Dr. Samuel Austin Wroe
and McCann
surname and burials
Fayette County Iowa
this is a very long page, to avoid confusion study & use the
drop-down menu following the introduction material to
locate specific trees of interest.
Ancestry has significant amounts of incorrect data regarding the Dr. Samuel Wroe
This page will attempt to offer improved genealogy regarding the family;
Collateral surnames of interest:
Burns, Clark,
Culbertson, Darnell/Darnall, Fox, Graves, Hill, Houlsworth/Holsworth, Kuhens,
McCann, McElree, others are listed in the kinship report.
Surname analogs:
Wroe, Roe, Rowe, Rhoe.
Page Chronology:
2010Dec17, initially uploaded; 2010Mar06, tree updated Torey/bz;
2013Jan02, significant new research and corrections are
being added, Torey&bz; 2013Jan06, McCann tree added.
2013Feb08: Tree reloaded catching any additions and any
changed from working on collateral surnames, Torey&bz.
Introduction: The
move to Fayette.Co.IA. ....Dr. Samuel Austin Wroe (1810-1884),
originally from Washington D.C., was a
camp surgeon at a field hospital near Wheeling,
Marshall/Ohio.Co, WV, during the Civil War.
...Samuel's dau. Rebecca Jane Wroe (1843-1944),
at age 19, served as Samuel's Civil War nurse.
....Samuel's three sons George Neff Wroe 1839-1916,
John Wesley Wroe 1841-1906 & William Jerome Wroe
1846-1934, along with dau. Rebecca's new husband John Kuhens
1838-1908, all enlisted & served in Co. N of the WV 6th Infantry
Regiment of the Union Army.
....With disease rampant in the poor
conditions of the camp hospital, both Dr. Samuel Austin Wroe and his daughter Rebecca fell seriously ill
....When John Kuhens mustered out of the Army in
July 1864, John Kuhens' and the Wroe's decided to
move west to Fayette.Co.IA, where
Samuel Austin Wroe's brother-in-law
Joseph Houlsworth had settled in the 1850s.
....With the doctor and his daughter too ill to travel overland, they took the
river route from the western border area of WV/PA to Port McGregor,
Clayton.Co.IA by Sep1864, then
move to farms 2mi E &
SE of Lima, in Illyria.Twp, Fayette.Co.IA
....The strain and deprivation of the Civil War had worn down the physical and
mental 'health' of the
....According to granddaughter Orpha Nellie Wroe 1893-1991, Samuel filled in as a local doctor in the Lima area,
helped by his youngest son James Leroy Wroe 1859-1937.
....Samuel never fully recovered his health after the war. Largely retired
from medicine, he spent most of his remaining years as a farmer.
....Rebecca Wroe Kuhens, who lived to almost 101, would become known as 'Grandma Kuhens' while living widowed, on south Main St
in Fayette and boarding many UIU college students.
....Son Joseph Wroe would marry SarahV Hill of Frog Hollow and farm 65a in sec 10, Westfield.Twp,
next to the Hill farm, 1mi N of Albany, then move to the Auburn area.
....Son James Leroy would farm for a number of years in a sec 10, Frog Hollow valley
just NW of his brother Joseph Wroe. |

Page drop-down menu:
This is a very long page.
The trees of the Wroe children are expanded in their own section.
The links below will drop down to locate a section.
Hitting the browser return button/arrow will come back to this menu area to
start reviewing again.
Wroe line gives an overview leading to
Absalom1755 Wroe.
Absalom Wroe 1755-1834 X
Anne Clarke 1758-1802, parents of, Sea Captain Samuel Wroe, the father of
Dr.Samuel1810 Wroe.
Dr. Samuel Austin Wroe
1810/Atlantic.Sea-1884/Lima area, Fay.Co.IA,
married 1835 in German, Fayette.Co.PA,
Orpha Ann McCann
1818/Preston.Co.WV-1906/Lima area, Fay.Co.IA
McCann surname.
Wroe Burials listed in
Plat Maps of Wroe related farm areas.
Trees for Children of Sam & Orpha:
George Neff 1839-1916 X Alice Jane Davis
1856-1935, nine children.
2. John Wesley 1841-1906
X Clarinda A. 'Rindy' Graves 1854-1927, raised
Lester Stiner as a Wroe.
3. Rebecca Jane 1843-1944
X John Kuhens 1838-1908, eleven children.
4. William Jerome 1846-1934
X Ester Ann Pogue 1851-?, four children.
5. Isabelle Elizabeth 1848-1850, b/d Jollytown, Green.Co.PA, diphtheria.
6. Joseph Ellsworth
1851-1905/10 X Sarah V. Hill 1853-1920, nine children.
7. James Leroy
1859-1937 X Harriett Eunice 'Hattie' Burns 1863-1944, ten children.
8. Charles Alexander 1860/62-bef1864, b.Jollytown.PA, d. Fairmont.WV,
9. Flora Hegia 1862/64-bef1864, b.
Jollytown.PA, d. Fairmont.WV, diphtheria.
Kinship Report of individuals related to
Dr. Samuel Austin Wroe.
Overview notes of the three Wroe
generations leading to Fayette.Co.IA.
Civil War Doctors.
Contains webpage links to various Fayette Co. surnames and history
Iowaz Index Page
Page Links of Collateral Surnames on Iowaz Site
Houlsworth surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Earle &
Albany Mill, Fayette.Co.IA
Waite, Wait surname,
photo hosting site contains material regarding history, maps,
genealogy of Fayette, Co, Iowa
Iowaz Photo
Hosting Site
Use Google Earth & Microsoft Research Maps for a topo and aerial view of farms, villages, along
with Google Earth.
The Wroe line leading to the Dr. Samuel Wroe family of Fayette.Co.Iowa:
first verified documentation
of this particular Wroe line appears in
County, VA in the 1770,s with
Absalom Wroe
....Absalom Wroe was the grandfather of Dr. Samuel Austin Wroe b.1810 of
Absalom1755 > Sea Captain Samuel1782 > Dr. Samuel
....There was also a large, well-known group of Wroe's in

....The Westmoreland.Co.VA, Wroe's descended from William Wroe b.1679,
who came through the Originall (given name) Wroe line.
....It is easy to assume the Loudoun.Co.VA & Westmoreland.Co.VA, Wroe
familes are related. However, thus far, there is no evidence to
support this.

....Absalom1755 Wroe of Loudon.Co.VA does appear related to William Wroe
....William1755 Wroe served along side Absalom1755 Wroe in the Virginia 5th
Regiment during the Revolutionary War and the two men maintained ties
throughout life.
....So William1755 Wroe may be a brother or a cousin of Absalom1755 Wroe.

....Absalom Wroe may also be related to Sgt. Samuel Wroe, of the Virginia
1st Regiment who was killed at Valley Forge in 1778.
....Sgt. Samuel also lived in Loudoun and Fairfax counties of Virginia at
the same time as Absalom, who named his eldest son, the sea captain, b.1782,
....The Wroe surname they used may have originally been spelled Roe, and
came from England to America.
Descendent trees.
Basic descendent trees of the major surname lines in Fayette Co, Iowa.
Trees were created from online, census, burial info/data and other data,
personal knowledge, so there will be
speculations/best guesses.
These trees can be added too or corrected should anyone want to copy/paste/email
Do not take any material/dates as absolute fact. Use
the data to jump start your own research.
Descendants of Absalom Wroe, 3 generations,
>Absalom Wroe 1755VA-1834/Wash.DC
>>Sea Captain Samuel Wroe 1782/VA-1861/Wash.DC
>>>Dr. Samuel Austin Wroe 1810/Atlantic.Sea-1884/farm
2mi SE of Lima, Fayette.Co.IA.
Last pasted: 2013Jan01
Descendants of Absalom Wroe
1 [6] WROE, Absalom b: Abt. 1755 in Virginia d: 14 May 1834 in Washington.DC Note 1: 28 Dec 2012 Wroe last edited; Barry.Zbornik,
Hannibal.MO, iowaz@hotmail.com Note 2: 04 Dec 2012 Blended in
Torey's tree, added major info/corrections to Lima/Albany line, bz/2012.
Note 7: Bet. 06 Mar 1776 - 1778 Rev. War soldier, VA 5th Reg, served
uner Gen. Geo. Washington; discharged at Valley Forge. Note 8: 1782
Resident of Fairfax.Co.VA. Note 9: 1790 Census; Alexandria,
Fairfax.Co.VA, wf & 3ch. Note 11: 04 Jun 1792 Contract, Fed.
Commissioners of Wash.DC, to Absolem Wroe & Patrick McMahan,. Note
12: 04 Jun 1792 Erect wharf on "point opposite lumber yd. near mouth
of Goose Creek (Tiber Cr). Note 13: Aft. Jun 1792 Erecting wharf on
Pontomac River to east of National Capital. Note 15: 1801 Court
Records; still in Alexandria, Fairfax.Co.VA. Note 16: 1810 Census;
in Ward 7, Baltimore.MC. Note 18: 1812 Fry's Directory: grocery
clerk, on Bank St & Happy Alley, Baltimore.MD. Note 21: 1820 Census;
grocer, Wash.DC. Note 24: 1830 Census; Grocer, Wash.DC.
.. +CLARKE, Anne b: Abt. 1758 in Alexandria, Fairfax.Co.VA d: 1802
in Alexandria, Fairfax.Co.VA m: Bef. 1780 Father: Unknown CLARKE
Mother: Roseanne UNKNOWN Note 11: 1802 Death likely during Yellow
Fever epidemic of 1802 in Alexandria.VA. Note 12: 1802 Name removed
from Trinity Meth Ch rolls as deceased.
.... 2 [1] WROE, Sea Captain Samuel b: 11 Aug 1782 in Alexandria,
Fairfax.Co.VA d: 13 Feb 1861 in Washington.DC Burial: Rock Creek Cem,
Washingon.DC Note 4: 13 Mar 1807 Seaman's Protection Certif
(passport equv.) at Philadelphia, York.Co.Pa, 23y, 5'8", Lt.Br hair,
bl eyes, scar middle finger. Note 5: 1810 Sea Captain, in Antiqua &
Barbuda; schooners Iola Mary and John & Mary, sailing bet. Caribbean
& Baltimore. Note 7: Bet. 1810 - 1830 Sea captain of Brig Tulip,
Schooner John&Mary, Brig Julia, Schooner Belona, Sloop Honest
Endeavour, Schooner Iola Mary, & others. Note 8: 1811 Sea Captain,
reported on political troubles returning from Buenos Aires &
Montevideo. Note 9: 1812 Sailed mainly between NY, Caribbean, South
Am. Listed in Fry's Baltimore Directory. Note 10: 1812 War of 1812,
served with Captain George Styles, under name James Wroe. Note 11:
Fellow mariners had to vouch 1812 service when Sam made land bounty
claim. Note 12: Sep 1814 Present at Ft McHenry, likely when the Star
Spangled Banner was sketched. Note 13: Latter yrs, War of 1812;
likely one of ship masters/captians guarding entrance to Hudson
River in NY, Torey/2012. Note 14: 1815 Remarried Maria Bowers who
sailed on ship 1815-1828; converted Maria's Cahtolicism religion,
Torey/2012. Note 15: 1815 In Charleston, Baltimore, New York. Sailed
NY to Belfast or London in 38 days. Note 16: 1819 Passengers of
Sloop Sappho, paper thank you, satisfaction with voyage & attentive
conduct. Note 18: 1820 Captain of Schooner Belona. Note 19: 1829
Captain Sloop Imperial, New.Haven.CT, mast broke in squall, cook
killed, towed to port. Note 20: 1840 Census; grocer, Ward 4,
Washington.DC. Note 21: 1850 Census; grocer, Ward 4, Wash.DC. Note
22: 1860 Census; grocer, listed Sea Captain, $10k/700, Ward 4,
Wash.DC. Wroe: Samuel78, 2nd wf Maria50, Chas26 bookbinder, his wf
Marion18. Note 23: 1860 Slave Scheduel: Samuel Wroe, 1 black female
........ +MATTHEWS, Unknown b: Abt. 1795 in Belffast, Antrim.Co,
Northern Ireland d: Bef. 1814 in At sea & buried at sea? m: Abt.
1809 in Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland Note 5: Marriage to
Sam.Wroe may have been as late as 1813/1814, Torey/2011. Note 7:
Husb Sam sailed 13yrs with 2nd wf on ship, so SamA may have been on
ship until school age.
........... 3 WROE, Dr. Samuel Austin
b: Jan 1810 in Ocean crossing
bet. Ireland & America. d: 04 Mar 1884 in Farm 2mi SE of Lima,
mid.Sec19, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Lima Cem, sec 3, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA (likely burial, Torey/2012). Note 2:
Surname analogs: Wroe, Roe, Rowe, Rhoe. Only 'Wroe' line found in
Fay.Co.IA, bz/2012. Note 3: Birth may have been as late as
1813-1814, Torey/2011. Note 4: Father Samuel1782 sailed 1815-1828
with 2nd wf Maria on ship, so SamuelA1810 may have been on ship
until school age. Note 5: Bet. 1820 - 1830 Bet. 1820 - 1830 Census:
A boy of SamA's age appears with g/f Absalom; likely SamuelA1810
until attending med school (probably) in Baltimore, Torey/2012. Note
6: Bef. 1837 In Preston.Co.WV (Witnessed/signed a Rev.War pension
application1837Apr) (VA at the time; border with SW Penn; near
Fayette & Greene Co’s, PA). Note 7: Friend of & influenced by Dr.
GeoW Neff (1812-1874); named son George Neff b.1839 after Dr. Neff,
Torey/2012. Note 8: 1840 Census: Saml Wover (Wroe), wf Orpha
McCann1818 & son Geo. Neff1839, practicing medicine with Geo.Neff in
German, Fayette.Co, southwest corner of PA. Note 9: 1850 Census:
physician, $200, Jollytown, Jackson.Twp, Greene.Co.PA, SW corner
bordering WV. Roe: SamuelA40, Orthe34, Geo12, JohnW10, Rebecca
Jane7, Wm.Jerome4, Isabelle2. Note 10: Bef. 1860 Dr. in SW corner of
PA before going to Wash.DC; at German, then farther SW at Jollytown
3/4mi from WV boarder. Note 11: Bef. 1860 Appears to have been
estranged from father Sam1782 for yrs, possibly due to Dorcas Allan
affair in 1830's, Torey/2012. Note 12: 1860 According to dau.
Rebecca, went to see father Sam1782 who was dying in Wash.DC. (died
1861Feb13). Note 13: 1860 Census: still hunting for family, Pd.
taxes on Jollytown.PA property 1859 & 1861(not 1860); best guess so
far in Fairmont, Marion.Co.WV, Torey/2012. Note 14: Bet. 1861 - 1862
Dr. Samuel Wroe was practicing medicine, Jollytown, Greene.Co,
southwest PA on WV border. Note 15: Bet. 1863 - 1864 Field hospital
surgeon near Wheeling.WV (dau Rebecca nurse there) Civil War made
Sam, 'sick at heart.' Sam & dau Rebecca (nurse) became ill during
service at field hospital. Note 17: Sep 1864 By fall s/law John
Kuhens (mustered out Jul1864) relocated from WV/PA boarder area to
IA by OH&Miss.Riv's, landing at Port McGregor in Clayton.Co, assumed
f/law Dr.SamA.Wroe accompanied, bz/Torey/2012. Note 18: 1864
Officially retired from medicine, too ill to go overland, traveled
from PA/WV, by OH & Miss.Riv to Port McGregor, then overland to
Lima/Illyria area, Fay.Co.IA Note 19: Bet. 1865 - 1884 Likely on 40a
farm 2mi SE of Lima, mid.Sec19, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA, rest of
life. Note 20: 1868 Plat; farming 40a, SW1/4 of NE1/4, sec 19,
Illyria.Twp, 1+mi SE of Lima, Fay.Co.IA. Note 22: 1870 Census:
farming, $400/100, 40a, sec 19, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Row:
James55VA, Orfe50PA, Wesley25PA, Joseph18PA, James13PA. Note 23:
1879 Plat; son JohnW Wroe shows on 40a farm, sec 19, Illyria.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA, bz/2012. Note 24: 1880 Census; farming original 40a, sec
19, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Roe: SamuelA65, OrphaM61. Note 25: 1880
Adj to Peter Bass. Close to dau Rebecca (John) Kuehens & Eliza
Holsworth farms. Note 29: 1884 Apparently remained 1868-1884, on
home farm, sec 19, Illyria.Twp, until death, bz, 2012.
............... +MCCANN, Orpha Ann b: 04 Jun 1818 in Kingwood,
Preston.Co.VA(WV) d: 03 Jun 1906 in Dau Rebecca (John) Kuhen's farm,
2mi SE of Lima, NE corner, sec 20, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial:
Lima Cem, sec 3, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA m: 01 Jan 1835 in
German.Twp, Fayette.Co.PA Father: David Jr. MCCANN Mother: Ann
'Nancy' KING Note 3: 1820 Census; Morgantown area, Preston.Co.WV(VA),
David, wf Nancy, dau Orpha1818. Note 4: Father operated McCann Ferry
on River Cheat with bro John, Torey/2012. Note 5: Aft. 1825
Father/uncle relocated ferry business across river landing from
Preston.Co.VA to Fayette.Co.PA. Note 6: 1830 Census: Fayette.Co.PA,
DavidII, wfNancy; ch by age, DavidIII, James, Eliz, Nancy, Mary Ann,
Orpha Note 7: 1833 Working as domestic, age14, on farm of James &
Serepta Mustard, Springhill, Uniontown, Fayette.Co.PA. Note 9: 01
Jan 1835 Obit; married Samuel A.Wroe of Wash.D.C. (on this date).
Note 10: Aft. 1835 Marriage possibly later, as Sam.Wroe in
Preston.Co.PA 1837+ & Orpha's 1st ch, 1839; Torey/2012. Note 11:
Bef. 1837 In Preston.Co.VA(WV) by 1837, with husb. Samuel Wroe. Note
15: 1850 Census; with husb, physician Samuel, Jollytown, Jackson.Twp,
Greene.Co.PA Note 16: Bet. 1863 - 1865 During war, stayed at home in
Jollytown, Greene.Co.PA with child/children. Note 17: Often fed
Union Troops coming through the area (dau Reb. obit). Note 18: 1865
Obit; family moved to Lima/Albany area, Fay.Co.IA (likely
1866-1867). Note 19: Bet. 1866 - 1867 Sam/Orpha traveled by OH &
Miss. River to 40a farm E of Lima, sec 19, Illyria.Twp,
Fayette.Co.IA. Note 21: Aft. 1884 Obit; Had 3girls/7boys, lived with
children (James, John, Rebecca, Lima to Volga area), after death of
husb. Sam.A. Note 22: 1895 Census; with dau Rebecca Kuhens,
Illyria.Twp, FAy.Co.IA. Note 24: 1900 Census; with son John, Volga
City, Sperry.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA. Note 25: 1900 Wroe; JohnW57,
ClarindaA13, LesterL13, mother OrphaA80. Note 27: Age at death;
87y11m2d. Note 28: 24 Jun 1982 Lima burial unmarked; new marker
placed to commemorate 100th birthday of dau Rebecca, by Kuhen's
family, Dale, Lyle, Paul.
.... *2nd Wife of [1] WROE, Sea Captain Samuel:
........ +BOWERS, Maria Elizabeth b: 1799 in Baltimore,
Baltimore.Co.MD d: 17 Oct 1865 in Washington.DC Burial: Rock Creek
Cem, Washingon.DC m: 05 Oct 1815 in Baltimore, Baltimore.Co.MD
Father: Martin BOWERS Note 11: Baltimore paper: sailed on board ship
with husb Samuel Wroe from 1815-1828, Torey/2012.
........... 3 WROE, Ann Margaret b: 18 Jan 1826 in Baltimore.Co.MD
d: Jan 1826 in Baltimore.Co.MD
........... 3 WROE, Mary Frances b: 27 May 1828 in Baltimore.Co.MD
d: Jun 1828 in Baltimore.Co.MD
........... 3 WROE, George Francis b: 27 Nov 1830 in Baltimore.Co.MD
d: Jul 1831 in Baltimore.Co.MD
........... 3 WROE, Charles P. P. b: 19 Jul 1832 in Baltimore.Co.MD
d: Bef. 1910 in Washington.DC Note 8: 1860 Census; grocer, listed
Sea Captain, $10k/700, Ward 4, Wash.DC. Wroe: Samuel78, 2nd wf
Maria50, Chas26 bookbinder, his wf Marion18. Note 11: Bookbinder,
lived in Wash.D.C all of life.
............... +BELT, Margaret R. 'Maggie' b: May 1849 in MD d:
Bef. 1930 Father: Philip BELT Mother: Eveline DUVALL
........... 3 WROE, William Martin b: 24 Dec 1834 in Washington.DC
d: May 1835 in Washington.DC
........... 3 WROE, Anna Virginia b: 04 Dec 1836 in Washington.DC d:
May 1838 in Washington.DC
........... 3 WROE, Marion Josephine 'Mattie' b: 09 Jan 1840 in
Washington.DC d: 1885 in Washington.DC Note 11: Lived in Wash.D.C.
all of life.
............... +WATKINS, Nicholas b: 1835 in MD d: Bef. 1920 m: 23
Dec 1862 in Washington.DC
.... 2 WROE, Elizabeth 'Betsey' b: 1783 in Alexandria, Fairfax.Co.VA
........ +ALEXANDER, Amos b: 1762 in New Numster, Cecil.Co.MD d:
1826 in Alexandria, Fairfax.Co.VA m: 10 Jan 1805 in Alexandria,
Fairfax.Co.VA Father: Amos ALEXANDER Mother: Sarah Mary SHARPE
........... 3 ALEXANDER, Maria b: in VA or MD
........... 3 ALEXANDER, Robert b: 1806 in VA
............... +TILLINGHAST, Eliza A. b: 1815 in VA
........... 3 ALEXANDER, Samuel b: 1808 in Washington.DC
........... 3 ALEXANDER, Amos Mark b: 1809 in Washington.DC d: 1850
in Shell Point, Wakulla.Co.FL
............... +WALKER, Rebecca b: 1823 in SC d: in Wakulla.Co.FA
........... 3 ALEXANDER, Walter W. b: 1810 in VA or MD
........... 3 ALEXANDER, Oscar b: 1811 in MD
............... +BRAWNER, Ellen E. b: 1811 in MD m: 10 Apr 1834 in
........... 3 ALEXANDER, Charles R. b: 1813 in MD
........... 3 [2] ALEXANDER, Elmira E. b: 1814 in VA d: 03 Aug 1884
in New Orleans, Orleans.Co.LA
............... +BEALE, John S. H. Hancock E. b: 1810 in VA d: in
Washington.DC m: Bef. 1831
........... *2nd Husband of [2] ALEXANDER, Elmira E.:
............... +BIGNEY, Mark Frederick b: 1818 in Cumberland.Co,
Nova.Scotia d: 13 Apr 1886 in New Orleans, Orleans.Co.LA m: 13 Apr
1868 in Mobile, Mobile.Co.AL
........... 3 [3] ALEXANDER, Albert R. b: 1815 in MD
............... +WALKER, Sarah M. b: 1822 in SC
........... *2nd Wife of [3] ALEXANDER, Albert R.:
............... +UNKNOWN m: 03 Jun 1839 in Leon.Co.FL
.... 2 WROE, Richard Absalom b: 1786 in Alexandria, Fairfax.Co.VA d:
17 Mar 1876 in Washington.DC Burial: Rock Creek Cem, Washingon.DC
........ +SNAVELY, Elizabeth b: 21 Feb 1790 in PA d: 16 Feb 1878 in
Washington.DC Burial: Rock Creek Cem, Washingon.DC
........... 3 WROE, Jerome Richard b: 1815 in MD d: 08 Mar 1892 in
............... +SMITH, Jane b: 02 Feb 1817 in Washington.DC d: 16
Mar 1875 in Washington.DC m: 01 Jan 1838 in Washington.DC
........... 3 [4] WROE, John Absalom b: Abt. 1818 in Washington.DC
d: 08 Aug 1874 in Hagerstown, Washington.Co.MD
............... +BARR, Martha Jane b: 1825 in Hagerstown,
Washington.Co.MD d: 31 Mar 1905 m: Bef. 1844
........... *2nd Wife of [4] WROE, John Absalom:
............... +UNKNOWN m: 15 Jan 1844 in Washington.Co.MD
........... 3 WROE, Georgiana E. b: 1822 in Baltimore,
Baltimore.Co.MD d: 1882
............... +WILLET, John W.
........... 3 WROE, Everett b: Feb 1823 in Baltimore,
............... +DUVALL, Margaret E.
........... 3 WROE, Samuel Clive Greogry b: Abt. 1824 in Baltimore,
........... 3 WROE, William A. b: Mar 1826 in Baltimore,
Baltimore.Co.MD d: 1908
............... +DODSON, Margaret Virginia b: 1827 d: 1908
.... 2 [5] WROE, Everett b: 1788 in Alexandria, Fairfax.Co.VA Note
8: 1815 Insovency, loses property to sheriff, divorced by wf Mary,
........ +DAVIS, Mary b: 1790 in Baltimore, Baltimore.Co.MD m: 15
Jan 1814
.... *2nd Wife of [5] WROE, Everett:
........ +GREY, Euphemia b: 1790 in Baltimore, Baltimore.Co.MD m: 29
Aug 1816 in Baltimore, Baltimore.Co.MD
*2nd Wife of [6] WROE, Absalom:
.. +PARKER, Mary 'Polly' b: Abt. 1790 in MD m: 02 Jun 1808 in
Baltimore, Baltimore.Co.MD
.... 2 WROE, No Children
Descendants of Dr. Samuel Austin Wroe,
2 generations.
Dr. Samuel Austin Wroe 1810/Atlantic.Sea-1884/Lima area,
married 1835 in German, Fayette.Co.PA
Orpha Ann McCann 1818/Preston.Co.WV-1906/Lima area,
1. George Neff 1839-1916 X Alice Jane Davis 1856-1935,
nine children.
2. John Wesley 1841-1906 X Clarinda A. 'Rindy' Graves
1854-1927, raised Lester Stiner as a Wroe.
3. Rebecca Jane 1843-1944 X John Kuhens 1838-1908, eleven
4. William Jerome 1846-1934 X Ester Ann Pogue 1851-?, four
5. Isabelle Elizabeth 1848-1850, b/d Jollytown, Green.Co.PA, diptheria.
6. Joseph Ellsworth 1851-1905/10 X Sarah V. Hill
1853-1920, nine children.
7. James Leroy 1859-1937 X Harriett Eunice 'Hattie' Burns
1863-1944, ten children.
8. Charles Alexander 1860/62-bef1864, b.Jollytown.PA, d. Fairmont.WV,
9. Flora Hegia 1862/64-bef1864, b. Jollytown.PA, d. Fairmont.WV,
Last Pasted: 2013Jan01
Descendants of Dr. Samuel Austin Wroe
1 WROE, Dr. Samuel Austin b: abt.1810 in Ocean crossing bet. Ireland &
America. d: 04 Mar 1884 in Farm 2mi SE of Lima, mid.Sec19, Illyria.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA Burial: Lima Cem, sec 3, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Note 2: Surname analogs: Wroe, Roe, Rowe, Rhoe.
Only 'Wroe' line found in Fay.Co.IA, bz/2012. Note 3: Birth may have been as
late as 1813-1814, Torey/2011. Note 4: Father Samuel1782 sailed 1815-1828
with 2nd wf Maria on ship, so SamuelA1810 may have been on ship until school
age. Note 5: Bet. 1820 - 1830 Bet. 1820 - 1830 Census: A boy of SamA's age
appears with g/f Absalom; likely SamuelA1810 until attending med school
(probably) in Baltimore, Torey/2012. Note 6: Bef. 1837 In Preston.Co.WV
(Witnessed/signed a Rev.War pension application1837Apr) (VA at the time;
border with SW Penn; near Fayette & Greene Co’s, PA). Note 7: Friend of &
influenced by Dr. GeoW Neff (1812-1874); named son George Neff b.1839 after
Dr. Neff, Torey/2012. Note 8: 1840 Census: Saml Wover (Wroe), wf Orpha
McCann1818 & son Geo. Neff1839, practicing medicine with Geo.Neff in German,
Fayette.Co, southwest corner of PA. Note 9: 1850 Census: physician, $200,
Jollytown, Jackson.Twp, Greene.Co.PA, SW corner bordering WV. Roe:
SamuelA40, Orthe34, Geo12, JohnW10, Rebecca Jane7, Wm.Jerome4, Isabelle2.
Note 10: Bef. 1860 Dr. in SW corner of PA before going to Wash.DC; at
German, then farther SW at Jollytown 3/4mi from WV boarder. Note 11: Bef.
1860 Appears to have been estranged from father Sam1782 for yrs, possibly
due to Dorcas Allan affair in 1830's, Torey/2012. Note 12: 1860 According to
dau. Rebecca, went to see father Sam1782 who was dying in Wash.DC. (died
1861Feb13). Note 13: 1860 Census: still hunting for family, Pd. taxes on
Jollytown.PA property 1859 & 1861(not 1860); best guess so far in Fairmont,
Marion.Co.WV, Torey/2012. Note 14: Bet. 1861 - 1862 Dr. Samuel Wroe was
practicing medicine, Jollytown, Greene.Co, southwest PA on WV border. Note
15: Bet. 1863 - 1864 Field hospital surgeon near Wheeling.WV (dau Rebecca
nurse there) Civil War made Sam, 'sick at heart.' Sam & dau Rebecca (nurse)
became ill during service at field hospital. Note 17: Sep 1864 By fall s/law
John Kuhens (mustered out Jul1864) relocated from WV/PA boarder area to IA
by OH&Miss.Riv's, landing at Port McGregor in Clayton.Co, assumed f/law
Dr.SamA.Wroe accompanied, bz/Torey/2012. Note 18: 1864 Officially retired
from medicine, too ill to go overland, traveled from PA/WV, by OH & Miss.Riv
to Port McGregor, then overland to Lima/Illyria area, Fay.Co.IA Note 19:
Bet. 1865 - 1884 Likely on 40a farm 2mi SE of Lima, mid.Sec19, Illyria.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA, rest of life. Note 20: 1868 Plat; farming 40a, SW1/4 of NE1/4,
sec 19, Illyria.Twp, 1+mi SE of Lima, Fay.Co.IA. Note 22: 1870 Census:
farming, $400/100, 40a, sec 19, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Row: James55VA,
Orfe50PA, Wesley25PA, Joseph18PA, James13PA. Note 23: 1879 Plat; son JohnW
Wroe shows on 40a farm, sec 19, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA, bz/2012. Note 24:
1880 Census; farming original 40a, sec 19, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Roe:
SamuelA65, OrphaM61. Note 25: 1880 Adj to Peter Bass. Close to dau Rebecca
(John) Kuehens & Eliza Holsworth farms. Note 29: 1884 Apparently remained
1868-1884, on home farm, sec 19, Illyria.Twp, until death, bz, 2012.
.. +MCCANN, Orpha Ann b: 04 Jun 1818 in Kingwood, Preston.Co.VA(WV) d: 03
Jun 1906 in Dau Rebecca (John) Kuhen's farm, 2mi SE of Lima, NE corner, sec
20, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Lima Cem, sec 3, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
m: 01 Jan 1835 in German.Twp, Fayette.Co.PA Father: David Jr. MCCANN Mother:
Ann 'Nancy' KING Note 3: 1820 Census; Morgantown area, Preston.Co.WV(VA),
David, wf Nancy, dau Orpha1818. Note 4: Father operated McCann Ferry on
River Cheat with bro John, Torey/2012. Note 5: Aft. 1825 Father/uncle
relocated ferry business across river landing from Preston.Co.VA to
Fayette.Co.PA. Note 6: 1830 Census: Fayette.Co.PA, DavidII, wfNancy; ch by
age, DavidIII, James, Eliz, Nancy, Mary Ann, Orpha Note 7: 1833 Working as
domestic, age14, on farm of James & Serepta Mustard, Springhill, Uniontown,
Fayette.Co.PA. Note 9: 01 Jan 1835 Obit; married Samuel A.Wroe of Wash.D.C.
