresno.Co.CA. AureliaS Stearns60. Note 15: 1930 Census: Selma, Fresno.Co.CA. AureliaS Stearns70.

...................... +UNMARRIED

................ 8 STEARNS, Eugenia Phebe b: 21 Sep 1870 in Farmstead 1.5mi N of Lima, Sec 1, Westfield Twp, Fay. Co, IA d: 29 May 1960 in Fresno, Fresno.Co.CA Note 7: Apr 1894 Fayette.IA.Paper: Eugenia teaching near West.Union for spring term. Note 10: 1895 Census: Sec 1, 1.5mi N of Lima, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: PhoebeL64 nee Kent widow, AureliaS35, EugenieP24. Note 11: 1900 Census: Kingman.Twp, Renville.Co.MN. Davis: Joshua32IA farming, Eugenia29IA, Bessie3MN, John Karnos18 farmhand. Note 14: 1915 Farming near Fayette.IA. Note 16: 1920 Census: Clovis, Freson.Co.CA. Davis. Joshua James 52IA farming, Eugina Pheobe49IA, Bessie Lota23MN, Keneth Stearns10IA. Note 18: 1930 Census: Herndon.Ave, Fresno, Fresno.Co.CA. David: JoshuaJ62 farming, EugeniaP59.

...................... +DAVIS, Joshua James b: Mar 1868 in Fay.Co.IA m: 1895 Note 4: Father b. Wales, Mother England. Note 9: 1910 Census: Kingman.Twp, Renville.Co.MN. Davis: Joshua32IA farming, Eugenia29IA, Bessie3MN, John Karnos18 farmhand. Note 11: 1915 Farming near Fayette.IA.

.................. 9 DAVIS, Bessie Lota b: Sep 1896 in MN

.................. 9 DAVIS, Kenneth Stearns b: 1910 in IA

............. 7 STEARNS, Sheldon Wheeler b: 03 Jan 1827 in Charlotte, Chittenden.Co.VT d: 02 Apr 1887 in Farm 2.5mi N of Lima, Sec 1, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Burial: Lima Cem, sec 2, lot 33; sec 13, Westfield Twp, Fay. Co, IA. Note 5: 1936 Moved with parents from Charlotte, Chittenden.Co.VT to Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY. Note 10: 1850 Census: Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY. Stearns: SW24 (Sheldon Wheeler) farming, Philena27, CharlesH9m. Note 11: 1850 Census: Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY. Stearns: HamiltonJ51 farming $5k, 2nd wf Rebecca Nee Mix Stearns35, Winslow25, MaryE5, f/law James Mix64, m/law Martha Mix56; son Sheldon family farming adj. Note 13: 1860 Census: Lewis, Essex.Co.NY. Stearns: S.W.33 farming $800/200, Philena36, ChasH11, Newton9, IdaC7, Lilla1, Bertha3m. Note 14: Bet. Jun - Sep 1860 Hamilton & son Shledon moved families from NY to Lima.IA 1860Jun; 1860Sept, moved to home farms, Sheldon near Winslow in Sec 1, N of Lima, Hamilton to Sec 11 in Frog Hollow; Winslow located to Lima 1851, son Charles located 1851/52 to Clayton.Co.IA. Note 15: 1868 Fay.Co.IA.1868Plat: S.W.Stearns, 80a 2mi N of Lima (1/2mi N of bro. Winslow), N1/2 of SE1/4, farmstead in NW area of the 80a. Note 16: 1870 Census: 2mi N of Lima, Sec 1, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: Sheldon45 farming $2k/750, Lettie47, Chas21 farming, Newon19 farmhand, Ida16, Sillas12, Bertty9; near bro. Winslow. Note 17: 1880 Ag.Census: 55a tilled, 25a wood/grass, 2horses, 4cows, 6other, 3lambs, 40#fleece, 33hogs, 50poultry, 200doz eggs, 14a corn/800bu, 3a oats/90bu, 6a wheat/40bu, 1/4a sorgum/25gal, 1/2a pototo/40bu, 1.5a apples/50bu, 20cords wood. Note 18: 1878 Farming & Twp. Assessor, farming 2mi N of Lima, Sec 1, Westfield Twp, Fay. Co, IA. Note 19: 1879 Fay.Co.IA.1868Plat: Same as 1868 Plat; father Hamilton farmstead 2mi SE on E side of the Frog Hollow valley, 1.8mi N of Albany in the NE corner of Sec 11 Westfield.Twp. Note 20: 1880 Census: 2mi N of Lima, Sec 1, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: SheldonW53VT farming, LilliaP55NY, LillisE21NY, BerthaK19NY. Note 22: 1885 Census: 2mi N of Lima, NW1/4 of SE1/4, Sec 01, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: SheldonW57VT, LillieP40NY, BerthaH24IA; bro Winslow adj.

................... +STAFFORD, Lillis Philena b: 06 Aug 1823 in Cllinton.Co.NY d: 06 Feb 1899 in Farm 2.5mi N of Lima, Sec 1, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Burial: Lima Cem, sec 2, lot 33; sec 13, Westfield Twp, Fay. Co, IA. m: Abt. 1848 in Plattsubrg, Clinton.Co.NY Note 14: 1895 Census: Sec 1 home farm, 2mi N of Lima, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Philena Stearns71 widow, with s/law & dau, Frank & Bertha nee Stearns Helms.

................ 8 STEARNS, Henry Charles b: 04 Aug 1849 in Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY Note 6: Abt. 1860 Moved from NY with parents & raised on farm in NE corner, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 11: 1868 Moved to Elkader, Clayton.Co.IA as mecantile clerk for Fielding Snedigar (would partner with & marry dau Martha/Mattie). Note 12: 1870 Census: Elkader, Boardman.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA. Sterns/Stearns: CharlesF38VT variety merchant $2200/3300, Elisabeth33Eng, ElinoreC10IA, DelossH7IA, Jane Bokes17Eng house keeper, (nephew) CharlesH Stearns20NY clerking. Note 15: 1880 Census: Elkader, Boardman.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA. Stearns: HenryC31 dry goods merchant, MattieJ31. Note 16: Aft. 1880 Cannot find, bz/2016. Note 17: Sep 1899 Land: HenryC.Stearns to sis BerthaK nee Stearns & husb FrankW.Helms, und3/4 of N1/2 of SE1/4, Sec01, Westfield.Twp.

...................... +SNEDIGAR, Martha J. 'Mattie' b: 04 Apr 1849 in Galena, JoDaviess.Co.IL m: 11 Sep 1872 in Lima, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Father: Felding SNEDIGAR Mother: Miranda Branchey HAYES

................ 8 STEARNS, Newton Wheeler 'Frank' b: 20 Dec 1850 in Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY d: 24 Oct 1898 in Geary.Co.KS

...................... +HOLDEN, Florence Elizabeth b: Mar 1866 in Jones.Co.IA d: 1947 Father: John HOLDEN Mother: Flora P. TIBBETTS

.................. 9 STEARNS, Charles Harley b: 06 Feb 1885 in Wamego, Pottawatomie.Co.KS d: 28 Aug 1936 in Indian Hills, Jefferson.Co.KY

................ 8 STEARNS, Ida Aurelia b: Jan 1854 in Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY d: Abt. 1912 in Iowa

...................... +HELMS, George Little b: Sep 1849 in Bellvue area, Richland.Twp, Jackson.Co.IA d: 09 Mar 1917 in Portland, Multnomah.Co.OR m: 19 Mar 1874 in Lima, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Father: Stephen Decatur HELMS Mother: Abigail LITTLE

.................. 9 HELMS, Unknown b: 28 Feb 1880 in Highland.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA

................ 8 STEARNS, Lillis E. 'Lillie' b: 01 Oct 1858 in Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY or Essex.Co.NY d: 13 Jun 1883 in Parents farm 2.5mi N of Lima, Sec 1, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Burial: Lima Cem, Sec 3, Lot 33, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 5: Obit: b.1859Oct01/Essex.Co.NY, d.1883Jun14/parent's home, a sad early death for the family . Note 17: 1880 Census, with parents, teaching school. Note 19: Bet. 1877 - 1878 Attended UIU in Fayette.IA, part of the year. Note 22: Age at death: 24y8m12d; funeral at Lima.IA Church.

...................... +JAMES, Thomas P. b: Oct 1856 in Fond du Lac, Fond du Lac Co., WI m: 20 Sep 1882 in Fay.Co.IA Father: George JAMES Mother: Caroline WILLIAMS Note 11: 1880 Census: Robertson Wood's house of S. Mechanic.St, Fayette.IA. Robertson: JamesE59 farming, ElizJ56 nee Alexander, AmosM19 farmhand, MaryJ17, AlmaM14, dau EvaH Vanarsdel32, g/dau TressieM Vanarsdel8, dau FlorenaE Hulse29.

