1899Mar09, Arlington.Ia paper:  Putnam.Twp news,  Bertie Talcott and Katie Overton visited at Mrs. S.A. Lyon’s the first of the week.
1902Nov13, Arlington.IA paper:  Lester Wroe and mother returned from their western trip.
1902Nov13, Arlington.IA paper:  SE Putnam news, Ms. Kate Overton & Ms. Maude Morley visited Strawberry.Pt on Sunday.
1902Nov27, Elgin.IA paper;  Nancy A. Robbins to Lester Wroe, S 3a off E1/2 of SE of SE sec 9, plus N1/2 of NE of NE (20a) and N1/2 of SE of NE (20a), sec 16, in T92N, R7W, in Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.  This is 43a of timbered hill land, a mile south of Mill Grove and Rawson's Mill, or 3mi N of Arlington, 3mi S of Wadena.
1903Jun11, Arlington.IA paper, Wadena news,  Ed Wolf & Will Hagerman finished the plaster work in the new Hotel.  The carpenters are casing and finishing.  Wadena has a hotel to be justly proud.
1904May04, Arlington.IA paper:  J.E. Wroe to Wm Heiserman, S 22ft lots 3&4 bk4 and lots 1&2 bk5, Auburn plat, $300.
1905Sep21, Arlington.IA paper:  County claims allowed, Dr. E.A. Ainsworth, med attendance, Tope, Wroe & jail.
1905Oct26, Arlington.IA paper:  Point Press (Strawberry Point); News arrived of the marriage of Ms. Bess Overton to Mr. Lester Roe of Arlington, in that place on Tuesday.  The bride is well known in Strawberry having been her home for a number of years.  The couple will reside on a farm (north) of Arlington.
1906Apr18, Oelwein.IA papger:  Fayette.Co claims paid, Lester Wroe,  bridge piling $4.
1906May17, Arlington.IA paper:  Volga City news; Lester Wroe &  wife of Arlingon, spent Sunday with L. Wroe and wife (of Volga).
1906July19, Arlington.IA paper:  Strawberry.Pt News; Mr/Mrs Lester Wroe were visiting at the home of H. Talcott of Strawberry.Pt.IA.
1906Aug09, Arlington.IA paper:  Mrs. Lester Wroe visited home of H. Talcott in Strawberry.Pt.
1906Sep27, Arlington.IA paper:  Ms. Kate Overton from Strawberry.Pt is visiting her sister Mrs. Bessie Wroe near Arlington.
1906Dec13, Arlington.IA paper:  Volga City area news; West Wroe is dangerously sick and not much hopes of his recovery.
1906Dec20, Arlington.IA paper:  Volga City area news;  Death notice, John Wesley Wroe, b. Davistown, Green.Co.PA, Feb 2, 1841 and d. Dec 7, 1906 at Volga City, IA.  Came to Fay.Co.IA 1865.  Married Clarinda Graves Oct 7, 1876 at Volga City.  Sister Mrs. McEwen of Fayette, nephew Geo. Cuhens (Kuhens) of Luana, Mr(nephew)/Mrs Darnell of Randalia, were here to attend the funeral.
1907Jan31, Arlington.IA paper:  Mrs. West Wroe of Volga is visiting son Lester near Arlington this week.
1907Feb21, Arlington.IA paper:  Mrs. W. Wroe of Volga is staying with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Fox at present.
1907April07, Arlington.IA paper:  Volga Valley news; Lester Wroe was calling on his mother last week at Volga.
1907Jun13, Arlington.IA paper:  Mr/Mrs Lester Wroe visited the Talcott home in Strawberry Point.
1907Aug, Oelwein.IA paper:  Mr/Mrs Lester Wroe & baby attended a surprise 40th birthday party for Fred Talcott in Putnam.Twp.
1907Sep05, Arlington.IA paper:  Ms. Kate Overton returned home from Arlington after spending a few days at the home of her sister Mrs. L. (Bessie) Wroe, who accompanied her home to Strawberry.Pt.
1907Sep26, Arlington.IA paper:  Mrs. H. Talcott is at the home of Mrs. L. Wroe near Arlington.
1907Oct03, Arlington.IA paper:  Stawberry.Pt news,  Mrs. H. Talcott & Ms Kate Overton returned from Arlington on Thur.  Mrs. Bessie Wroe accompanied them.
1907Oct24, Arlington.IA paper:  Mrs. (Geo) Fox, Mrs. (Wes) Wroe, Mrs. James Sha?l returned home from Sioux City, where Mrs.Fox & Mrs. Wroe’s mother lives.  She was very sick but better when they got there.
1907Nov28, Arlington.IA paper:  Strawberry.Pt news, Mrs. Bessie Wroe visited with friends near Arlington over Sunday.
1908Feb13, Arlington.IA paper:  Volga Valley news Mrs. (Wes) Wroe has gone to Cherokee (Cherokee.Co.IA) to visit relatives and does not intend to return until March. Geo. Fox family went to Charley Fox’s Sunday.  Ms. Stella Fox was with them and will remain to visit for a few days before returning to her home in Cherokee.
1908Apr09, Arlington.IA paper: 
Strawberry.Pt news, Mrs. Bessie Wroe spent Sunday with friends in Manchester.
1908Apr30, Arlington.IA paper:  Strawberry.Pt news, Mrs. Besse Wroe spent a few day visiting friends in the country.
1909Jun24, Arlington.IA paper:  Wadena news, Mrs. Bess Wroe of Strawberry Pt, is visiting at the Mae Zbinkee home.
1909Jul29, Arlington.IA paper:  Volga Valley news,  Benj. Rodgers and Mrs. Clarinda Wroe were married at the home of Mrs. (Geo) Fox Sat evening, Rev. Dugger officiating.
1909Aug12, Arlington.IA paper: 
Lester Wroe & G. Kickead went to northern MN to do some harvesting. 
1909Aug12, Arlington.IA paper:  Strawberry.Pt news, Mrs. Bessie Wroe went to Wadena Tue for a short visit with friends.
1909Sep16, Arlington.IA paper:  Strawberry.Pt news, Mrs. Bessie Wroe returned home from Minneapolis, where she has been the guest of Mr/Mrs Asa Talcott.
1909Oct07, Arlington.IA paper:  Strawberry.Pt news, Ms. Kate Overton and Mrs. Besse (Overton) Wroe visited friends in Arlington.
1909Oct21, Arlington.IA paper:   Wadena news, Mrs. May Henkel, Mrs. Wroe and Mr. Wm Hagerman visited Wed at the Solomon home at Lima.
1909Oct28, Arlington.IA paper, Strawberry.Pt news, Mrs. Bessie Wroe and little son were in Elkader last Tues.
1909Nov19, Arlington.IA paper, Strawberry.Pt news,  Mrs. (Bessie Overton) Will Hagerman and Mrs. (Kate Overton) (Phillip) Dye of Wadena, spent Sunday in the H. Talcott home.
1909Dec02, Arlington.IA paper:  Mrs. Bess Wroe & son Bernard of Strawberry.Pt are visiting friends at Wadena.
1910May26, Arlington.IA paper:  Lester Wroe and wife of Central City visiting Rodgers & Kinkead families (article does not open).
1912Apr18, Arlington.IA paper; Volga news, Mr/Mrs Lester Wroe of Central City are visiting at the homes of relatives in Arlington.
1924Oct9,  Fayette.IA paper:  Born to Mr/Mrs Lester Wroe, 1924Oct4, dau Miriam Lucile.  (This is dau of Lester, son of Joseph.)