(on this date). Note 10: Aft. 1835 Marriage possibly later, as Sam.Wroe in
Preston.Co.PA 1837+ & Orpha's 1st ch, 1839; Torey/2012. Note 11: Bef. 1837
In Preston.Co.VA(WV) by 1837, with husb. Samuel Wroe. Note 15: 1850 Census;
with husb, physician Samuel, Jollytown, Jackson.Twp, Greene.Co.PA Note 16:
Bet. 1863 - 1865 During war, stayed at home in Jollytown, Greene.Co.PA with
child/children. Note 17: Often fed Union Troops coming through the area (dau
Reb. obit). Note 18: 1865 Obit; family moved to Lima/Albany area, Fay.Co.IA
(likely 1866-1867). Note 19: Bet. 1866 - 1867 Sam/Orpha traveled by OH &
Miss. River to 40a farm E of Lima, sec 19, Illyria.Twp, Fayette.Co.IA. Note
21: Aft. 1884 Obit; Had 3girls/7boys, lived with children (James, John,
Rebecca, Lima to Volga area), after death of husb. Sam.A. Note 22: 1895
Census; with dau Rebecca Kuhens, Illyria.Twp, FAy.Co.IA. Note 24: 1900
Census; with son John, Volga City, Sperry.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA. Note 25: 1900
Wroe; JohnW57, ClarindaA13, LesterL13, mother OrphaA80. Note 27: Age at
death; 87y11m2d. Note 28: 24 Jun 1982 Lima burial unmarked; new marker
placed to commemorate 100th birthday of dau Rebecca, by Kuhen's family,
Dale, Lyle, Paul.
.... 2 WROE, George Neff b: 25 Feb 1839 in German, German.Twp, Fayette.Co.PA
d: 13 Nov 1916 in Lander, Fremont.Co.WY Note 5: 1840 Census: Saml Wover (Wroe),
wf Orpha McCann1818 & son Geo. Neff1839, practicing medicine with Geo.Neff
in German, Fayette.Co, southwest corner of PA. Note 6: 1850 Census:
physician, $200, Jollytown, Jackson.Twp, Greene.Co.PA, SWcorner on WV
boarder. Roe: SamuelA40, Orthe34, Geo12, JohnW10, Rebecca Jane7,
Wm.Joerome4, Isabelle2. Note 7: 1860 Census: Not found 'yet.' Note 9: Name
sake: In Fayette.Co.PA, father Sam worked with Dr.Geo.Neff (younger than
Sam, deg. from Jefferson College in Philadelphia). Note 11: 1870 Census;
boarding with Geo.Hatterman33, sawmill teamster, Anthony's Saw Mill,
Atlantic Cty P.O., Sweetwater.Co.WY territory. Note 12: 18 Jan 1875 Married
Alice Jane Davis at South Pass, Fremont.Co.WY. Note 13: 1880 Census:
farming, Lander area, Sweetwater.Co.WY. Wroe: Geo38, Alice24, Josephine4,
Olive2. Note 18: 1900 Census: farming, Lander area, Sweetwater.Co.WY. Wroe:
Geo60, AliceJ45, Belle19, Fannie17, GeoL13, ArthurE9, SamuelA7. Note 20:
1920 Census: farming, Baldwin Creek Rd, Lander, Fremont.Co.WY. Wroe: GeoN70,
Anna54, ArthurE19 farming, SamueA17.
........ +DAVIS, Alice Jane b: 01 Jan 1856 in Jefferson.Co.IL d: 26 Sep 1935
in Lander, Fremont.Co.WY m: 18 Jan 1875 in South Pass, Fremont.Co.WY (by
Judge James Brennan) Father: Lorenzo Green DAVIS Mother: Josephine Sara
.... 2 WROE, John Wesley 'Wes' b: Feb 1841 in Jollytown, Jackson.Twp,
Greene.Co.PA d: 07 Dec 1906 in Volga City, Sperry.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA Burial:
Hillcrest Cem, lot 11 (Rogers lot), Volga City, Sperry.Twp, sec 9,
Clayton.Co.IA Note 4: 1850 Census: physician, $200, Jollytown, Jackson.Twp,
Greene.Co.PA, SWcorner on WV boarder. Roe: SamuelA40, Orthe34, Geo12,
JohnW10, Rebecca Jane7, Wm.Joerome4, Isabelle2. Note 6: Abt. 1862 Civil War;
6h WV Vol Inf. Note 8: 1865 Obit: Came to Fayette.Co.IA (?may have preceeded
father Sameul?bz/2012) Note 10: 1870 Census: farming, 40a, sec 19,
Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Row: James55VA, Orfe50PA, Wesley25PA, Joseph18PA,
James18PA. Note 11: 07 Oct 1876 Married Clarinda Graves of the Illyria P.O.
area, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 12: 1879 Plat; name on father's home
farm, near middle of sec 19, Illyria.Twp, 1mSE of Lima, Fay.Co.IA. Note 13:
1880 Census: ??Where are John Wesley and Clarinda Graves? May have been near
the Fox families bet. Brush Creek & Mill Grove area, Fairfield.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA, bz/2012. Note 15: 1885 Census: farming, SEofSE, sec 13,
Willow.Twp, Cherokee.Co.IA. Fox: Geo20, Clara24(Graves), David7. Rhoe:
JohnWesley44, Clara30(Graves). Note 16: Bet. 1885 - 1886 Started raising
Lester.L Stiner son of Franklin & Sarah Hahn Stiner, after mother died in
Cherokee.Co.IA, see or request notes under Lester Stiner, bz/2012. Note 17:
1900 Census; listed farming, living in Volga City, Sperry.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA.
Wroe: JohnW57, ClarindaA43, LesterL13 Stiner Wroe, mother OrphaA McCann80.
Note 21: 1905 Census; JohnW farming (renting), Clarinda, LesterL, south of
Rawson's Mill/MillGrove, Arlington P.O., Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 22:
07 Dec 1906 Died in Volga City, so apparently moved back from Mill Grove
area farm, bz/2012.
........ +GRAVES, Clarinda A. 'Rindy' b: 10 Nov 1854 in Maquoketa, Jackson.Co.IA d: 24 Nov 1927 in Volga City, Sperry.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA
Burial: Hillcrest Cem, lot 11 (Rogers lot), Volga City, Sperry.Twp, sec 9,
Clayton.Co.IA m: 07 Oct 1876 in Volga City, Clayton.Co.IA Father: Charles
Kimble GRAVES Mother: Mary WHALING Note 6: 1856 Census; listed as No Name
Graves 1y, with Charles, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 7: 1856 Graves:
Charles1818NY, Mary1836NY, Leister/Lester1839MI, Amy1842MI, Harley1844MI,
Mary1849MI, Unnamed (ClarindaA)1855IA. Note 10: 1885 Census: farming, SEofSE,
sec 13, Willow.Twp, Cherokee.Co.IA. Fox: Geo20, Clara24, David7. Rhoe:
JohnWesley44, Clara30. Note 14: 1900 Census; farming, living in Volga City,
Sperry.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA, JohnW57, ClarindaA13, LesterL13, mother OrphaA80.
Note 16: 1905 Census; farming, S of Mill.Grove, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA,
JohnW, Clarinda, LesterL. Note 17: 1906 Husb. John Wesley Wroe dies at
Volga.IA. Note 18: 1909 Remarried to Benjamin Rogers. Note 21: 1910 Census;
Volga village, Clayton.Co.IA. Rogers: BenjaminB 1865/IA odd jobs, Clorinda
1867/IA. Note 22: Jul 1913 Husb. Benjamin Rogers dies at Volga.City.IA. Note
24: Aft. Jul 1913 Remarried to Jonathan E. Burns, 3rd marriage for both.
Note 27: Services at Wadena.IA, buried under Burns surname at Volga.IA.
.... 2 WROE, Rebecca Jane b: 09 May 1843 in Jollytown, Jackson.Twp,
Greene.Co.PA d: 05 Apr 1944 in West Union, Fay.Co.IA Burial: West Union Cem
(sp. Kuhen), Fay.Co.IA Note 5: 1850 Census: physician, $200, Jollytown,
Jackson.Twp, Greene.Co.PA, SWcorner on WV boarder. Roe: SamuelA40, Orthe34,
Geo12, JohnW10, Rebecca Jane7, Wm.Joerome4, Isabelle2. Note 7: 1860 Census:
never found, still searching for Wroe family members in WV/PA/DC area, Torey/2012.
Note 8: 1860 According to dau. Rebecca, SamA1810 went to see father
estranged father Sam1782 who was dying in Wash.DC. (died 1861Feb13). Note 9:
Bet. 1861 - 1862 Dr. SamuelA Wroe was practicing medicine, Jollytown,
Greene.Co, southwest PA on WV border. Note 10: Bet. 1862 - 1863 Served as
nurse, same field hosp. as father & surgeon Dr. SamA,near Wheeling.WV.
Father/dau became ill during war service. Civil War made Sam, 'sick at
heart.' Torey/2012. Note 11: 12 Feb 1862 John Kuhens was a Union soldier
when married wf. Rebecca Wroe in Wash.D.D. Note 12: FayettePaper: assisted
father caring for wounded soldiers, helped mother sometime cook for entire
regiments. Note 13: Bet. Jun - Sep 1864 Husb. John Kuhens mustered out. Then
traveled Wheeling.WV by river to ST & Port McGregor, Clatyon.Co.IA &
overland to Fay.Co.IA. Note 14: Aft. 1866 Bought 200+a, W side of sec 17 &
20, Illyra.Twp, Fay.Co.IA; 2mi ExSE of Lima. Note 15: Abt. 1866 Father Dr.
SamA settled close on 40a, mid.sec19, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 22: May
1942 Fayette.IA paper: 99th birthday, grew up on Maxon-Dixon line, carried
7-shooter, had bull dog for protectionn against 'too-free' negroes.
........ +KUHENS, John b: 22 Feb 1838 in Ashton, Noble.Co.OH d: 26 Oct 1908
in West Union, Fay.Co.IA Burial: West Union Cem (sp. Kuhen), Fay.Co.IA m: 12
Feb 1862 in Wana, Monongalia.Co.WV Father: John KUHENS Mother: Margaret
DEVORE Note 8: 1850 Census; 11y, with parents, farming, Enoch.Twp,
Monroe.Co.OH Note 9: Feb 1862 Union Soldier when married wf. Rebecca Wroe in
Wash.D.D. Note 10: Jun 1864 Mustered out; by fall relocated in NE Iowa by
river, assumed f/law Dr.SamS.Wroe accompanied. Note 11: Sep 1864 Moved on
Ohio/Miss.Riv, Wheeling.WV to St.L (met Gen.Grant) to Port McGregor,
Clayton.Co.IA. Note 12: Aft. Sep 1864 Likely located directly through
Clayton.Co to Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 13: Aft. 1866 Bought 200+a, W
side of sec 17 & 20, Illyra.Twp, Fay.Co.IA; 2mi ExSE of Lima. Note 21: 1870
Census; farming, adj. to Gilson's, NW corner of Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note
22: Bet. 1870 - 1900 Census; farming, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 23: 1880
Census; farming adj to Eliza Holsworth, mid/west side of Illyria.Twp,
.... 2 WROE, William Jerome b: 16 Jan 1846 in Jollytown, Jackson.Twp,
Greene.Co.PA d: 04 Oct 1934 in Fairmont, Marion.Co.WV Note 6: 1850 Census:
physician, $200, Jollytown, Jackson.Twp, Greene.Co.PA, SWcorner on WV
boarder. Roe: SamuelA40, Orthe34, Geo12, JohnW10, Rebecca Jane7,
Wm.Joerome4, Isabelle2.
........ +POGUE, Ester Ann Pouge b: 1851 in Penn m: in Jollytown,
Green.Co.PA Father: John T. Pouge POGUE Mother: Elizabeth TAYLOR
.... 2 WROE, Isabelle Elizabeth b: 1848 in Jollytown, Jackson.Twp,
Greene.Co.PA d: 1850 in Jollytown, Jackson.Twp, Greene.Co.PA Burial: Old Mt.
Taylor Cem, hilltop off Hero Rd, 1m W of Jollytown, Gilmore.Twp,
Greene.Co.PA Note 8: 1850 Census: physician, $200, Jollytown, Jackson.Twp,
Greene.Co.PA, SWcorner on WV boarder. Roe: SamuelA40, Orthe34, Geo12,
JohnW10, Rebecca Jane7, Wm.Joerome4, Isabelle2. Note 11: Cause of death; age
.... 2 WROE, Joseph Ellsworth 'Joe' b: May 1851 in Jollytown, Jackson.Twp,
Greene.Co.PA d: Bet. 1905 - 1910 in Auburn area?, Auburn.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Burial: Speculate unmarked Oak Ridge Cem, Auburn village, Auburn.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA, bz/2012. Note 7: 1870 Census: farming, 40a, sec 19, Illyria.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA. Row: James55VA, Orfe50PA, Wesley25PA, Joseph18PA, James18PA. Note
8: 1878 Hist; farming, sec 10, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 9: 1880
Census: farming 65a (old A.J. Hensley farm), sec 10, Westfield.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA. Wroe: JosephE28, Sarah26, FlorenceE6, CharlesA3. Note 11: 18 Nov
1881 Deed of Sale: land in sec 10, Wesfield.Twp; Sarah V. Wroe & husb. to
A.J. Thorpe, Torey/2012. Note 12: 18 Nov 1881 Land in sec 10: N1/2 of SW1/4
of NE1/4 & SE1/4 of NE1/4 & N1/8 of NE1/4 of SE1/4 (65a Frog Hollow farm
marked on 1879 plate, bz/2012). Note 15: 1885 Census; farming in Sec 10, adj
J. Frog Hollow, north of Albany, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Wroe: JosephE,
Sarah, FlorenceE10, ChasA8, KatieL4, LesterL2(1883). Note 16: 1885 Joseph is
adj. to the same 1879 plat farms & appears to be farming same 65a in sec 10,
bz/2012. Note 19: 1895 Census; farming, Westfield.Twp (assuming Frog Hollow
farm, bz/2012), Fay.Co.IA. wf & 7ch. Note 20: 1895 Wroe: JosephE42, Sarah39,
ChasH17, KatieL17, LesterL14(1881), GeoWm10, BenjH7, DonnieB4, MyrtleL1.
Note 21: 1896 Plat: sec 10, Frog Hollow farm owned by P.H. Hastings, bz/2012.
Note 24: 1900 Census: farming, Auburn.Twp, Fay.co.IA. Were spelling:
JosephE49, Sarah47, Laverne17, GeoW15, Benjamin12, DonnaB8, Myrtle7,
Elinor5m. Note 25: 1900 Enumerated next to Wm. Doud (40a, SW1/4 of SE1/4,
sec 25, on top of hill road 1mi E of Auburn village), bz/2012. Note 27: 1905
Census: close to Auburn, Fay.Co.IA (likely still on hill just to E). Wroe:
J.E., Sarah, L.S., Willie, Benjamin, Bessie, Myrtle, Eleanor. Note 28: 1910
Census: wf Sarah is a widow living with s/law Ray Darnell in Union.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA. Note 29: 1920 Census; wf Sarah with dau Myrtle McElree in Fayette
village, Fay.Co.IA
........ +HILL, Sarah V. b: Bet. 1853 - 1854 in Mina, Chautauqua.Co.NY d:
Abt. 20 Sep 1920 in Likely at Myrtle McElree's hm, Fayette.IA, bz/2012
Burial: 22 Sep 1920 Speculate unmarked Oak Ridge Cem, Auburn village,
Auburn.Twp, Fay.Co.IA, bz/2012. m: 28 Feb 1874 in Lima, Illyria.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA, by S.D.Helms Father: Truman 'Seaman' 'Sherman' HILL Mother:
Lovina Lavina L. 'Melvina' BELKNAP Note 10: 1870 Census: farming $3500/943,
adj&S of A.J. Hensley, SE corner sec 10, SW corner sec 11, Frog Hollow,
Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 11: 1870 Hill: Sherman59/NY farmer,
Lovina54/NY, George20/NY farmer, Sarah17/NY. Note 13: 1880 Census: farming
65a (old A.J. Hensley farm), sec 10, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Wroe:
JosephE28, Sarah26, FlorenceE6, CharlesA3. Note 15: 1885 Census; farming in
Frog Hollow, north of Albany, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Wroe: JosephE,
Sarah, FlorenceE10, ChasA8, KatieL4, LesterL2(1883). Note 20: 1910 Census;
wid, Sarah58, Eleanor14, hskp with s/law Darnall family, Union.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA. Note 21: 1910 Darnall: RayM34ILwid farming, Bessie14IA,
Arleigh8IA. Wroe: Sarah58NY wid, Elenor14, Wm25 farm hand. Note 23: 1920
Census; with son/law Wm. Robert McElree, adj Marvin Mill, north of bridge,
Fayette, IA. Note 24: 1920 McElree: WmR30, MyrtleL nee Wroe26, LeRoy6,
FlorenceE7m; Sarah Wroe66. Note 25: Abt. 20 Sep 1920 Death location, likely
at dau Myrtle McElree's hm, Fayette.IA. Note 27: 22 Sep 1920 Fayette paper,
Lima news: funeral Wed, 1920Sep22, at Auburn, Fay.Co.IA.
.... 2 WROE, James Leroy b: 10 May 1859 in Jollytown, Jackson.Twp,
Greene.Co.PA d: 04 Dec 1937 in Grant district, Marion.Co.WV Burial: 05 Dec
1937 Shaw Cem, Grant District, Marion.Co.WV Note 3: Abt. 1863 James wrote:
James, Charles 2y, Flora 0y, had diphtheria, only James recovered, burials
assumed in Fairmont.WV, Torey/2012. Note 4: Abt. 1867 Came, age~8y, from MD
with parents to 40a farm on Volga.Riv hillside, 1+mi SE of Lima, mid sec19,
Illyria.Twp, Fayette.Co.IA. Note 5: 1870 Census: farming, 40a, sec 19,
Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Row: James55VA, Orfe50PA, Wesley25PA, Joseph18PA,
James18PA. Note 6: 1880 Census: Geneso.Twp,, Tama.Co.IA, 20/IA, farmhand for
Ben.McKay58/NY. Note 7: Bef. 1884 Grew up around medicine; practiced some
local medicine in Albany/Lima with father Dr. Samuel, Torey/2012. Note 8:
Bet. 1885 - 1886 Moved from Frog Hollow to Quimby & Washta area, Willow.Twp,
Cherokee.Co.IA Note 9: Abt. 1887 Built cabin on 26a in valley off Frog
Hollow, sec 10, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 10: Abt. 1892 Moved from
Cherokee.Co back to 26a farmstead, sec 10, in Frog.Hollow where he grew up.
Note 11: Aft. 1892 After return to Frog Hollow, mother Orpha lived with
James part time before his move to WI, aft.1900. Note 12: 1895 Census; adj
to Bro JosephE, Frog Hollow area, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Wroe: JamesL35
farming, HarrietE31, LawrenceA12, ElmerE10, LeviW7, MaryM5, Orpha0. Note 13:
23 Jan 1896 Oelwein.IA paper: John Hutchinson to James L. Wroe, N 9a E 15a
in W1/2 of NE1/4 of NW1/4, sec 10, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 14: 1900
Census; farming Frog Hollow, Albany area, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. wf & 7ch
(9ch, 7living). Note 15: Bet. 1900 - 1902 Moved to Spooner, Rice.Co.WI, son
Lawrence met wf. Laura Clark; famlies moved to Manley.Twp, Rock.Co.MN. Note
16: 1900 James1859, Harriet1863, Lawrence1882, Elmer1884, Levi1887,
MaryM1889, OrphaN1893, LillieM1896, CarlA1899. Note 17: 1905 Census:
Martin.Twp, Rock.Co.MN. Wroe: JamesR46PA farmhand, HarrietJ41IL,
LawrenceA23A, ElmerE21IA, LeviW19IA, MaryM16IA Note 19: 1910 Census: Valley
Springs village, Minnehaha.Co.SD. Wroe: JamesL50, HarrietE46, Nellie16,
Lillie.May13, Carl11, AlvaH4. Note 21: 1920 Census; Beaver.Cr.Twp,
Rock.Co.MN, James & Harriett with son Lawrence (RR foreman). Note 22: 1920
Wroe: Lawrence37, Laura34, John15, Floyd13, Harodl11, Vema9, Roland6,
Howard4, Alice9m, James60, Harriet56. Note 23: Abt. 1920 Moved to small
homestead Ekalaka, Carter.Co.MT. Note 24: Bet. 1920 - 1923 Many MT
hardships, hail/storm crop loss, 1923 fire burned homestead to ground. Note
25: 1923 Moved back to Marion.Co.WV home area (had left age 6) where bro Wm
Jerome lived. Note 26: Traveled between IA, MT, VA several times, Torey/2011.
Note 28: 1930 Census; Grant district, Marion.Co.WV. Wore: JamesL70PA coal
miner, HarriettE66IL, AlvaH23 bridge laborer. Note 29: 04 Dec 1937
WV.death.cert: Coal Miner, buried Shaw Cem, Grant district, Marion.Co.WV.
........ +BURNS, Harriet Eunice 'Hattie' b: 18 Sep 1863 in Chenoa,
McLean.Co.IL d: 28 Aug 1944 in Spring Valley, Clark.Co.SD m: 06 Jan 1881 in
Frog Hollow farm, Albany area, Westfield.Twp, FAy.Co.IA Father: Levi Walter
BURNS Mother: Harriet Marie WAITE Note 5: 06 Jan 1881 Marriage return doc:
Married by J.P. John Hutchison, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA, bz/2012. Note 9:
1906 Living at Valley Springs, SD.
.... 2 WROE, Charles Alexander b: Bet. 1860 - 1862 in Jollytown, Jackson.Twp,
Greene.Co.PA d: Bef. 1865 in Fairmont, Marion.Co.WV Note 5: James wrote:
James, Charles 2y, Flora 0y, had diphtheria, only James recovered, burials
assumed in Fairmont.WV, Torey/2012. Note 22: Cause of death; diptheria, age
.... 2 WROE, Flora Hegia b: Bet. 1862 - 1864 in Jollytown, Jackson.Twp,
Greene.Co.PA d: Bef. 1865 in Fairmont, Marion.Co.WV Note 5: James wrote:
James, Charles 2y, Flora 0y, had diphtheria, only James recovered, burials
assumed in Fairmont.WV, Torey/2012. Note 22: Cause of death: diphtheria as

Lima Cemetery, Westfield.Twp, Fayette.Co.IA, Torey/2012
McCann surname:
To show the Fayette.Co.IA
between the Wroe, Houlsworth and McCann surnames.
The Houlsworth page has a King, Waters tree to
show the relationship to the McCann surname.
Houlsworth surname, Fayette.Co.IA
Last pasted: 2013Jan05
Descendants of David Sr. McCann
1 MCCANN, David Sr. b: 1765 d: 1820 in Fayette.Co.PA Burial: Likely
White School House Cem, Masontown, Fayette.Co.PA, Torey/2012. Note 1: 03
Jan 2013 McCann last reviewed in relationship to Fayette.Co.IA,
Barry.Zbornik Hannibal.MO iowaz@hotmail.com Note 2: Bet. 2012 - 2013
McCann tree/data supplied by Torey/2012. Note 5: 1790 Census; 25y, South
Huntington, Westmoreland.Co.PA Note 7: 1800 Census; 35y, German,
Fayette.Co.PA Note 9: 1810 Census; 45y, German, Fayette.Co.PA Note 10:
1810 Church poor list, 45y, Kingwood, Preston.Co.VA/WV: sch.age.ch;
Eliz10, Wm8, Issac5. Note 12: 1812 Fay.Co.PA.Hist,p601: 47y, PA militia
in War of 1812. Note 13: Founder of McCann Ferry on Preston.Co.WV side
of River Cheat, operated with sons David Jr & John. Note 14: 1818
Ch.poor.list Jacob & Isaac, Kingwood Preston.Co.VA/WV; likely tim when
when Cheat Riv low enough for foot traffice & ferry serviced not needed.
Note 16: 1820 Census; 55y, Fayette.Co.PA, died same year. Note 24:
White.Sch.Cem, Fay.Co.PA was created for vets, inactive, most markers
gone, Torey/2012.
.. +UNKNOWN, Mary
.... 2 [7] MCCANN, David Jr. b: 1795 in Westmoreland.Co.PA? d: 26 Jul
1861 in Jackson.Twp, Greene.Co.IN Note 8: 1812 Hist.Fay.Co.PA, p601:
Served War of 1812 from Penn. Note 9: 1820 Census; Morgantown area,
Preston.Co.WV(VA), David, wf Nancy, dau Orpha1818. Note 10: Operated
McCann Ferry on Preston.Co.WV side of River Cheat with father David Sr.
& bro. John. Note 11: Abt. 1825 Relocated ferry business with father &
bro. John, across Cheat River landing, from Preston.Co.VA to
Fayette.Co.PA. Note 13: 1830 Census: Fayette.Co.PA, DavidII, wfNancy;
children by age, DavidIII, James, Eliz, Nancy, Mary Ann, Orpha Note 14:
1833 Church Poor List, German, Fay.Co.PA, sch. age ch: Mary11, James9,
David7. Note 15: 1833 David working as ferryman on River Cheat, work
inconsistent. Dau Orpha servant for nearby farm. Note 17: 1840 Census;
Greene.Co.PA, DavidII, 2nd wf Sarah; ch DavidIII, James, Eliz, Nancy.
Note 18: 1850 Census; farming, German, Fayette.Co.PA, David54, 2nd wf
Sarah48. Note 20: 1860 Census; farming, $0/400, Owensburg P.O.,
Jackton.Twp, Greene.Co.IN, son James close. Note 21: 1860 David1795PA,
SarahA1902VA, SarahJ1846PA dau of 1st wf Nancy, Phillip Byers1828PA son
of SarahA's 1st marriage.
........ +KING, Ann 'Nancy' b: Abt. 1795 in Loudoun.Co.VA d: Bet. 1831 -
1833 in Fayette.Co.PA m: 27 Nov 1817 in Monongalia.Co.VA(WV) Father:
Cornelius KING Mother: Orpha WATERS Note 8: From Torey/2012: possilby
died in childbirth 1830 of dau Nancy. Note 9: Torey/2012: likely Nancy a
nickname & given actually Ann.
........... 3 MCCANN, Orpha Ann b: 04 Jun 1818 in Kingwood,
Preston.Co.VA(WV) d: 03 Jun 1906 in Dau Rebecca (John) Kuhen's farm, 2mi
SE of Lima, NE corner, sec 20, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Lima Cem,
sec 3, estfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Note 3: 1820 Census; Morgantown area,
Preston.Co.WV(VA), David, wf Nancy, dau Orpha1818. Note 4: Father
operated McCann Ferry on River Cheat with bro John, Torey/2012. Note 5:
Aft. 1825 Father/uncle relocated ferry business across river landing
from Preston.Co.VA to Fayette.Co.PA. Note 6: 1830 Census: Fayette.Co.PA,
DavidII, wfNancy; ch by age, DavidIII, James, Eliz, Nancy, Mary Ann,
Orpha Note 7: 1833 Working as domestic, age14, on farm of James &
Serepta Mustard, Springhill, Uniontown, Fayette.Co.PA. Note 9: 01 Jan
1835 Obit; married Samuel A.Wroe of Wash.D.C. (on this date). Note 10:
Aft. 1835 Marriage possibly later, as Sam.Wroe in Preston.Co.PA 1837+ &
Orpha's 1st ch, 1839; Torey/2012. Note 11: Bef. 1837 In
Preston.Co.VA(WV) by 1837, with husb. Samuel Wroe. Note 15: 1850 Census;
with husb, physician Samuel, Jollytown, Jackson.Twp, Greene.Co.PA Note
16: Bet. 1863 - 1865 During war, stayed at home in Jollytown,
Greene.Co.PA with child/children. Note 17: Often fed Union Troops coming
through the area (dau Reb. obit). Note 18: 1865 Obit; family moved to
Lima/Albany area, Fay.Co.IA (likely 1866-1867). Note 19: Bet. 1866 -
1867 Sam/Orpha traveled by OH & Miss. River to 40a farm E of Lima, sec
19, Illyria.Twp, Fayette.Co.IA. Note 21: Aft. 1884 Obit; Had
3girls/7boys, lived with children (James, John, Rebecca, Lima to Volga
area), after death of husb. Sam.A. Note 22: 1895 Census; with dau
Rebecca Kuhens, Illyria.Twp, FAy.Co.IA. Note 24: 1900 Census; with son
John, Volga City, Sperry.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA. Note 25: 1900 Wroe;
JohnW57, ClarindaA13, LesterL13, mother OrphaA80. Note 27: Age at death;
87y11m2d. Note 28: 24 Jun 1982 Lima burial unmarked; new marker placed
to commemorate 100th birthday of dau Rebecca, by Kuhen's family, Dale,
Lyle, Paul.
............... +WROE, Dr. Samuel Austin b: Abt. 1810 in Ocean crossing
bet. Ireland & America. d: 04 Mar 1884 in Farm 2mi SE of Lima,
mid.Sec19, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Lima Cem, sec 3, Westfield.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA. m: 01 Jan 1835 in German.Twp, Fayette.Co.PA Father: Sea
Captain Samuel WROE Mother: Unknown MATTHEWS Note 2: Surname analogs:
Wroe, Roe, Rowe, Rhoe. Samuel is only 'Wroe' line found in Fay.Co.IA, bz/2012.
Note 3: Birth may have been as late as 1813-1814, Torey/2011. Note 4:
Father Samuel1782 sailed 1815-1828 with 2nd wf Maria on ship, so
SamuelA1810 may have been on ship until school age. Note 5: Bet. 1820 -
1830 Bet. 1820 - 1830 Census: A boy of SamA's age appears with g/f
Absalom; likely SamuelA1810 until attending med school (probably) in
Baltimore, Torey/2012. Note 6: Bef. 1837 In Preston.Co.WV
(Witnessed/signed a Rev.War pension application1837Apr) (VA at the time;
border with SW Penn; near Fayette & Greene Co’s, PA). Note 7: Friend of
& influenced by Dr. GeoW Neff (1812-1874); named son George Neff b.1839
after Dr. Neff, Torey/2012. Note 8: 1840 Census: Saml Wover (Wroe), wf
Orpha McCann1818 & son Geo. Neff1839, practicing medicine with Geo.Neff
in German, Fayette.Co, southwest corner of PA. Note 9: 1850 Census:
physician, $200, Jollytown, Jackson.Twp, Greene.Co.PA, SW corner
bordering WV. Roe: SamuelA40, Orthe34, Geo12, JohnW10, Rebecca Jane7,
Wm.Jerome4, Isabell2. Note 10: Bef. 1860 Dr. in SW corner of PA before
going to Wash.DC; at German, then farther SW at Jollytown 3/4mi from WV
boarder. Note 11: Bef. 1860 Appears to have been estranged from father
Sam1782 for yrs, possibly due to Dorcas Allan affair in 1830's, Torey/2012.
Note 12: 1860 According to dau. Rebecca, went to see father Sam1782 who
was dying in Wash.DC. (died 1861Feb13). Note 13: 1860 Census: still
hunting for family, Pd. taxes on Jollytown.PA property 1859 & 1861(not
1860); best guess so far in Fairmont, Marion.Co.WV, Torey/2012. Note 14:
Bet. 1861 - 1862 Dr. Samuel Wroe was practicing medicine, Jollytown,
Greene.Co, southwest PA on WV border. Note 15: Bet. 1863 - 1864 Field
hospital surgeon near Wheeling.WV (dau Rebecca nurse there) Civil War
made Sam, 'sick at heart.' Sam & dau Rebecca (nurse) became ill during
service at field hospital. Note 17: Sep 1864 By fall s/law John Kuhens
(mustered out Jul1864) relocated from WV/PA boarder area to IA by
OH&Miss.Riv's, landing at Port McGregor in Clayton.Co, assumed f/law
Dr.SamA.Wroe accompanied, bz/Torey/2012. Note 18: 1864 Officially
retired from medicine, too ill to go overland, traveled from PA/WV, by
OH & Miss.Riv to Port McGregor, then overland to Lima/Illyria area,
Fay.Co.IA Note 19: Bet. 1865 - 1884 Likely on 40a farm 2mi SE of Lima,
mid.Sec19, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA, rest of life. Note 20: 1868 Plat;
farming 40a, SW1/4 of NE1/4, sec 19, Illyria.Twp, 1+mi SE of Lima,
Fay.Co.IA. Note 22: 1870 Census: farming, $400/100, 40a, sec 19,
Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Row: James55VA, Orfe50PA, Wesley25PA,
Joseph18PA, James13PA. Note 23: 1879 Plat; son JohnW Wroe shows on 40a
farm, sec 19, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA, bz/2012. Note 24: 1880 Census;
farming original 40a, sec 19, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Roe: SamuelA65,
OrphaM61. Note 25: 1880 Adj to Peter Bass. Close to dau Rebecca (John)
Kuehens & Eliza Holsworth farms. Note 29: 1884 Apparently remained
1868-1884, on home farm, sec 19, Illyria.Twp, until death, bz, 2012.
........... 3 MCCANN, Mary Ann b: 30 May 1821 in Greene.Co.PA or
Kingwood, Preston.Co.VA d: 03 Feb 1908 in Franklin.Twp, Greene.Co.PA
............... +DEBOLT, George b: 30 Mar 1816 in VA(WV) d: 26 Apr 1887
in Greene.Co.PA m: Jun 1839 in Jefferson.Twp, Greene.Co.PA Father:
Nicholas (suspect) DEBOLT Note 8: 1880 Census; cousin Jacob is farming,
Scott.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 9: 1880 Census; Jacob63/VA, MaryAnn66/PA,
Eliz30/OH, Geo29/OH, Charity24/OH. Note 11: No Debolt burials listed in
Fayette Co. IA.