................ 8 STEARNS, Bertha H. b: Mar 1860 in Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY or Essex.Co.NY d: 23 Nov 1923 in Fayette home, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Lima Cem, Sec 2, Lot 34, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 12: Abt. 1894 Bertha with husb Frank Helms, took over her parents' home farm, Sec 1, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 14: Sep 1899 Land: HenryC.Stearns to sis BerthaK nee Stearns & husb FrankW.Helms, und3/4 of N1/2 of SE1/4, Sec01, Westfield.Twp. Note 22: Oct 1915 Frank & Bertha moved into Fayette village, Fay.Co.IA.

...................... +HELMS, Frank Willis b: 08 Dec 1859 in Lima, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 15 Mar 1928 in Fayette home, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Lima Cem, Sec 2, Lot 34, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. m: 28 Dec 1892 in Lima Ch, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Father: Stephen Decatur HELMS Mother: Mary Kesiah COTTON Note 4: 1880 Census; student, UIU, Fayette, IA; wife Sawtell. Note 5: Abt. 1894 Rented f/law Sheldon.Stearns' farm, which would pass on to his wife Bertha. Note 6: 1895 Census; farming near Lima, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Note 7: Sep 1899 Land: HenryC.Stearns to sis BerthaK nee Stearns & husb FrankW.Helms, und3/4 of N1/2 of SE1/4, Sec01, Westfield.Twp. Note 8: 1900 Census; farming near Lima, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Note 13: Oct 1915 Frank & Bertha moved into Fayette village, Fay.Co.IA. Note 15: 1928 Living at Monticello, Jones.Co.IA.

.................. 9 HELMS, Henry Willis 'Harry' b: 29 Jul 1895 in Farm 2.5mi N of Lima, Sec 1, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. d: 06 Feb 1988 in Sunnyvale,Santa.Clara.Co.CA

........................ +OHE, Edith Lucille b: 01 Mar 1906 in Iowa d: 30 Dec 1987 in Sunnyvale,Santa.Clara.Co.CA

.................. 9 HELMS, Florence Ella b: 14 May 1898 in Farm 2.5mi N of Lima, Sec 1, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. d: 20 Jul 1984 in Nursing hm, Sunnyvale.CA; res of Cupertino, Santa.Clara.Co.CA Burial: Cremated, ashes returned to Lima Cem, Fay.Co.IA Note 11: 1928 Living in Fayette.IA, taking care of father at time of his death.

............. 7 STEARNS, Charles Franklin b: 09 Dec 1831 in Charlotte, Chittenden.Co.VT d: 13 Dec 1894 in Elkader, Boardman.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA Burial: Possilby, Clayton Cem, Clayton.Co.IA (Charles Stearns burial with no dates, bz/2016). Note 6: 1846 Bio: Apprenticed as printer in Burlington, Chittenden.Co.VT, self supporting at age 14. Note 7: 1849 Went of Farmingham, Middlesex.Co.MA, clerked in general mercantile. Note 8: 1850 Returned to Clinton.Co.NY, taught school. Note 11: Abt. Mar 1852 Bio: Came from NY to IA with brother (likely 1851 with Winslow, who would settled Fay.Co.IA) (age20), worked a year for Clayton Herald, Elkader, Clayton.Co.IA, taught school. Note 12: Abt. Mar 1853 Started clerking for Elkader Mill Co, Clayton.Co.IA. Note 14: 1857 Went into mercantile business at Clayton City, Clayton.Co.IA. Note 15: 1860 Census: Clayton City, Clayton.Co.IA. Sterns/Stearns: Charles27 merchant $1600/1k, Elizabeth24Eng, Charles1IA, Mary Ashew60Eng (assume m/law, bz/2015). Note 16: Abt. Jun 1860 Hamilton & son Shledon moved families from NY to Lima.IA 1860Jun; 1860Sept, moved to home farms, Sheldon near Winslow in Sec 1, N of Lima, Hamilton to Sec 11 in Frog Hollow; Winslow located to Lima 1851, son Charles located 1851/52 to Clayton.Co.IA. Note 18: 1861 Went into mercantile business at Elkader, Clayton.Co.IA. Note 22: 1870 Census: Elkader, Boardman.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA. Sterns/Stearns: CharlesF38VT variety merchant $2200/3300, Elisabeth33Eng, ElmoreC10IA, DelossH7IA, Jane Bokes17Eng house keeper, CharlesH Stearns20NY clerking. Note 25: 1880 Census: Elkader, Boardman.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA. Stearns: CharlesF47 dry goods merchant, Elizabeth44, ElmoreC20, DelosH17, FredR9, LillieL Cass19WI servant, f/law John Askew79Eng.

................... +ASKEW, Elizabeth b: Jan 1834 in England d: in Clayton.Co.IA? m: 1858 in Clayton.Co.IA Father: John ASKEW Mother: Mary UNKNOWN

................ 8 STEARNS, Elmore Charles b: 1860 in Clayton City, Clayton.Co.IA

................ 8 STEARNS, Delos H. b: 1863 in Elkader, Boardman.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA

................ 8 STEARNS, Fred R. b: 1871 in Elkader, Boardman.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA

............. 7 STEARNS, Myron Powell b: 01 Jan 1836 in Charlotte, Chittenden.Co.VT d: Jan 1836 in Charlotte, Chittenden.Co.VT

............. 7 STEARNS, Mary Ellen b: 01 Jan 1836 in Charlotte, Chittenden.Co.VT d: Jan 1836 in Charlotte, Chittenden.Co.VT

........... *2nd Wife of [4] STEARNS, Hamilton Joseph:

................. +MIX, Rebecca b: 29 Jan 1815 in Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY d: 22 Sep 1903 in Harris area, Fairview.Twp, Osceola.Co.IA Burial: Fairview Cem, Ocheyedan, Osceola.Co.IA. m: 31 Jan 1844 in Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY Father: James MIX Mother: Martha WINTER Note 6: 1880 Census: Sec 11, on father's Frog.Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: JayH27NY farming, EllaD25OH, ElmerG3, EdwardE1, mother Rebecca65NY nee Mix. Note 8: 1885 Census: Sec 11, on father's Frog.Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: Jay32NY farming, EllaD30OH, GuyE7, EdwardE5, JosephF3, HarryN1, mother Rebecca69Ny widow. Note 10: 1895 Census: Frog.Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Sec 11, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: JayH41 farming, EllaD39, GuyE17, EdwardE15, JosephF13, HarryN11, ArthurJ.D.9, MattieP5, mother Rebecca79 nee Mix widow. Note 14: 1900 Census: Harris area, Fairview.Twp, Osceola.Co.IA. Stearns: JH47(Jay) farming, wf ED45(Ella), EE21(Edward), HN17(Harry), AJD15(Arthur), MP10(Mattie), EE5(Earnest), mother Rebecca nee Mix Stearns85. Note 16: 1910 Census: Harris area, Fairview.Twp, Osceola.Co.IA. Stearns: JH47(Jay) farming, wf ED45(Ella), EE21(Edward), HN17(Henry), AJD15(Arthur), MP10(Mattie), EE5(Earnest), mother Rebecca nee Mix Stearns85.

............. 7 [6] STEARNS, Mary Emeline 'Emma' b: 09 Feb 1845 in Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY d: 23 Sep 1933 in Cresco, Howard.Co.IA Burial: Oak Lawn Cem, Cresco, Howard.Co.IA. Note 5: 1850 Census: Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY. Stearns: HamiltonJ51 farming $5k, 2nd wf Rebecca Nee Mix Stearns35, Winslow25, MaryE5, f/law James Mix64, m/law Martha Mix56; son Sheldon family farming adj. Note 7: 1860 Census: Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY. Stearns: H.G.61 farming $5k/2k, Rebecca45, MaryE15, JayH7, Brett Aldridge19 farmhand. Note 8: Abt. Jun 1860 Hamilton & son Shledon moved families from NY to farms near Winslow, N of Lima/Albany in NW Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA; son Winslow located to Lima 1851/1852, son Charles located abt 1852 to Clayton.Co.IA. Note 12: 1870 Census: Albany area (close to Earle's Mill/Nefzger's Store), Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Webb: James26NY farming $1k/300, Emma25NY nee Stearns, Anna3IA. Note 13: Bef. 1877 Divorced from James Webb; remarried to Dresden Durfey 1878. Note 14: 1880 Census: Lima area, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Durfey: DresdenL36 farming, MaryE35 nee Stearns Webb, JosephF Durfey1m, s/dau Phoebe Webb8. Note 15: 1885 Census: Lima, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Durfey: DresdenL34 laborer, MaryC39 nee Stearns Webb, Anna Webb18, Pheba Webb13, Frederick Durfey5, Charles Durfey3. Note 17: 1895 Census: Volga City, Clayton.Co.IA. Durfey: Dresden44OH, Mary nee Stearns50NY Webb, Phoebe23 nee Webb, Fred14, Charley12, Herbert10, Henry6. Note 18: 1900 Census: Volga.City, Sperry.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA. Durfey: DresdenL59 day laborer, EmmaM55, CharlesD18 laborer, HerbertP15, HenryJ13. Note 22: 1910 Census: Davies.St, Cresco Vernon.Springs.Twp, Howard.Co.IA. Durfey: DresdenM.O.60 retired, MaryC65 Note 24: 1920 Census: 427 4th.Ave.SE, Cresco, Howard.Co.IA. Durfey69 retired, MaryE74, g/son's Oliver Durfey11IA, Albert8IA. Note 26: 1930 Census: 427 4th.Ave.SE, Cresco, Howard.Co.IA. Durfey: MaryE85 widow, son HenryI43, g/son AlbertP18.

................... +WEBB, James Clinton b: 06 Jun 1844 in Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY d: 20 Nov 1926 in Montpelier, Washinigton.Co.VT m: 28 Sep 1864 in Lima Ch, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Father: Thomas WEBB Mother: Phoebe MCCRADY Note 11: 1870 Census: Albany area (close to Earle's Mill/Nefzger's Store), Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Webb: James26NY farming $1k/300, Emma25NY nee Stearns, Anna3IA.

................ 8 WEBB, Anna Augustine 'Annie' b: 08 Oct 1866 in Albany, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 1939 in Plattsburgh, Clinton.Co.NY

...................... +SMITH, Albert Warren b: 1838 in Plattsburgh, Clinton.Co.NY d: 19 Oct 1926 in Ogdensburg, St.Lawrence.Co.NY

.................. 9 SMITH, Emma A. b: 08 Oct 1888 in Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY d: 1926 in Odgensburg, St.Lawrence.Co.NY

.................. 9 SMITH, Helen Marion b: 18 Oct 1889 in Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY d: 1963 in Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY

.................. 9 SMITH, Harlan Richard b: 14 Oct 1893 in Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY d: 13 May 1956 in Odgensburg, St.Lawrence.Co.NY

.................. 9 SMITH, Edna L. b: 29 Jul 1896 in Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY d: May 1963 in Swampscott, Essex.Co.MA

.................. 9 SMITH, Royal James b: 28 Sep 1902 in Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY d: 1973

................ 8 [5] WEBB, Phebe Rebecca b: 19 Oct 1871 in Albany, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 09 Jul 1958 in Northfield Falls, Washington.Co.VT

...................... +RICH, Jay Lewis b: 06 Apr 1858 in Northfield Falls, Washington.Co.VT d: 15 Mar 1924 in Berlin, Washington.Co.VT m: 1898

................ *2nd Husband of [5] WEBB, Phebe Rebecca:

...................... +THRESHER, Fred Lyman b: 03 Aug 1859 in Northfield, Washtington.Co.VT d: 25 Mar 1952 in Wasthington.Co.VT m: 18 Oct 1932 in Northfield, Washington.Co.VT

............. *2nd Husband of [6] STEARNS, Mary Emeline 'Emma':

................... +DURFEY, Dresden Lucius M. b: 16 Mar 1850 in Washington.Twp, Wood.Co.OH d: 07 Jul 1929 in Cresco, Howard.Co.IA Burial: Oak Lawn Cem, Cresco, Howard.Co.IA. m: 07 Apr 1878 in Lima, Westfield Twp, Fayette Co, IA. Father: Phineas Hopkins DURFEY Mother: Clarissa A. OWEN Note 8: Lived Volga City, Clayton Co, Iowa. Note 12: 1880 Census: Lima, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Durfey: DresdenL36 farming, MaryE35 nee Stearns Webb, JosephF Durfey1m, s/dau Phoebe Webb8. Note 13: 1885 Census: Lima, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Durfey: DresdenL34 laborer, MaryC39 nee Stearns Webb, Anna Webb18, Pheba Webb13, Frederick Durfey5, Charles Durfey3. Note 17: 1895 Census: Volga City, Clayton.Co.IA. Durfey: Dresden44OH, Mary nee Stearns50NY Webb, Phoebe23 nee Webb, Fred14, Charley12, Herbert10, Henry6. Note 20: 1900 Census: Volga.City, Sperry.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA. Durfey: DresdenL59 day laborer, EmmaM55, CharlesD18 laborer, HerbertP15, HenryJ13. Note 22: 1910 Census: Davies.St, Cresco Vernon.Springs.Twp, Howard.Co.IA. Durfey: DresdenM.O.60 retired, MaryC65 Note 24: 1920 Census: 427 4th.Ave.SE, Cresco, Howard.Co.IA. Durfey69 retired, MaryE74, g/son's Oliver Durfey11IA, Albert8IA.

................ 8 [7] DURFEY, Joseph Frederick Culver b: 03 May 1880 in Lima, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 26 Oct 1966 in St. Paul, Ramsey Co, MN? Note 1: Lived Riceville area, Iowa.

...................... +HERRING, Eugenia E. b: 10 Sep 1883 in Jenkins, Mitchell.Co.IA d: 18 Dec 1965 in Sonoma.Co.CA Father: Eugene Thomas HERRING Mother: Elizabeth Church FELLOWS

.................. 9 DURFEY, Merrill D. b: 24 Dec 1902 in Mitchell, Mithcell.Co.IA d: 14 Jul 1965 in Ramsey.Co.MN

................ *2nd Wife of [7] DURFEY, Joseph Frederick Culver:

...................... +EGNAR, Emma Anna b: 06 Jan 1887 in MN d: 29 Apr 1972 in St.Paul, Ramsey.Co.MN

.................. 9 DURFEY, Hazel E. b: 1911 in MN

.................. 9 DURFEY, Phyllis M. b: 1915 in MN

................ 8 DURFEY, Charles Dresden b: 11 Mar 1882 in Lima, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 07 Mar 1962 in Sacramento, Sacramento.Co.CA Note 1: Lived Volga City, Clayton Co, Iowa.

...................... +UNKNOWN, Nellie M. b: 28 Mar 1892 in SD d: 08 Aug 1972 in Sacramento, CA

................ 8 DURFEY, Herbert Phineas b: 06 Apr 1885 in Lima, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 09 Sep 1956 in St.Paul, Ramsey.Co.MN Note 1: Lived Volga City, Clayton Co, Iowa.

...................... +SCHAEFER, Ruth b: 04 Aug 1886 in Howard.Co.IA d: 06 Jun 1914 in Walworth.SD m: 1907

.................. 9 DURFEY, Deiell V. b: 1908

.................. 9 DURFEY, Oliver Dresden b: 1908 d: 2000

.................. 9 DURFEY, Albert Phineas b: 1911 d: 1991

................ 8 DURFEY, Henry Irving b: 02 Mar 1887 in Lima, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: Mar 1962 in Mason.City, Cerro.Gordo.Co.IA Note 1: Lived Volga City, Clayton Co, Iowa.

...................... +STROM, Minnie G. b: 1891 d: 1962

.................. 9 DURFEY, Oliver b: 1909 in Cresco, Howard.Co.IA

.................. 9 DURFEY, Albert P. b: 1912 in Cresco, Howard.Co.IA

............. 7 STEARNS, Jay Hamilton b: 12 Jan 1853 in Beekmantown, Clinton.Co.NY d: 20 May 1921 in South San Francisco, San.Mateo.Co.CA Burial: Assumed in Mateo.Co.CA, bz/2016. Note 6: Abt. Jun 1860 Hamilton & son Shledon moved families from NY to farms near Winslow, N of Lima/Albany in NW Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA; son Winslow located to Lima 1851/1852, son Charles located abt 1852 to Clayton.Co.IA. Note 8: 1880 Census: Sec 11, on father's Frog.Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: JayH27NY farming, EllaD25OH, ElmerG3, EdwardE1, mother Rebecca65NY nee Mix. Note 10: 1885 Census: Sec 11, on father's Frog.Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: Jay32NY farming, EllaD30OH, GuyE7, EdwardE5, JosephF3, HarryN1, mother Rebecca69Ny widow. Note 12: 1895 Census: Sec 11, Frog.Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: JayH41 farming, EllaD39, GuyE17, EdwardE15, JosephF13, HarryN11, ArthurJ.D.9, MattieP5, mother Rebecca79 nee Mix widow. Note 15: Bet. 1897 - 1898 Lost farm in NE Westield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA & moved to Harris area, Fairview.Twp, Osceloa.Co.IA for 6yrs. Note 17: 1900 Census: Harris area, Fairview.Twp, Osceola.Co.IA. Stearns: JH47(Jay) farming, wf ED45(Ella), EE21(Edward), HN17(Harry), AJD15(Arthur), MP10(Mattie), EE5(Earnest), mother Rebecca nee Mix Stearns85. Note 18: Abt. 1905 Jay left Osceola.Co.IA to find work in CA, never returned, family stayed separted (NancyS/2016). Note 20: 1910 Census: Boarding house in San.Mateo.Co.CA. JayH Stearns1853NY cement worker, listed married. Note 22: 1920 Census: Hotel on San.Burno.Rd, South San Francisco, San.Mateo.Co.CA. Jay.H Stearns67NY ship yard laborer, listed single.