................. 4 DEBOLT, Harriet Ann b: May 1840 in German,
Fayette.Co.PA d: Aft. 1910
..................... +BUTCHER, Robert W. b: Jun 1840 in Hundred,
Wetzel.Co.VA d: Bef. 1910 m: 1862 in PA Father: James Harrison BUTCHER
Mother: Nancy MARINER
................. 4 DEBOLT, David b: 24 Nov 1841 in Jollytown,
Greene.Co.PA d: 21 Apr 1929 in Mannington, Marion.Co.WV
..................... +HEMALRICK, Elise Jane b: 10 Sep 1848 in
Wetzel.Co.WV d: 04 Mar 1927 m: Abt. 1865
................. 4 DEBOLT, Rebecca b: 1844 in PA
................. 4 DEBOLT, James b: 1846 in PA
................. 4 DEBOLT, Francis M. 'Frank' b: Jan 1846 in PA
..................... +UNKNOWN, Hannah or Maggie b: Mar 1844 in PA d:
Bef. 1910 in Franklin, Greene.Co.PA
................. 4 DEBOLT, Orpha S. b: 1849 in PA d: Bef. 1860 in PA
................. 4 DEBOLT, Samuel A. b: 1852 in PA
................. 4 DEBOLT, Clarinda b: 1854 in PA
..................... +MCMASTERS, George b: 1853 in PA
................. 4 DEBOLT, Isabella b: 1856 in PA
................. 4 DEBOLT, Nancy J. b: 1857 in PA
................. 4 DEBOLT, Martha b: 1859 in PA
................. 4 DEBOLT, John Woodruff b: 19 Jul 1867 in Battelle,
Monongalia.Co.WV d: 13 May 1955 in Morgantown, Monongalia.Co.WV
..................... +MCCRAY, Nellie B. b: Apr 1884 in WV
........... 3 [5] MCCANN, James King b: 1824 in Fayette village,
Fayette.Co.Pa d: 30 Dec 1907 in Big Creek, Ellis.Co.KS Note 4: Birth
stated 1824Aug19 obit or maker; likely James1824 & bro David1826. Note
9: 1860 Census; farming, $0/200, Owensburg P.O., Jackton.Twp,
Greene.Co.IN, father David close. Note 10: 1860 James1824PA,
Susanna1826PA, David1850PA, Harriet1852PA, JasperM1858VA, DroaB1859VA,
............... +UNKNOWN, Sarah b: 1828 in Penn. d: 1848 in PA m: Abt.
................. 4 MCCANN, Martha b: 01 Sep 1846 in Fayette.Co.PA d: 18
Mar 1892 in Wood.Co.WF
..................... +TEFFT, Morris P. b: 14 Sep 1847 in Chataqua.Co.NY
d: 21 Mar 1912 in Tygart, Wood.Co.WV m: Abt. 1867 Father: Thomas Grady
TEFFT Mother: Martha HUNT
................. 4 MCCANN, Eliza b: 1848 in German, Fayette.Co.PA
........... *2nd Wife of [5] MCCANN, James King:
............... +DECKER, Harriet b: 1834 in NY d: Jul 1854 in Ravenwood,
Fairfax.Co.VA m: 21 Jun 1848
................. 4 MCCANN, David Arthur b: 20 Oct 1850 in South Creek,
Bradford.Co.PA d: 18 Jan 1934 in Kearney, Buffalo.Co.NE
................. 4 MCCANN, Harriet A. 'Hattie' b: 13 Aug 1851 in PA d:
26 Dec 1925 in Los Angeles, Los.Angeles.Co.CA
........... *3rd Wife of [5] MCCANN, James King:
............... +SCHULTZ, Susanna 'Susan' b: Aug 1826 in Fayette.Co.PA
d: 20 Feb 1902 m: 22 Jan 1857 in Wood.Co.WV
................. 4 MCCANN, Jasper M. b: 25 Oct 1857 in VA/WV d: 1940 in
................. 4 MCCANN, Dora Belle b: 26 Jan 1859 in VA/WV
................. 4 MCCANN, Nancy Alice b: 15 Jan 1861 in Terre.Haute,
Vigo.Co.IN d: Jan 1943
................. 4 MCCANN, William B. b: 20 Dec 1867 in IN d: 07 Oct
................. 4 MCCANN, James Walker b: 07 Oct 1869 in MO d: 05 Jan
1946 in Chanute, Neosho.Co.KS
........... 3 MCCANN, David III b: 1826 in German, Fayette.Co.PA d: 29
Jun 1886 in Nicolson, Fayette.Co.PA Burial: Masontown Cem, Fayette.Co.PA
Note 4: Birth stated 1824Jul04 on obit or maker; likely David1826 & bro.
............... +UNKNOWN, Elizabeth b: 1837 in Penn.
........... 3 [6] MCCANN, Elizabeth Jane 'Eliza' b: 12 Mar 1828 in
Masontown, Fayette.Co.PA d: 10 Dec 1907 in Hm, lot 2, bk 7, on Wash. St,
Fayette, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Lima Cem, sec 2, lot 24, under Houlsworth
surname, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 4: Birth year? 1828 or 1829.
Note 11: 1905 Ill, dau Clara returned for care, living on Wash. St in
Fayette. Note 16: Jul 1906 Sold home to dau Emma Spatcher, $500, lot 2,
bk 7, in Fayette.IA. Note 17: 1908 Home, lot 2, bk 7, on Wash. St in
Fayette sold to Ed Knight by dau Emma.
............... +HOULSWORTH, Joseph Hollingsworth Holsworth b: 28 May
1829 in Jefferson.Twp, Greene.Co.PA d: 18 Dec 1877 in Farm, sec 17,
Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Burial: Lima Cem, unmarked, sec 2, lot 24,
Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. m: 28 Nov 1847 in Masontown, Fay.Co.PA
(suspect) Father: Samuel HOULSWORTH Mother: Ruth CALDWELL Note 6: 1850
Census; farming, Johnson.Twp, Ripley.Co.IN, Joseph28, Eliza Jane22,
Samuel2, David Henry0. Note 8: 1852 Fay.Co.IA 1878 Hist: moved from PA
to farm 2mi east of Lima, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 10: 1856 Census:
farming, sec 17, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Holsworth; Joseph34, Eliza28,
Samuel7, David6, John4, Isabelle2. Note 14: 1859 Received a premium
(award) at the Illyria.Twp fair. Note 15: Jul 1860 Census: farming sec
17, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Holsworth; Joseph35, ElizaJ33, samuel12,
DavidH10, JohnM8, Isabella6, James5, SarahJ2, GeoW4m. Note 17: 1870
Census; farming, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA; Joseph49, Eliz42, Sam21, David
Henry19, John17, Isabella16, James14, Sarah12, Geo10, Clarie7, Ann5,
Emma3, Joseph 4m. Note 19: 1878 Fay.Co.IA.Hist: farming 328a, $8200, 2mi
E of Lima in Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Note 21: 1879 Plat; farmstead, mid
1/4 of S1/2, sec 17, Illyria.Twp.
........... 3 MCCANN, Nancy E. b: 26 Apr 1830 in German, Fayette.Co.PA
d: 05 Oct 1856 in Bedford, Lawrence.Co.IN
............... +DARRELL, Horatio b: 09 Apr 1822 in German,
Fayette.Co.PA d: 09 Apr 1872 in Bedford, Lawrence.Co.IN
................. 4 DARRELL, Sarah Jane b: 1847 in German, Fayette.Co.PA
d: Bef. 1900 in Greene.Co.IN
..................... +BYERS, John Phillip b: Nov 1828 in German,
Fayette.Co.PA d: 28 Jun 1909 in Greene.Co.IN
........................ 5 BYERS, Seven Children b: in IN
................. 4 DARRELL, Mary Elizbeth 'Eliza' b: Jun 1848 in
German, Fayette.Co.PA d: 30 Jun 1901 in Seymour, Webster.Co.MO
..................... +MILLER, Solomon b: 28 Mar 1840 in Darke.Co.OH d:
06 Nov 1926 in Seymour, Webster.Co.MO m: 25 Jan 1866 in Greene.Co.IN
................. 4 DARRELL, Elizabeth Frances b: 05 May 1850 in German,
Fayette.Co.PA d: 11 Jun 1861 in Bedford, Lawrence.Co.IN
................. 4 DARRELL, Uriah b: 08 Mar 1851 in German,
Fayette.Co.PA d: 08 May 1856 in Bedford, Lawrence.Co.IN
.... *2nd Wife of [7] MCCANN, David Jr.:
........ +UNKNOWN, Sarah A. b: Bet. 1801 - 1803 in VA d: Abt. 1880 in
Greene.Co.IN? m: Bet. 1833 - 1835 in German, Fayette.Co.PA
........... 3 MCCANN, No Children
.... 2 MCCANN, John b: 1790 in VA or PA d: 1870 in Cumberland,
Greene.Co.PA? Note 9: Bef. 1825 Operated McCann Ferry on Preston.Co.WV
side of River Cheat with father David Sr. & bro. David Jr. Note 11: Aft.
1825 Relocated ferry business with bro. David, across Cheat River
landing, from Preston.Co.VA to Fayette.Co.PA.
........ +MARSHALL, Nancy (suspect) b: 1795 in VA
........... 3 MCCANN, William b: 1814 in Kingwood, Preston.Co.WV/VA
........... 3 [9] MCCANN, Raleigh 'Rolla' b: 1815 in Kingwood,
Preston.Co.WV/VA d: 07 Nov 1894 in Nicholson, Fayette.Co.PA
............... +WILLARD, Mary b: Abt. 1815 m: 09 Jul 1835
................. 4 MCCANN, Mary Margaret b: 20 Apr 1840 in PA
................. 4 [8] MCCANN, Martha b: Dec 1843 in Pa
..................... +SANGSTON, James M. b: May 1839 in Fayette.Co.PA
d: 03 Apr 1912 in Cumberland, Greene.Co.PA m: 1875
................. *2nd Husband of [8] MCCANN, Martha:
..................... +UNKNOWN m: Aft. 1912
................. 4 MCCANN, Sarah b: 1845 in PA
................. 4 MCCANN, Nancy b: 1847 in PA
................. 4 MCCANN, Eliza b: 1848 in PA
................. 4 MCCANN, Isaac b: 1851 in PA
................. 4 MCCANN, John b: 1855 in PA
........... *2nd Wife of [9] MCCANN, Raleigh 'Rolla':
............... +MARTIN, Nancy b: Abt. 1820 m: Abt. 1860
........... 3 MCCANN, Mary b: 1822 in VA or PA
........... 3 MCCANN, Nancy b: 04 Jul 1826 in Monongahela, Greene.Co.PA
........... 3 MCCANN, Samuel b: 01 Mar 1827 in Monongahela, Greene.Co.PA
........... 3 MCCANN, Catherine b: 1834 in Penn.
.... 2 [10] MCCANN, William b: 1802 in Penn. d: Aft. 1880 in Penn.
........ +HOOVER, Rebecca b: Abt. 1805
.... *2nd Wife of [10] MCCANN, William:
........ +CLINE, Martha b: Aft. 1800 m: Bef. 1822 in PA?
........... 3 MCCANN, John b: 1822 in PA
........... 3 [11] MCCANN, William Alexander b: 22 Jan 1824 in PA d: 30
Sep 1914 in Masontown, PA
............... +CURL, Mariah b: Abt. 1825 m: Abt. 1845
........... *2nd Wife of [11] MCCANN, William Alexander:
............... +LINKS, Nancy b: Abt. 1825 d: Abt. 1912 m: Abt. 1850
........... 3 MCCANN, Henry b: Abt. 1831 in PA
........... 3 MCCANN, Jacob b: Abt. 1841 in PA
........... 3 MCCANN, Martha b: Abt. 1844 in PA
........... 3 MCCANN, Jesse b: 08 Apr 1848 in PA
........... 3 MCCANN, Eugne b: Abt. 1850 in PA
.... 2 MCCANN, Elizabeth b: 10 Dec 1797 in VA d: 21 Aug 1850 in
.... 2 MCCANN, Issac b: 26 May 1805 in Penn d: 19 Nov 1872 in Elkhart,
........ +LONGACRE, Mary Ann b: 04 Nov 1814 in Indiana d: 13 Apr 1847 in
Elkhart, Elkhart.Co.IN m: 11 Nov 1828 in Wayne.Co.IN
.... 2 MCCANN, Jacob b: 1806 in Fayette.Co.PA d: 1870
........ +WILLEY, Julia Ann b: 18 Feb 1803 in VA d: 19 Apr 1867 m: 27
Nov 1828 in Fayette.Co.IN
Burials last updated:
Wroe burials
in Fayette Co, Iowa
Surname |
First, Middle |
Maiden |
Spouse or Parents |
Birth |
Death/Burial |
Cemetery |
City/Twp |
Notes |
Colored rows = info/data updated; white rows =
not updated, needing data.
Wroe |
LeRoy |
Wroe |
Wroe son
of James LeRoy |
Nov 14,
1891 |
Dec 1891 |
Lima Cem |
Lima |
unmarked grave in Sec 3 near Grandfather Samuel Austin Wroe, bz/2010.
Son of James Leroy Wroe 1859/PA-1937/MN & Harriet Eunice Burns
1863/IL-1944/SD. |
Wroe |
Wesly |
Wroe |
Wroe son
of James LeRoy |
Aug 11,
1883 |
Abt Jul
1884 |
Lima Cem |
Lima |
unmarked grave in Sec 3 near Grandfather Samuel Austin Wroe, bz/2010.
Son of James Leroy Wroe 1859/PA-1937/MN & Harriet Eunice Burns
1863/IL-1944/SD. Died of 'summer
complaint' or infant cholera. |
Wroe |
Orpha Ann |
McCann |
Wroe Dr
Samuel Austin 1810/AtSea-1884/LimaArea |
Jun 4, 1818 |
Jun 3, 1906 |
Lima Cem |
Lima |
Sec 3.
Dau of
David McCann Jr 1795/PA-1861/IN & Nancy King
abt1795/VA-abt1832/Fayette.Co.PA. Ch; Geo Neff, John
Wesley, Rebecca Jane, Wm. Jerome, Isabelle Eliz., Joseph Ellsworth, James
Leroy, Charles Alexander, Flora Hegia |
Wroe |
Austin (Dr) |
Wroe |
Orpha Ann 1818/VA-1906/Clayton.Col.IA |
Jan 1810 |
Mar 4, 1884 |
Lima Cem |
Lima |
Sec 3.
Civil War doctor, had enough, moved to farming in Illyria.Twp. Son of
sea captain Samuel Wroe 1782/VA-1861/Wash.DC & Unknown Matthews
abt1795/Belfast.IRE-Bef.1814/AtSea. Ch; Geo Neff, John Wesley, Rebecca
Jane, Wm. Jerome, Isabelle Eliz., Joseph Ellsworth, James Leroy, Charles
Alexander, Flora Hegia |
Kuhens |
John |
Kuhens |
Rebecca Jane 1843/PA-1944/Fayette.IA |
Feb 22,
1838 |
26 Oct 1908 |
West Union |
West Union |
Son of
John Kuhens 1800/PA-?/WF & Margaret DeVore 1805/OH-?/?.
CO N 6th West V. Vols (Kuhnes) 1861-May1864. Farmed sec 17,
Illyria.Twp. Ch: Geo Leroy,
Virginia Belle, Margaret Florence, Mary A, Benjamin Franklin, Charles
Delbert, Emory Laverne, Emma Zoe, Ethelpella Poala, Creatia Pearl. |
Kuhens |
Rebecca J |
Wroe |
John 1838/OH-1908/WestUnion.IA |
May 9, 1843 |
Apr 5, 1944 |
West Union |
West Union |
Dau of
Civil War Dr. Samuel Austin Wroe 1810/AtSea-1884/Lima.area & Orpha Ann
McCann 1818/WV-1906/Lima.area.
Civil War nurse in same field hospital near Wheeling.WV as
father Dr. Samuel, while bro's & husb John Kuhens served in
Union.Armay. Ch: Geo Leroy,
Virginia Belle, Margaret Florence, Mary A, Benjamin Franklin, Charles
Delbert, Emory Laverne, Emma Zoe, Ethelpella Poala, Creatia Pearl. |
Darnell |
Eleanor |
Wroe |
Raymond N, 1875/IL-1943/Union.Twp, 3rd husb;
1st hust, James C. Hayes ?/?-?/?; 2nd husb,
Charles Everett Johnson 1879/Dover.Twp-?/? |
1 Feb 1875 |
28 Nov 1909 |
West Union |
West Union |
Dau of
Joseph Ellsworth Wroe 1851/Greene.Co.PA-bet1905-1910?/Auburn.Twp? &
Sarah V. Hill 1853/NY-1920/Fayette.IA.
Ch: Bessie, ArlightJ 'Arley.'
Darnell |
Raymond N |
Darnell |
Florence Eleanor 1875/Albany.area-1909/Union.Twp,1st wf; 2nd wf, Mary
Alice nee White Ward (HarryW), 1879/Union.Twp-1915/Union.Twp; 3rd wf
Janet nee Illiff Hayes (JamesC) Johnson (CharlesE) 1885-1934, Union.Twp. |
1 Jun 1875 |
Apr 1943 |
West Union |
West Union |
Son of Wm
Darnell 1850/IL-?/? & Malinda Finck 1854/IL-?/?.
Ch with Florence Wroe:
Bessie1896, Arley1902. Ch with
Alice White: Lillian1912, Vern.White1915.
Ch with Janet Iliff: none.
Darnall |
Anna M |
Schmelzer |
Arleigh J. 1902-1982, Union.Twp |
Feb 23,
1905 |
Dec 28,
1990 |
Calvary |
Union Twp |
Dau of
Maximillian M. Schmelzer 1863/Clatyon.Co.IA & mary Ann Schuler
1869/OH-1937/Cresco.IA. Ch: Max,
Geraldine, James |
Darnall |
Arleigh J 'Arley' |
Darnell |
Anna M 1905-1990, Union.Twp |
29 Aug 1902 |
18 Jan 1982 |
Calvary |
Union Twp |
Son of
Raymond N. Darnell 1875/IL-1943/Union.Twp & Florence Eleanor Wroe
1875/Albany.area-1909/Union.Twp. Ch: Max, Geraldine, James |
Hass |
Donna B.
'Bessie' |
Wroe |
Hass Glen
1893/Fayette.IA-1982/Fay.Co.IA? |
1890 |
Jan 22,
1955 |
Grandview |
Fayette |
Sec F,
extreme north, row 50, burial #2348.
Dau of Joseph Wroe 1851/PA-abt1905-1910/Auburn.area? & Sarah V.
Hill abt1853/NY-1920/Fayette?.IA.
No children. |
Hass |
Glen |
Hass |
Wroe Donna
B. 'Bessie' 1890/Albany.area-1955/Fay.Co.IA. |
1893 |
7 May 1982 |
Grandview |
Fayette |
Sec F,
row 50, S side, burial #3064.
Relative: niece Florence Earle.
Son of Herman Robert Hass 1861/Ger-1937/Fayette.IA & Lillie May Rogers
1869/IL-1937/West.Union.IA. No
children. |
Lima Cemetery and Church


Dr. Samuel Austin Wroe
1810/Atlantic.Sea-1884/Lima area, Fay.Co.IA,
married 1835 in German, Fayette.Co.PA
Orpha Ann McCann
1818/Preston.Co.WV-1906/Lima area,
George Neff
1839-1916 X Alice Jane Davis 1856-1935, nine
2. John Wesley 1841-1906 X Clarinda A. 'Rindy' Graves
1854-1927, raised Lester Stiner as a Wroe.
3. Rebecca Jane 1843-1944 X John Kuhens 1838-1908, eleven
4. William Jerome 1846-1934 X Ester Ann Pogue 1851-?, four
5. Isabelle Elizabeth 1848-1850, b/d Jollytown, Green.Co.PA, diptheria.
6. Joseph Ellsworth 1851-1905/10 X Sarah V. Hill 1853-1920,
nine children.
7. James Leroy 1859-1937 X Harriett Eunice 'Hattie' Burns
1863-1944, ten children.
8. Charles Alexander 1860/62-bef1864, b.Jollytown.PA, d. Fairmont.WV,
9. Flora Hegia 1862/64-bef1864, b.
Jollytown.PA, d. Fairmont.WV, diptheria.
Last pasted: 2013Jan01
Descendants of George Neff Wroe
1 WROE, George Neff b: 25 Feb 1839 in German, German.Twp, Fayette.Co.PA d:
13 Nov 1916 in Lander, Fremont.Co.WY Note 5: 1840 Census: Saml Wover (Wroe),
wf Orpha McCann1818 & son Geo. Neff1839, practicing medicine with Geo.Neff
in German, Fayette.Co, southwest corner of PA. Note 6: 1850 Census:
physician, $200, Jollytown, Jackson.Twp, Greene.Co.PA, SWcorner on WV
boarder. Roe: SamuelA40, Orthe34, Geo12, JohnW10, Rebecca Jane7,
Wm.Joerome4, Isabelle2. Note 7: 1860 Census: Not found 'yet.' Note 9: Name
sake: In Fayette.Co.PA, father Sam worked with Dr.Geo.Neff (younger than
Sam, deg. from Jefferson College in Philadelphia). Note 11: 1870 Census;
boarding with Geo.Hatterman33, sawmill teamster, Anthony's Saw Mill,
Atlantic Cty P.O., Sweetwater.Co.WY territory. Note 12: 18 Jan 1875 Married
Alice Jane Davis at South Pass, Fremont.Co.WY. Note 13: 1880 Census:
farming, Lander area, Sweetwater.Co.WY. Wroe: Geo38, Alice24, Josephine4,
Olive2. Note 18: 1900 Census: farming, Lander area, Sweetwater.Co.WY. Wroe:
Geo60, AliceJ45, Belle19, Fannie17, GeoL13, ArthurE9, SamuelA7. Note 20:
1920 Census: farming, Baldwin Creek Rd, Lander, Fremont.Co.WY. Wroe: GeoN70,
Anna54, ArthurE19 farming, SamueA17.
.. +DAVIS, Alice Jane b: 01 Jan 1856 in Jefferson.Co.IL d: 26 Sep 1935 in
Lander, Fremont.Co.WY m: 18 Jan 1875 in South Pass, Fremont.Co.WY (by Judge
James Brennan) Father: Lorenzo Green DAVIS Mother: Josephine Sara SCOTT
.... 2 WROE, Josephine Elizabeth b: 11 Oct 1875 in South Pass, Fremont.Co.WY
d: 04 Nov 1951 in Lander area, Fremont.Co.WY
........ +GOODRICH, Adelbert b: Jan 1868 in Appleton, Clark.Co.KS d: in
Lander area, Fremont.Co.WY m: 1898 in WY
.... 2 WROE, Olive b: 02 Dec 1878 in South Pass, Fremont.Co.WY d: 10 Apr
1904 in Morehouse, New.Mardrid.Co?, MO
.... 2 WROE, Isabella 'Belle' b: 29 Jul 1881 in South Pass, Fremont.Co.WY d:
24 Jan 1936 in Lander, Fremont.Co.WY
........ +STEERS, Roy Jason b: 05 May 1885 in Shoshone Agency, Fremont.Co.WY
d: 12 Feb 1955 in Lander area, Fremont.Co.WY m: 15 Aug 1911 in Lander,
.... 2 WROE, Fannie b: Feb 1883 in South Pass, Fremont.Co.WY
.... 2 WROE, Effie May b: 27 Oct 1884 in South Pass, Fremont.Co.WY d: 01 May
.... 2 WROE, George Leroy b: 21 Apr 1886 in Baldwin.Cr.Rd, Lander,
Fremont.Co.WY d: 23 Nov 1969 in Glendale, Los.Angeles.Co.CA
........ +UNKNOWN, Ruth b: 1896 in ND d: 20 Jun 1972 in Los Angeles,
.... 2 WROE, Arthur Ellsworth b: 16 Aug 1890 in Baldwin.Cr.Rd, Lander,
........ +LESEBERG, Stella 'Bessie' b: 04 May 1887 in Milford, Fremont.Co.WY
d: 04 May 1950 in Lander area, Fremont.Co.WY m: 26 Mar 1913 in MIlfford,
.... 2 WROE, Samuel Austin b: 16 Jun 1893 in Baldwin.Cr.Rd, Lander,
Fremont.Co.WY d: 16 Jun 1927 in Lander, Fremont.Co.WY Note 8: 1920 Census;
farming, Freemont.Co.WY, Austin26, Zoe25, Lyle4, Eloise2.
........ +LAIRD, Zoe Josephine b: 13 Feb 1894 in Fremont.Co.WY d: 20 Aug
1967 in Lander, Fremont.Co.WY m: 1915 in Fremont.Co.WY Father: James Gilbert
LAIRD Mother: Maude Matilda ROGERS Note 3: Father b. IL, mother Canada. Note
11: 1920 Census; famring, Freemont.Co.WY, Austin26, Zoe25, Lyle4, Eloise2.
Note 14: 1930 Census; remarried to Henry R. Lockard, Fremont.Co.WY.
........... 3 WROE, Lyle Austin b: 10 Mar 1915 in WY d: 04 Jun 1956 in
Siskiyou.Co.CA Note 8: 1920 Census; famring, Freemont.Co.WY, Austin26,
Zoe25, Lyle4, Eloise2. Note 11: 1930 Census; listed s/son of Henry R.
Lockard (mother Zoe has remarried), Fremont.Co.WY. Note 17: Bet. 1940 - 1944
CA Voter Reg: LyleA Wore, aircraft worker, Oaklawn.Ave, Chico, Butte.Co.CA,
............... +GRIGNON, Maxine May (suspect)
................. 4 [1] WROE, Lyle Dean b: 06 Nov 1944 in Butte.Co.CA (birth
..................... +PIEPER, Carolyn J. m: Bef. 1963 in Divorced 1980Mar17
(CA recrods).
........................ 5 WROE, Lyle T. b: 29 Dec 1962 in Shasta.Co.CA
(birth record)
................. *2nd Wife of [1] WROE, Lyle Dean:
..................... +CHASE, Norene K. b: Abt. 1958 m: 10 May 1980 in
Shasta.Co.CA (divorced 1984May10)
........... 3 WROE, Eloise b: 1918 in WY
.... 2 WROE, Clarence D. b: 25 Oct 1896 in Baldwin.Cr.Rd, Lander,
Fremont.Co.WY d: 1898 in Lander, Fremont.Co.WY
Dr. Samuel Austin Wroe
1810/Atlantic.Sea-1884/Lima area, Fay.Co.IA,
married 1835 in German, Fayette.Co.PA
Orpha Ann McCann
1818/Preston.Co.WV-1906/Lima area,
1. George Neff 1839-1916 X Alice Jane Davis 1856-1935, nine
John Wesley
1841-1906 X Clarinda A. 'Rindy' Graves
1854-1927, raised Lester Stiner as a Wroe.
3. Rebecca Jane 1843-1944 X John Kuhens 1838-1908, eleven
4. William Jerome 1846-1934 X Ester Ann Pogue 1851-?, four
5. Isabelle Elizabeth 1848-1850, b/d Jollytown, Green.Co.PA, diptheria.
6. Joseph Ellsworth 1851-1905/10 X Sarah V. Hill 1853-1920,
nine children.
7. James Leroy 1859-1937 X Harriett Eunice 'Hattie' Burns
1863-1944, ten children.
8. Charles Alexander 1860/62-bef1864, b.Jollytown.PA, d. Fairmont.WV,
9. Flora Hegia 1862/64-bef1864, b.
Jollytown.PA, d. Fairmont.WV, diptheria.
Last Pasted: 2013Jan01
Descendants of Thomas Graves
1 GRAVES, Thomas b: 06 Jun 1605 in Stepney, Middlesex.Co.England d: 21 Dec
1681 in Charlestown, Suffolk.Co.MA
.... +GRAY, Katherine b: 30 Jun 1605 in Sutton, Suffolk.Co.England d: 21 Feb
1682/83 in Charlestown, Suffolk.Co.MA m: 1630 in Ratcliff, London, England.
.... 2 GRAVES, Joseph b: 13 Apr 1645 in Charlestown, Suffolk.Co.MA d: 04 Sep
1672 in Sudbury, Middlesex.Co.MA
.......... +MAYNARD, Elizabeth b: 26 May 1649 in Sudbury, Middlesex.Co.MA d:
05 Jun 1676 in Sudbury, Middlesex.Co.MA m: 15 Jan 1665/66 in Sudbury,
........... 3 GRAVES, Richard b: 07 Apr 1672 in Sudbury, Middlesex.Co.MA d:
18 Jul 1727 in Sudbury, Middlesex.Co.MA
................. +UNKNOWN, Joanna b: 1679 in Sudbury, Middlesex.Co.MA d: 18
Jul 1727 in Sudbury, Middlesex.Co.MA m: Abt. 1700 in Sudbury,
................. 4 GRAVES, Jonathan b: 05 Apr 1701 in Sudbury,
Middlesex.Co.MA d: 18 May 1743 in Sudbury, Middlesex.Co.MA
....................... +GRAHAM, Susaanah b: 24 Nov 1720 in Sudbury,
Middlesex.Co.MA d: 01 Jan 1804 in Sudbury, Middlesex.Co.MA m: 13 Feb 1738/39
in Sudbury, Middlesex.Co.MA
........................ 5 GRAES, Thaddeus b: 09 May 1731 in Concord,
Middlesex.Co.MA d: 1786 in Tryingham, Berkshire.Co.MA
.............................. +ORTON, Elizabeth b: 28 Nov 1732 in
Farmington, Hartford.Co.CT d: 14 Jun 1756 in Tryingham, Berkshire.Co.MA
.............................. 6 GRAVES, Thaddeus b: 06 Jun 1756 in
Tryingham, Berkshire.Co.MA d: 06 Nov 1846 in Williston, Chittenden.Co.VT
.................................... +BELTY, Amy b: 1762 in Tryingham,
Berkshire.Co.MA d: 11 Feb 1836 in Tryingham, Berkshire.Co.MA
..................................... 7 GRAVES, Haslehigh Hollister 'Harley'
b: 12 Aug 1792 in Williston, Chittenden.Co.VT d: 04 Nov 1864 in Metamora,
Lapeer.Co.MI Note 8: Aug 1850 Census; farming, Bruce, Macomb.Co.MI Note 9:
Aug 1850 Graves: Haslehigh58, Edith56; wid son CharlesK34, Lester11, Ann9,
H.H.6, Mary 1. Note 11: 1860 Census; farming $3k/3100, West Berlin P.O.,
Berlin.Twp, St.Clair.Co.MI. Note 12: 1860 Harley68, Edith66; son Wm40,
ElizaJ41, Harriet17, Mary13, Martha9.
........................................... +KIMBALL, Edith b: 28 Sep 1794
in Townshend, Windham.Co.VT d: 11 Mar 1882 in Dryden, Lapeer.Co.MI
........................................... 8 GRAVES, Orpha Orinda b: 21 Jan
1814 in Richmond, Chittenden.Co.VT d: 30 Dec 1830
........................................... 8 [1] GRAVES, Charles Kimble b:
04 Dec 1815 in Webster, Monroe.Co.NY d: 22 Aug 1904 in Wolf Creek area,
Rutland.Twp, Woodbury.Co.IA Note 4: Aug 1850 Census; wid, farming with
parents, Bruce, Macomb.Co.MI. Note 5: Aug 1850 Graves: Haslehigh58, Edith56;
wid son CharlesK34, Lester11, Ann9, H.H.6, Mary 1. Note 6: 15 Dec 1854 Land
Entry: 40a, SEofSE, sec 20, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 7: 1856 Census:
farming, E of Lima in Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Graves: Charles1818NY,
Mary1836NY, Leister/Lester1839MI, Amy1842MI, Harley1844MI, Mary1849MI,
Unnamed (ClarindaA)1855IA. Note 9: Jul 1860 Census: farming $400/200,
Illyria P.O., Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Graves: ChasK1810NY, Mary1837NY,
Mary1848MI, ClarindaA1854IA, Matilda1858IA, ClarissaApr1860IA Note 11: 1870
Census; farming $1k/510, Illyria P.O., Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA, son Lester
adj. Note 12: Aug 1870 Charles53, Mary35, Clarinda15, Matilda12, Clarie10,
Hariett8, Charles6, Sarah4, David2. Note 14: Abt. 1879 Went to Goshen.Twp,
Clay.Co.KS with s/law Geo.Henry Fox (Clara), to farm. Note 15: 1880 Census:
farming Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA, adj to s/law Geo. Fox; CharlesK60, Mary44,
David12, Georgia5. Note 16: 1885 Census: in Cherokee.Co.IA, as were the Fox,
Wroe & other Fay.Co.IA surnames. Note 18: 1895 Census; Rutland.Twp,
Woodbury.Co.IA. Note 20: 1900 Census; with son, farming, Rutland.Twp,
Woodbury.Co.IA, Charles36, CharlesK84, Mary64.