................... +CORNISH, Ella De'et b: 05 Mar 1855 in Farmer area, Defiance.Co.OH d: 16 Jul 1925 in Dau Mattie's home, Omaha, Douglas.Co.NE Burial: Lima Cem, sec 2, lot 32; sec 13, Westfield Twp, Fay. Co, IA. m: 19 Apr 1874 in West Union, Fayette Co, IA Father: Daniel Needham CORNISH Mother: Amy Ann RICE Note 4: Abt. 1860 Moved with parents from Definace.Co.OH to farm N of Lima in NE Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 6: 1880 Census: Sec 11, on father's Frog.Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: JayH27NY farming, EllaD25OH, ElmerG3, EdwardE1, mother Rebecca65NY nee Mix. Note 7: 1885 Census: Sec 11, on father's Frog.Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: Jay32NY farming, EllaD30OH, GuyE7, EdwardE5, JosephF3, HarryN1, mother Rebecca69Ny widow. Note 8: 1895 Census: Frog.Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Sec 11, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: JayH41 farming, EllaD39, GuyE17, EdwardE15, JosephF13, HarryN11, ArthurJ.D.9, MattieP5, mother Rebecca79 nee Mix widow. Note 9: 1900 Census: Harris area, Fairview.Twp, Osceola.Co.IA. Stearns: JH47(Jay) farming, wf ED45(Ella), EE21(Edward), HN17(Harry), AJD15(Arthur), MP10(Mattie), EE5(Earnest), mother Rebecca nee Mix Stearns85. Note 15: Abt. 1905 Husb. Jay left Osceola.Co.IA for CA to find work, family stayed separated (NancyS/2016). Note 19: 1910 Census: West.Union, Union.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: EllaE54OH, dau Mattie19IA. Note 22: 1912 Living on S.side of Linden.Ave, West.Union.IA, home/barn/acre.

................ 8 STEARNS, Elmer Guy b: 05 May 1877 in Frog Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Sec 11, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. d: 18 May 1941 in Home in West Union, Union.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Lima Cem in Sec 3, Westfield Twp, Fay. Co, IA. Note 8: 1880 Census: Sec 11, on father's Frog.Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: JayH27NY farming, EllaD25OH, ElmerG3, EdwardE1, mother Rebecca65NY nee Mix. Note 9: 1885 Census: Sec 11, on father's Frog.Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: Jay32NY farming, EllaD30OH, GuyE7, EdwardE5, JosephF3, HarryN1, mother Rebecca69Ny widow. Note 11: 1895 Census: Frog.Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Sec 11, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: JayH41 farming, EllaD39, GuyE17, EdwardE15, JosephF13, HarryN11, ArthurJ.D.9, MattieP5, mother Rebecca79 nee Mix widow. Note 12: Obit: Moved with parents, for abt 6y, to Osceloa.Co.IA when young. Note 13: 1900 Note 16: Went to work for Southern Pacific RR, followed by Rockefeller Oil in WY. Note 17: Returned to Frog Hollow farm when father Jay took over g/fathter Hamilton Joseph's farm. Note 20: Bet. 1928 - 01 Jan 1930 Farmed 2yrs near Laverne area, Rock.Co.MN. Note 22: 01 Jan 1930 Returned to Lima.IA area, married (her 2nd of 4; ) ArleyI nee Durfey Oelberg (with 5 Oelberg ch.), 1930Feb24. Note 24: Abt. Mar 1932 Moved from Lima.IA area to home in West.Union village, Fay.Co.IA, for rest of life.

...................... +DURFEY, Arley Irene b: 07 Sep 1884 in Lima, Westfield Twp, Fayette Co, Iowa. d: 13 Aug 1976 in Fay.Co.IA Burial: Lima Cem, sec 3, lot 143, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA, under Hartman surname of 4th husb. m: 24 Feb 1930 in Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Father: Follett Sanders DURFEY Mother: Harriet Almira 'Hattie' WARD

.................. 9 STEARNS, No Children

................ 8 STEARNS, Edward Eugene b: 03 Apr 1879 in Frog Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Sec 11, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. d: 12 Nov 1940 in Mojave, Kern.Co.CA Burial: Lima Cem in Sec 2, Westfield Twp, Fay. Co, IA. Note 6: 1880 Census: Sec 11, on father's Frog.Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: JayH27NY farming, EllaD25OH, ElmerG3, EdwardE1, mother Rebecca65NY nee Mix. Note 10: 1895 Census: Frog.Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Sec 11, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: JayH41 farming, EllaD39, GuyE17, EdwardE15, JosephF13, HarryN11, ArthurJ.D.9, MattieP5, mother Rebecca79 nee Mix widow. Note 11: 1900 Census: Harris area, Fairview.Twp, Osceola.Co.IA. Stearns: JH47(Jay) farming, wf ED45(Ella), EE21(Edward), HN17(Harry), AJD15(Arthur), MP10(Mattie), EE5(Earnest), mother Rebecca nee Mix Stearns85. Note 22: 1930 Census: I St, Mojave, Kern.Co.CA. Stearns: EdwardE51IA steam RR switchman, listed married at age 34 (no wf/ch enumerated, living alone).

...................... +IRWIN, Josephine 'Maud' b: 24 Dec 1866 in Oskaloosa, Mahaska.Co.IA d: 19 Jun 1950 in Big Pine, Inyo.Co.CA m: Abt. 1913 in CA Father: Marshall IRWIN Mother: Martha Ann DEAN Note 12: 18 Feb 1891 Divorced from Riley Monohon filled.

.................. 9 STEARNS, No Children

................ 8 STEARNS, Joseph Frances 'Joe' b: 30 Apr 1881 in Frog Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Sec 11, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. d: 27 Mar 1960 in Sumner hosp, Bremer.Co.IA; res Fayette.IA. Burial: 30 Mar 1960 Grandview Cem, Sec H, Lot 65, S end, burial #2540, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. Note 7: 1895 Census: Frog.Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Sec 11, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: JayH41 farming, EllaD39, GuyE17, EdwardE15, JosephF13, HarryN11, ArthurJ.D.9, MattieP5, mother Rebecca79 nee Mix widow. Note 8: Farmed in Frog Hollow, NE Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA all but 6yrs of life (Osceloa.Co.IA). Note 9: 1900 Census: Note 10: 1910 Census: Frog Hollow, NE Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: JosephF28 farming, LydiaM31, AlfredA4, FrancisM2, DorisM8m, b/law Bashematch Thorpe73 retired. Note 11: Aug 1911 Fayette.IA Paper: Joe Stearns, bujilding new horse barn. Note 12: Mar 1912 Land.Transfer: in Frog Hollow, R.E.Thorp to JoeF.Stearns, for $1200, 49a NE1/4 of NW1/4, & 20a N1/2 of SE1/4 of NE 1/4, Sec 2, Westfield. Note 13: 1920 Census: Frog Hollow, NE Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: Joe38 farming, Lydia40, Alford14, Francis12, Dorris10, Winnefred7, m/law Basheneth83. Note 14: 1925 Census: Frog Hollow, NE Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: Joe43, LydaM45, alfred19, Florncie17, Dorris15, Winnafred13. Note 22: Nov 1953 Land: Harley.Cut to J.F. Stearns, $1, Lots 1,2,3,6,8, Bk 4, in Westfield, Fayette.IA (Klock's Island area). Note 28: Age at death 78y10m27d, cause cardiac arrest, services at Wright Funeral Hm, Fayette.IA.

...................... +THORP, Lydia Mary b: 16 Jan 1879 in Sec 2 farm, Thorp neighborhood, Frog Hollow, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. d: 23 Nov 1967 in West Union, Union.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Grandview Cem, Sec H, Lot 65, 2nd from S, burial #2716, Fayette village, Fay. Co, IA m: 12 Oct 1904 in Lima, Fayette Co, IA Father: Alfred John 'Ben' THORP Mother: Bashemath SMITH Note 9: Mar 1934 Land.Transfer: Bashemath Thorp to dau Lydia nee Thorp Stearns, S14a's of E3/4 of NW1/4 of SW1/4 & 80a S1/2 of SW1/4 in Sec 2, plus 40a NW1/4 of NE1/4 in Sec 11, Frog Hollow area, Westfield.Twp. Note 16: 1955 Living in Fayette village, Fay.Co.IA.

.................. 9 STEARNS, Alfred Arthur b: 10 Jul 1905 in Frog Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Sec 11, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. d: 09 Mar 1962 in Sumner hosp, Bremer.Co.IA; res of Fayette.IA. Burial: Lima Cem, sec 3, Westfield Twp, sec 13, Fay. Co, IA. Note 15: 1910 Census: Frog Hollow, NE Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: JosephF28 farming, LydiaM31, AlfredA4, FrancisM2, DorisM8m, b/law Bashematch Thorpe73 retired. Note 17: 1920 Census: Frog Hollow, NE Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: Joe38 farming, Lydia40, Alford14, Francis12, Dorris10, Winnefred7, m/law Basheneth83. Note 18: 1925 Census: Frog Hollow, NE Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: Joe43, LydaM45, alfred19, Florncie17, Dorris15, Winnafred13. Note 19: Abt. 1926 Worked 2yr in WY/MT oil fields. Note 20: 1930 Census: Washington.St, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: AlfredA23 Standard Oil delivery driver, ThelmaM20, MilfordL1, LaurelJ0. Note 22: 1940 Census: Frog Hollow, Lima/Albany area, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: AlfredA34 farming, thelma31, Milford11, Laurel10, Charles8, John6, Kaye4, Marvis2, Allen3m. Note 26: 1960 Living at Fayette.IA.

........................ +BAKER, Thelma Mae b: 15 Apr 1909 in Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA d: 23 May 1997 in Maple Crest Manor, Fayette.IA Burial: Lima Cem in Sec 3; Sec 13 of Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. m: 31 May 1927 in Shelby, Toole.Co.MT Father: Charles Myron BAKER Mother: Jenny Irene WELSH Note 11: Attended Frog.Hollow County Sch, gradutate from Fayette.IA H.S. Note 16: Worker for General Telephone Co, & UIU at Fayette.IA, also wallpaper hanger.

..................... 10 STEARNS, Milford L. b: 1929 in Fayette, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Note 6: 1947 Graduated from Fayette.IA H.S. Note 11: 1979 Living at Oconomowac.WI. Note 13: 1988 Living at Oconomowac.WI.

........................... +UNKNOWN

........................ 11 STEARNS, Nora Mae b: 16 Aug 1956 in West.Union, Fay.Co.IA

..................... 10 [8] STEARNS, Laurel J. b: 1930 in Fayette, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Note 12: 1962 Living in Waterloo, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA.

........................... +BACK, Robert

..................... *2nd Husband of [8] STEARNS, Laurel J.:

........................... +ERHADT, Unknown

..................... 10 STEARNS, Charles Joseph 'Charley' b: 13 Jan 1932 in Fayette, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 28 Apr 2015 in Loudon, Merrimack.Co.NH Burial: New hampshire St. Veterans Cem, Boscawen, Merrimack.Co.NY. Note 11: 1950 Graduated from Fayette.IA H.S. Note 12: 1952 Korean War vet, US Army. Note 13: 1962 Living at Logan.UT. Note 14: Lived at Loudon.NH for 38yrs.

........................... +BINGLEY, Laurene m: 12 Sep 1958 in Logan, Cache.Co.UT

........................ 11 STEARNS, Dal W.

........................ 11 STEARNS, Dane A.

........................ 11 STEARNS, Paul J.

........................ 11 STEARNS, Jennifer L.

.............................. +DAWES, Unknown

..................... 10 STEARNS, John b: 1934 in Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Note 8: 1952 Graduated from Fayette.IA H.S. Note 10: 1962 Living in Waterloo, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA. Note 11: 1976 Living at Fairbank.IA. Note 15: Lived at Lansing.IA.

........................... +UNKNOWN, Sue

........................ 11 STEARNS, Unknown

.............................. +HESSE, Unknown

.......................... 12 HESSE, Nicholas Allen b: Dec 1977 in Iowa

..................... 10 STEARNS, Kaye b: 1936 in Frog Hollow area farm, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Note 8: 1953 Graduated from Fayette.IA H.S. Note 11: 1962 Living at Rockford.IL. Note 12: 1988 Living at Rockford.IL.

........................... +PUFFETT, Randall

..................... 10 [9] STEARNS, Mavis b: 1938 in Frog Hollow area farm, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Note 11: 1955 Graduated from Fayette.IA H.S. Note 14: 1962 Living at Prescott.AZ. Note 22: 1989 Mavis Druse, Priest.River.ID, visiting mother Thelma.

........................... +HEYER, Alan

..................... *2nd Husband of [9] STEARNS, Mavis:

........................... +KRUSE, Unknown

..................... 10 [10] STEARNS, Allen Lee b: 19 Jan 1940 in Frog Hollow area farm, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Note 8: 1955 Graduated from Fayette.IA H.S. Note 9: 1962 Living at Rockford.IL. Note 11: 1976 Visiting mother at Fayette.IA, from Rockford.IL. Note 13: 1988 Living at Rockford.IL. Note 15: Lived at Freeport.IL.

........................... +NELSON, Eva May b: 26 Dec 1942 in Sycamore, Dekalb.Co.IL m: 16 Dec 1961 in Sycamore.Co.IL Father: Jesse O. NELSON Mother: Normal May COAN Note 11: May 1994 Divorced from Allen Stearns.

........................ 11 STEARNS, Troy Allan b: 15 Aug 1962 in Rockford, Winnebago.Co.IL

........................ 11 STEARNS, Tray Eric b: 11 May 1964 in Rockford, Winnebago.Co.IL

........................ 11 STEARNS, Brandon Jason b: 30 Nov 1974 in Belvidere, Winnebago.Co.IL

..................... 10 STEARNS, Janis Ann b: 1944 in Frog Hollow area farm, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Note 8: 1963 Graduated from Fayette.IA H.S. Note 11: Working for Northwestern Bell in Cedar.Rapids.IA, at time of marriage.

........................... +TEST, Darrell Lee m: in Cedar Rapids, Linn.Co.IA Father: Irvin TEST Note 11: Graduated from U.of.SD. Note 14: Working for Collins Radio Co, Cedar.Rapids.IA, at time of marriage.

..................... 10 STEARNS, Edward 'Eddie' b: 1947 in Frog Hollow area farm, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Note 8: 1966 Graduated from Fayette.IA H.S. Note 11: 1976 Living at Denver.CO.

........................... +UNKNOWN, Paula

........................ 11 STEARNS, Eric b: Abt. 1978 in Lakewood.CO

........................ 11 STEARNS, Emily b: Abt. 1981 in Lakewood.CO

.................. 9 STEARNS, Franecs Marian b: 26 Jun 1907 in Frog Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Sec 11, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. d: 19 Feb 2001 in Maple Crest Manor, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Grandview Cem, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. Note 22: 1960 Living at Fayette.IA.

........................ +DAVIS, Benjamin Harrison 'Ben' b: 26 Sep 1899 in Fayette, Fay.Clo.IA d: 09 Sep 1978 in Center.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Grandview Cem, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. m: 20 May 1928 in Fredericksburg, Chickasaw.Co.IA Father: James R. DAVIS Mother: Julia Ann DUGAN Note 11: 1910 Census: Water.St, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. Russell: Alexander58Can own income, son EdwardA30Dakota proprietor hay press, 2nd wf Julia nee Dugan Davis Russell41, her Davis children Hannah15 private servant, Benjamine11, Durward4.

..................... 10 DAVIS, Blyth Lydia b: 16 Jan 1932 d: 26 Jan 1932

..................... 10 DAVIS, Larry Joe

..................... 10 DAVIS, Owen Gilbert

.................. 9 STEARNS, Doris 'Mattie' b: 18 Jul 1909 in Frog Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Sec 11, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. d: Jan 2004 in Maynard? Harlan.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Grandview Cem, Sec F, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. Note 11: 1927 Graduated from Fayette.IA H.S. Note 22: Living at Fayette.IA.

........................ +KELLY, Karl Francis b: 25 Apr 1909 in Wadena, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 04 Jun 1981 in Fayette, Fayette Co, IA Burial: Grandview Cem, Sec H, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. Father: Earnest Edward 'Ed' KELLY Mother: Elizabeth Marian 'Libbie' DURFEY Note 8: 1927 Graduate of Fayette.IA H.S. Note 11: First marriage, two children. Note 22: 1948 Living at Fayette, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.

..................... 10 KELLY, Jean Andrea b: 12 May 1930

..................... 10 KELLY, Joan Elaine b: 24 Feb 1935

.................. 9 STEARNS, Winnifred 'Winnie' b: 01 Feb 1912 in Frog Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Sec 11, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. d: 07 Jun 1987 in Palmer Hosp, West.Union, Fay.Co.IA Note 11: Abt. 1932 Worked as nurse, Postville.IA hosp; did home nursing. Note 22: Living at Fayette.IA.

........................ +DAVIS, Cecil August b: 1913 in Randalia area, Center.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 2000 m: 25 Jun 1942 in New Hampton, Chickaswa.Co.IA Father: Robert A. DAVIS Mother: Elizabeth Minnie VOELSCHOW Note 11: Aft. 1942 Farmed with father in Center.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.