................................................. +MAPES, Hannah B. b: 08
Jun 1821 in MI d: 08 Aug 1849 in Macomb.Co.MI m: 09 Sep 1837 Father: Samuel
MAPES Mother: Aly Alvy 'Abbie' GLEASON
.................................................. 9 GRAVES, Lester b: Abt.
1839 in MI d: 30 Oct 1930 Note 8: 1870 Census; famring adj to father,
Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
........................................................ +UNKNOWN, Catherine
b: 1847 in NY
........................................................ 10 GRAVES, Charles
b: 1869 in Illyira P.O. farm, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
.................................................. 9 GRAVES, Amy b: 26 Feb
1841 in Livingston.Co.MI d: 20 Oct 1918 in Harbor Beach, Huron.Co.MI
........................................................ +WHALING, William
b: 05 Jun 1832 in Allegany.Co.NY d: 02 Apr 1911 in Harbor Beach, Huron.Co.MI
m: 28 Feb 1859 in Capac, St.Clare.Co.MI Father: John WHALING Mother:
Clarissa BROWN Note 9: Suspect that Mary Whaling (2nd wf of Chas. Graves) is
sis of Wm. Whaling husb. of Amy Graves, dau of Chas. Graves, bz/2012.
........................................................ 10 WHALING, Edward
b: 27 Feb 1861 in MI d: 06 Oct 1941
........................................................ 10 WHALING, James
L. b: 13 Nov 1862 in MI d: 24 May 1934
........................................................ 10 WHALING, Charles
Andra b: 03 Feb 1863 in MI d: 22 Mar 1900 in Sand Beach, Hurion.Co.MI
........................................................ 10 WHALING, William
Henry b: 05 Mar 1867 in MI d: 18 Jul 1948 in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan,
.............................................................. +EDWARD, Mary
Louise b: 18 Aug 1879 in Harbor Beach, Huron.Co.MI d: 09 Apr 1976 in Prince
Albert, Saskatchewan, Canada
........................................................ 10 WHALING, Cory
May b: 1871 in MI d: 16 Aug 1944 in Bellingham, Whatcom.Co.WA
........................................................ 10 WHALING, Bertha
b: Aug 1875 in MI d: 1951
.............................................................. +WEISS,
........................................................ 10 WHALING, Benton
b: 1879 in MI d: 03 Nov 1949 in Lopez Island, San.Juan.Co.WA
.................................................. 9 GRAVES, Harley
Hollister b: 01 Nov 1843 in Adrian, Lenawee.Co.MI d: 09 Jul 1931 in Magnet,
Cedar.Co.NE Burial: Magnet, Cedar.Co.NE Note 8: 1885 Census; farming, Scott
.Twp, Fay.IA. Note 9: 1885 Graves: Harley37, Philicia35, Joseph18, Della13,
Frank8, John3.
........................................................ +MITCHELL, Philicia
Emeline b: 25 Jul 1850 in Delhi, Delaware.Co.IA d: 03 Sep 1934 in Magent,
Cedar.Co.NE m: 13 May 1866 in Clayton.Co.iA Father: Joseph B. MITCHELL
Mother: Ida Lucinda COUSINS
........................................................ 10 GRAVES, Joseph
b: 1864 in Clayton.Co.IA
........................................................ 10 GRAVES, Delia
Ida b: 14 May 1871 in Albia, Monroe.Co.IA d: 01 Jun 1962 in Newman Grove,
.............................................................. +ASHBY,
Frederick Hankerson b: 24 Feb 1868 in Redman, Tama.Co.IA d: 31 Jan 1940 in
Norfolk, Madison.Co.NE m: 20 Nov 1888 in Rock Branch, Woodbury.Co.IA
........................................................ 10 GRAVES, Frank b:
1875 in Clayton.Co.IA
........................................................ 10 GRAVES, John b:
1882 in Clayton.Co.IA
.................................................. 9 GRAVES, Mary b: 14 Apr
1849 in Bruce, Macomb.Co.MI
........................................... *2nd Wife of [1] GRAVES, Charles
................................................. +WHALING, Mary b: Nov 1835
in NY d: Aft. Oct 1907 in Sioux City, Woodbury.co.IA m: 1854 in MI or IA
Father: John WHALING Mother: Clarissa BROWN Note 9: Suspect that Mary
Whaling (2nd wf of Chas. Graves) is sis of Wm. Whaling husb. of Amy Graves,
dau of Chas. Graves, bz/2012.
9 [3] GRAVES, Clarinda A. 'Rindy' b: 10 Nov 1854 in Maquoketa,
Jackson.Co.IA d: 24 Nov 1927 in Volga City, Sperry.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA
Burial: Hillcrest Cem, lot 11 (Rogers lot), Volga City, Sperry.Twp, sec 9,
Clayton.Co.IA Note 6: 1856 Census; listed as No Name Graves 1y, with
Charles, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 7: 1856 Graves: Charles1818NY,
Mary1836NY, Leister/Lester1839MI, Amy1842MI, Harley1844MI, Mary1849MI,
Unnamed (ClarindaA)1855IA. Note 10: 1885 Census: farming, SEofSE, sec 13,
Willow.Twp, Cherokee.Co.IA. Fox: Geo20, Clara24, David7. Rhoe: JohnWesley44,
Clara30. Note 14: 1900 Census; farming, living in Volga City, Sperry.Twp,
Clayton.Co.IA, JohnW57, ClarindaA13, LesterL13, mother OrphaA80. Note 16:
1905 Census; farming, S of Mill.Grove, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA, JohnW,
Clarinda, LesterL. Note 17: 1906 Husb. John Wesley Wroe dies at Volga.IA.
Note 18: 1909 Remarried to Benjamin Rogers. Note 21: 1910 Census; Volga
village, Clayton.Co.IA. Rogers: BenjaminB 1865/IA odd jobs, Clorinda
1867/IA. Note 22: Jul 1913 Husb. Benjamin Rogers dies at Volga.City.IA. Note
24: Aft. Jul 1913 Remarried to Jonathan E. Burns, 3rd marriage for both.
Note 27: Services at Wadena.IA, buried under Burns surname at Volga.IA.
+WROE, John Wesley 'Wes' b: Feb 1841 in
Jollytown, Jackson.Twp, Greene.Co.PA d: 07 Dec 1906 in Volga City,
Sperry.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA Burial: Hillcrest Cem, lot 11 (Rogers lot), Volga
City, Sperry.Twp, sec 9, Clayton.Co.IA m: 07 Oct 1876 in Volga City,
Clayton.Co.IA Father: Dr. Samuel Austin WROE Mother: Orpha Ann MCCANN Note
4: 1850 Census: physician, $200, Jollytown, Jackson.Twp, Greene.Co.PA,
SWcorner on WV boarder. Roe: SamuelA40, Orthe34, Geo12, JohnW10, Rebecca
Jane7, Wm.Joerome4, Isabelle2. Note 6: Abt. 1862 Civil War; 6h WV Vol Inf.
Note 8: 1865 Obit: Came to Fayette.Co.IA (?may have preceeded father
Sameul?bz/2012) Note 10: 1870 Census: farming, 40a, sec 19, Illyria.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA. Row: James55VA, Orfe50PA, Wesley25PA, Joseph18PA, James18PA. Note
11: 07 Oct 1876 Married Clarinda Graves of the Illyria P.O. area,
Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 12: 1879 Plat; name on father's home farm, near
middle of sec 19, Illyria.Twp, 1mSE of Lima, Fay.Co.IA. Note 13: 1880
Census: ??Where are John Wesley and Clarinda Graves? May have been near the
Fox families bet. Brush Creek & Mill Grove area, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA,
bz/2012. Note 15: 1885 Census: farming, SEofSE, sec 13, Willow.Twp,
Cherokee.Co.IA. Fox: Geo20, Clara24(Graves), David7. Rhoe: JohnWesley44,
Clara30(Graves). Note 16: Bet. 1885 - 1886 Started raising Lester.L Stiner
son of Franklin & Sarah Hahn Stiner, after mother died in Cherokee.Co.IA,
see or request notes under Lester Stiner, bz/2012. Note 17: 1900 Census;
listed farming, living in Volga City, Sperry.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA. Wroe:
JohnW57, ClarindaA43, LesterL13 Stiner Wroe, mother OrphaA McCann80. Note
21: 1905 Census; JohnW farming (renting), Clarinda, LesterL, south of
Rawson's Mill/MillGrove, Arlington P.O., Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 22:
07 Dec 1906 Died in Volga City, so apparently moved back from Mill Grove
area farm, bz/2012.
WROE, No Children
10 [2] STINER, Lester Leroy 'raised Wroe'
b: Jun
1885 in Willlow.Creek.Twp, Cherokee.Co.IA d: Jan 1941 in St. Paul,
Ramsey.Co.MN Note 2: See or request Stiner & collateral surnames for Lester
Stiner-Wroe genelaogy, bz/2012Dec09. Note 4: 05 Jul 1885 Mother Sarah nee
Hahn Stiner (Franklin), dies 15d after birth of son Lester, Willow.Twp,
Cherokee.Co.IA. Note 5: 1885 Census: farming, SEofSE, sec 13, Willow.Twp,
Cherokee.Co.IA. Fox: Geo20, Clara24, David7. Rhoe: JohnWesley44, Clara30.
Note 6: Bet. 1885 - 1888 James.L Wroe x Harriet Burns also farming
1885-1888, Willow.Twp; would return to Fay.Co.IA 1889. Note 7: Bet. 1885 -
1886 Lester.L Stiner b1885, raised by JohnW & Clarinda Graves Wroe & taken
back to Fay.Co.IA. Note 8: Aft. 1886 John Wes x Clarinda Graves had no ch, &
raised LesterL. (Stiner) as Lester.L Wroe, Torey/2012. Note 9: 1900 Census;
Volga, Sperry.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA. Wroe: JohnW57 farming, ClarindaA13,
LesterL13 (Stiner), mother OrphaA80. Note 10: Nov 1902 Arlington Paper: John
Wesley Wroe bought 43a, timber hill land, 3mi N of Arlington.IA in
Fairfield.Twp. Note 11: 1905 Census: S of Rawson's Mill/Mill.Grove, 3+mi N
of Arlington P.O., Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Wroe; JohnW farming/renting, wf
Clarinda, LesterL (Stiner). Note 13: Oct 1905 Paper: Lived on Arlington area
farm (S of Mill Grove) after marriage to Bessie Overton. Note 14: Bet. 1906
- 1907 Paper sequence indicated separation, Lester stays on farm N of
Arlington, Bessie goes back to Strawberry.Pt with Horace Talcott, bz/2012.
Note 16: Bef. 1910 Bessie remarries William Hageman/Hagerman of Wadena.IA.
Lester Stiner remaries Pearl Kinkead of Volga.IA. Note 17: 1910 Census: 1st
St, Wadena, Fay.Co.IA, WmJ Hageman40 stone mason, ElizB22 (nee Overton, 2nd
husb, bz/2012), Bernard E. Roe/Wroe3 (son of LesterL, bz/2012), broEugene
Hageman54. Note 18: 26 May 1910 Arlington.IA paper: Lester Wroe & wf of
Central City (Linn.Co.IA) visting Rodgers & Kinkead (Kincaid?) families.
Note 19: 05 Nov 1910 Katie Frost Overton (sis of Bessie Overton Wroe)
marries Phillip Jasper Dye, living close to Bessie & Wm Hageman in Wadena.IA,
bz/2012. Note 20: Jul 1910 Census; Jones.Co.IA, Castle.Grove.Twp. Lester
Stiner25 farmhand (Elmer36 Prosser family), wf Pearl17 hired girl priv.
family. Note 21: 18 Apr 1912 Volga.IA news: Mr/Mrs. Lester Wroe of Central
City, visiting homes of relatives in Arlington. Note 23: 1915 Census; Lester
Steiner, 2117 Fremont.St, Cedar.Falls.IA, laborer, 30y/Cherokee.Co, 8thgr.
Note 24: 1917 Draft.Reg: Adams.Ave, Waterloo.IA, bl eyes, br hair, med/med.
Note 25: Jan 1920 Census: 534 Adams.Ave, E.Waterloo, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA, Lester
35 teamster F.M. Shores Transfer.Co, E 4th St. Note 26: Jan 1920 Stiner:
Lester35, Pearl28, Annie10, Sarah6, Julia3y2m, Ernie1. Note 28: 1930 Census:
Balsom.Rd, Prairie Lake, St.L.Co.MN; Lester Stiner 45/IA, boarder, farm
laborer. Note 29: 1930 Wf Pearl, ch, & m/law together on Rice.St,
.............................................................. +OVERTON,
Elizabeth Blanch 'Bessie' b: 1887 in Riverside.Co.CA Father: James W.
OVERTON Mother: Lydia 'Viola' KEMP
............................................................... 11 WROE,
Bernard (Stiner)
........................................................ *2nd Wife of [2]
STINER, Lester Leroy 'raised Wroe':
.............................................................. +KINKEAD,
Pearl L. b: 1892 in Lebanon, Red.Willow.Co.NE d: 1960 in MN Father: William
Benjamin KINKEAD Mother: Marie E. 'MARY, Fannie' Winchell
............................................................... 11 STINER,
Eight Children b: in Listed under Lester Stiner tree, bz/2012.
.................................................. *2nd
Husband of [3] GRAVES, Clarinda A. 'Rindy':
+ROGERS, Benjamin B. b: 14 Aug 1862 in Lima area, sec 24,
Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 07 Mar 1913 in Volga City home, Clayton.Co.IA
Burial: Hillcrest Cem, lot 11 (Rogers lot), Sperry.Twp, sec 9, Clayton.Co.IA
m: 17 Jul 1909 in Lima, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Father: Stephen ROGERS
Mother: Martha Rea SEATON Note 5: Born a deaf mute. Note 11: 1888 With
parents in SD during 'Blizzard of 1888' when father Ed froze to death. Note
12: Wondered in blizzard for 18hrs, hunted for father, found frozen. Note
13: Froze hands/feet, which bothered him the rest of life. Note 18: 1900
Census; Pillanger, Cass.Co.MN, mother Martha with. Note 19: 1905 Census;
farming, Pillager, Cass.Co.MN, with mother. Note 20: Aft. 1905 Moved to bro
Edwin Rogers (hotel owner) in Volga City; carpentered. Note 21: 1909 One
marriage: 2nd of 3 husb's of Clarinda A. Graves (John Wes Wroe m1877, Ben
m1909, Jon E burns m1913). Note 22: 1910 Census; odd jobs, carpenter, Volga
City, Sperry.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA. Note 23: 1910 BenjaminB 1865/IA, Clorinda
1867/IA; mother Martha just died, assume in Volga. Note 24: Aft. 1910 Ben &
Florinda took in Lyle Burns. Note 26: May 1913 Took train to Lima to visit
Frances Roger home; step off track & back on. Note 27: Hit by work train,
did not hear, died of injuries in Volga City. Note 28: Obit: youngest of
8ch, B/D marriage dates, age 50y8m23d, bz/2012.
.................................................. *3rd
Husband of [3] GRAVES, Clarinda A. 'Rindy':
+BURNS, Jonathan John E. b: 25 Dec 1862 in
Chenoa, McLean.Co.IL d: 29 Jul 1932 in McGregor, Clayton.Co.IA m: Aft. Jul
1913 in Iowa Father: Levi Walter BURNS Mother: Harriet Marie WAITE Note 11:
1880 Census; with parents, farming bet Lima/Albany, sec 14&11, Westfield.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA Note 15: 1906 Living at Atchison, KS.
.................................................. 9 GRAVES, Matilda b: 10
May 1858 in Illyria P.O. farm, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Note 9: Aft. 1880 Ran
boarding house in Sioux.City, Woodbury/Plymouth.Co.IA.
........................................................ +UNMARRIED
.................................................. 9
GRAVES, Clarissa 'Clara' b: 26 Apr 1860 in llyria P.O. farm,
Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Note 8: 1885 Census: farming, SEofSE, sec 13,
Willow.Twp, Cherokee.Co.IA. Fox: Geo20, Clara24, David7. Rhoe: JohnWesley44,
+FOX, George Henry b: 08 May 1856 in Fairfield Twp, Fayette Co, IA m:
29 Jan 1877 in Albany, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.Ia, by Richard Earle. Father:
Stephen Andrew FOX Mother: Mary Ann (suspect) HARRINGTON Note 4: Farmed in
sec 10, Fairfield Twp, Fay. Co, IA. Note 8: Abt. 1879 Moved to Goshen.Twp,
Clay.Co.KS with f/law Charles Graves. Note 9: 1880 Census; farming adj to
f/law, Goshen.Twp, Clay.Co.KS, Geo1854IA, Clara1861IA, David1878IA. Note 11:
1885 Census: farming, SEofSE, sec 13, Willow.Twp, Cherokee.Co.IA. Fox:
Geo20, Clara24, David7. Rhoe: JohnWesley44, Clara30.
........................................................ 10 FOX, David b:
1878 in Fay.Co.IA
.................................................. 9 GRAVES, Harriett b: 10
Feb 1862 in llyria P.O. farm, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
........................................................ +WEBB, Luther
.................................................. 9 GRAVES, Charles W. b:
12 Feb 1864 in llyria P.O. farm, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: Jul 1939 in Hm.
on west edge of Volga, Sperry.Twp, Fay.Co.iA
........................................................ +UNMARRIED
.................................................. 9 GRAVES, Sarah E. b: 16
Jan 1866 in llyria P.O. farm, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
.................................................. 9 GRAVES, David b: 11 Sep
1869 in llyria P.O. farm, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 22 Sep 1887 Note 11: Age
at death; 15y12d.
.................................................. 9 GRAVES, Geneva T.
'Georgia' b: 18 Oct 1875 in llyria P.O. farm, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
........................................... 8 GRAVES, Mary b: 29 Nov 1817 in
Penfield, Monroe.Co.NY
........................................... 8 GRAVES, William b: 07 May 1820
in Penfield, Monroe.Co.NY Note 9: 1860 Census married, 3ch, farming with
father, Berlin.Twp, St.Clair.Co.MI
................................................. +UNKNOWN, Eliza J. b: 1819
in NY
.................................................. 9 GRAVES, Harriet b: 1843
in MI
.................................................. 9 GRAVES, Mary b: 1847 in
.................................................. 9 GRAVES, Martha b: 1851
in MI
........................................... 8 GRAVES, Rhoda b: 19 Oct 1824
in Penfield, Monroe.Co.NY
1 STINER, Abraham b: 1781 in PA d: Feb 1860 in Clayton.Co.IA Note 6: Bef.
1790 Father died when young; went to live with Col. Ambrose Meeker,
Chillicothe.Co.OH. Note 7: 1812 Col.Meeker went to war; Abraham removed to
Madison.Co.OH. Note 11: 1819 Penn to OH, weaver by trade.
.. +LEWIS, Elizabeth 'Betsy' b: 1785 in Virginia m: 1807 in Chillicothe.OH
.... 2 STINER, Christian b: 02 Jul 1810 in KY d: 22 Feb 1889 in Dover.Twp,
.... 2 [1] STINER, Joseph Lewis b: 07 Jul 1812 in Logan.Co.OH d: 31 Aug 1879
in Home farm, sec 16, Wagner.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA Note 6: 1849 Ohio to 160a,
sec 16, Wagner.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA, home farm until death. Note 8: Acquired
800a land, build brick house.
........ +WAGNER, Ann Father: Unknown WAGNER
.... *2nd Wife of [1] STINER, Joseph Lewis:
........ +WAGNER, Esther Hester 'Hetty' b: 14 Mar 1815 in Johnstown,
Cambria.Co.PA d: 07 Apr 1870 in Home farm, sec 16, Wagner.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA
m: 1835 in Union.Co.OH Father: Unknown WAGNER
........... 3 STINER, Minerva Jane b: 24 Mar 1836 in OH d: 09 Mar 1888 in
Jackson.Twp, Charles.Mix.Co.SD
........... 3 STINER, John b: 1840 in OH
........... 3 STINER, Christopher C. b: 1842 in Logan.Co.OH
........... 3 STINER, Harriet A. 'Hattie' b: 1842 in Logan.Co.OH
........... 3 STINER, William Jefferson b: 1845 in Logan.Co.OH
........... 3 STINER, Sarah S. b: 1846 in Logan.Co.OH d: 1870
........... 3 STINER, George b: 1847 in Logan.Co.OH d: 1847 in OH
........... 3 STINER, Abraham b: 1849 in Logan.Co.OH d: Aft. 1919
........... 3 STINER, Joseph L. b: 1851 in Sec 16, Wagner.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA
........... 3 STINER, Franklin P. Steiner b: Jan 1853 in Sec 16, Wagner.Twp,
Clayton.Co.IA d: Aft. 1930 in Willow.Twp, Cherokee.co.IA? Note 4: 01 Feb
1878 Married in Cherokee.Co.IA. Note 6: 1880 Census; Rock.Twp,
Cherokee.Co.IA. Stiner: Frank26 farming, Sarah26, RobertL1. Note 8: 1885
Census; farming NW of NW, sec 3, T90N, R41W, Willow.Twp, Cherokee.Co.IA.
Note 9: 1885 Stine: Franklin30, Sarah31, Robert6, Hattie3, Oliver1. Son
LesterL b.Jun1885, wf dies days after. Note 10: Aft. 1885 JamesL Wroe x
Harriet Burns farming 1885-1888, Willow.Twp, returning to Fay.Co.IA 1889.
Note 11: Abt. 1889 Likely LesterL. Stiner b1885, taken back to Fay.Co.IA
with JamesL.Wroe, Torey/2012. Note 12: Aft. 1889 James Wroe's bro. John Wes
x Clarinda Graves had no ch, & raised LesterL. (Stiner) as Lester.L Wroe,
Torey/2012. Note 23: 1900 Census; Washta village, Willow.Twp, Cherokee.Co.IA.
Steiner: FranklinP47wid farming, RobertL21, HattieJ19. Note 25: 1920 Census:
Washta village, Cherokee.Co.IA. Stiner: FranklinP67 house carpenter. Note
27: 1930 Census; Washta village, Willow.Twp, Cherokee.Co.IA. Stiner:
FranklinP77 retired, alone.
............... +HAHN, Sarah Mary b: 1854 in PA d: 05 Jul 1885 in Willow.Twp,
Cherokee.co.IA m: 01 Feb 1878 in Cherokee.Co.IA Father: Robert HAWN Mother:
................. 4 STINER, Robert Louis b: Nov 1878 in Rock.Twp,
Cherokee.Co.IA d: in Cripple Creek, Teller.Co.CO
..................... +DOWNS, Bethel Edna b: 1883 in Iowa
........................ 5 STINER, Thirteen Children b: in Iowa
................. 4 STINER, Hattie Jennett b: 07 Apr 1881 in Willow.Twp,
................. 4 STINER, Unknown b: 19 Aug 1883 d: Bef. Jun 1885 in
Willow.Twp, Cherokee.co.IA Note 11: Not with family in 1880 or 1885 census,
................. 4 STINER, Oliver b: 1884 in Cherokee.Co.IA
................. 4 [2] STINER, Lester Leroy 'raised
Wroe' b: 22 Jun 1885 in Willow.Twp, Cherokee.co.IA d: 06 Jan 1941 in
St. Paul, Ramsey.Co.MN Note 2: See John Wesley Wroe tree for Lester Stiner's
adopted parents, bz/2012Dec09. Note 4: 05 Jul 1885 Mother Sarah dies 15d
after birth of son Lester, Willow.Twp, Cherokee.Co.IA. Note 5: 1885 Census:
farming, SEofSE, sec 13, Willow.Twp, Cherokee.Co.IA. Fox: Geo20, Clara24,
David7. Rhoe: JohnWesley44, Clara30. Note 6: Bet. 1885 - 1888 James.L Wroe x
Harriet Burns farming 1885-1888, Willow.Twp; would return to Fay.Co.IA 1889.
Note 7: Bet. 1885 - 1886 Lester.L Stiner b1885, raised by JohnW & Clarinda
Graves Wroe & taken back to Fay.Co.IA. Note 8: Aft. 1886 James Wroe's bro.
John Wes x Clarinda Graves had no ch, & raised LesterL. (Stiner) as Lester.L
Wroe, Torey/2012. Note 9: 1900 Census; Volga, Sperry.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA.
Wroe: JohnW57 farming, ClarindaA13, LesterL13 (Stiner), mother OrphaA80.
Note 10: Nov 1902 Arlington Paper: bought 43a, timber hill land, 3mi N of
Arlington.IA in Fairfield.Twp. Note 12: 1905 Census: S of Rawson's Mill/Mill.Grove,
3+mi N of Arlington P.O., Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Wroe; JohnW
farming/renting, wf Clarinda, LesterL (Stiner). Note 13: 17 Oct 1905 Paper:
Lived on Arlington area farm (S of Mill Grove) after marriage to Bessie
Overton. Note 14: Bet. 1906 - 1907 Paper sequence indicated separation,
Lester stays on farm N of Arlington, Bessie goes back to Strawberry.Pt with
Horace Talcott, bz/2012. Note 16: Bef. 1910 Bessie Remarries William
Hageman/Hagerman of Wadena.IA. Lester Stiner remaries Pearl Kinkead of
Volga.IA. Note 17: 1910 Census: 1st St, Wadena, Fay.Co.IA, WmJ Hageman40
stone mason, ElizB22 (nee Overton, 2nd husb, bz/2012), Bernard E. Roe/Wroe3
(son of LesterL, bz/2012), broEugene Hageman54. Note 18: 26 May 1910
Arlington.IA paper: Lester Wroe & wf of Central City (Linn.Co.IA) visting
Rodgers & Kinkead (Kincaid?) families. Note 19: 05 Nov 1910 Katie Frost
Overton (sis of Bessie Overton Wroe) marries Phillip Jasper Dye, living
close to Bessie & Wm Hageman, bz/2012. Note 20: Jul 1910 Census; Jones.Co.IA,
Castle.Grove.Twp. Lester Stiner25 farmhand (Elmer36 Prosser family), wf
Pearl17 hired girl priv. family. Note 21: 18 Apr 1912 Volga.IA news: Mr/Mrs.
Lester Wroe of Central City, visiting homes of relatives in Arlington. Note
23: 1915 Census; Lester Steiner, 2117 Fremont.St, Cedar.Falls.IA, laborer,
30y/Cherokee.Co, 8thgr. Note 24: 1917 Draft.Reg: Adams.Ave, Waterloo.IA, bl
eyes, br hair, med/med. Note 25: Jan 1920 Census: 534 Adams.Ave, E.Waterloo,
Bk.Hawk.Co.IA, Lester 35 teamster F.M. Shores Transfer.Co, E 4th St. Note
26: Jan 1920 Stiner: Lester35, Pearl28, Annie10, Sarah6, Julia3y2m, Ernie1.
Note 28: 1930 Census: Balsom.Rd, Prairie Lake, St.L.Co.MN; Lester Stiner
45/IA, boarder, farm laborer. Note 29: 1930 Wf Pearl, ch, & m/law together
on Rice.St, St.Paul.MN.
..................... +OVERTON, Elizabeth Blanch
'Bessie' b: Oct 1887 in Riverside.Co.CA d: Bet. 1930 - 1940 in
Suspect Knox.Co.NE area or in CO (not found in CA Index, bz/2012) m: 17 Oct
1905 in Hm of Wes Wroe in Volga, Clayton.co.IA Father: James W. OVERTON
Mother: Viola 'Lydia' KEMP Note 8: 1885 Census: W. Mission St/Road,
Strawberry.Pt, Clayton.Co.IA. Overton: JamesW32 laborer, Lydia33 nee Kemp,
Bernard3IA, Kate1IA Note 9: Abt. 1886 Family moved from Strawberry.Pt.IA to
CA where dau Bessie was born 1887Oct, bz/2012. Note 11: 17 Oct 1905 Marriage
Certif to Lester L. Wroe states b. Riverside.Co.CA, bz/2012. Note 13: Bet.
Oct - Nov 1907 Separation assumed, Lester stays of farm N of Arlington,
Bessie goes back to Strawberry.Pt, (paper sequence indicates) bz/2012. Note
14: Bef. 1910 Bessie Remarries William Hageman/Hagerman of Wadena.IA. Lester
Stiner remaries Pearl Kinkead of Volga.IA. Note 20: 1910 Census: 1st St,
Wadena, Fay.Co.IA, WmJ Hageman40 stone mason, ElizB22 (nee Overton, 2nd husb,
bz/2012), Bernard E. Roe/Wroe3 (son of LesterL, bz/2012), broEugene
Hageman54. Note 21: 1910 Nearby on River.St, Wadena.IA is sis. Katie Frost
Overtons's to-be husb Philip.Dye32. Note 22: 1917 Draft Card: Charles Ellis
Reynolds, b.1879Dec27, wf Bessie (Overton, Wroe, Hageman), farming,
Knox.Co.NE. Note 25: 1930 Census; ElizB with what appears a 3rh husb,
Chas.Reynolds, farming, Santee.Twp, Knox.Co.NE Note 26: 1930 Reynolds:
ChasE1881MO, wf ElizB1887CA (nee Overton, Wroe/Roe, Hageman), bro. HarryL
Reynolds1894IA. Hageman: BernardE1907IA, EugeneE1913IA.
........................ 5 WROE, Bernard Eugene Roe b: 01 Nov 1906 in
Mill.Grove area farm 3+mi N of Arlington, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Note 4:
Alternative birth possibiliy; Horace Talcott hm in Strawberry.Pt.IA, bz/2012.
Note 12: 1910 Census: 1st St, Wadena, Fay.Co.IA, WmJ Hageman40 stone mason,
ElizB22 (nee Overton, 2nd husb, bz/2012), Bernard E. Roe/Wroe3 (son of
Lester.L, bz/2012), broEugene Hageman54. Note 13: 1910 Nearby on River.St,
Wadena.IA is Eliz.Overton's 3rd husb (to-be) Philip.Dye32. Note 14: 1915
Census; 7y, with mother & 2nd husb Will Hageman, Wadena, Illyria.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA. Note 22: Apr 1930 Census; with birth mother Eliz & her 3rd husb,
Chas.Reynolds, farming, Santee.Twp, Knox.Co.NE Note 23: Apr 1930 Reynolds:
ChasE1881MO, wf ElizB1887CA (nee Overton, Wroe/Roe, Hageman, Dye), bro.
HarryL Reynolds1894IA. Hageman: BernardE1907IA, EugeneE1913IA.
................. *2nd Wife of [2] STINER, Lester Leroy 'raised Wroe':
..................... +KINKEAD, Pearl L. b: Jul 1892 in Lebanon,
Red.Willow.Co.NE d: Abt. 1960 in MN? m: Bet. 1909 - 1910 in Volga City, Clayton.Co.IA? Father: William Benjamin Kinkaid KINKEAD Mother: Marie E.
'MARY, Fannie' Winchell Note 7: 1900 Census: Stapleton.Twp, Chickasaw.Co.IA.
Kinkaid; WmB45 farming, MaryE29, PearlL7, JuliaB5, WarrenS4. Note 8: 1905
Census: Volga, Clayton.Co.IA. Kinkead; WmB, MaryE, PearlL, JuliaB, WarrenS,
JohnW. Note 10: 1910 Census: Volga, Clayton.Co.IA. Kinkead; WmB51 laborer,
MaryE39, WarrenS14, John5, Julia15 & her son Clifford1 Anderson. Note 14:
1915 Census; PearlL, with husb Lester, 2y H.S., 2117 Fremont.St,
Cedar.Falls.IA. Note 16: 1920 Census: 534 Adams.Ave, E.Waterloo.IA. Stiner:
Lester35, Pearl28, Annie10, Sarah6, Julia3y2m, Ernie1. Note 21: 1930 Census:
Rice.Ave, St.Paul.MN, renting, 16 people in house, Pearl working at brush
factory, ch, 2 sis 7 families & mother, Note 22: 1930 Stiner: Pearl39,
Sarah15, Julia13, Ernie11, Wm9, Gaylord3y11m, Goumonia2y2m, mother MaryE
Kinkead59. Note 23: 1930 Lester Stiner 45/IA, boarder, farm laborer.
Balsom.Rd, Prairie Lake, St.L.Co.MN. Note 24: 1930 Also: Pearl's dau Anna
Stiner French18 odd job nuse & her dau ElizM1y7m. Note 25: 1930 Also fam. of
sister: Anderson; Pete54 grael pit, sis Julia34, Clifford20 garage, Agnes16,
Pearl13, Catherine6.
........................ 5 STINER, Anna Elizabeth b: 06 Jan 1911 in E.
Waterloo, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA
............................ +FRENCH, Unknown
.............................. 6 FRENCH, Elizabeth M. b: Abt. Oct 1928 in
........................ 5 STINER, Ernie Laverne b: 19 Jan 1912 in E.