................ 8 STEARNS, Harry Nathan b: 15 Jan 1883 in Frog Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Sec 11, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. d: 02 Mar 1935 in Omaha, Douglas.Co.NE Burial: Lima Cem, sec 2; sec 13, Westfield Twp, Fay. Co, IA. Note 10: 1895 Census: Frog.Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Sec 11, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: JayH41 farming, EllaD39, GuyE17, EdwardE15, JosephF13, HarryN11, ArthurJ.D.9, MattieP5, mother Rebecca79 nee Mix widow. Note 11: 1900 Census: Harris area, Fairview.Twp, Osceola.Co.IA. Stearns: JH47(Jay) farming, wf ED45(Ella), EE21(Edward), HN17(Harry), AJD15(Arthur), MP10(Mattie), EE5(Earnest), mother Rebecca nee Mix Stearns85. Note 13: 1910 Census: ? Note 15: 1920 Census: ? Note 17: 1930 Census: ? Note 28: Cause of death: after being hit by car.

................ 8 STEARNS, Arthur Daniel 'Jay' b: 18 Jan 1885 in Frog Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Sec 11, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. d: 26 Jun 1901 in Harris area, Fairview.Twp, Osceloa.Co.IA Burial: Fairview Cem, Ocheyedan, Osceola.Co.IA. Note 10: 1895 Census: Frog.Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Sec 11, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: JayH41 farming, EllaD39, GuyE17, EdwardE15, JosephF13, HarryN11, ArthurJ.D.9, MattieP5, mother Rebecca79 nee Mix widow. Note 11: 1900 Census: Harris area, Fairview.Twp, Osceola.Co.IA. Stearns: JH47(Jay) farming, wf ED45(Ella), EE21(Edward), HN17(Harry), AJD15(Arthur), MP10(Mattie), EE5(Earnest), mother Rebecca nee Mix Stearns85.

................ 8 STEARNS, Benjamin Franklin b: 17 Jul 1887 in Frog Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Sec 11, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. d: 17 Jul 1887 in Frog Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Sec 11, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.

................ 8 STEARNS, Mattie Philena b: 11 Sep 1889 in Frog Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Sec 11, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.Frog Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Sec 11, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. d: 26 Nov 1975 in Los Angeles, Los.Angeles.Co.CA Burial: ?? Note 5: 1895 Census: Frog.Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Sec 11, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: JayH41 farming, EllaD39, GuyE17, EdwardE15, JosephF13, HarryN11, ArthurJ.D.9, MattieP5, mother Rebecca79 nee Mix widow. Note 6: 1900 Census: Harris area, Fairview.Twp, Osceola.Co.IA. Stearns: JH47(Jay) farming, wf ED45(Ella), EE21(Edward), HN17(Harry), AJD15(Arthur), MP10(Mattie), EE5(Earnest), mother Rebecca nee Mix Stearns85. Note 7: 1910 Census: West.Union, Union.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Stearns: EllaE54OH, dau Mattie19IA. Note 8: Feb 1912 Fayette.IA Paper: Martha Stearns of West.Union, visiting brother Joe. Note 9: Jan 1920 Fayette.IA.Paper: Mattie Stearns from West.Union if visiting. Note 11: 1920 Paper: Both Mattie Stearns & Henry Fink worked for Western Union Telegraph in Omaha at time of marriage. Note 12: 1920 Census: Omaha, Douglas.Co.NE. Finke: August58 RR Car Shop foreman, Augusta56, Henry31 divorced cabinet maker. Note 14: 1930 Census: N.31st.St, Omaha, Douglas.Co.NE. Finke: HenryA41IL laborer wholesale grocery, MattieP nee Stearns40IA hotel linen room girl, GuyE8NE. Note 22: 1960 Living at Los.Angeles.CA

...................... +FINKE, Henry August b: 18 Oct 1888 in Bloomington, McLean.Co.IL d: 15 Jan 1965 in Los Angeles, Los.Angeles.Co.CA m: Abt. Jan 1920 in Omaha, Douglas.Co.NE Father: August C. FINKE Mother: Augusta SCHEET Note 9: 1900 Census: Bloomington, McLean.Co.IL. Finki/Finke: August29 carpenter, Augusta36, Henry11, Rose8. Note 11: Abt. 1919 Divorced from first marriage. Note 12: 1920 Note 15: 1930 Census: N.31st.St, Omaha, Douglas.Co.NE. Finke: HenryA41IL laborer wholesale grocery, MattieP nee Stearns40IA hotel linen room girl, GuyE8NE.

.................. 9 FINKE, Guy Edward b: 16 Dec 1921 in Sioux Falls, Lincoln.Co.SD d: 05 Jul 1994 in Valencia, Los.Angeles.Co.CA

........................ +GEHRING, Elizabeth Marie b: 19 Mar 1928 in Milwaukee, Kilwaukee.Co.WI d: 20 Nov 1989 in Los Angeles, Los.Angeles.Co.CA m: 21 Jan 1967 in Los Angeles, Los.Angeles.Co.CA Father: Ralph GEHRING Mother: Marie BOGENBERGER

................ 8 STEARNS, Earnest Emmet b: 09 Aug 1895 in Frog Hollow farm, 2mi N of Albany, Sec 11, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. d: 30 May 1969 in Luverne, Magnoila.Twp, Rock.Co.MN Note 7: 1900 Census: Harris area, Fairview.Twp, Osceola.Co.IA. Stearns: JH47(Jay) farming, wf ED45(Ella), EE21(Edward), HN17(Harry), AJD15(Arthur), MP10(Mattie), EE5(Earnest), mother Rebecca nee Mix Stearns85. Note 11: 1918 After marriage, lived with & took care of mother in West.Union.IA. Note 15: Abt. 1920 Moved from West.Union.IA to farm near Luverne, Magnolia.Twp, Rock.Co.MN. Note 17: 1940 Census: Laverne, Mound.Twp, Rock.Co.MN. Stearns: ErnestE44 farming, Hazel44, JoelA18, JoanH15. Note 22: 1960 Living at Luverne, Rock.Co.MN.

...................... +NORTON, Hazel Elizabeth b: 23 Aug 1895 in Magnoila.Twp, Rock.Co.MN d: 10 Oct 1988 in Luverne, Magnoila.Twp, Rock.Co.MN m: 02 Jun 1918 in Fay.Co.IA Father: Robert Cyrus NORTON Mother: Matilda RULE

.................. 9 STEARNS, Joel Arthur b: 03 Feb 1922 in Luverne, Magnoila.Twp, Rock.Co.MN d: 02 Mar 1996 in Luverne, Magnoila.Twp, Rock.Co.MN

........................ +KLEINE, Nyla Lee b: 22 Jul 1924 in Magnoila.Twp, Rock.Co.MN d: 15 Oct 2015 Father: Earnest Henry KLEINE Mother: Myrtle Mae LEHMANN

.................. 9 STEARNS, Guy Robert b: 20 Nov 1923 in Luverne, Magnoila.Twp, Rock.Co.MN d: 25 Jan 1924 in Magnolia.Twp, Rock.Co.MN

.................. 9 STEARNS, Joan H. b: 1925 in Luverne, Magnoila.Twp, Rock.Co.MN

........... 6 STEARNS, Orrin b: Apr 1801 in Monkton, Addison.Co.VT d: Abt. 1802 in Monkton, Addison.Co.VT

........... 6 STEARNS, Clarissa b: 10 Apr 1804 in Monkton or Ferrisburg, Addison.Co.VT d: 1897

... 3 STEARNS, Abigail b: 1670 in Watertown, Middlesex.Co.MA d: 11 May 1709 in Concord, Middlesex.Co.MA

... 3 STEARNS, John b: 1675 in Lexington, Middlesex.Co.MA d: 14 Jun 1734 in Bedford, Middlesex.Co.MA

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Notes: Stearns surname, Fayette.Co.IA

William Kent, a prominent farmer and stock-raiser residing on section 32, Dover Township, was born in South Hero, Grand Isle County, Vt., December 14, 1827. His parents were Helmer and and Samantha Fletcher Kent. His father, a native of New Jersey, was born February 19, 1786, and first married Hannah Allen, who was born July 15, 1795, in Essex County, N. Y. They became the parents of two children: Jane Ann, who was born August 22, 1814, and is now Mrs. Adams, of Oshkosh, Wis.; and Helmer A., who was born June 8, 1816, and died in infancy.
....Helmer Kent and Samantha Fletcher were joined in wedlock July 6, 1817. The lady was born in South Hero, Grand Isle County, Vt., September 1, 1794, and unto them were born the following children: Munson F., the eldest, who was born January 7, 1820, in South Hero, Vt., was twice married and had seven children. He came to Iowa in 1855, locating on a farm in Fayette County where he died in September, 1868. Harriet, born September 17, 1824, died March 25, 1828; William, of this sketch, is the next younger; Phoebe L., born March 24, 1830, on the 24th of April, 1853, became the wife of Winslow Stearns, who is now deceased, and makes her home on a farm near Lima, Iowa. Unto them were born three children. Juliette, born September 7, 1832, married H. B. Hoyt, of West Union, Iowa, February 22, 1854, and died March 30, 1875, leaving four children. Margaret F., born December 14, 1835, became the wife of Jason L. Paine, of Fayette, July 24, 1861, and their home is on a farm in this county. Five children were born unto them, four of whom are living. Warren, born October 12, 1838, died May 18, 1847. The father of this family died in South Hero, Vt., July 18, 1858, and the mother spent her last days in Fayette, Iowa, where her death occurred May 22, 1861.
...In his native town William Kent spent the days of his boyhood and youth, and on the 20th of September, 1854, married Miss Julia Ann Hoyt, daughter of Daniel and Prua (Keeler) Hoyt, and a native of Connecticut, born in Ridgefield, Fairfield County, August 28, 1832. About three and a half years of their married life Mr. and Mrs. Kent spent in the East, and in April, 1858, came to Iowa, locating upon the farm in Fayette.Co.IA, which has since been their home. He built a log house in which they lived comfortably and happily for many years, but some time since it was replaced by a commodious residence of more modern style. The fine farm comprising three hundred and eighty-five acres is furnished with good buildings and all the necessary improvements, and for the past fifteen years Mr. Kent has given considerable attention to the raising of fine stock, making a speciality of Short-horn cattle. He now has a herd of seventy head of thorough-bred Short-horns and at the county fairs has taken many premiums. His home with its entire surroundings is typical of that thrift and economy which follows the New Englander wherever he goes.
...Six children have been born of the union of Mr. and Mrs. Kent and the family circle yet remains unbroken, though some of the children have left the parental roof for homes of their own: Gertrude E., who was born in South Hero, Vt., January 19, 1856, was married in West Union, October 18, 1882, to John J. Shaw, who is engaged in the hardware business in Emmetsburg, Iowa, where they reside. They have one son and one daughter; Addison H., born October 25, 1857, in South Hero, Vt., married Clara McCleery, of this county, September 22, 1881, and resides on a farm in Union Township; Carrie A., born May 22, 1859, in this county, became the wife of John W. Blunt in West Union, December 20, 1886, and their home is on a farm in Union Township; Hardy W., born March 8, 1862, married Grace E. Tyler, June 26, 1889, by whom he has one child, and is associated in business with his brother-in-law, J. J. Shaw, of Emmetsburg. Herbert A., born July 16, 1866, in Dover Township, is still at home; Cora A., born on the old home farm, October 8, 1868, attended the public schools of the neighborhood and completed her education in the High School of West Union. The other children were educated in the public schools and at the Upper Iowa University, of Fayette.
...Mr. Kent is a public-spirited and enterprising citizen. He has always taken an interest in everything to enhance the welfare of his town and county, and has held the office of Treasurer in the school district for the past twelve years, while for more than twenty years he has been connected with the school board. He has also served his township as Assessor and Census Enumerator and in other offices of trust and responsibility. Mr. Kent has been a stanch Republican in politics ever since the Civil War, previous to which time he voted the Democratic ticket. A third of a century has passed since he came to Iowa, and during that entire time he has resided upon one farm.  Page 488, 1891 Bio's of Fayette.Co.IA.
STEARN, A., far., Sec. 29; P. O. Brainard, P.Val.Twp
STEARNS, W. O., farmer, Sec. 27, Union.Twp



Notes:  Clayton.Co.IA, Stearns surname

Charles Franklin Stearns (Elkader, Boardman.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA) was born in Chittenden County, Vt., Dec. 9, 1831, and was a son of Hamilton J. and Sophronia Stearns, nee Wheeler, who had a family of three children. His mother died in Clinton County, N.Y., and his father was again married, to Rebecca Mix. Two children were born unto them,  Jay H. and Emiline. H.J. Stearns died in Fayette County, Ia. The subject of this memoir became self-supporting at the age of fourteen years, going to Burlington, Vt., where he was apprenticed to the printer's trade. He remained there three years, then went to Framingham, Mass., where he clerked in a general store until 1850, when he returned to his home in Clinton County, N.Y., and engaged in teaching school. In the spring of 1852, accompanied by his brother, he emigrated to the then far and unexplored West, settling in Clayton County. He was employed one year on the Clayton Herald, now the Elkader Journal, then taught school until the spring of 1853, when he engaged as clerk for the Elkader Mill Co. In 1857 he embarked in the mercantile business in Clayton, and in 1864 engaged in the same business in Elkader. He was married in the fall of 1858, to Elizabeth Askew, a native of England, born in January, 1834. To them have been born three children-- Elmore C., Delos H. and Fred. Mr. Stearns is a member of the A.O.U.W., Elkader Lodge, No.44. He has been identified with Clayton County for thirty years, and has seen it develop from a vast, unbroken region into one of the finest counties in the great grain- producing State of Iowa.   History of Clayton County, Iowa, 1882, p. 671

Abraham Kohn (McGregor, Mendon.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA) of the firm of Abraham Kohn & Co., wholesale and retail clothiers, McGregor, established this business here in 1863. They also have a store at Prairie Du Chien, Wis., and a factory at Philadelphia, Pa., where they manufacture all their goods, thus insuring first-class garments. They employ from eight to twelve traveling salesmen, and have a large and extensive trade. The members of the firm are Abraham Kohn, S. G. Levi, and Charles Stearns. Mr. Kohn conducts the factory at Philadelphia. Mr. Levi buys goods, and superintends the store at McGregor and at Prairie Du Chien. Mr. Stearns is also located at Prairie Du Chien. They are classed with the prominent and enterprising business men of McGregor, and are well and favorably known throughout the State as men of irreproachable business integrity. Mr. Kohn was born in Baden, Germany, June 16, 1849, a son of Maurice and Sarah (Herman) Kohn, who had a family of thirteen children. When he was six years old he came with his parents to America, and located in Philadelphia, Pa., where he attended school until ten years old, when he was given a position as office boy in the German-American Bank at that place. He remained there about eighteen months, then attended college one term, and at the expiration of that time accepted a clerkship in a furnishing house. In 1863 he came to McGregor and opened his present store.  History of Clayton County, Iowa, 1882, p. 993

1885 Census, Elkader, Boardman.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA:  Stearns:  CharlesF54VT merchant, Elizabeth50IA, DelosH22IA, Fred14IA, Duyt Askew, John Askew34 farmer.

Charles W. Askew
. More than thirty-four years have passed since Charles W. Askew first came to Ness.Co.KS, and here he has been a constant contributor to the development of one of the prosperous farming counties of the Sunflower State. He was born October 4, 1858, at Lockport, New York, but came to Ness County from Clayton County, Iowa, in 1884.
...Frederick Askew, the father of Charles W., was a farmer, born in Effingham, England, December 21, 1831. He came to the United States in 1849 with his parents, John and Liddy (Thoda) Askew, the former born in England in 1800. The children of Mr. and Mrs. John Askew were as follows: Frederick; Libbie, the wife of Charles F. Stearns, a pioneer of Elkader, Iowa, who later went to Sac City in the same state; Benjamin, who died at Waterloo, Iowa; and James, who died at Versailles, Missouri. Frederick Askew died at Lewiston, Idaho. He married Jane Chappell, a daughter of Mark Chappell, born on the Isle of Wight, and who still survives her husband. They were the parents of Charles W. and Nellie J., the latter of whom is the wife of Edward Rawson, of Portland, Oregon.
...Charles W. Askew grew up in Clayton County, Iowa, and acquired his education in the country schools and at the Upper Iowa University of Fayette. A farmer's son, he learned farming and the features of farm and stock work, but began life as a thresher, owning and operating a machine with a partner. Following this he drifted into the wagon and carriage making business, doing custom and repair work at Fayette, but after three years of only moderate success in this enterprise gave it up and decided to come to Kansas.
...Collateral surnames:  ASKEW, THODA, STEARNS, CHAPPELL, RAWSON
...A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans, written and compiled by William E. Connelley, Chicago: Lewis, 1918

Henry Charles Stearns (Elkader, Boardman.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA) one of the enterprising business men of Elkader, was born in Clinton County, N.Y., Aug. 4, 1849, son of S.W. and Philena (Stafford) Stearns. His father is a native of Chittenden, Vt.; his mother of Clinton County, N. Y., who was married in Plattsburg, N.Y. To them were born five children, two sons and three daughters. In 1860 S. W. Stearns emigrated with his family to Fayette County, Ia., where he still resides. Henry C. was reared on a farm and received a common-school education. In 1868 was employed by his present partner as clerk in the mercantile business, and in 1873 was taken in as a partner. The same year he married Martha Snedegar, a daughter of F. Snedegar, of Missouri. She was born in 1859. Mr. Stearns is a member of the Masonic fraternity, Elkader Lodge, No. 72, and also Harmony Chapter, No. 41.  History of Clayton County, Iowa, 1882, p. 671-672

History of Clayton County, Iowa, 1882, Chapter XX, Boardman Township
...The Elkader Creamery was built by Charles Franklin & Henry Charles Stearns and Edgar Partch in 1878, but operations were not begun until the following summer. Mr. Partch sold out in August, 1881, to Messrs. Stearns who are the present proprietors. This establishment has steadily enlarged its business from the start, and is now one of the best creameries in this section of the country. Running but two cream wagons the first year, nine of them are now constantly employed in visiting the farmers in the surrounding country and gathering in visiting the farmers in the surrounding country and gathering the cream skimmed from vast quantities of milk. During the year 1881, this creamery made 118,250 pounds of butter, which were shipped to Philadelphia, New York and Chicago.
...The first money order issued at the Elkader Post Office (opened 1848) was Aug. 8, 1866, to Snedigar and Stearns, for $32.50, and was payable to the St. Louis Lead and Oil Company, St. Louis, Mo.  Fielding Snedigar made an addition to East Elkader in 1868.