Waterloo, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA d: 01 Aug 1969 in Tacoma, Pierce.Co.WA
............................ +HITZ, Gladys Evelyn b: 25 Feb 1909 in North
Madison, Jefferson.Co.IN d: Aug 1977 in Indianapolis, Marion.Co.IN
........................ 5 STINER, Sarah b: Abt. 1914 in Cedar.Falls,
........................ 5 STINER, Julia Jeanette b: 24 Nov 1916 in
Cedar.Falls, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA d: 02 Jun 2011 in Vadnalis Hts, Ramsey.Co.MN
........................ 5 STINER, William b: Abt. 1921 in St.Paul,
........................ 5 STINER, Gaylord b: Abt. 1927 in St.Paul,
........................ 5 STINER, Gaunonia Adelaide b: 02 Feb 1928 in St.
Paul, Ramsey.Co.MN d: 25 Apr 1997 in Galveston, Galveston Island, TX
............................ +TONN, Eugen R. b: 20 Mar 1924 d: 27 Oct 1987
in Texas City, Galveston.Co.TX
........................ 5 STINER, John Warren b: 10 Apr 1930 in St.Paul,
Ramsey.co.MN d: 16 Aug 1999 in Tacoma, Pierce.Co.WA
............................ +GAMMELIN, Uknown Father: Ziegumund GAMMELIN
Mother: Gertrude Charlotte PRYBILLA
........... 3 STINER, Victor b: 1854 in Sec 16, Wagner.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA d:
1854 in Sec 16, Wagner.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA
........... 3 STINER, Emma E. b: 03 Jul 1852 in Sec 16, Wagner.Twp,
Clayton.Co.IA d: 19 Sep 1942 in Oelwein?, Fay.Co.IA
............... +WOOD, George b: Abt. 1845 in IL d: Aft. 1910 in
Fayette.Co.IA m: 20 Aug 1878 in Clayton.Co.IA Father: Joseph WOOD Mother:
Sarah Barclay BARKLEY
................. 4 WOOD, Sarah E. b: 1879 in Scott.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: Aft.
1925 in Fayette.Co.IA
................. 4 WOOD, Joseph William b: 15 Jun 1881 in Scott.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA d: Aft. 1925 in Fayette.Co.IA
.... 2 STINER, Catherine b: 1816 in Union.Co.OH d: 1883 in Peoria,
.... 2 STINER, Eliza Ann b: 1820 in Union.Co.OH
........ +WAGNER, John b: 1821 in PA d: Aft. 1900 in Clayton.Co.IA
.... 2 STINER, Abraham b: 24 Jun 1824 in OH d: 28 Aug 1898 in Bluffton,
........ +LUKE, Julian b: 05 Apr 1833 in Union.Co.OH d: 21 Jul 1898 in
Bluffton, Otter.Tail.Co.MN
Descendants of Joshua Overton
1 OVERTON, Joshua b: 05 Dec 1788 in Suffolk.Co.NY d: 10 Jan 1872 in
.. +VAN VELSOR, Ruth b: 14 Oct 1795 d: 05 Aug 1880 in Suffolk.Co.NY m: 24
Mar 1810
.... 2 OVERTON, Thomas b: 1812 in Suffolk.Co.NY
.... 2 OVERTON, Alfred A. b: 1815 in CT Note 8: 1860 Census: Avoca P.O.,
Pulaski.Twp, Iowa.Co.WI. Overton; AlfredA45CT Cong. Minister, Lydia29ME,
Emily10, James8, Kate4, Delose3, Agnes1. Note 10: 1870 Census: Arena P.O.,
Iowa.Co.WI. Overton; Ara53CT minister, Lidia39ME, EmelyW20 teacher,
JamesW18, KateF14, Agnes10.
........ +UNKNOWN, Lyida b: 1831 in ME
........... 3 OVERTON, Emily b: 1850 in WI
........... 3 [2] OVERTON, James W. b: Abt. 1852 in WI d: Aft. 1930 in
Butte.Co.CA? Note 4: 1860 Census: Avoca P.O., Pulaski.Twp, Iowa.Co.WI.
Overton; AlfredA45CT Cong. Minister, Lydia29ME, Emily10, James8, Kate4,
Delose3, Agnes1. Note 5: 1870 Census: Arena P.O., Iowa.Co.WI. Overton;
Ara53CT minister, Lidia39ME, EmelyW20 teacher, JamesW18, KateF14, Agnes10.
Note 6: 1880 Census, possiblity: alone, listed married, 37/WI, RR brakeman,
Calmar, Winneshiek.Co.IA. Note 9: 1885 Census: W. Mission St/Road,
Strawberry.Pt, Clayton.Co.IA. Overton: JamesW32 laborer, Lydia33 nee Kemp,
Bernard3IA, Kate1IA Note 11: Abt. 1886 Apparently went to CA & remained,
since dau Bessie b.CA, James must have moved family. bz/2012. Note 12: Bet.
1887 - 1890 Speclate wf Lydia Kemp died in CA or div/sep, coming back
Clayton/Fayette.Co.IA, bz/2012. Note 13: Dau's Bessie & Katie raised by
Harris Talcott in Putnam.Twp, Fay.Co.IA & Strawberry.Pt.IA, bz/2012. Note
14: Oct 1890 Voter Reg: Germantown, Colusa.Co.CA, James White Ovetton,
37/IL(1853). Note 15: 1892 Voter Reg: Willows P.O., Glen.Co.CA, James Whtie
Overton, 38y/abt1854/WI, laborer, 5'7" dk/bl/br. Note 16: 1894 Voter Reg:
Milpitas, Santa.Clara.Co.CA, James White Overton 40y/WI 5'8" br/bk, laborer.
Note 17: 1900 Census possiblity: 43/WI, single, 1 of 6 farmhands for Hubert
Dunn, Turlock.Twp, Stanislaus.Co.CA. Note 18: 1910 Census possiblity; 58/WI,
wid, f.TN/m.ME, teamster on large truck farm, Vina.Twp, Tehama.Co.Ca. Note
19: Bef. 1914 Voter Reg: 1902-1914bk Butte.Co.CA, several yrs with James
Overton (mid/name either White or Washington). Note 21: May 1916 Arlington
Paper: Father James Overton of Oroville, Butte.Co.CA, visited dau Katie, had
not see for 20yrs. Note 22: 1920 Census; River.St, Wadena, Illyria.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA. Phillip Day42 grocery, Katie Overton Dye36, James Overton68 Note
26: 1930 Census; PhllipJ Dye52IA farmhand, Kattie46IA, JamesW Overton78IL
(f.TN/m.ME), Gridley.Twp, Butte.Co.CA.
............... +KEMP, Viola 'Lydia' b: Abt. 1852 in Madison.Twp, Lake.Co.OH
d: in Speculate CA 1888-1890, bz/2010. m: Abt. 1881 Father: Henry Gardner
(suspect) KEMP Mother: Selina Salina KELSEY Note 10: Abt. 1886 Family moved
from Strawberry.Pt.IA to CA where dau Bessie was born, bz/2012. Note 12:
Bet. 1888 - 1890 Speculate Lydia Kemp died in CA or div/sep, coming back
Clayton/Fayette.Co.IA, bz/2012. Note 15: Dau's raised by Horace & Eliz
(Kemp, Lydia's sister) Talcott, Putnam.Twp farm, Fay.Co.IA. Note 17: Husb.
James remained in CA; son Bernard may have also, bz/2012.
................. 4 OVERTON, Bernard b: 28 Nov 1881 in Strawberry.Pt,
................. 4 OVERTON, Kate Frost 'Katie' b: 23 Jan 1884 in
Strawberry.Pt, Clayton.co.IA d: 20 Dec 1940 in Butte.Co.CA? Note 9: 1885
Census: W. Mission St/Road, Strawberry.Pt, Clayton.Co.IA. Overton: JamesW32
laborer, Lydia33 nee Kemp, Bernard3IA, Kate1IA Note 11: 1900 Census; with
Horace and aunt Lydia (Kemp), Putnam.Twp farm, Fay.Co.IA. Note 17: Bet. 1910
- 1925 Lived in Wadena area after marriage to Phillip Dye, before moving to
Hencut.CA. Note 19: May 1916 Arlington Paper: Father James Overton of
Oroville, Butte.Co.CA, visited Katie, had not see for 20yrs. Note 20: 1920
Census; River.St, Wadena, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Phillip Day42 grocery,
Katie Overton Dye36, James Overton68 Note 21: 1925 Census: Wadena, Fay.Co.IA.
Dye; PhilipJ47, Kate Frost41 (father James Overton appaently went back to
CA). Note 24: 1930 Census; Gridley.Twp, Butte.Co.CA. PhllipJ Dye52IA
farmhand, Kattie46IA, JamesW Overton78. Note 28: 20 Dec 1940 Obit: Lived in
Hencut, Butte.Co.CA for 15ry. Invalid last 8yrs of life.
..................... +DYE, Phillip Jasper 'Phil' b: 10 May 1877 in Hotel,
bk 3, Wadena, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 12 Jul 1963 in Los.Angeles.CA m: 11
Nov 1910 in M.E. Parsonage, Strawberry.Pt, Clayton.Co.IA. Father: Charles
Seely DYE Mother: Rebecca S. LOWERS Note 8: 1885 Census; Charles Seely Dye,
hotel keeper in 3rd bk of Wadena, Illyria.Twp, Fayettle.Co.IA. Note 9: 1885
Dye: SelezC1859, RebecaS1858, Phillip1878, Kisiah1882, LucyL1885; John Noble
Hageman family close. Note 10: 1885 View trees of Eliz.B.Overton's husbs for
more info, bz/2012. Note 18: 05 Nov 1910 Married Eliz.B.Overton, her
3rd,(1st Lester Wroe/Roe, 2nd Wm.F.Hageman) Note 20: 1920 Census; River.St,
Wadena, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Phillip Day42 grocery, Katie Overton Dye36,
James Overton68 Note 22: 1930 Census; PhllipJ Dye52IA farmhand, Kattie46IA,
JamesW Overton78IL (f.TN/m.ME), Gridley.Twp, Butte.Co.CA. Note 28: B/D from
CA Index, bz/2010.
................. 4 [1] OVERTON, Elizabeth Blanch
'Bessie' b: Oct 1887 in Riverside.Co.CA d: Bet. 1930 - 1940 in
Suspect Knox.Co.NE area or in CO (not found in CA Index, bz/2012) Note 8:
1885 Census: W. Mission St/Road, Strawberry.Pt, Clayton.Co.IA. Overton:
JamesW32 laborer, Lydia33 nee Kemp, Bernard3IA, Kate1IA Note 9: Abt. 1886
Family moved from Strawberry.Pt.IA to CA where dau Bessie was born 1887Oct,
bz/2012. Note 11: 17 Oct 1905 Marriage Certif to Lester L. Wroe states b.
Riverside.Co.CA, bz/2012. Note 13: Bet. Oct - Nov 1907 Separation assumed,
Lester stays of farm N of Arlington, Bessie goes back to Strawberry.Pt,
(paper sequence indicates) bz/2012. Note 14: Bef. 1910 Bessie Remarries
William Hageman/Hagerman of Wadena.IA. Lester Stiner remaries Pearl Kinkead
of Volga.IA. Note 20: 1910 Census: 1st St, Wadena, Fay.Co.IA, WmJ Hageman40
stone mason, ElizB22 (nee Overton, 2nd husb, bz/2012), Bernard E. Roe/Wroe3
(son of LesterL, bz/2012), broEugene Hageman54. Note 21: 1910 Nearby on
River.St, Wadena.IA is sis. Katie Frost Overtons's to-be husb Philip.Dye32.
Note 22: 1917 Draft Card: Charles Ellis Reynolds, b.1879Dec27, wf Bessie
(Overton, Wroe, Hageman), farming, Knox.Co.NE. Note 25: 1930 Census; ElizB
with what appears a 3rh husb, Chas.Reynolds, farming, Santee.Twp, Knox.Co.NE
Note 26: 1930 Reynolds: ChasE1881MO, wf ElizB1887CA (nee Overton, Wroe/Roe,
Hageman), bro. HarryL Reynolds1894IA. Hageman: BernardE1907IA,
..................... +STINER, Lester Leroy 'raised
Wroe' b: 22 Jun 1885 in Willow.Twp, Cherokee.co.IA d: 06 Jan 1941 in
St. Paul, Ramsey.Co.MN m: 17 Oct 1905 in Hm of Wes Wroe in Volga,
Clayton.co.IA Father: Franklin P. Steiner STINER Mother: Sarah Mary HAHN
Note 2: See John Wesley Wroe tree for Lester Stiner's adopted parents, bz/2012Dec09.
Note 4: 05 Jul 1885 Mother Sarah dies 15d after birth of son Lester,
Willow.Twp, Cherokee.Co.IA. Note 5: 1885 Census: farming, SEofSE, sec 13,
Willow.Twp, Cherokee.Co.IA. Fox: Geo20, Clara24, David7. Rhoe: JohnWesley44,
Clara30. Note 6: Bet. 1885 - 1888 James.L Wroe x Harriet Burns farming
1885-1888, Willow.Twp; would return to Fay.Co.IA 1889. Note 7: Bet. 1885 -
1886 Lester.L Stiner b1885, raised by JohnW & Clarinda Graves Wroe & taken
back to Fay.Co.IA. Note 8: Aft. 1886 James Wroe's bro. John Wes x Clarinda
Graves had no ch, & raised LesterL. (Stiner) as Lester.L Wroe, Torey/2012.
Note 9: 1900 Census; Volga, Sperry.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA. Wroe: JohnW57
farming, ClarindaA13, LesterL13 (Stiner), mother OrphaA80. Note 10: Nov 1902
Arlington Paper: bought 43a, timber hill land, 3mi N of Arlington.IA in
Fairfield.Twp. Note 12: 1905 Census: S of Rawson's Mill/Mill.Grove, 3+mi N
of Arlington P.O., Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Wroe; JohnW farming/renting, wf
Clarinda, LesterL (Stiner). Note 13: 17 Oct 1905 Paper: Lived on Arlington
area farm (S of Mill Grove) after marriage to Bessie Overton. Note 14: Bet.
1906 - 1907 Paper sequence indicated separation, Lester stays on farm N of
Arlington, Bessie goes back to Strawberry.Pt with Horace Talcott, bz/2012.
Note 16: Bef. 1910 Bessie Remarries William Hageman/Hagerman of Wadena.IA.
Lester Stiner remaries Pearl Kinkead of Volga.IA. Note 17: 1910 Census: 1st
St, Wadena, Fay.Co.IA, WmJ Hageman40 stone mason, ElizB22 (nee Overton, 2nd
husb, bz/2012), Bernard E. Roe/Wroe3 (son of LesterL, bz/2012), broEugene
Hageman54. Note 18: 26 May 1910 Arlington.IA paper: Lester Wroe & wf of
Central City (Linn.Co.IA) visting Rodgers & Kinkead (Kincaid?) families.
Note 19: 05 Nov 1910 Katie Frost Overton (sis of Bessie Overton Wroe)
marries Phillip Jasper Dye, living close to Bessie & Wm Hageman, bz/2012.
Note 20: Jul 1910 Census; Jones.Co.IA, Castle.Grove.Twp. Lester Stiner25
farmhand (Elmer36 Prosser family), wf Pearl17 hired girl priv. family. Note
21: 18 Apr 1912 Volga.IA news: Mr/Mrs. Lester Wroe of Central City, visiting
homes of relatives in Arlington. Note 23: 1915 Census; Lester Steiner, 2117
Fremont.St, Cedar.Falls.IA, laborer, 30y/Cherokee.Co, 8thgr. Note 24: 1917
Draft.Reg: Adams.Ave, Waterloo.IA, bl eyes, br hair, med/med. Note 25: Jan
1920 Census: 534 Adams.Ave, E.Waterloo, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA, Lester 35 teamster
F.M. Shores Transfer.Co, E 4th St. Note 26: Jan 1920 Stiner: Lester35,
Pearl28, Annie10, Sarah6, Julia3y2m, Ernie1. Note 28: 1930 Census: Balsom.Rd,
Prairie Lake, St.L.Co.MN; Lester Stiner 45/IA, boarder, farm laborer. Note
29: 1930 Wf Pearl, ch, & m/law together on Rice.St, St.Paul.MN.
........................ 5 WROE, Bernard Eugene Roe b: 01 Nov 1906 in
Mill.Grove area farm 3+mi N of Arlington, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Note 4:
Alternative birth possibiliy; Horace Talcott hm in Strawberry.Pt.IA, bz/2012.
Note 12: 1910 Census: 1st St, Wadena, Fay.Co.IA, WmJ Hageman40 stone mason,
ElizB22 (nee Overton, 2nd husb, bz/2012), Bernard E. Roe/Wroe3 (son of
Lester.L, bz/2012), broEugene Hageman54. Note 13: 1910 Nearby on River.St,
Wadena.IA is Eliz.Overton's 3rd husb (to-be) Philip.Dye32. Note 14: 1915
Census; 7y, with mother & 2nd husb Will Hageman, Wadena, Illyria.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA. Note 22: Apr 1930 Census; with birth mother Eliz & her 3rd husb,
Chas.Reynolds, farming, Santee.Twp, Knox.Co.NE Note 23: Apr 1930 Reynolds:
ChasE1881MO, wf ElizB1887CA (nee Overton, Wroe/Roe, Hageman, Dye), bro.
HarryL Reynolds1894IA. Hageman: BernardE1907IA, EugeneE1913IA.
................. *2nd Husband of [1] OVERTON, Elizabeth Blanch 'Bessie':
..................... +HAGEMAN, William J. b: 01 Dec 1869 in Wadena area,
Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 17 Apr 1914 in Wadena area, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
Burial: Wadena Cem, sec 2, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA m: Bet. Dec 1909 - Jun
1910 in Fay.Co.IA Father: John Noble Hagerman HAGEMAN Mother: Abigail A.
SOLOMON Note 6: 1885 Census; JohnN Hageman farmer, 2nd St, Wadena,
Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA, boys laborers, Patience teacher. Note 7: 1885
Hageman: JohnN1826, AbigalA1835, Eugene1857, DavidB1862, Patience1864,
Milvina1867, WmJ1870. Note 8: 1880 Census; John, hotel keeper, Hotel.St,
Wadena, Illyria.Twp, Fayettle.Co.IA. Note 9: 1880 Hagerman: JohnA1825,
AbigalA1834, DavidB1861, PatienceL1864, Melvina1867, WmJ1870. Note 12: 1895
Census; Fayette.Co.IA Note 16: 1900 Census: Wadena, Fay.Co.IA. Hageman;
farming JohnN59, AbigalA, Eugene24, DavidB23, PatienceE21, WmJ18. Note 17:
1905 Census: living alone in Wadena, Fay.Co.IA. Note 19: 1910 Census: 1st
St, Wadena, Fay.Co.IA, WmJ Hageman40 stone mason, ElizB22 (nee Overton, 2nd
husb, bz/2012), Bernard E. Roe/Wroe3 (son of LesterL, bz/2012), broEugene
Hageman54. Note 20: 1910 Nearby on River.St, Wadena.IA is Eliz.Overton's 3rd
husb Philip.Dye32. Note 21: Nov 1910 Eliz Overton Wroe Hageman married
Phillip Dye, assumed Eliz divorced? bz/2012.
........................ 5 HAGEMAN, Eguene E. b: Abt. 1913 in Wadena
village, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
................. *3rd Husband of [1] OVERTON, Elizabeth Blanch 'Bessie':
..................... +REYNOLDS, Charles Ellis b: 27 Dec 1879 in Kahoka,
Clark.Co.MO d: 06 Jan 1940 in Marysville, Yuba.Co.Ca m: 1916 in Sterling,
Logan.Co.CO Father: William Edward REYNOLDS Mother: Mary Ellen SEWARD Note
11: 1910 Census; widowed, grain farmer, Rock.Cr.Twp, Washington.Co.NE,
Reynold's sibling clustered. Note 12: 1910 Reynolds: Charles31, Jesse7,
ArthurE5, LeroyA3, Daisy1. Note 14: 1917 Draft Card: b.1879Dec27, wf Bessie
(Overton, Wroe, Hageman), farming, Knox.Co.NE. Note 22: 1930 Census; 3rd
husb of Eliz Bessie Overtion (Wroe,Hageman) farming, Santee.Twp, Knox.Co.NE
Note 23: 1930 Reynolds: ChasE1881MO, wf ElizB1887CA (nee Overton, Wroe/Roe,
Hageman, Dye), bro. HarryL Reynolds1894IA. Hageman: BernardE1907IA,
EugeneE1913IA. Note 29: B/D from CA Index, bz/2010.
........... *2nd Wife of [2] OVERTON, James W.:
............... +CRANE, Julia b: Aug 1855 in Missouri d: 11 May 1944 in
Sebastopol, Sonoma.Co.CA m: 12 Jan 1890 in Santa.Rosa.Co.CA (possible 2nd
................. 4 OVERTON, Emily Beulah b: May 1891 in CA d: Abt. 1924
..................... +GREEN, Paul F. b: 10 Sep 1887 in CA d: 21 Aug 1951 in
........... 3 OVERTON, Katherine 'Kate' b: 1856 in Wi
........... 3 DELOS OVERTON b: 1857 in WI
........... 3 OVERTON, Agnes b: 1859 in Wi
.... 2 OVERTON, Lufton b: 1820 in Suffolk.Co.NY
Paper notes:
regarding Wroe/Overton,
collected, 2012Dec07/bz
1899Mar09, Arlington.Ia paper: Putnam.Twp news,
Bertie Talcott and Katie Overton visited at Mrs.
S.A. Lyon’s the first of the week.
1902Nov13, Arlington.IA paper: Lester Wroe and
mother returned from their western trip.
1902Nov13, Arlington.IA paper: SE Putnam news, Ms.
Kate Overton & Ms. Maude Morley visited
Strawberry.Pt on Sunday.
1902Nov27, Elgin.IA paper; Nancy A. Robbins to
Lester Wroe, S 3a off E1/2 of SE of SE sec 9, plus
N1/2 of NE of NE (20a) and N1/2 of SE of NE (20a),
sec 16, in T92N, R7W, in Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
This is 43a of timbered hill land, a mile south of
Mill Grove and Rawson's Mill, or 3mi N of Arlington,
3mi S of Wadena.
1903Jun11, Arlington.IA paper, Wadena news, Ed Wolf
& Will Hagerman finished the plaster work in the new
Hotel. The carpenters are casing and finishing.
Wadena has a hotel to be justly proud.
1904May04, Arlington.IA paper: J.E. Wroe to Wm
Heiserman, S 22ft lots 3&4 bk4 and lots 1&2 bk5,
Auburn plat, $300.
1905Sep21, Arlington.IA paper: County claims
allowed, Dr. E.A. Ainsworth, med attendance, Tope,
Wroe & jail.
1905Oct26, Arlington.IA paper: Point Press
(Strawberry Point); News arrived of the marriage of
Ms. Bess Overton to Mr. Lester Roe of Arlington, in
that place on Tuesday. The bride is well known in
Strawberry having been her home for a number of
years. The couple will reside on a farm (north) of
1906Apr18, Oelwein.IA papger: Fayette.Co claims
paid, Lester Wroe, bridge piling $4.
1906May17, Arlington.IA paper: Volga City news;
Lester Wroe & wife of Arlingon, spent Sunday with
L. Wroe and wife (of Volga).
1906July19, Arlington.IA paper: Strawberry.Pt News;
Mr/Mrs Lester Wroe were visiting at the home of H.
Talcott of Strawberry.Pt.IA.
1906Aug09, Arlington.IA paper: Mrs. Lester Wroe
visited home of H. Talcott in Strawberry.Pt.
1906Sep27, Arlington.IA paper: Ms. Kate Overton
from Strawberry.Pt is visiting her sister Mrs.
Bessie Wroe near Arlington.
1906Dec13, Arlington.IA paper: Volga City area
news; West Wroe is dangerously sick and not much
hopes of his recovery.
1906Dec20, Arlington.IA paper: Volga City area
news; Death notice, John Wesley Wroe, b. Davistown,
Green.Co.PA, Feb 2, 1841 and d. Dec 7, 1906 at Volga
City, IA. Came to Fay.Co.IA 1865. Married Clarinda
Graves Oct 7, 1876 at Volga City. Sister Mrs.
McEwen of Fayette, nephew Geo. Cuhens (Kuhens) of
Luana, Mr(nephew)/Mrs Darnell of Randalia, were here
to attend the funeral.
1907Jan31, Arlington.IA paper: Mrs. West Wroe of
Volga is visiting son Lester near Arlington this
1907Feb21, Arlington.IA paper: Mrs. W. Wroe of
Volga is staying with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Fox at
1907April07, Arlington.IA paper: Volga Valley news;
Lester Wroe was calling on his mother last week at
1907Jun13, Arlington.IA paper: Mr/Mrs Lester Wroe
visited the Talcott home in Strawberry Point.
1907Aug, Oelwein.IA paper: Mr/Mrs Lester Wroe &
baby attended a surprise 40th birthday party for
Fred Talcott in Putnam.Twp.
1907Sep05, Arlington.IA paper: Ms. Kate Overton
returned home from Arlington after spending a few
days at the home of her sister Mrs. L. (Bessie) Wroe,
who accompanied her home to Strawberry.Pt.
1907Sep26, Arlington.IA paper: Mrs. H. Talcott is
at the home of Mrs. L. Wroe near Arlington.
1907Oct03, Arlington.IA paper: Stawberry.Pt news,
Mrs. H. Talcott & Ms Kate Overton returned from
Arlington on Thur. Mrs. Bessie Wroe accompanied
1907Oct24, Arlington.IA paper: Mrs. (Geo) Fox, Mrs.
(Wes) Wroe, Mrs. James Sha?l returned home from
Sioux City, where Mrs.Fox & Mrs. Wroe’s mother
lives. She was very sick but better when they got
1907Nov28, Arlington.IA paper:
Strawberry.Pt news, Mrs. Bessie Wroe visited with
friends near Arlington over Sunday.
1908Feb13, Arlington.IA paper: Volga Valley news
Mrs. (Wes) Wroe has gone to Cherokee (Cherokee.Co.IA)
to visit relatives and does not intend to return
until March. Geo. Fox family went to Charley Fox’s
Sunday. Ms. Stella Fox was with them and will
remain to visit for a few days before returning to
her home in Cherokee.
1908Apr09, Arlington.IA paper:
Strawberry.Pt news, Mrs. Bessie Wroe spent
with friends in Manchester.
1908Apr30, Arlington.IA paper: Strawberry.Pt news,
Mrs. Besse Wroe spent a few day visiting friends in
the country.
1909Jun24, Arlington.IA paper: Wadena news, Mrs.
Bess Wroe of Strawberry Pt, is visiting at the Mae
Zbinkee home.
1909Jul29, Arlington.IA paper: Volga Valley news,
Benj. Rodgers and Mrs. Clarinda Wroe were married at
the home of Mrs. (Geo) Fox Sat evening, Rev. Dugger
1909Aug12, Arlington.IA paper:
Lester Wroe &
G. Kickead went to northern MN to do some
1909Aug12, Arlington.IA paper: Strawberry.Pt news,
Mrs. Bessie Wroe went to Wadena Tue for a short
visit with friends.
1909Sep16, Arlington.IA paper: Strawberry.Pt news,
Mrs. Bessie Wroe returned home from Minneapolis,
where she has been the guest of Mr/Mrs Asa Talcott.
1909Oct07, Arlington.IA paper: Strawberry.Pt news,
Ms. Kate Overton and Mrs. Besse (Overton) Wroe
visited friends in Arlington.
1909Oct21, Arlington.IA paper: Wadena news, Mrs.
May Henkel, Mrs. Wroe and Mr. Wm Hagerman visited
Wed at the Solomon home at Lima.
1909Oct28, Arlington.IA paper, Strawberry.Pt news,
Mrs. Bessie Wroe and little son were in Elkader last
1909Nov19, Arlington.IA paper, Strawberry.Pt news,
Mrs. (Bessie
Overton) Will Hagerman and Mrs. (Kate Overton)
(Phillip) Dye of Wadena, spent Sunday in the
H. Talcott home.
1909Dec02, Arlington.IA paper: Mrs. Bess Wroe & son
Bernard of Strawberry.Pt are visiting friends at
1910May26, Arlington.IA paper: Lester Wroe and wife
of Central City visiting Rodgers & Kinkead families
(article does not open).
1912Apr18, Arlington.IA paper; Volga news, Mr/Mrs
Lester Wroe of Central City are visiting at the
homes of relatives in Arlington.
1924Oct9, Fayette.IA paper: Born to Mr/Mrs Lester
Wroe, 1924Oct4, dau Miriam Lucile. (This is
dau of Lester, son of Joseph.)
Dr. Samuel Austin Wroe
1810/Atlantic.Sea-1884/Lima area, Fay.Co.IA,
married 1835 in German, Fayette.Co.PA
Orpha Ann McCann
1818/Preston.Co.WV-1906/Lima area,
1. George Neff 1839-1916 X Alice Jane Davis 1856-1935, nine
2. John Wesley 1841-1906 X Clarinda A. 'Rindy' Graves
1854-1927, raised Lester Stiner as a Wroe.
3. Rebecca Jane
1843-1944 X John Kuhens 1838-1908, eleven children.
4. William Jerome 1846-1934 X Ester Ann Pogue 1851-?, four
5. Isabelle Elizabeth 1848-1850, b/d Jollytown, Green.Co.PA, diptheria.
6. Joseph Ellsworth 1851-1905/10 X Sarah V. Hill 1853-1920,
nine children.
7. James Leroy 1859-1937 X Harriett Eunice 'Hattie' Burns
1863-1944, ten children.
8. Charles Alexander 1860/62-bef1864, b.Jollytown.PA, d. Fairmont.WV,
9. Flora Hegia 1862/64-bef1864, b.
Jollytown.PA, d. Fairmont.WV, diptheria.
Rebecca Jane nee Wroe Kuhens
'Grandma Kuhens' of Fayette village
Last Pasted: 2013Jan01
Descendants of John Kuhens
1 KUHENS, John b: 1800 in PA d: in Pickard, WV
.. +DEVORE, Margaret b: 1805 in OH
.... 2 KUHENS, George b: Dec 1827 in Noble.Co.OH
.... 2 KUHENS, William b: 1829 in Noble.Co.OH
.... 2 KUHENS, Solomon b: 1830 in Noble.Co.OH
.... 2 KUHENS, David b: 1832 in Noble.Co.OH
.... 2 KUHENS, Ervan b: 1833 in Noble.Co.OH
.... 2 KUHENS, Daniel b: 01 Dec 1834 in Noble.Co.OH
.... 2 KUHENS, Edward b: 1835 in Noble.Co.OH
.... 2 KUHENS, Margaret b: 1836 in Noble.Co.OH
.... 2 KUHENS, John b: 22 Feb 1838 in Ashton, Noble.Co.OH d: 26 Oct 1908 in
West Union, Fay.Co.IA Burial: West Union Cem (sp. Kuhen), Fay.Co.IA Note 8:
1850 Census; 11y, with parents, farming, Enoch.Twp, Monroe.Co.OH Note 9: Feb
1862 Union Soldier when married wf. Rebecca Wroe in Wash.D.D. Note 10: Jun
1864 Mustered out; by fall relocated in NE Iowa by river, assumed f/law
Dr.SamS.Wroe accompanied. Note 11: Sep 1864 Moved on Ohio/Miss.Riv,
Wheeling.WV to St.L (met Gen.Grant) to Port McGregor, Clayton.Co.IA. Note
12: Aft. Sep 1864 Likely located directly through Clayton.Co to Illyria.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA. Note 13: Aft. 1866 Bought 200+a, W side of sec 17 & 20,
Illyra.Twp, Fay.Co.IA; 2mi ExSE of Lima. Note 21: 1870 Census; farming, adj.
to Gilson's, NW corner of Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 22: Bet. 1870 - 1900
Census; farming, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 23: 1880 Census; farming adj
to Eliza Holsworth, mid/west side of Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
........ +WROE, Rebecca Jane b: 09 May 1843 in Jollytown, Jackson.Twp,
Greene.Co.PA d: 05 Apr 1944 in West Union, Fay.Co.IA Burial: West Union Cem
(sp. Kuhen), Fay.Co.IA m: 12 Feb 1862 in Wana, Monongalia.Co.WV Father: Dr.
Samuel Austin WROE Mother: Orpha Ann MCCANN Note 5: 1850 Census: physician,
$200, Jollytown, Jackson.Twp, Greene.Co.PA, SWcorner on WV boarder. Roe:
SamuelA40, Orthe34, Geo12, JohnW10, Rebecca Jane7, Wm.Joerome4, Isabelle2.
Note 7: 1860 Census: never found, still searching for Wroe family members in
WV/PA/DC area, Torey/2012. Note 8: 1860 According to dau. Rebecca, SamA1810
went to see father estranged father Sam1782 who was dying in Wash.DC. (died
1861Feb13). Note 9: Bet. 1861 - 1862 Dr. SamuelA Wroe was practicing
medicine, Jollytown, Greene.Co, southwest PA on WV border. Note 10: Bet.
1862 - 1863 Served as nurse, same field hosp. as father & surgeon Dr.
SamA,near Wheeling.WV. Father/dau became ill during war service. Civil War
made Sam, 'sick at heart.' Torey/2012. Note 11: 12 Feb 1862 John Kuhens was
a Union soldier when married wf. Rebecca Wroe in Wash.D.D. Note 12:
FayettePaper: assisted father caring for wounded soldiers, helped mother
sometime cook for entire regiments. Note 13: Bet. Jun - Sep 1864 Husb. John
Kuhens mustered out. Then traveled Wheeling.WV by river to ST & Port
McGregor, Clatyon.Co.IA & overland to Fay.Co.IA. Note 14: Aft. 1866 Bought
200+a, W side of sec 17 & 20, Illyra.Twp, Fay.Co.IA; 2mi ExSE of Lima. Note
15: Abt. 1866 Father Dr. SamA settled close on 40a, mid.sec19, Illyria.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA. Note 22: May 1942 Fayette.IA paper: 99th birthday, grew up on
Maxon-Dixon line, carried 7-shooter, had bull dog for protectionn against
'too-free' negroes.
........... 3 KUHENS, George Leroy b: 22 Oct 1863 in West Virgina d: 16 Feb
1945 in Fayette, Fay.Co.IA
........... 3 KUHENS, Virginia Belle b: 28 Mar 1866 in Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
d: 01 May 1933
............... +SLOANE, William Sloan b: Aug 1865 in Clayton.Co.IA m: 30
Oct 1895 in Kuhen's farm, sec 20, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Father: William
Sloan SLOANE Mother: Margaret UNKNOWN
........... 3 KUHENS, Margaret Florence b: 14 May 1868 in Illyria.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA d: 18 Nov 1949
........... 3 KUHENS, Mary A. b: 08 Mar 1870 in Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 31
Dec 1870 in Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
........... 3 KUHENS, Benjamin Franklin b: 18 May 1871 in Illyria.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA d: 15 Dec 1968 in Fayette, Fay.Co.IA
............... +GAYNOR, Emma K. b: 1873 in Two River, Manitowac.Co.WI d: 08
May 1957 in Fay.Co.IA m: 25 Jun 1892 in West Union, Fay.Co.IA Father: Thomas
................. 4 KUHENS, Winnifred Pearl 'Minnie' b: 26 Feb 1893 in
Fayette, Fay.Co.IA d: 08 Oct 1971 in Waterloo, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA Burial: 11 Oct
1971 Grandview Cem, sec F, row 20, 2nd from S, burial #2823, Fayette,
Fay.Co.IA. Note 22: Cause of death; listed natural causes.
..................... +EARLE, Earnest Walter 'Ernie' b: 05 Aug 1888 in
Albany, Westfield Twp, Fay.Co,IA d: 12 May 1952 in Waterloo, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA
Burial: 17 May 1952 Grandview Cem, sec F, row 20, S end, burial #2281,
Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. m: 09 Nov 1910 in West Union, Fay.Co.IA Father: George
Richard EARLE Mother: Mary Louisa NEFZGER Note 9: 1920 Census; farming
(renting in Thorp neighborhood), sec 2, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 10:
1920 Earnest31, Winnie27, Clifton8, Evelyn5, Max2, Gladys3. Note 13: 1925
Census; farming N of Albany, Fay.Co.IA; Earnie36, WinnieP31, CliftonL13,
EvelynA10, MaxE7, GladysW5, ThosW3, DaisyL1. Note 15: 1927 Plat; renting
140a, sec 2, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA from J.E. & Walter Thorpe. Note 16:
Bet. 1928 - 1929 Moved to farm near Randalia, Center.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note
19: 1930 Census; farming, Randalia area, Center.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 20:
1930 ErnieW41, WinnieP36, CliftonL18, EvelynA15, MaxE12, GladysW10,
ThomasW8, DaisyL6, ZentaM2y4m, MaryL8m. Note 26: 1946 Retired from farming,
moved to Waterloo.IA, worked at Rath Packing Co. Note 28: Cause of death;
listed coronary thrombosis.
........................ 5 EARLE, Clifton L. b: 1912 in Sec 2, Westfield.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA Note 1: Lived in Wenatchee, WA.
........................ 5 EARLE, Evelyn Arthur b: 1914 in Sec 2,
Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: Aug 1981 in Fay.Co.IA Burial: 11 Aug 1981
Grandview Cem, sec F, row 100, S side, burial #3051, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 8: WWII, CPL US Army. Note 11: Lived in Fayette, Iowa. Note 16: Nov
1937 Working quarry 5mi N of Nashua.IA, fell 16ft from crusher, broke rt
leg, hit bin. Note 17: Nov 1942 Married & working near Manchester,
Delaware.Co.IA. Note 21: Oct 1946 Moved to father's farm near Randalia,
Fay.Co.IA. Note 22: Jun 1962 Bought home in Oelwein, moved from Randalia.IA.
Note 23: Feb 1969 Hired as sexton for Grandview Cem, Fayette.IA.
............................ +MCELREE, Florence E. b: 1918 in Fayette area
farm, Fay.Co.IA d: 01 Nov 1991 in Fay.Co.IA Burial: 05 Nov 1991 Grandview
Cem, burial #3239, sec F, row 90, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. m: Bef. 1940 in
Fay.Co.IA Father: Robert William MCELREE Mother: Myrtle Lavina Roe WROE Note
8: 1943 Living in Fayette, Iowa. Note 22: Buried Earle-Ashby with 1st husb
Evleyn Arthur Earle.
.............................. 6 EARLE, Betty Lou b: 1943 in Fay.Co.IA Note
1: Lived in Fredericksburg, FL.
.................................. +HEATH, Robert
.............................. 6 EARLE, Larry b: 24 Nov 1949 in Fay.Co.IA
Note 8: 1969 Graduated from Fayette.IA H.S.
.............................. 6 EARLE, Infant (suspect) b: in Iowa d: in
Iowa Burial: Waucoma Cem, Eden.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Note 9: Fay.Co.IA.Hist.Soc
burial booklet lists as child of Mrs. Florence Earle. Note 10: Possibly
infant of Evelyn Earle & Florence McElree, bz/2012.
........................ 5 EARLE, Max E. b: 1918 in Sec 2, Westfield.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA Note 1: Lived in Des Moines, Iowa.
........................ 5 [1] EARLE, Gladys Winnifred b: 27 Sep 1919 in Sec
2, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 17 May 2010 in Home of niece in Waterloo, IA.
Burial: Grandview Cem, Fayette, IA. Note 7: 1937 Graduated Randalia High
School, Fay.Co.IA Note 9: 1945 Working in Waterloo.IA, when 1st husb
Lawrence killed overseas. Note 11: Operated Gladys' Truck Stop in Fayette.IA
Note 14: Worked at Lucy's Garden of Eat'n in Fayette, 15yr. Note 15: Cleaned
houses in Fayette.IA
............................ +HOLTZMAN, Lawrence W. b: 23 Apr 1917 in
Lima/Wadena area, Fay.Co.IA d: 15 Jun 1945 in WWII, struck by train near
Berlin. Burial: Unknown, marker Grandview, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. m: Abt. 1940
in Fay.Co.IA Father: Kenneth Raymond HOLTZMAN Mother: Stella Adelia LUCE
Note 11: Abt. Sep 1945 Shipped overseas.
........................ *2nd Husband of [1] EARLE, Gladys Winnifred:
............................ +LUBBERT, Alvin m: 10 Mar 1948 in Waterloo,
.............................. 6 LUBBERT, Michael Dean d: in Infancy
........................ 5 EARLE, Thomas W. b: 1922 in Sec 2, Westfield.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA Note 1: Lived in Colville, WA.
........................ 5 EARLE, Daisy L. b: 1924 in Sec 2, Westfield.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA d: 11 Mar 2004 in Newport, Pend Oreille Co. WA Note 1: Lived in
Newport, WA.
............................ +AMERICK, Paul b: 02 Apr 1915 d: 09 Feb 1999 in
Newport, Pend Oreille Co. WA
........................ 5 EARLE, Zeita M. b: 23 Nov 1927 in Sec 2 farm,
Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 05 May 1991 in Covenant Med Center, Waterloo.IA.
Burial: 08 Apr 1991 Grandview Cem, sec F, row 1, S end, burial #3230,
Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. Note 6: 1945 Graduated valedictorian, Randalia H.S.,
Fay.Co.IA. Note 7: Aft. 1945 Worked for Woolworth's, McCellen's, Maywood
Lunch in Waterloo.IA. Note 9: Became City Clerk of Evansdale.IA. Note 11:
Was bookkeeper for Toy Co. of America, Lincoln's Office Supply & Rose's
Cosmetics. Note 15: 1984 Retired, remained in Waterloo.IA. Note 16: Lived at
1216 Hartman Ave, Waterloo.IA. Note 28: Burial bk; relatives listed dau's
Dixie & Barbara, bz/2012.
.............................. 6 EARLE, Dixie d: Aft. 1991
.............................. 6 EARLE, Barbara Ann d: Aft. 1991
.................................. +YATES, Larry Joe m: Abt. May 1969 in
M.E. Church, Fayette.IA Father: Don YATES
.............................. 6 EARLE, Rodney Deanne b: 1955 in Iowa d: 03
Mar 1967 in Waterloo, Bk.Hawk.co.IA Burial: 04 Mar 1967 Grandview Cem, sec
F, row 20, N side, burial #2702, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. Note 22: Cause of
death; listed ceerebral hemorrhage.
........................ 5 EARLE, Ivadell Zenta b: Abt. Jan 1928 in
Westfield or Center.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 31 Aug 1997 in Los Angeles, CA Note 1:
Lived in Rosamond, CA.
............................ +MURPHY, William
........................ 5 EARLE, Mary L. b: Abt. Sep 1929 in Center.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA Note 1: Lived in Waterloo, Iowa.
............................ +SCHNEIDERS, LaVern
........................ 5 EARLE, Jack Duane b: 14 Sep 1932 in Center.Twp,
Fay.Co.iA d: 11 Sep 2000 in Iowa Note 1: Lived in Evansdale, Iowa.
............................ +FUNK, Greta Gladys b: 26 Apr 1935 in Edgewood,
Clayton.Co.IA d: 23 Aug 1995 in Waterloo, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA Father: Howard Leo
FUNK Mother: Nellie Bewrnice WILKINSON
................. 4 KUHENS, John F. b: 21 Jan 1897 in Fayette, Fay.Co.IA d:
Dec 1964 in Iowa
................. 4 KUHENS, Thomas Benjamine b: 28 May 1901 in Fayette,
Fay.Co.IA d: 29 Jan 1995 in Fayette, Fay.Co.IA
................. 4 KUHENS, Olreah L. b: 01 May 1906 in Fayette, Fay.Co.IA
d: 13 Jun 1990 in Waterloo, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA
..................... +PETERMAN, Floyd b: 02 Apr 1907 in Fayette, Fay.Co.IA
d: 25 Dec 1991 in Waterloo, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA m: 1925 in Bk.Hawk.Co.IA
................. 4 KUHENS, Evelyn b: 1910 in Fayette, Fay.Co.IA
................. 4 KUHENS, Gladys b: 1912 in Fay.Co.IA
........... 3 [2] KUHENS, Charles Delbert b: 05 Sep 1873 in Illyria.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA d: 29 Oct 1958 in Fay.Co.IA Note 1: Called Del.
............... +DURFEY, Mabel Roselie b: 14 Jun 1880 in Lima, Westfield
Twp, Fayette Co, Iowa. d: 21 Jan 1902 in Fay.Co.IA m: 30 Dec 1896 in Lima
Church, Westfield Twp, Fayette Co, IA. Father: Follett Sanders DURFEY
Mother: Harriet Almira 'Hattie' WARD Note 1: Age at death, 21y7m7d.
................. 4 KUHENS, Olive Faye b: 14 Jul 1898 in Fay.Co.IA d: 21 Mar
..................... +KNUDTSON, Alftred b: 1894 in IA
........................ 5 KNUDTSON, Marcia Marie
........................ 5 KNUDTSON, Donna Lee
................. 4 KUHENS, Zella Leola b: 01 Apr 1900 in Fay.Co.IA d: 16
Dec 1986
..................... +DUNCAN, Gerald
........... *2nd Wife of [2] KUHENS, Charles Delbert:
............... +LEARN, Nettie Belle b: 08 Jun 1888 in Brainard area, P.
Valley Twp, Fayette Co, IA. d: Bet. 02 - 24 Aug 1972 in Wadena, Illyria Twp,
Fayette Co, IA. m: 27 Sep 1905 in West Union, Fayette Co, Iowa Father:
Samuel LEARN Mother: Isabella Minerva WILTSE
................. 4 KUHENS, Carl Delbert b: 22 Aug 1906 in Hawkeye area,
Windsor.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 17 Apr 1972 in Wadena, Fay.Co.IA
........................ 5 KUHENS, Culver L. b: 01 Jan 1932 in Cedar Rapids,
.............................. 6 KUHENS, Braian b: 20 Jun 1966 in Lowell.MA
........................ 5 KUHENS, Galen E. b: 02 Feb 1935 in Cedar Rapids,
.............................. 6 KUHENS, Melvin b: 17 Jun 1959 in Harpers
Ferry, Allamakee.Co.IA
........................ 5 KUHENS, Dennis D. b: 03 Jun 1948 in Waukon,
................. 4 KUHENS, Paul Eugene b: 11 Mar 1908 in Illyria.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA d: 11 Jan 1985 in Fay.Co.IA
................. 4 KUHENS, Dale Delbert b: 25 Jan 1910 in Illyria.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA d: 04 Jan 1985 in Fay.Co.IA
..................... +VOSHELL, Lavon Marion b: 13 Aug 1910 in Fairfield.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA d: 23 Sep 1992 in Wadena, Fay.Co.IA m: 24 Jan 1929 in
Independence, Buchanan.Co.IA Father: Raymond Ray VOSHELL Mother: Ella
Arvilla CORBIN
................. 4 [3] KUHENS, Lyle Delbert b: 18 Mar 1914 in Illyria.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA d: Aug 1992 in Wadena, Fay.Co.IA Burial: St. Joseph Catholic Cem,
Wadena, Fayette Co, IA. Note 3: Farmed, Wadena area, IA. Note 5: Wadena
school; janitor 11yrs, bus driver 19yrs. Note 6: Member, Cath. Ch, Volga,
Clayton Co, IA.
..................... +KENNEDY, Rita d: Jun 1962 m: Jun 1935 in Wadean,
Illyria Twp, Fayette co, IA.
........................ 5 KUHENS, James Note 4: 1992 Living in Wabash, IN
........................ 5 KUHENS, Eileen Note 3: 1992 Living in Altoona,
............................ +COSBY, Unknown
................. *2nd Wife of [3] KUHENS, Lyle Delbert:
..................... +BOND, Alta m: Jun 1965 in Wadean, Illyria Twp,
Fayette co, IA.
........... 3 KUHENS, Emory Laverne b: 25 Mar 1876 in Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
d: 23 Jul 1971 in Sylvania, Lucas.Co.OH
........... 3 KUHENS, Emma Zoe b: 04 May 1878 in Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d:
27 Jul 1967 in Fay.Co.IA
............... +CULBERTSON, Warren S. b: Abt. 1875 in Iowa m: 21 Mar 1900
in Iowa
................. 4 CULBERTSON, Charles Leslie b: 1901 in Iowa d: 1901 in
................. 4 CULBERTSON, Edith Coralie b: 1903 in Iowa d: 1984
..................... +CLENDENIN, Harold G. b: 1903 in Iowa
........................ 5 CLENDENIN, Betty Jean b: 08 Sep 1930 in Iowa d:
03 Dec 1989
........... 3 KUHENS, Agnes A. b: 09 Dec 1880 in Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d:
01 Jan 1881 in Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
........... 3 KUHENS, Ethelpella Poala 'Ethel' b: 29 Dec 1881 in Illyria.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA d: 01 Oct 1939 in Fay.Co.IA Burial: Grandview Cem, sec E, Fayette,
............... +COUSINS, Elmer Frank b: 04 Mar 1876 in Wadena, Illyria.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA. d: 30 Mar 1946 in Clinton, Clinton.Co.IA Burial: Grandview Cem,
sec E, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. m: 02 Apr 1902 in Lima, Fay.Co.IA Father: Levi
James COUSINS Mother: Margaret UNKNOWN
................. 4 COUSINS, Rosco E. b: 1906 in Fay.Co.IA d: 1972 in
Fay.Co.IA Burial: Grandview Cem, sec E, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA.
..................... +UNKNOWN, Lena V. b: 1906 d: 1972 in Fay.Co.IA Burial:
Grandview Cem, sec E, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA.
........................ 5 COUSINS, Infant b: 1930 in Fay.Co.IA d: 09 Sep
1930 in Fay.Co.IA Burial: Grandview Cem, sec E, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA.
................. 4 COUSINS, Ruth H. b: 16 Feb 1914 in Fay.Co.IA d: 05 Feb
........... 3 KUHENS, Creatia Pearl b: 04 Aug 1884 in Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
d: 11 Feb 1973 in Mason City, Cerro Gordo Co, IA
............... +WENRICH, Ernest J. b: 23 Feb 1877 in Fay.Co.IA d: 11 Jul
1959 in Mason City, Cerro Gordo Co, IA
.... 2 KUHENS, Henry b: 1844 in Noble.Co.OH

Fayette Woman Dies at Age 100
(compiled, Iowa papers)
...Mrs. Roberta J. nee Wroe Kuhens, Army Nurse During the Civil War, died at her
home in Fayette Wed, Apr 5, 1944. She was born May 9, 1843, near
Wheeling.PA, daughter of Dr. Samuel Austin Wroe and Orpha Ann McCann, her father was
born at sea, his father having been an Irish sea captain.
...Her father moved the family to Washington, D.C. at the outbreak of the Civil
War, in 1861. Rebecca Wroe married civil war soldier John Kuhnes in 1861.
She worked as an army nurse in the hospital where her father Samuel was
stationed until her husband was mustered out of the service in Jun 1864.
They decided to come west.
...The couple started for Iowa Sept 1864 by way of the Ohio and Mississippi
River because her health had been broken from the strain of nursing and she was
unable to make the trip by land. During a stop over in St. Louis they
became acquainted with General Grant. They settled on a farm of 200a
near Lima where they remained until John Kuhnes' health failed at which time the
couple moved into West Union where he died in 1908. Roberta moved
into a home on Main St in Fayette village so her children could attend Upper
Iowa University. Sons George and Delbert continued to farm in
the Lima area. From about 1920, many UIU students roomed in her home.
...They were parents of nine children. Surviving are four sons and three
daughters: George and Delbert of West Union; Ben of Lima; Vern of Akron.OH; Mrs.
Warren S. Culberson and Mrs. Dan F. Hall of Fayette; Mrs. Pearl Winrick
Wenrich of Mason City. Two daughters preceded her; Mrs. Ethel (Elmer)
Cousins and Mrs. William Sloan. She raised to grandchildren now married,
Mars. Zella Duncan of Des Moines and Mrs. Olive Knutson of Wadena. She was
the oldest resident in Fayette County at the time of her death.
Dr. Samuel Austin Wroe
1810/Atlantic.Sea-1884/Lima area, Fay.Co.IA,
married 1835 in German, Fayette.Co.PA
Orpha Ann McCann
1818/Preston.Co.WV-1906/Lima area,
1. George Neff 1839-1916 X Alice Jane Davis 1856-1935, nine
2. John Wesley 1841-1906 X Clarinda A. 'Rindy' Graves
1854-1927, raised Lester Stiner as a Wroe.
3. Rebecca Jane 1843-1944 X John Kuhens 1838-1908, eleven
4. William Jerome
1846-1934 X Ester Ann Pogue 1851-?, four children.
5. Isabelle Elizabeth 1848-1850, b/d Jollytown, Green.Co.PA, diphtheria.
6. Joseph Ellsworth 1851-1905/10 X Sarah V. Hill 1853-1920,
nine children.
7. James Leroy 1859-1937 X Harriett Eunice 'Hattie' Burns
1863-1944, ten children.
8. Charles Alexander 1860/62-bef1864, b.Jollytown.PA, d. Fairmont.WV,
9. Flora Hegia 1862/64-bef1864, b.
Jollytown.PA, d. Fairmont.WV, diphtheria.
Last Pasted: 2013Jan01
Descendants of William Jerome Wroe
1 WROE, William Jerome b: 16 Jan 1846 in Jollytown, Jackson.Twp,
Greene.Co.PA d: 04 Oct 1934 in Fairmont, Marion.Co.WV Note 6: 1850 Census:
physician, $200, Jollytown, Jackson.Twp, Greene.Co.PA, SWcorner on WV
boarder. Roe: SamuelA40, Orthe34, Geo12, JohnW10, Rebecca Jane7,
Wm.Joerome4, Isabelle2.
.. +POGUE, Ester Ann Pouge b: 1851 in Penn m: in Jollytown, Green.Co.PA
Father: John T. Pouge POGUE Mother: Elizabeth TAYLOR
.... 2 WROE, Isabellee b: 1867 in WV
.... 2 WROE, George b: 1871 in PA
.... 2 WROE, Jane b: 1872 in PA
.... 2 WROE, John b: 1876 in PA
Dr. Samuel Austin Wroe
1810/Atlantic.Sea-1884/Lima area, Fay.Co.IA,
married 1835 in German, Fayette.Co.PA
Orpha Ann McCann
1818/Preston.Co.WV-1906/Lima area,
1. George Neff 1839-1916 X Alice Jane Davis 1856-1935, nine
2. John Wesley 1841-1906 X Clarinda A. 'Rindy' Graves
1854-1927, raised Lester Stiner as a Wroe.
3. Rebecca Jane 1843-1944 X John Kuhens 1838-1908, eleven
4. William Jerome 1846-1934 X Ester Ann Pogue 1851-?, four
5. Isabelle Elizabeth 1848-1850, b/d Jollytown, Green.Co.PA, diphtheria.
6. Joseph
Ellsworth 1851-1905/10 X Sarah V. Hill
1853-1920, nine children.
7. James Leroy 1859-1937 X Harriett Eunice 'Hattie' Burns
1863-1944, ten children.
8. Charles Alexander 1860/62-bef1864, b.Jollytown.PA, d. Fairmont.WV,
9. Flora Hegia 1862/64-bef1864, b.
Jollytown.PA, d. Fairmont.WV, diphtheria.
Last Pasted: 2013Jan01
Descendants of Nathaniel Hill
1 HILL, Nathaniel b: 02 Dec 1749 in Durham, Strafford.Co.NH d: 11 Feb 1822
in Exeter, Penobascot.Co.ME Note 1: 28 Dec 2012 Hill last reviewed:
Barry.Zbornik Hannibal.MO iowazAThotmail.com
.. +DUDLEY, Elizabeth b: 04 Oct 1851 in Brentwodd, Rockingham.Co.NH d: 21
Nov 1783
.... 2 HILL, Valentine (suspect) b: 30 Nov 1774 in Barrinton, Stafford.Co.NH
d: in Possible father of Truman & Melinda Hill of Iowa, bz/2012
........ +THOMAS, Polly Lee b: 1777 in VT d: 03 Aug 1850 in Lamotte,
Jackson.Co.IA m: 13 Nov 1800 in NH Note 8: 1850 Census: with dau Lucy Lee
(Davie) Montague, Lomotte area, Jackson.Co.IA.
........... 3 HILL, Charlotte
............... +UNMARRIED
........... 3 HILL, Eunice
............... +UNMARRIED
........... 3 HILL, Lucy Lee
............... +MONTAQUE, David b: 23 Jul 1809 in Middlebury, Addison.Co.VT
m: 02 Jun 1829 in Mina, Chautauqua.Co.NY Father: Zenas MONTAQUE
........... 3 HILL, Valentine b: 16 Jan 1804 in Laudon.Co.NH d: 11 Feb 1890
in Dexter.Co.ME
........... 3 HILL, Truman 'Seaman' 'Sherman' b: 1811 in NY d: 29 Jun 1877
in Sec 10/11 farm, Frog Hollow, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Lima Cem,
sec 3, lot 53, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 4: 1840 Census: Mina,
Chautauqua.Co.NY. Hill, Seaman/Truman: 4 in family; 1m 20-29, 1f 20-29, 1f
0-5, 1f 60-69. Note 6: 1850 Census: farmer $1500, Mina, Chautauqua.Co.NY.
Hill: Truman36, Lovina35, Mabell11, Mary8, Laura6, Lovina4, Truman0. Note 7:
1860 Census; farming, French Creek P.O., Mina, Chautauqua.Co.NY. Hill:
Truman47, Lovina42, Mary18, Laura15, Lovina13, Geo.W10, Sarah7. Note 8: 1860
Farm: 120a improv, 70a unimprov, $4700/200. Livestock: $600, 3horses, 6cows,
17cattle, 46sheep, 2hogs. Crops: 25b wheat, 200b corn, 50b oats. Note 9:
1860 Farming close to Truman in Mina.NY: Barden; Edward1810Eng, Mary1816Eng,
EdP1836Eng, John1838Eng, dau Philadelphia1846Eng. Note 16: 1868 Plat: 105a
in SE corner sec 10 & 65a SW corner sec 11 at start of Frog Hollow, 1m N of
Albany, 1m NW of Lima, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 21: 1870 Census:
farming $3500/943, adj&S of A.J. Hensley, SE corner sec 10, SW corner sec
11, Frog Hollow, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 22: 1870 Hill: Sherman59/NY
farmer, Lovina54/NY, George20/NY farmer, Sarah17/NY.
............... +BELKNAP, Lovina Lavina L. 'Melvina' b: 03 Feb 1814 in Rome
& Lee aera, Oneida.Co.NY d: Bet. 1880 - 1885 in Likely Frog Hollow farm,
Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA, bz/2012. Burial: Possibly unmarked in Lima Cem,
Fay.Co.IA, bz/torey/2012. Father: Eli BELKNAP Mother: Lydia NOBLES Note 7:
1879 Plat: wid, shown on 50a of home farm, SE corner of Sec 10, 1mi N of
Albany, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 8: 1879 Plat: son GeoWHill took over
65a of hm farm half mile N of mother. Note 10: 1879 Hm. farmstead in NW
corner of SE1/4 of SE1/4, sec 10, Westfield.Twp. Note 11: 1880 Census;
widow, son Geo taken over home farm sec10/11, S of Jospeh Wroe,
Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA, Note 12: 1880 Hill: GeoW1852/NY, Rosetta1859/NY,
FrankW1876/IA, WmA1878/IA, mother Lavina1817/NY. Note 14: 1885 Census: not
enumerated in Fay.Co.IA, likely deceased, torey/bz/2012.
................. 4 HILL, Mary b: 1842 in Mina, Chautauqua.Co.NY
................. 4 HILL, Luara J. b: Bet. 1845 - 1847 in Mina,
Chautauqua.Co.NY d: 15 Sep 1868 in Sec 10/11 farm, Frog Hollow,
Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Lima Cem, sec 3, lot 53, Westfield.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA. Note 22: Age at death; 21y.
..................... +UNMARRIED
................. 4 HILL, Lovina b: Abt. 1849 in Mina, Chautauqua.Co.NY d:
25 Aug 1868 in Sec 10/11 farm, Frog Hollow, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial:
Lima Cem, sec 3, lot 53, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 22: Age at death;
..................... +UNMARRIED
................. 4 HILL, George W. b: 1850 in Mina, Chautauqua.Co.NY Note
6: 1870 Census: farming $3500/943, adj&S of A.J. Hensley, SE corner sec 10,
SW corner sec 11, Frog Hollow, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 7: 1870 Hill:
Sherman59/NY farmer, Lovina54/NY, George20/NY farmer, Sarah17/NY. Note 9:
1879 Plat: on 65a of hm farm, 25a in SE corner sec 10, farmstead in NW
corner of 40a in SW of SW of sec 11, 1mi N of Albany, Westfield.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA. Note 10: 1879 Plat: mother Lovina on 50a of home farm in SE
corner of sec 10, 1mi N of Albany, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 11: 1880
Census; father deceased, taken over sec 10/11 farm, Frog Hollow,
Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 12: 1880 Farmstead in SW corner sec 11. Hill:
GeoW1852/NY, Rosetta1859/NY, FrankW1876/IA, WmA1878/IA, mother
Lavina1817/NY. Note 14: 1885 Census; on home farm sec 11 & 10, Westfield.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA. Hill: GeoW34, Rosy27, FrankW8k, WilliaA6, Leona0.
..................... +WHITFORD, Rosetta 'Rosy' possibly b: 1859 in NY
........................ 5 HILL, Frank W. b: 1876 in Sec 10/11 farm, Frog
Hollow, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
........................ 5 HILL, William A. b: 1878 in Sec 10/11 farm, Frog
Hollow, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
........................ 5 HILL, E. E. b: 27 Aug 1881 in Sec 10/11 farm,
Frog Hollow, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 09 Sep 1884 in Sec 10/11 farm, Frog
Hollow, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Lima Cem, sec 3, lot 53,
Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 22: Age at death; 3y0m13d.
........................ 5 HILL, Leona b: 1885 in Sec 10/11 farm, Frog
Hollow, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
................. 4 HILL, Sarah V. b: Bet. 1853
- 1854 in Mina, Chautauqua.Co.NY d: Abt. 20 Sep 1920 in Likely at Myrtle
McElree's hm, Fayette.IA, bz/2012 Burial: 22 Sep 1920 Speculate unmarked Oak
Ridge Cem, Auburn village, Auburn.Twp, Fay.Co.IA, bz/2012. Note 10: 1870
Census: farming $3500/943, adj&S of A.J. Hensley, SE corner sec 10, SW
corner sec 11, Frog Hollow, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 11: 1870 Hill:
Sherman59/NY farmer, Lovina54/NY, George20/NY farmer, Sarah17/NY. Note 13:
1880 Census: farming 65a (old A.J. Hensley farm), sec 10, Westfield.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA. Wroe: JosephE28, Sarah26, FlorenceE6, CharlesA3. Note 15: 1885
Census; farming in Frog Hollow, north of Albany, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Wroe: JosephE, Sarah, FlorenceE10, ChasA8, KatieL4, LesterL2(1883). Note 20:
1910 Census; wid, Sarah58, Eleanor14, hskp with s/law Darnall family,
Union.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 21: 1910 Darnall: RayM34ILwid farming,
Bessie14IA, Arleigh8IA. Wroe: Sarah58NY wid, Elenor14, Wm25 farm hand. Note
23: 1920 Census; with son/law Wm. Robert McElree, adj Marvin Mill, north of
bridge, Fayette, IA. Note 24: 1920 McElree: WmR30, MyrtleL nee Wroe26,
LeRoy6, FlorenceE7m; Sarah Wroe66. Note 25: Abt. 20 Sep 1920 Death location,
likely at dau Myrtle McElree's hm, Fayette.IA. Note 27: 22 Sep 1920 Fayette
paper, Lima news: funeral Wed, 1920Sep22, at Auburn, Fay.Co.IA.
..................... +WROE, Joseph Ellsworth 'Joe'
b: May 1851 in Jollytown, Jackson.Twp, Greene.Co.PA d: Bet. 1905 -
1910 in Auburn area?, Auburn.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Burial: Speculate unmarked Oak
Ridge Cem, Auburn village, Auburn.Twp, Fay.Co.IA, bz/2012. m: 28 Feb 1874 in
Lima, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA, by S.D.Helms Father: Dr. Samuel Austin WROE
Mother: Orpha Ann MCCANN Note 7: 1870 Census: farming, 40a, sec 19,
Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Row: James55VA, Orfe50PA, Wesley25PA, Joseph18PA,
James18PA. Note 8: 1878 Hist; farming, sec 10, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 9: 1880 Census: farming 65a (old A.J. Hensley farm), sec 10,
Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Wroe: JosephE28, Sarah26, FlorenceE6, CharlesA3.
Note 11: 18 Nov 1881 Deed of Sale: land in sec 10, Wesfield.Twp; Sarah V.