F. Snedigar (Elkader, Boardman.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA) was born in Pike County, MO., March 27, 1822, and was a son of Robert and Mary Snedigar, nee Butler, who were natives of Bourbon County, Ky., and the parents of thirteen children. In 1818 they emigrated to Pike County, Ill., where Mr. Snedigar followed the trade of a saddler, and engaged in farming until his death, which occurred in 1863. The subject of this record was reared on a farm, and was the recipient of a good, practical education. He was married in 1841 to Miranda B. Hayes, daughter of G. Hayes, of Tennessee. She is a great-granddaughter of Daniel Boone, and was born in Montgomery, Mo., May 5, 1824. Of nine children born of this union, seven are living-- James M., Edward B., Martha J. (now the wife of H.C. Stearns), Irena E. (wife of H. H. Luers), Henry F., George M. and Marcella M. In 1844 Mr. Snedigar came West with his family, locating in Iowa County, Wis., where he engaged in mining until 1847, when he removed to Jo Daviess County, Ill. He engaged in the lumber traffic there, and in 1851 settled in Clayton County. He was employed by a milling company in a saw-mill, in which the saw went up one week and came down the next. Through his ingenuity he arranged it so that the saw went up and down the same week. He was elected to the office of Justice of the Peace, and upon one occasion while he was trying a case the defendant called the Court a liar; the Court immediately arose, struck him over the head, laying him on the floor and demolishing the records. During his political life Mr. Snedigar was elected Constable. He went to Judge Williams to be qualified. The Judge told him that he could swear him, but that it would take a higher power than he to qualify him. In 1861 he embarked in the mercantile business, which he prosecuted until 1868, when he settled on a farm in Fayette County, Ia. In 1882 he returned to Elkader, where he has since lived a retired life.   History of Clayton County, Iowa, 1882, p. 670-671

William C. Stearns (Clayton, Clayton.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA), of the firm of Beckman, Schroeder & Sterns, prominent business men of Clayton City, is an Ohioan by birth, and was born in the town of Brunswick, Medina County. He removed to Illinois in 1853, remaining there some eighteen months, and in 1855 settled in Clayton City. He embarked in the furniture business in partnership with Mr. Campbell, and continued seven years. He then followed draying until 1881, when he engaged in the livery business, as a member of the firm of Beckman, Shroeder & Sterns. They keep a first-class establishment, and are meeting with good success. Mr. Stearns was married in 1846 to Nancy Gambrel, in Cincinnati, Ohio. She was born in 1825. Five children have blessed this union, viz.: Nettie, born in 1847, married H. Kleinhans; Edwin, born in 1852; Charles, in 1856; Elmorina, on Dec. 16, 1859, and Frederick W., born July 16, 1862. In politics Mr. Stearns is a strong Republican.  History of Clayton County, Iowa, 1882, p. 727-728

1885 Census, Clayton, Clayton.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA:  Stearns:  William64OH manager of village livery, Nancy59OH, Edward31OH, Charles27IA, Reny25IA, Fred23IA.

Clayton Cemetery
Clayton Twp. , Section 2 NE/NW, Clayton.Co.IA
Stearns, Charles D.     h/o Sadie 
Stearns, Fred  1862  11/18/1889  age 27y 
Stearns, Nancy nee Gambrel 09/15/1825 07/05/1901  w/o William 
Stearns, Sarah 'Sadie' nee Beacom 06/12/1863 or 1868 07/10/1908  w/o C.D. 
Stearns, William C.  1820  02/03/1896  h/o Nancy 
Stearns, William E. 'Ed' 10/07/1852  01/22/1896  h/o Belle Solem

1882 History of Clayton.Co.IA:  Strawberry Point, Cass.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA was laid out by William H. and D. M. Stearns in 1853 under the name of Franklin, but as there was another post office by this name.  The first frame house built in Cass Township was built by W. H. Stearns.


ObitWm. E. Stearns (1820-1896) one of our oldest citizens passed away Monday, Feb. 3, 1896, after about three weeks of serious illness.  Wm. Sterns was born in Brunswick, Ohio, in 1820. He came to Clayton from Galena in 1855 and has lived here ever since.  When he first came to Clayton he was one of the firm of Kuempel and Sterns, Cabinet Makers, and after a few years of successful business Mr. Stearns retired, and buying a team began teaming, a business which he was engaged at for a number of years.  He was at one time interested in the livery stable of Beckman, Stearns and Schroeder, but soon retired and resumed his duties at teaming.  He was always a hardworking, honest man with everyone for a friend. He was an honored member of Garnavillo Lodge, No. 90, A.F. & A. M., which body conducted the funeral ceremonies with credit to themselves and to the fraternity.  Of the children born to Mr. and Mrs. Stearns, Nettie, Fred and Edward precede him to the dark beyond, while Mrs. Rena Kleinhouse of Beatrice, Neb., and Chas. Stearns of Clayton are left with an aged widowed mother his loss.  It is only eight days before the death of Mr. Stearns that their beloved son Edward was laid to his final rest. The father’s weary spirit could not stay long from that of his beloved boy and the ‘angels call’ was again heard.  Rev. Marshall of McGregor delivered a very touching and impressive sermon, after which the remains were taken to the Clayton cemetery on the hill, and laid aside the graves of Edward and Fred. May he rest in peace.  Clayton Picket: February 13, 1896

Obit:  Wm. E. Stearns (1852-1896) died at his home in Minneapolis Jan. 22, 1896, Wm. E. Stearns, Familiarly known as Ed., of bowel complaint.  Deceased was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct. 7, 1852 being at the time of his death 43 years, 2 mo. 15 days old. He moved to Clayton along with his parents when he was, but three years old. At the time the railroad was built he began work as a trainman which business he followed ever since. He was a conductor on the C.D. & M, Ry., for several years, he then quit this Co. and began work in Minneapolis on the Minneapolis and St. Louis Ry., where he has since been employed off and on.  It seems strange that a man who has run on railroad trains for at least twenty-five years should at last die as he did from a sickness and not from accident, but such as the will of God.  He was married Dec. 25, 1889 to Miss Belle Solem of Minneapolis. He leaves a loving wife, a daughter 5 years old, an aged mother and an invalid father, a brother Chas. Stearns of Clayton and one sister, Mrs. Rena Klienhaus of Beatrice, Neb.  The remains were brought to Clayton for burial Friday and were laid to rest alongside of his brother Fred in Clayton Cemetery, Sunday at 2 P.M., Rev. Seaton officiating.  The pall bearers were all Clayton boys who had been raised here, Geo. Kuempel, Ernie Harvey, L. Christ, Wm. Beacom, Ed. Kuempel and Sid Backus.  The Clayton Picket: January 30, 1896

Bartley S. Whitney (Elkader, Boardman.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA), one of the early settlers of Clayton County, was born in Ontario, Can., on the 8th day of March, 1827, son of Lewis and Sarah (Kitchen) Whitney of English descent. They were married in Niagara, Can., and had a family of eleven children, six sons and five daughters, four of whom are living, viz.: Wm. A., a real estate dealer of Nebraska; B. S.; Charles A., furniture dealer of Ontario, Can.; Ellen, now the wife of Paul Moore, of Canada. Lewis Whitney died in Ontario, Can. The mother died in Canada in April, 1882. The subject of this memoir was educated in the common schools of his native country, and at the age of seventeen was apprenticed to a tinner with whom he remained four years. In the spring of 1849 he married Diana Switzer, daughter of Amos Switzer, a native of Quebec, where she was born in 1831. The fruit of this union was five children, four living, viz.: Sarah A., now the wife of Dr. C. H. Stearns, of Elkader; Rosalie J., wife of Virgil Davis, Deputy Recorder and County Clerk; Harry S. and Frank G. In 1854 Mr. Whitney emigrated to Geneva, Wis., where he remained five years; thence to Prairie du Chien, and in 1859 came to Elkader, where he has been engaged in the tin and hardware business since. In politics he was a Republican until Grant's second nomination. Since that time he has been a Liberal.  History of Clayton County, Iowa, 1882, p. 676









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Barry Zbornik
Hannibal, MO 


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