Wroe & husb. to A.J. Thorpe, Torey/2012. Note 12: 18 Nov 1881 Land in sec
10: N1/2 of SW1/4 of NE1/4 & SE1/4 of NE1/4 & N1/8 of NE1/4 of SE1/4 (65a
Frog Hollow farm marked on 1879 plate, bz/2012). Note 15: 1885 Census;
farming in Sec 10, adj J. Frog Hollow, north of Albany, Westfield.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA. Wroe: JosephE, Sarah, FlorenceE10, ChasA8, KatieL4,
LesterL2(1883). Note 16: 1885 Joseph is adj. to the same 1879 plat farms &
appears to be farming same 65a in sec 10, bz/2012. Note 19: 1895 Census;
farming, Westfield.Twp (assuming Frog Hollow farm, bz/2012), Fay.Co.IA. wf &
7ch. Note 20: 1895 Wroe: JosephE42, Sarah39, ChasH17, KatieL17,
LesterL14(1881), GeoWm10, BenjH7, DonnieB4, MyrtleL1. Note 21: 1896 Plat:
sec 10, Frog Hollow farm owned by P.H. Hastings, bz/2012. Note 24: 1900
Census: farming, Auburn.Twp, Fay.co.IA. Were spelling: JosephE49, Sarah47,
Laverne17, GeoW15, Benjamin12, DonnaB8, Myrtle7, Elinor5m. Note 25: 1900
Enumerated next to Wm. Doud (40a, SW1/4 of SE1/4, sec 25, on top of hill
road 1mi E of Auburn village), bz/2012. Note 27: 1905 Census: close to
Auburn, Fay.Co.IA (likely still on hill just to E). Wroe: J.E., Sarah, L.S.,
Willie, Benjamin, Bessie, Myrtle, Eleanor. Note 28: 1910 Census: wf Sarah is
a widow living with s/law Ray Darnell in Union.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 29: 1920
Census; wf Sarah with dau Myrtle McElree in Fayette village, Fay.Co.IA
........................ 5 WROE, Florence Eleanor b: 01 Feb 1875 in Sec 10
farm, Frog Hollow, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 28 Nov 1909 in Farmstead in
SW corner of sec 15, Union.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: West union Cem, Union.Twp,
............................ +DARNELL, Raymond N. Darnall b: 01 Jun 1875 in
IL d: Apr 1943 in Union.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: West Union Cem, Fay.Co.IA. m:
09 Jun 1895 in Fayette, Fay.Co.IA (L.C. Claxton res.) Father: William
DARNELL Mother: Malinda Glen FINCK Note 5: 1885 Census: 3rd St, Randalia,
Center.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Darnell: Wm35IL barber, MelindaA31IL, Jessie11IL,
Ray9IL, Floyd7IL. Note 9: Aft. 1895 Paper: After marriage farmed in Randalia
area, Center.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 11: 1896 Plat: no farm ownership shown in
Fay.Co.IA, bz/2012. Note 13: 1900 Census; farming on hill abt 1mi E of
Auburn village, Auburn.Twp, Fay.Co.IA, f/law Joe Wroe close, bz/2012. Note
14: 1900 Darnell: Ray1875/IL, Florence (Wroe) 1875/IA, dau Bessie4/IA, s/law
Kate Wroe 19/IA. Note 15: 1905 Plat: no farm ownership shown in Fay.Co.IA,
bz/2012. Note 19: 1910 Census; farming, Union.Twp, Fay.Co.IA, widowed from
FlorenceE Wroe. Note 20: 1910 Darnall: RayM1876IL, dau Bessie1896IA, son
Arleigh1902IA. Wroe: m/law wid Sarah1852NY, sis/law Elenor1896IA,
b/lawWmWroe1885IA farmhand. Note 21: 1912 Plat: in Otter Creek valley, 75a
on midS line of Sec 15 & adj 57a mid N line sec 22, 2.5mi SE of West Union
square, Union.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Note 22: 1915 Census: farming, 1914 earnings
$1200, owed on farm $4k, value $12,400, Union.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 23: 1916
Plat: same farm as 1912, farmstead in SW corner of sec 15, 2mi SE of West
Union square. Note 24: 1925 Census: Union.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Darnell: RayN49,
Alice46 Whit (White), Robert Ward19, Richard Ward17, Lillian Darnell13, Vern
Darnell10. Note 26: 1930 Census: farming, Union.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Darnall:
RayN54, Janette45 (Iliff), Barl18 s/son, dau Marjorie5; adj is son
ArleighJ28, AnnaM27, Max1. Note 28: 1940 Census: near Mechanic/Water St
corners, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. Darnell: Ray64 wid, farm rented; dau
.............................. 6 DARNELL, Bessie b: Jan 1896 in Fay.Co.IA
.............................. 6 DARNALL, Arleigh J. 'Arley' Darnell b: 29
Aug 1902 in Union.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 18 Jan 1982 in Union.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
Burial: Mt. Calvary Cem, Union.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Note 8: 1930 Census: farming,
Union.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Darnall: RayN54, Janette45 (Iliff), Barl18 s/son, dau
Marjorie5; adj is son ArleighJ28, AnnaM27, Max1. Note 25: Buried under
Darnall name.
.................................. +SCHMELZER, Anna M. b: 23 Feb 1905 in
Union.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 28 Dec 1990 in Fayette, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Mt.
Calvary Cem, Union.Twp, Fay.Co.IA m: 14 Oct 1926 Father: Maximillian M.
SCHMELZER Mother: Mary Ann SCHULER Note 11: Buried under Darnall name.
..................................... 7 DARNALL, Max Darnell b: in Union.Twp,
..................................... 7 DARNALL, Geraldine Darnell b: 05 Nov
1930 in Union.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 19 Dec 2008
..................................... 7 DARNALL, James D. Darnell b: 21 Sep
1932 in Union.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 24 Jan 2007 in West Union, Fay.Co.IA
........................ 5 [1] WROE, Katherine L. 'Kate' b: Nov 1880 in Sec
10 farm, Frog Hollow, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Note 7: 1895 Census; domestic
with McFadden family, Center.TWp, Fay.Co.Ia. Note 8: 1900 Census; domestic
with b/law Ray Darnell (Florence Wroe), 1 E of Auburn village, Auburn.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA. Note 11: 18 Aug 1910 Fayette paper; Mrs. Joe Wroe visited dau
Mrs. Katie Hook in Waterloo. Note 12: 1955 Living Fallbrook.CA. Note 13:
1964 Living in Fallbrook.CA
............................ +CONWAY, Unknown Note 8: Living at Waterloo.IA.
........................ *2nd Husband of [1] WROE, Katherine L. 'Kate':
............................ +HOOK, Unknown
........................ 5 WROE, George William b: 04 Dec 1884 in Sec 10
farm, Frog Hollow, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Note 9: 1910 Census; farmhand
for Ray Darnall, near West.Union, Fay.Co.IA. Note 10: 1910 Darnall:
RayM34ILwid farming, Bessie14IA, Arleigh8IA. Wroe: Sarah58NY wid, Elenor14,
Wm25 farm hand. Note 13: 1930 Census; with sis Eleanor farming, Apiary.Twp,
Columbia.Co.OR. Note 14: 1930 Burns: Eleanor30IA, JamesL5OR, Clarence4OR,
bro. GeoW45IA working sawmill. Note 18: 1962 Living at Ranier.OR.
........................ 5 WROE, Charles Austin b: 07 Jun 1887 in Sec 10
farm, Frog Hollow, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Note 8: 1962 Living at
........................ 5 WROE, Laverne 'Vern' Lester b: Mar 1883 in Sec 10
farm, Frog Hollow, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 13 Apr 1964 in Home, 915
Calhoun.St, Waterloo, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA Burial: Garden of Memories Cem,
Waterloo.IA. Note 4: Birth?? SS Index gives 1888Mar04; Draft Card 1889Mar03;
Obit 1880Mar09, Ancestry likes 1883Mar04, no concensus, ba/2012. Note 5:
Birth?? 1885Census 2y(1882/1883), 1895Census 14y(1882/1882), 1900Census
17y(1883Mar) Note 12: Abt. 1910 License; Living Wadena area, Illyria.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA at time of marriage. Note 16: 1920 Census; farming (renting),
Elgin area, Pleasant.Valley.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 17: 1920 Wroe; Vern30,
Pearl28, Alta6, Marquarient4, Bernice5m. Note 18: 1925 Census; farming Frog
Hollow, north of Albany, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 19: 1925 Wore:
LesterL33, PearlM33, Alta11, Margerite8, Bernice5, LesterL3, VivianL1. Note
20: 1925 Parents listed of: Lester L. are JosephE Wroe & Sarah Hill. Parents
of Pearl M. are David Smock & Isabelle Kelsey. Note 21: 1930 Wroe:
Lester.Lavern1891, Pearl1893, Alta1913, Margaret1916, Vernies1920,
Leslie1922, Vivian (Meinen)1925, Hellen1928. Note 23: 1930 Census; farming,
adj to Henry Iliff, Auburn.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 24: 1940 Census; farming,
Hawkeye area, Windsor.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 25: 1940 Wroe: LaVernL1891,
Pearl1892, Lester1922, Vivian1924, Helen1928. Note 26: 09 Nov 1944 Elgin.IA
paper: Sues for cash rent of farm, Ray Fels vs. LesterL & Pearl Wroe.
Pearl's obit, moved to Waterloo.IA abt 1945. Note 27: Bet. 1948 - 1954
Worked, maintenance dept, Borden's Soybean plant, Waterloo.IA. Note 28: 1954
Retired, stayed in Waterloo.IA rest of life. Note 29: Apr 1964 SSIndex:
Lester Wroe b.1888Mar4, d.1964Apr, bz/2012.
............................ +SMOCK, Pearl M. b: Jul 1892 in Elk.Twp,
Clayton.Co.IA d: Oct 1971 in Waterloo, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA m: 20 Aug 1910 in
Fayette, Fay.Co.IA Father: David Izac Izaac SMOCK Mother: Isabelle Margaret
KELSEY Note 9: 20 Aug 1910 Obit; married Lester Wroe at Fayette.IA.
.............................. 6 WROE, Alta b: 05 Nov 1912 in Fay.Co.IA d:
09 Apr 1991 in Waterloo, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA Burial: Garden of Memories Cem,
Waterloo, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA Note 6: Note in Fay.Co.IA Gen.File: b.1913Nov5 to
VernWroe26 & Pearl.Smock21. Note 7: 1913 Vern26y means birth 1887-1888; fits
son of John & not Joseph Wroe, bz/2012. Note 18: 1941 Went to work for
Powers Manufactureing, Waterloo.IA. Note 21: 1975 Retired from Powers
Manufacturing in Waterloo.IA
.................................. +JOHNSTON, Alfred F. d: 1976 m: 27 Oct
1932 in West Union, Fay.Co.IA
..................................... 7 JOHNSTON, Robert
.............................. 6 [2] WROE, Margaret Pearl b: 02 Oct 1916 in
Fay.Co.IA d: 08 Aug 1987 in Waterloo, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA Burial: Garden of
Memories Cem, Waterloo.IA. Note 8: Divorced Jessie Ostrander & remarried.
Note 11: Worked for Powers Manufacturing & Rath Packing.
.................................. +OSTRANDER, Jessie
..................................... 7 OSTRANDER, Harold
..................................... 7 OSTRANDER, Ellis
.............................. *2nd Husband of [2] WROE, Margaret Pearl:
.................................. +LAMERTSON, Arthur Lamberston d: 1960 in
Waterloo, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA m: in Waterloo, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA
.............................. 6 WROE, Bernice May 'Vernies' b: 13 Aug 1919
in Elgin area, P.Val.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 05 Jan 2005 in Waterloo,
Bk.Hawk.co.IA Burial: Garden of Memories Cem, Waterloo, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA. Note
8: 1964 Living 727 Wayne.St, Waterloo.IA. Note 11: 2003 Living in Waterloo,
Bk.Hawk.Co.IA Note 28: Cause of death; lung cancer, age 85.
.................................. +ERDMANN, Henry d: 04 Jul 1993 in
Waterloo, Bk.Hawk.co.IA Burial: Garden of Memories Cem, Waterloo,
Bk.Hawk.Co.IA. m: 18 Oct 1956 in Preston, Bluff.co.MN
.............................. 6 WROE, Lester Laverne Jr. b: 15 Jan 1922 in
Elgin or Albany area, Fay.Co.IA d: 25 Jan 2003 in Evansdale, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA
Burial: Garden of Memories Cem, Waterloo, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA. Note 11: WWII Army
vet; farmhand from Fayette.Co.IA, married. grammer sch. Note 15: Worked
construction in Waterloo.IA. Note 16: Raised a grandson, Gary. Note 17: 1964
Living 712 Creton Ave, Waterloo.IA. Note 28: SS Index: b.1922Jan15,
.................................. +MILLER, Fern E. b: 28 Oct 1925 d: 05 Dec
1997 in Evansdale, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA m: 29 Nov 1942 in Lancaster, Memphis.Co.MO
..................................... 7 WROE, Dennis Billie Note 11: 2003
Living in Elk Run Heights, Waterloo, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA.
......................................... +UNKNOWN, Billie
..................................... 7 WROE, Rickey Note 11: Living in
......................................... +UNKNOWN, Kelly
..................................... 7 WROE, Evelyn Note 11: 2003 Living in
Evansdale, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA
......................................... +SMITH, Unknown
..................................... 7 WROE, Pamela Note 11: 2003 Living in
Evansdale, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA
......................................... +CLINTON, John
..................................... 7 WROE, Janice Note 11: 2003 Living in
Evansdale, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA
..................................... 7 WROE, Melodie Note 11: 2003 Living
in Evansdale, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA
..................................... 7 WROE, Grenda
..................................... 7 WROE, Ronald L. b: 25 Aug 1943 in
Union.Twp, Fay.Co.Ia d: 08 Dec 2007 in Waterloo, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA Note 11: 2003
Living in Evansdale, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA
......................................... +UNKNOWN, Charlene
.............................. 6 WROE, Miriam Lucile b: 04 Oct 1924 in Frog
Hollow farm, N of Albany, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 24 Feb 1989 in
Waterloo, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA Burial: Garden of Memories Cem, Waterloo.IA. Note 4:
Name & birth listed in 1924Oct9 Fayette.IA paper, bz/2012. Note 11: 1964
Living 1121 1/2 Franklin St, Waterloo.IA.
.................................. +FRANKHAUSER, Henry m: 27 Oct 1941
..................................... 7 FRANKHAUSER, Larry
..................................... 7 FRANKHAUSER, Timothy Timmy
..................................... 7 FRANKHAUSER, Carol
......................................... +ENNENGA, Unknown
..................................... 7 FRANKHAUSER, Sandy
......................................... +SEAMAN, Unknown Seeman
..................................... 7 FRANKHAUSER, Barbara
......................................... +JUNGEN, Unknown
.............................. 6 WROE, Barbara Helen b: Abt. 1928 in
Fay.Co.IA Note 8: 1964 Living in Davenport.IA. Note 11: 2003 Living in
Waterloo, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA
.................................. +HARTMAN, Henry
........................ 5 WROE, Benjamin H. b: Apr 1888 in Sec 10 farm,
Frog Hollow, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
........................ 5 WROE, Donna B. 'Bessie' b: 26 Apr 1890 in Sec 10
farm, Frog Hollow, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 22 Jan 1955 in West Union
hosp, res of Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. Burial: Grandview Cem, sec F, row 50, S
side, burial #2348 Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. Note 11: 1955 Living #9, N. Wash.St,
Fayette.IA, 1st house N of Cath.Ch, E side. Note 22: Cause of death
cererbral stroke.
............................ +HASS, Glen Glencoe 'Glenly' b: 1893 in
Fayette, Fay.Co.IA d: 07 May 1982 in Fay.Co.IA? Burial: Grandview Cem, sec
F, row 50, S side, burial #3064, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. m: 20 Sep 1922 in
Fay.Co.IA Father: Herman Robert HASS Mother: Lillie May ROGERS Note 11: 1930
Census: farming with wf Bessie nee Wroe, S of Fayette in Smithfield.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA. Note 13: 05 Mar 1942 Fayette Paper: Walter Wilson fam, moved to
Will Doughty house vacated by Glen Hass fam. Note 14: 21 Mar 1946 Fayette
Paper: hired again as Grandview Cem. caretaker. Note 15: 14 Apr 1955 Fayette
paper: auction, house, 7rms & furnishings, #9, Wash.St, 1st house N of Cath
Ch on E side, Fayette.IA. Note 17: 1962 Living in Randalia, Fay.Co.IA. Note
25: Relative at death listed Florence Earle, bz/2012.
.............................. 6 HASS, No Children
........................ 5 WROE, Myrtle Lavina Roe b: 01 Mar 1894 in Sec 10
farm, Frog Hollow, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 31 Mar 1943 in Farm hm. near
Oran. Fay.Co.IA Burial: Oak Ridge Cem, Auburn, Auburn.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Note 7:
Farmed near Waucome, Eden.Twp, Fay.Co.IA first yrs. after marriage. Note 9:
Moved to farm near Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. Note 11: Obit; 11ch, 3 die infancy.
Note 16: Bet. 1936 - 1937 Moved to farm near Oran, Fay.Co.IA. Note 21: Age
at death; 49y1m; service at Bellis Funeral Hm. in Fayette.IA.
............................ +MCELREE, Robert William b: 22 Oct 1889 in
Waucoma, Fay.Co.IA d: 07 Feb 1962 in Lebanon, Cooper.Co.MO Burial: Oak Ridge
Cem, Auburn, Auburn.Twp, Fay.Co.IA m: 06 Mar 1912 in Waucoma, Fay.Co.IA
Father: Samuel MCELREE Mother: Fannie Dixon DICKSON Note 5: Bet. 1912 - 1918
Living, Waucoma, Fay.Co.IA Note 7: Abt. 1919 On farm near Fayette, Fay.Co.IA
Note 16: 1920 Census; day laborer, adj Joe Marvin's Mill, N of Fayette
bridge, Fay.Co.IA. Note 17: 1920 McElree: WmR30, MyrtleL nee Wroe26, LeRoy6,
FlorenceE7m, m/law Sarah Wroe66. Note 22: Abt. 1924 Moved to farm near Oran,
Oran.Twp, Fay.Co.A.
.............................. 6 MCELREE, Infant One b: in Fay.Co.IA d: in
Infancy, Fay.Co.IA
.............................. 6 MCELREE, Infant Two b: in Fay.Co.IA d: in
Infancy, Fay.Co.IA
.............................. 6 MCELREE, LeRoy b: 14 Feb 1913 in Waucoma,
Eden.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: Aug 1974 in Iowa? Burial: Grandview Cem, sec F,
Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. Note 8: 1943 Living in Waterloo, Iowa.
.................................. +ROSE, Unknown b: 1920 in IA Burial:
Grandview Cem, sec F, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA.
.............................. 6 MCELREE, John W. b: 26 Nov 1917 in Waucoma,
Eden.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 27 Mar 2000 in Wylie, TX
.............................. 6 [3] MCELREE, Florence E. b: 1918 in Fayette
area farm, Fay.Co.IA d: 01 Nov 1991 in Fay.Co.IA Burial: 05 Nov 1991
Grandview Cem, burial #3239, sec F, row 90, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. Note 8: 1943
Living in Fayette, Iowa. Note 22: Buried Earle-Ashby with 1st husb Evleyn
Arthur Earle.
.................................. +EARLE, Evelyn Arthur b: 1914 in Sec 2,
Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: Aug 1981 in Fay.Co.IA Burial: 11 Aug 1981
Grandview Cem, sec F, row 100, S side, burial #3051, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. m:
Bef. 1940 in Fay.Co.IA Father: Earnest Walter 'Ernie' EARLE Mother:
Winnifred Pearl 'Minnie' KUHENS Note 8: WWII, CPL US Army. Note 11: Lived in
Fayette, Iowa. Note 16: Nov 1937 Working quarry 5mi N of Nashua.IA, fell
16ft from crusher, broke rt leg, hit bin. Note 17: Nov 1942 Married &
working near Manchester, Delaware.Co.IA. Note 21: Oct 1946 Moved to father's
farm near Randalia, Fay.Co.IA. Note 22: Jun 1962 Bought home in Oelwein,
moved from Randalia.IA. Note 23: Feb 1969 Hired as sexton for Grandview Cem,
..................................... 7 EARLE, Betty Lou b: 1943 in
Fay.Co.IA Note 1: Lived in Fredericksburg, FL.
......................................... +HEATH, Robert
..................................... 7 EARLE, Larry b: 24 Nov 1949 in
Fay.Co.IA Note 8: 1969 Graduated from Fayette.IA H.S.
..................................... 7 EARLE, Infant (suspect) b: in Iowa
d: in Iowa Burial: Waucoma Cem, Eden.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Note 9:
Fay.Co.IA.Hist.Soc burial booklet lists as child of Mrs. Florence Earle.
Note 10: Possibly infant of Evelyn Earle & Florence McElree, bz/2012.
.............................. *2nd Husband of [3] MCELREE, Florence E.:
.................................. +ASHBY, Harold Mincer b: 20 Nov 1910 in
Randalia area, Center Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 12 May 1988 in Randalia area, Center
Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Grandview Cem, burial #3170, sec H, lot 72, Fayette,
IA. m: Aft. 1985 in Fay.Co.IA Father: Clyde Arthur ASHBY Mother: Bessie
Belle BELLIS Note 11: Cause of death; listed as suicide.
..................................... 7 ASHBY, No Children
.............................. 6 MCELREE, Robert William b: 19 Jul 1920 in
Fayette, Fay.Co.IA d: 02 Mar 2010 in Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Grandview
Cem, sec F, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. Note 9: 1943 In Army, Nashville.TN. Note 11:
Obit; drove truck for Chandlers & A.J. Steel of Oelwein.
.................................. +TATRO, Elizabeth Jean b: 05 Jul 1924 in
Fayette, Fay.Co.IA d: 24 Jun 1990 Burial: Grandview Cem, sec F, Fayette,
Fay.Co.IA. m: 09 Mar 1946 in Oelwein, Fay..Co.IA
..................................... 7 MCELREE, Dixie
......................................... +KLEIMAN, John
..................................... 7 MCELREE, Rebecca Becky
.............................. 6 MCELREE, Lillian b: Aft. 1920 in Fay.Co.IA
Note 8: 1943 Living in Sacramento.CA.
.................................. +REDFORD, Unknown
.............................. 6 MCELREE, Mildred b: Aft. 1920 in Fay.Co.IA
.............................. 6 MCELREE, Harry Melvin b: 31 Aug 1924 in
Oran area, Fay.Co.IA d: 15 Nov 1968 in Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Woodlawn
Cem, Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA. Note 9: US Navy CB, WWII.
.................................. +OLTROGGE, Frances b: 1924 in Fay.Co.IA
Burial: Woodlawn Cem, Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA. Father: Alfred OLTROGGE Mother:
.............................. 6 MCELREE, Mary R. b: 13 Nov 1926 in Oran
area, Fay.Co.IA
.................................. +MILKS, Lyle K. b: 05 Nov 1921 in
Glasgow, MT d: 12 Nov 1993 in Waukegan, Lake.Co.IL Burial: Floral Hills Cem,
Hazelton, Buchanan.Co.IA m: 01 Jul 1944 in Waterloo, IA Father: Vern L.
.............................. 6 MCELREE, Glen John b: 17 Mar 1929 in Oran
area, Fay.Co.IA d: 08 Oct 1986 in Cedar Rapids, Linn.Co.IA
.................................. +EPPERSON, Eleanor M. b: 1932 in Iowa
Burial: Grandview Cem, sec H, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA.
..................................... 7 MCELREE, Peggy A. b: 1957 in Iowa d:
1957 in Iowa Burial: Grandview Cem, sec H, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA.
........................ 5 WROE, Eleanor Elinor b: 28 Nov 1899 in Auburn
area?, Auburn.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: Feb 1984 in Roseburg, Douglas.Co.OR Note 6:
1915 Census; hired girl, 17y, Waucoma, Eden.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 8: 1930
Census; wid, farming, Apiary.Twp, Columbia.Co.OR Note 9: 1930 Burns:
Eleanor30IA, JamesL5OR, Clarence4OR, bro. GeoW45IA working sawmill. Note 12:
1955 Living Portland.OR. Note 14: 1964 Living in Rainier.OR.
............................ +BURNS, Unknown b: in Ireland
.............................. 6 BURNS, James William b: 1925 in OR d: 1999
.............................. 6 BURNS, Clarence Edward b: 1927 in OR d:
................. 4 HILL, Mill Mabel 'Maybell' b: in NY d: 02 Dec 1876 in
Traer area, Tame.Co.IA Burial: Buckingham Cem, Traer, Tame.Co.IA
..................... +MCKAY, Benjmain b: 20 Mar 1822 in Onondago.Co.NY d:
in Traer area, Tama.Co.IA Burial: Buckingham Cem, Traer, Tame.Co.IA m: 1864
in Winnebago.Co.IL? Father: Simon MCKAY Mother: Sally BARNETT Note 9:
Carpenter by trade, as was his father. Note 11: Abt. 1839 Moved with
parents, age17, from NY to Warren.Co.PA. Note 14: 1857 Removed to farm in
Winnebago.Co.IL Note 16: 1867 Sold IL farm, went to MO but land poor, moved
to sec 18/19 in Geneseo.Twp, Tama.Co.IA.
........................ 5 MCKAY, George W.
........................ 5 MCKAY, Alvia D.
........................ 5 MCKAY, Unknown
........... 3 HILL, Melinda b: 1815 in Genesse.Co.NY d: 24 Mar 1892 in
Lamotte, Jackson.Co.IA
............... +BELKNAP, George Washington b: 11 Nov 1810 in Rome,
Oneida.Co.NY d: 1889 in Jackson.Co.IA m: 01 Jan 1835 in French.Cr.Twp,
Oneida.Co.NY Father: Eli BELKNAP Mother: Lydia NOBLES Note 6: Moved to farm
in Chautauqua.Co.NY with parents, farmed with father, later bought 160a.
Note 7: Abt. Mar 1844 Moved from NY to 160. 1/4mi from Lamotte,
Prairie.Springs.Twp, Jackson.Co.IA. Note 8: 1850 Census: farming, $1500,
Lamotte area, Bellvue.Twp, Jackson.Co.IA. Note 9: 1850 Belknap: GeoW1809/NY,
Melinda1816/NY, Morris1838/NY, Mary1841/PA, Martha1843/OH, Emiri1850f/IA;
GenoS Martin 1845/OH, David Hill1825/MA. Note 12: Built farm to 350a, stock,
dairy, butter/chese. Note 13: 1883 Sold farm, retired to Dubuque,
accumulated rental property. Note 15: 1885 Bought stock farm back in Lamotte,
Jackson.Co.IA Note 22: 1889 Jackson.Co.IA.Hist: stock farm recently
purchased in sec 6, Richland.Twp,
................. 4 BELKNAP, Morris George b: 1839 in NY d: 1870 in Lamotte,
................. 4 BELKNAP, Mary Melinda b: 22 Aug 1841 in Crossingville,
Crawford.Co.PA d: 21 May 1911 in Monticello, Jones.Co.IA Note 11: 1889 Husb
a butcher, living near Fayette.IA.
..................... +WINNER, Giles Russell b: 15 Oct 1836 in Communipaw,
Hudson.Co.NJ d: 18 May 1892 in Arlington area, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Father: Nicohlas Toers WINNER Mother: Margaret L. RUSSELL
........................ 5 WINNER, Melvina Josephine b: 11 Dec 1860 in
Lamotte, Jackson.Co.IA d: 01 Nov 1926 in Seattle, King.Co.WA
............................ +CARROLL, Emmett Robert b: 14 Feb 1860 in York,
Houston.Co.GA d: 07 Dec 1916 in Seattle, King.Co.WA
................. 4 BELKNAP, Martha Mathida b: 04 Dec 1843 in OH d: 03 Aug
1878 in Lamotte, Jackson.Co.IA
..................... +COOK, Andrew Jackson
................. 4 BELKNAP, Emory 'Eli' Martin b: 27 Apr 1850 in
Bellvue.Twp, Jackson.Co.IA d: 11 Aug 1925 in Cedar Rapids, Linn.Co.IA
................. 4 BELKNAP, Ellen Ella' b: Abt. 1855 in Bellvue.Twp,
Jackson.Co.IA d: in Lamotte, Jackson.Co.IA Note 8: 1889 Living in Lamotte,
..................... +WINNER, Charles
.... 2 HILL, Nathaniel
........ +DUDLEY, Elizabeth
Dr. Samuel Austin Wroe
1810/Atlantic.Sea-1884/Lima area, Fay.Co.IA,
married 1835 in German, Fayette.Co.PA
Orpha Ann McCann
1818/Preston.Co.WV-1906/Lima area,
1. George Neff 1839-1916 X Alice Jane Davis 1856-1935, nine
2. John Wesley 1841-1906 X Clarinda A. 'Rindy' Graves
1854-1927, raised Lester Stiner as a Wroe.
3. Rebecca Jane 1843-1944 X John Kuhens 1838-1908, eleven
4. William Jerome 1846-1934 X Ester Ann Pogue 1851-?, four
5. Isabelle Elizabeth 1848-1850, b/d Jollytown, Green.Co.PA, diphtheria.
6. Joseph Ellsworth 1851-1905/10 X Sarah V. Hill 1853-1920,
nine children.
7. James Leroy 1859-1937 X
Harriett Eunice 'Hattie' Burns 1863-1944, ten children.
8. Charles Alexander 1860/62-bef1864, b.Jollytown.PA, d. Fairmont.WV,
9. Flora Hegia 1862/64-bef1864, b.
Jollytown.PA, d. Fairmont.WV, diphtheria.
Last pasted: 2013Jan03
Descendants of Elizur W. Elisha Burns
2 BURNS, Unknown Note 8: Served as a drum major in War of 1812.
.... 3 [9] BURNES, Elizur W. 'Elisha' Burns
b: 13 Dec 1813 in CT d: 08 Dec 1897 in Chatham Center,
Columbia.Co.NY Burial: Obit says: family plot, Rural cem; location unknown
yet. Torey/2013. Note 3: Surname analogs; Burns, Burnes, Burn, Burhens. Note
7: 1840 Census: Winchester, Litchfield.Co.CT. Elizur Barns, m5-9(Levi),
m20-29(Elizur, f0-5(Lucy, Louisa), f20-29(Mary.Ann), m15-19(unknown). Note
8: 1841 Living in Mass., dau Laura Etta b. in MA. Note 11: 1845 Living in
Brainard, Rensselaer.Co.NY; son JohnH b.1845, d.1846, buried at Brainard.
Note 17: 1850 Census: Nassau village, Rensselaer.Co.NY: Burnes: Elisha1816CT
laborer, Hannah1830/NY, LevyW1835/CT, LucyA1837/CT, MaryL1839/CT,
Larryette1841/MA, Eliza1849/NY. Note 18: 1850 Living with Elisha:
Maria.Sedam1809CT, Amanda.Finch1821NY shoemaker, Christopher.Finch1816NY,
Geo.Pasero1833NY, Emeline.Hart1822NY, Eliz.Serles1832NY. Note 20: 1860
Census: not located yet, bz/2013. Note 21: 1870 Census: Goshen,
Litchfield.Co.CT. Burns: Elizur56CT caprenter $1k/200, ByanthaH41NY dress
making. Note 23: 1876 Directory: Goshen, Litchfield.Twp.CT, Elizur Burns,
carpenter & builder. Note 26: 1880 Census: not located yet, bz/2013. Note
28: 1896 After death of 2nd wf, moved to dau Lucy's in Chatham Center,
........ +UNKNOWN, Mary Ann b: 1818 in CT d: 10 Oct 1847 in Brainard,
Rensselaer.Co.NY Burial: Brainard Rural Cem, Rensselaer.Co.NY m: Abt. 1834
in CT?
........... 4 BURNS, Levi Walter
b: 14 Aug 1835 in CT d: 02 Feb 1888 in Farm, 1mi W of Wadena, sec 28,
Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Lima Cem, sec 3, lot 97, Westfield.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA. Note 6: 1850 Census: Nassau village, Rensselaer.Co.NY: Burnes:
Elisha1816CT laborer, Hannah1830/NY, LevyW1835/CT, LucyA1837/CT,
MaryL1839/CT, Larryette1841/MA, Eliza1849/NY. Note 7: 1860 Census: not found
enumerated in Chenoa.Twp, McLean.Co.IL, bz/2013. Note 8: Bet. 1866 - 1867
From ch's birth location; moved ILL to Albany/Lima area Westfield.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA. Note 9: 1868 Plat; farm 3/4mi W of Lima, Sec 14, Westfield.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA. Note 10: 1868 Hill farmstead & 27a NE1/4ofSec14 & 40a in sec 11,
N of homestead, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 11: Aft. 1868 Farm typical of
area, few cows, cattle, team, chickens, small crops, bz/2010. Note 18: 1870
Census: 67a farm, 3/4mi W of Lima, sec 14, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Burns:
Levi36 carpenter $1k/250, Harriett33, Wm10, Jonathan8, Robert5, Harriett6.
Note 20: 1879 Plat: 67a hill pasture & small field farm, 3/4mi W of Lima,
Sec 14, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 21: 1880 Census; sec 14&11 farm 1/2mi
W of Lima, Fay.Co.IA. Burns: LeviW44 carpenter, HarrietM43, WmW20 farmer,
JonE18 farmer, HarrietE16 domestic, RobertB15, LeviW9, MaryL8, CharlesH3.
Note 23: Bet. 1867 - 1882 Lived between Albany/Lima, worked as a carpenter &
farmed 67a on the N hillside. Note 24: Bet. 1881 - 1884 Left Westfield farm
& moved to farm 1+mi E of Wadena in Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 25: 16 Jan
1884 Chatham.NY paper: visting sis. LucyA.Harris, from Wadena.IA, boys take
care of farm, practices his carpentry trade, IA has 40below/blizzards. Note
26: 1885 Census: 1mi NW of Wadena, NE corner of sec 28, Illyria.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA. Burns: LeviW1836, HarietM1843, WmW1860, JonathanE1862. Note 28:
04 May 1887 Chatham, Columbia.Co.NY Courier: b/law Levi Burns from Fay.Co.IA
doing extnesive repairs to Albert Harris home.
............... +WAITE, Harriet Marie
b: 24 Nov 1837 in New Lebanon, Columbia.Co.NY
d: 09 May 1906 in Fayette village home, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: 11
May 1906 Grandview Cem, burial #0907, sec G, S portion of lot 317, Fayette,
IA. m: 1856 in CT or IL Father: Jonathan WAITE Mother: Eunice FINCH Note 8:
1880 Census; sec 14&11 farm 1/2mi W of Lima, Fay.Co.IA. Burns: LeviW44
carpenter, HarrietM43, WmW20 farmer, JonE18 farmer, HarrietE16 domestic,
RobertB15, LeviW9, MaryL8, CharlesH3. Note 10: 1885 Census: 1mi NW of
Wadena, NE corner of sec 28, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Burns: LeviW1836,
HarietM1843, WmW1860, JonathanE1862. Note 12: Feb 1888 Husb. Levi.Burns dies
on sec 28 farm in Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.Ia. Note 15: Obit: States birth
1836Nov24, does not state y.m.d; death agrees with burial book as 1906May09,
bz/2012. Note 18: 1900 Census: E.Water.St/Jones.St, Fayette.IA, adj are.
Widger: Eli72 ins.agent, 2nd wf HarrietM63 nee Waite Burns. Widger: PeterG46
horse dealer & wf MaryS43. Servoss: JohnJ68 laborer, wf. Ellen J. nee Widger
(sis of Eli), son SchularF 20 dry goods salesman. Note 28: 09 May 1906 Death
date listed in original burial book; cause general peritonitis, age
68y5m17d, bz/2012. Note 29: Family reocrds & death certficate: birth Nov24.
................. 5 [1] BURNS, William Wallace b: 24 Aug 1859 in Chenoa.Twp,
McLean.Co.IL d: 26 Jan 1923 in Arlington area, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
Burial: Taylorville Cem, Arlington, Fairifield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Note 4: Obit
states born Chenoa, McClean.Co.IL, 1859. Note 12: 1880 Census; sec 14&11
farm 1/2mi W of Lima, Fay.Co.IA. Burns: LeviW44 carpenter, HarrietM43, WmW20
farmer, JonE18 farmer, HarrietE16 domestic, RobertB15, LeviW9, MaryL8,
CharlesH3. Note 14: 1885 Census: 1mi NW of Wadena, NE corner of sec 28,
Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Burns: LeviW1836, HarietM1843, WmW1860,
JonathanE1862. Note 18: 1900 Census: Oelwein, Fay.co.IA. Burns: Wm1859
farming, Ellen1865. Note 20: 1906 Living at Fayette, Fay.Co.IA.
..................... +JENNINGS, Ellen Arminta 'Ella' b: 16 Dec 1865 in Sec
25, 2.5mi E of Fayette, Fay.Co.IA d: 12 Dec 1910 in Fayette, Fay.Co.IA
Burial: Grandview Cem, Sec G, S side, lot 205 (husb Wm Burns, S1/2 lot
owner, only burial, bz/2013) Fayette.IA. m: 1884 Father: James JENNINGS
Mother: Nancy Jane CARMICHAEL
........................ 6 BURNS, Mable Clara b: 13 Dec 1884 in Wadena area,
Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 08 Apr 1962 in Oregon City, OR
............................ +PERKINS, Clinton Eugene b: 01 Jul 1874 in
Taylorville farm, Sec 14, Fairfield Twp, Fayette Co, IA d: 03 Dec 1954 in
Oregon City, Clackamas.Co.OR m: 01 Jan 1900 in West Union, Fayette Co, Iowa.
Father: Ruben PERKINS Mother: Sarah Jane HENSLEY
.............................. 7 PERKINS, Bernard C. b: 11 May 1903 in
Wadena area, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 18 Dec 1986 in Lake Oswego,
.................................. +ROBERTSON, Pauline m: 28 Jul 1942
.............................. 7 PERKINS, Leta Leola b: 27 Sep 1904 in
Wadena area, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 15 Jul 1988 in Canby, Clackamas.Co.OR
.................................. +MOLINSKY, Alvin C. m: 12 Oct 1921
.............................. 7 PERKINS, Velma A. b: 29 May 1906 in Wadena
area, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 30 Sep 1996 in Campbellsport,
.................................. +WILKE, William C. m: 12 Sep 1928
.............................. 7 PERKINS, Plymon W. b: 21 Jul 1907 in Wadena
area, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 01 Mar 1936 in Portland, Multnomah.Co.OR
.............................. 7 PERKINS, Lenna Laverne 'Lennie' b: 03 May
1909 in Wadena area, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 28 Jan 1971 in Wasco,
.................................. +HUGHES, Kenneth m: 20 Feb 1936
.............................. 7 PERKINS, Russell A. b: 21 Aug 1910 in
Wadena area, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 11 May 1988 in Tacoma, Pierce.Co.WA
.................................. +THERLAND, Ruth L. m: 26 Apr 1938
.............................. 7 PERKINS, Hazel E. b: 10 Mar 1913 in
Arlington, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 09 Dec 1935 in Eugene, Lane.Co.OR
.................................. +CHAPMAN, Norman
.............................. 7 PERKINS, Avis L. b: 15 Jul 1914 in Little
Cedar, Mitchell.Co.IA? d: 01 Aug 1974 in Portland, Multnomah.Co.OR
.................................. +GILLEN, Paul m: 16 Jul 1932
.............................. 7 PERKINS, Lola Fern b: 25 Dec 1917 in
Arlington, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA
.................................. +ALLEN, Charles Father: Oliver ALLEN
Mother: Emma STALEY
................. *2nd Wife of [1] BURNS, William Wallace:
..................... +HUMMEL, Martha b: 03 Sep 1850 in Mt. Carroll,
Caroll.Co.IL d: Abt. 1928 in Arlington area, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA m:
Bet. 1911 - 1914 in Arlington, Fairifield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Father: Samuel
HUMMEL Mother: Nancy Lucinda MARTIN
................. 5 [2] BURNS, Jonathan E. 'John' b: 25 Dec 1862 in
McLean.Co.IL d: 29 Jul 1932 in McGregor, Clayton.Co.IA Note 7: 1880 Census;
sec 14&11 farm 1/2mi W of Lima, Fay.Co.IA. Burns: LeviW44 carpenter,
HarrietM43, WmW20 farmer, JonE18 farmer, HarrietE16 domestic, RobertB15,
LeviW9, MaryL8, CharlesH3. Note 9: 1885 Census: 1mi NW of Wadena, NE corner
of sec 28, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Burns: LeviW1836, HarietM1843, WmW1860,
JonathanE1862. Note 12: 1895 Census: Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Burns:
JohnE33 carpenter, ArtieE25, EvaL6, May4, Pearl1. Note 13: 1900 Census: 2-3
bk S of Main.St in Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. Burns: JohnE1861, ArtieE1869,
EvaL1888, May1890, Pearl1893, Hazel1897. Note 14: Abt. 1904 Moved to
Centralia, Nemaha.Co, northeastern KS, then back to Fay.Co.IA by 1907. Note
16: 1905 Census: Centralia, Nemaha.Co..KS. Burns: J.E.47, A.E.36, EvaL16,
MayI14, Pearl12, Hazel8, BulaR3. Note 17: 1906 Living in Atchison area,
Atchison.Co. northeast KS; returned to Fay.Co.IA by Aug1907. Note 18: Aft.
Aug 1907 Moved to Dickinson (old O.G. Fussell) farm (renting) 3mi E of
Fayette, mid-S portion of sec 25, Westfield.Twp, after 2nd marriage to Susan
Culbertson Smith. Note 20: Jan 1910 Second wife Susan died. Note 22: 1910
Census: Fayette village, Fay.Co.IA. Burns: JohnE48 widower carpenter,
IolaM19, NoraP17, MinnieE12, LyleB1y9m. Note 23: Aft. 1910 Carpenter in
Volga, Clayton.Co.IA. Note 26: 1920 Census: Butler.St, Volga, Sperry.Twp,
Clatyon.Co.IA. Burns: John58 (JonathanE) shoe shop repairman, Alminda63
(Clarinda A. 'Rindy' nee Graves Wroe Rogers) Lyle11. Note 28: 1930 Census:
S. Church.St, Prairie.du.Chien.WI. Downing: LeornardJ41IA ice cream factory
man'g, Margaret39AR, Helen17AR, HaroldJ15IA, f/alw John Burns67IA wid.
..................... +STEWART, Alta E. 'Artie' b: Apr 1869 in Arkansas d:
Bet. 1905 - 1906 in Centralia or Archison, KS? or Fay.Co.IA? m: 25 Dec 1887
in Conway, Faulkner.Co.AR Note 8: 1895 Census: Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Burns: JohnE33 carpenter, ArtieE25, EvaL6, May4, Pearl1. Note 11: 1900
Census: 2-3 bk S of Main.St in Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. Burns: JohnE1861,
ArtieE1869, EvaL1888, May1890, Pearl1893, Hazel1897. Note 14: 1905 Census:
Centralia, Nemaha.Co.KS. Burns: J.E.47, A.E.36, EvaL16, MayI14, Pearl12,
Hazel8, BulaR3.
........................ 6 BURNS, Eva L. b: Oct 1888 in Westfield.Twp,
............................ +STOUT, Frank S. b: 1882 in MO
.............................. 7 STOUT, Dorothy E. b: 02 Dec 1911 in MO d:
29 May 2002 in Portage, Kalamazoo.Co.MI
.................................. +WEISHAUPT, Ernest b: 24 Jun 1907 in
Middlebury, Addison.Co.VT d: Oct 1969
........................ 6 BURNS, Iola May 'Margaret' b: 27 Dec 1890 in
Clinton, Van.Buren.Co.AR d: 02 May 1951 in McGregor, Clayton.Co.IA Note 12:
1930 Census: S. Church.St, Prairie.du.Chien.WI. Downing: LeornardJ41IA ice
cream factory man'g, Margaret39AR, Helen17AR, HaroldJ15IA, f/alw John
Burns67IA wid.
............................ +DOWNING, Leonard Jacob b: 18 Feb 1889 in
Giard.Twp, Clatyon.Co.IA d: in McGregor, Clayton.Co.IA. m: 10 Sep 1910 in
Clayton.co.IA? Father: Charles Washington DOWNING Mother: Sarah Francis
WILLIAMS Note 12: 1930 Census: S. Church.St, Prairie.du.Chien.WI. Downing:
LeornardJ41IA ice cream factory man'g, Margaret39AR, Helen17AR, HaroldJ15IA,
f/alw John Burns67IA wid.
.............................. 7 DOWNING, Helen b: 30 Sep 1912 in Dubuque,
Dubuque.Co.IA d: 21 Feb 1991 in Pinellas.Co.FL
.................................. +SPECK, Donald W. b: 09 May 1911 in Iowa
d: 06 May 1983 in St.Petersburg, Pinellas.Co.FL
..................................... 8 SPECK, David Leonard b: 01 Dec 1935
in Waterloo, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA d: 19 Jan 2005 in Irvine, Orange.Co.CA
..................................... 8 SPECK, Robert b: 29 Nov 1939 in
Waterloo, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA d: 11 Sep 1942 in Waterloo, Bk.Hawk.Co.IA
.............................. 7 DOWNING, Harold J. b: 1915 in Iowa
........................ 6 BURNS, Nora Eleanor 'Pearl' b: Apr 1893 in
Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 31 Jul 1959 in Sonoma.Co.CA
............................ +HUSMAN, John C. b: 25 Nov 1893 in Jones.Co.IA
d: 21 Jan 1973 in Oakdale, Stanislaus.Co.CA
.............................. 7 HUSMAN, Ivan J. b: 1919 in Iowa
.............................. 7 HUSMAN, Arnold J. b: 1921 in Iowa
.............................. 7 HUSMAN, Jessie M. b: 1928 in NE
.............................. 7 HUSMAN, Robert L. b: 1935 in NE
........................ 6 BURNS, Hazel E. 'Minnie' b: 17 Jun 1897 in
Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 23 Jan 1969 in Gillespie, Macoupin.Co.IL
............................ +WILLEY, Thomas H. b: 28 Oct 1886 in Des
Moines, Polk.Co.IA d: 20 Oct 1967 in Gillespie, Macoupin.Co.IL
.............................. 7 WILLEY, Mary F. b: 1918 in IL
........................ 6 BURNS, Beulah R. b: Abt. 1903 in Fayette,
Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: Bef. 1910 in Centralia or Atchison, KS? Burial:
Not listed/found in Fayette.Co.IA, bz/2013. Note 8: 1905 Census: Centralia,
Nemaha.Co..KS. Burns: J.E.47, A.E.36, EvaL16, MayI14, Pearl12, Hazel8,
................. *2nd Wife of [2] BURNS, Jonathan E. 'John':
..................... +CULBERTSON, Susan Jeanette Susie' b: 26 Aug 1871 in
Warren.Co.PA d: 09 Jan 1910 in Fayette, Fay.Co.IA. Burial: 12 Jan 1910
Grandview Cem, Sec G, lot 323, in S half, burial #1002, Fayette, Fay.Co.IA.
m: 26 Aug 1907 in Fayette, Fay.Co.IA Father: Thomas Montsin CULBERTSON
Mother: Celestia Ann LAWRENCE Note 6: Bet. 1872 - 1873 Came with parents to
IA when a baby. Note 8: 1883 Moved with parents to NE. Note 10: Abt. 1891
Returned to farm E of Fayette.IA after marriage to Fred Smith. Note 12: 1903
Moved into Fayette village after death of husb. Fred Smith. Note 14: Aug
1907 Moved to Dickinson (old O.G. Fussell) farm (renting) 3mi E of Fayette,
mid-S portion of sec 25, Westfield.Twp, after 2nd marriage to JonE.Burns.
Note 22: Obit: age at death 38y5m24d. Note 28: Buried under Smith surname
with first husb. FredR Smith in Grandview.Cem.
........................ 6 [3] BURNS, Lyle Burdell b: 10 Jul 1908 in
Fayette, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 04 Apr 1989 in Hosp in Yuma.AZ; res. of
Winterhaven, Imperial.Co.CA Note 8: Aft. 1910 Obit: grew up & attended
school at Volga, Clayton.Co.IA. Note 15: Aft. 1957 Worked for U.S. Forestry
Service & CA St. Beaches/Parks.
............................ +GRAY, Winifred b: 28 Aug 1913 d: 01 Jun 1993
in Arlington, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA m: Feb 1931 Note 11: 1931 From
Fayette at time of marriage.
.............................. 7 BURNS, Gwendolyn Note 8: 1989 Living at
Volga, Clayton.Co.IA.
.................................. +GAMM, Marsene
.............................. 7 BURNS, Lee Note 8: 1989 Living at Simi
Valley, CA.
.............................. 7 BURNS, Roland Note 8: Living at LynnWood.WA.
.............................. 7 BURNS, Kenneth Note 8: 1989 Living at
Arlington, Fay.Co.IA.
.............................. 7 BURNS, Judith Lavonne 'Judy' b: 20 Feb 1942
in Volga, Sperry.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA d: 06 Oct 2001 in Rolla, Phelps.Co.MO
Note 8: 1989 Living at Manchester.NH
.................................. +HOWELL, Unknown
..................................... 8 HOWELL, Unknown
........................ *2nd Wife of [3] BURNS, Lyle Burdell:
............................ +EDLUND, Wanda d: Aft. 1989 in CA m: Sep 1957
in California
.............................. 7 JARDIN, Kelly (adopted)
................. *3rd Wife of [2] BURNS, Jonathan E. 'John':
..................... +GRAVES, Clarinda A. 'Rindy' b: 10 Nov 1854 in
Maquoketa, Jackson.Co.IA d: 24 Nov 1927 in Volga City, Sperry.Twp,
Clayton.Co.IA Burial: Hillcrest Cem, lot 11 (Rogers lot), Volga City,
Sperry.Twp, sec 9, Clayton.Co.IA m: Aft. Jul 1913 in Iowa Father: Charles
Kimble GRAVES Mother: Mary WHALING Note 6: 1856 Census; listed as No Name
Graves 1y, with Charles, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 7: 1856 Graves:
Charles1818NY, Mary1836NY, Leister/Lester1839MI, Amy1842MI, Harley1844MI,
Mary1849MI, Unnamed (ClarindaA)1855IA. Note 10: 1885 Census: farming, SEofSE,
sec 13, Willow.Twp, Cherokee.Co.IA. Fox: Geo20, Clara24, David7. Rhoe:
JohnWesley44, Clara30. Note 14: 1900 Census; farming, living in Volga City,
Sperry.Twp, Clayton.Co.IA, JohnW57, ClarindaA13, LesterL13, mother OrphaA80.
Note 16: 1905 Census; farming, S of Mill.Grove, Fairfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA,
JohnW, Clarinda, LesterL. Note 17: 1906 Husb. John Wesley Wroe dies at
Volga.IA. Note 18: 1909 Remarried to Benjamin Rogers. Note 21: 1910 Census;
Volga village, Clayton.Co.IA. Rogers: BenjaminB 1865/IA odd jobs, Clorinda
1867/IA. Note 22: Jul 1913 Husb. Benjamin Rogers dies at Volga.City.IA. Note
24: Aft. Jul 1913 Remarried to Jonathan E. Burns, 3rd marriage for both.
Note 25: 1920 Census: Butler.St, Volga, Sperry.Twp, Clatyon.Co.IA. Burns:
John58 (JonathanE) shoe shop repairman, Alminda63 (Clarinda A. 'Rindy' nee
Graves Wroe Rogers) Lyle11. Note 27: Services at Wadena.IA, buried under
Burns surname at Volga, Clayton.Co.IA.
................. 5 BURNS, Harriet Eunice
'Hattie' b: 18 Sep 1863 in Blloomington, McLean.Co.IL d: 28
Aug 1944 in Spring Valley, Clark.Co.SD Note 4: 1880 Census; sec 14&11 farm
1/2mi W of Lima, Fay.Co.IA. Burns: LeviW44 carpenter, HarrietM43, WmW20
farmer, JonE18 farmer, HarrietE16 domestic, RobertB15, LeviW9, MaryL8,
CharlesH3. Note 5: 06 Jan 1881 Marriage return doc: Married by J.P. John
Hutchison, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA, bz/2012. Note 9: 1906 Living at Valley
Springs, SD.
..................... +WROE, James Leroy
b: 10 May 1859 in Jollytown, Jackson.Twp, Greene.Co.PA d: 04 Dec 1937 in
Grant District, Marion.Co.WV Burial: 05 Dec 1937 Shaw Cem, Grant District,
Marion.Co.WV m: 06 Jan 1881 in Frog Hollow farm, Albany area, Westfield.Twp,
FAy.Co.IA Father: Dr. Samuel Austin WROE Mother: Orpha Ann MCCANN Note 3:
Abt. 1863 James wrote: James, Charles 2y, Flora 0y, had diphtheria, only
James recovered, burials assumed in Fairmont.WV, Torey/2012. Note 4: Abt.
1867 Came, age~8y, from MD with parents to 40a farm on Volga.Riv hillside,
1+mi SE of Lima, mid sec19, Illyria.Twp, Fayette.Co.IA. Note 5: 1870 Census:
farming, 40a, sec 19, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Row: James55VA, Orfe50PA,
Wesley25PA, Joseph18PA, James18PA. Note 6: 1880 Census: Geneso.Twp,,
Tama.Co.IA, 20/IA, farmhand for Ben.McKay58/NY. Note 7: Bef. 1884 Grew up
around medicine; practiced some local medicine in Albany/Lima with father
Dr. Samuel, Torey/2012. Note 8: Bet. 1885 - 1886 Moved from Frog Hollow to
Quimby & Washta area, Willow.Twp, Cherokee.Co.IA Note 9: Abt. 1887 Built
cabin on 26a in valley off Frog Hollow, sec 10, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA.
Note 10: Abt. 1892 Moved from Cherokee.Co back to 26a farmstead, sec 10, in
Frog.Hollow where he grew up. Note 11: Aft. 1892 After return to Frog
Hollow, mother Orpha lived with James part time before his move to WI,
aft.1900. Note 12: 1895 Census; adj to Bro JosephE, Frog Hollow area,
Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Wroe: JamesL35 farming, HarrietE31, LawrenceA12,
ElmerE10, LeviW7, MaryM5, Orpha0. Note 13: 23 Jan 1896 Oelwein.IA paper:
John Hutchinson to James L. Wroe, N 9a E 15a in W1/2 of NE1/4 of NW1/4, sec
10, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 14: 1900 Census; farming Frog Hollow,
Albany area, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. wf & 7ch (9ch, 7living). Note 15:
Bet. 1900 - 1902 Moved to Spooner, Rice.Co.WI, son Lawrence met wf. Laura
Clark; famlies moved to Manley.Twp, Rock.Co.MN. Note 16: 1900 James1859,
Harriet1863, Lawrence1882, Elmer1884, Levi1887, MaryM1889, OrphaN1893,
LillieM1896, CarlA1899. Note 17: 1905 Census: Martin.Twp, Rock.Co.MN. Wroe:
JamesR46PA farmhand, HarrietJ41IL, LawrenceA23A, ElmerE21IA, LeviW19IA,
MaryM16IA Note 19: 1910 Census: Valley Springs village, Minnehaha.Co.SD.
Wroe: JamesL50, HarrietE46, Nellie16, Lillie.May13, Carl11, AlvaH4. Note 21:
1920 Census; Beaver.Cr.Twp, Rock.Co.MN, James & Harriett with son Lawrence
(RR foreman). Note 22: 1920 Wroe: Lawrence37, Laura34, John15, Floyd13,
Harodl11, Vema9, Roland6, Howard4, Alice9m, James60, Harriet56. Note 23:
Abt. 1920 Moved to small homestead Ekalaka, Carter.Co.MT. Note 24: Bet. 1920
- 1923 Many MT hardships, hail/storm crop loss, 1923 fire burned homestead
to ground. Note 25: 1923 Moved back to Marion.Co.WV home area (had left age
6) where bro Wm Jerome lived. Note 26: Traveled between IA, MT, VA several
times, Torey/2011. Note 28: 1930 Census; Grant district, Marion.Co.WV. Wore:
JamesL70PA coal miner, HarriettE66IL, AlvaH23 bridge laborer. Note 29: 04
Dec 1937 WV.death.cert: Coal Miner, buried Shaw Cem, Grant district,
........................ 6 WROE, Lawrence Austin b: 11 Feb 1882 in Cabin
along Volga Riv (sec 19 or 28?), E of Lima, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. d: 05
Jan 1952 in Hills village, Rock.Co.MN Note 3: 11 Feb 1882 Bio notes by
Lawrence: born log house, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA, cottonwood trees
(bottomland) left, under bluffs of Volga River, Torey/2012. Note 4: 1882
Birth options in Illyria.Twp along Volga Riv: g/f Levi Burns in sec 28 4+mi
E of Lima; uncle James Wes Wore 1+ mi E of Lima, bz/2012. Note 7: Abt. 1890
Started attending Thorp.Sch, age 8-17, winter months, in Frog Hollow,
Fayette.Co.IA. Note 8: Abt. 1895 Started working away from home as farm
hand, age 13. Note 9: Abt. 1898 Started school at 8y, abt 1890, winter
months, 3 diff sch's to include Thorp.Sch in Frog Hollow, received
Common.Sch Diploma age 17. Note 10: Liked school, poetry, dances, social,
sliding, magic lantern shoes, ball games, Torey/2011. Note 13: Abt. 1901
Parents moved to Spooner, Rice.Co.WI; Lawrence followed in several months &
married Laura Clark, Jan 1903. Note 15: 1902 Bought 80s Wis. timber land in
1902, little work; spring 1903 returned to Lima.IA area & continued working
for Eugene McCue? sec 33m Union.Twp, N end of Frog Hollow, $20/M. Note 17:
24 Dec 1902 Returned to a Wis welcome by parents/friends, would marry Laura
Clark. Note 18: Aft. Jan 1903 Moved as Great Northern RR signalman to Hills,
Martin.Twp (extreme SW corner of MN) (house at RR junction), Rock.Co.MN
(parents with). Note 19: Jun 1905 Census: Hills, Martin.Twp (SW most twp,
Manley in Beaver.Cr.Twp just N), Rock.Co.MN. Wroe: JamesR46PA farmhand,
HarrietJ41IL, LawrenceA23A, ElmerE21IA, LeviW19IA, MaryM16IA Note 20: 1910
Census; RR section foreman, Manley, Beaver.Cr.Twp, Rock.Co.MN; Lawrence27,
Laura24, JohnL5, FloydW4, HaroldE16m; adj f/law John Clark fam. Note 22: 12
Sep 1918 Draft reg: Perm.address RFD2 Valley.Spring.SD; sec foreman Great
Northern at Manley.MN; bl.eyes br.hair med.slender.build. Note 25: 1920
Census.: Manley, Beaver.Ck.Twp, Rock.Co.MN, RR foreman, parents living with
family. Note 26: 1920 Wroe: Lawrence37, Laura34, John15, Floyd13, Harodl11,
Vema9, Roland6, Howard4, Alice9m, James60, Harriet56. Note 27: 1930 Census:
RR section foreman, Manley, Beaver.Cr.Twp, Rock.Co.MN. Wrae: Lawerance48,
Laura44, Velma19, Rolland16, Howard14, Alice11 Note 28: Aft. 1930 Moved to
Hills, Martin.Twp, Rock.Co.MN. Note 29: Apr 1940 Census: bk27, Hills,
Martin.Twp, Rock.Co.MN. Wroe: Lawrence58 section foreman, LauraB54,
HaroldE31 track labor, RolandE26 track work, Howard24
............................ +CLARK, Laura Belle b: 23 Aug 1885 in Barron,
Barron.Co.WI d: 13 Feb 1949 in Hills village, Rock.Co.MN m: 14 Jan 1903 in
Barron.Co.WI Father: John CLARK Mother: Pheobe Jane WEDEMAN
.............................. 7 WROE, Velma Midlred b: 06 Jan 1911 in
Manley (RR section house), Beaver.Cr.Twp, Rock.Co.MN d: 21 Aug 2004 in
Billings, Yellowstone.Co.MT Note 11: Abt. 1929 Met future husb Geo.Jansen in
Hills.MN, after parents/family moved, Torey/2012. Note 12: 1930 Geo.Jansen
returned to Germany for 6m. Note 13: Mar 1931 Married Geo.Jansen at
.................................. +JANSEN, Gerhard Herman 'George' Janssen
b: 13 Oct 1900 in Emden, Niedersachsen, Germany d: 04 Dec 1984 in Livingston
Park.Co.MT m: 21 Mar 1931 in Grundy Center, Grundy.Co.IA Father: Hermann
Janssen JANSEN Mother: Johanna BARTELS
..................................... 8 [4] JANSEN, Joyce Lorraine b: 24 Nov
1932 in Philip, Haakon.Co.SD d. 30 Sep 2012 Note 4: 26 Feb 1951 Married Byron Robb;
divorced 1953.
......................................... +ROBB, Byron Lee b: 22 May 1930 in
Livingston, Park.Co.MT d: 26 Mar 2004 in Livingston Park.Co.MT m: 26 Feb
..................................... *2nd Husband of [4] JANSEN, Joyce
......................................... +HAYDEN, Hubert Allen b: 05 Dec
1917 in Higbee, Randolph.co.MO d: 18 Oct 1964 in Casper, Natrona.Co.WY m: 26
Apr 1963 in Casper, Natrona.Co.WY Father: Roy Lee HAYDEN Mother: Sallie
..................................... 8 JANSEN, George Lawrence 'Larry' b:
07 Aug 1941 in Bemidji, Beltrami.Co.MN
.............................. 7 WROE, John Leroy b: 26 Sep 1904 in Brandon,
Minnehaha.Co.SD d: 18 Nov 1971 in Manley, Rock.Co.MN
.............................. 7 WROE, Floyd Walter b: 13 Jun 1906 in
Manley, Beaver.Cr.Twp, Rock.Co.MN d: 01 Jul 1965 in Arlington,
.................................. +EGGE, Inez O. b: 1908 in Iowa m: 14 Jun
1927 in Minnehaha.Co.SD Father: Nels EGGE Mother: Gunda UNKNOWN
..................................... 8 WROE, Duane Floyd b: 26 Jun 1929 in
Manley, Rock.Co.MN d: 18 Jan 2001 in Powell, Park.Co.WY
..................................... 8 WROE, Jeana b: 1931 in MN
.............................. 7 WROE, Harold Everett b: 22 Jan 1909 in
Manley, Beaver.Cr.Twp, Rock.Co.MN d: 03 Oct 1992 in South Hutchinson,
.................................. +SOUTHWORTH, Vivian Colleen b: 14 Feb
1920 in Joplin, Newton.Co.MO d: 13 Aug 2004 in Hutchinson, Reno.Co.KS
..................................... 8 WROE, Laura Jane b: 1950
..................................... 8 WROE, Bryce b: 1955
.............................. 7 WROE, Roland Elmer b: 01 Jul 1913 in
Manley, Beaver.Cr.Twp, Rock.Co.MN d: 24 Feb 1952 in Nicollet.Co.MN
.............................. 7 WROE, Howard Wesley b: 23 Dec 1915 in
Manley, Beaver.Cr.Twp, Rock.Co.MN d: 10 Dec 2001 in Fargo, Cass.Co.NY
.................................. +FURUSETH, Elizabeth Ann 'Betty' b: 24
Mar 1923 in MN d: 06 Mar 2005 in Washington
..................................... 8 WROE, Steven Craig b: 12 Oct 1942 in
..................................... 8 WROE, Marc Douglas b: 23 Sep 1944 in
OR d: 08 Jul 2002 in St. Louis Park, Hennepin.Co.MN
..................................... 8 WROE, Melanie Ann b: 29 Dec 1950 in
.............................. 7 WROE, Alice Maybelle b: 31 Mar 1919 in
Manley, Beaver.Cr.Twp, Rock.Co.MN d: 22 Feb 1998 in Sioux Falls. SD
.................................. +STEEN, Otis Leonard Misler b: 27 Nov
1908 in Steen, Rock.Co.MN d: 27 Aug 1996 in Luverne, Rock.Co.MN
..................................... 8 STEEN, Judy Janelle b: 12 May 1939
in Hlls, Rock.Co.MN
..................................... 8 STEEN, Daniel Leroy b: 19 Sep 1941
in Hills, Rock.Co.NN
..................................... 8 STEEN, Nancy Louise b: 08 Jun 1943
in Hills, Rock.Co.NN
..................................... 8 STEEN, Betsy Ann b: 23 Mar 1944 in
Hills, Rock.Co.NN
..................................... 8 STEEN, Rose Mary b: 19 Apr 1945 in
Hills, Rock.Co.NN
..................................... 8 STEEN, David Otis b: 04 May 1950 in
Hills, Rock.Co.NN
..................................... 8 STEEN, Jan LaRae b: 02 Aug 1951 in
Hills, Rock.Co.NN
..................................... 8 STEEN, Jo Ellen b: 20 Oct 1952 in
Hills, Rock.Co.NN
..................................... 8 STEEN, Lora Lynn b: 02 Oct 1955 in
Hills, Rock.Co.NN
..................................... 8 STEEN, John Alan b: 15 Aug 1956 in
Hills, Rock.Co.NN
..................................... 8 STEEN, James Len b: 21 Feb 1960 in
Hills, Rock.Co.NN
........................ 6 WROE, George Wesley b: 11 Aug 1883 in Sec 10
farm, 2mi NW of Albany/Lima, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: Abt. Jul 1884 in
Sec 10 farm, 2mi NW of Albany/Lima, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA Burial: Suspect
Lima Cem, sec 3, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA, bz/Dec2010. Note 11: Cause of
death; 'summer complaint' or infant cholera. Note 12: Family records; lived
about a year.
........................ 6 WROE, Elmer Eli b: 14 Sep 1884 in
Willlow.Creek.Twp, Cherokee.Co.IA d: 28 Jul 1968 in Loon Lake, Stevens.Co.WA
............................ +GRAY, Milven Ethel b: 17 Feb 1909 in Missouri
m: 13 Aug 1925 in Brule.Co.SD
.............................. 7 WROE, Alva J. b: 1926 in SD
.............................. 7 WROE, Donald D. b: 1928 in SD
.............................. 7 WROE, Ethel Eunice b: 1934 in SD
.............................. 7 WROE, R. Dwane b: 1937 in SD
........................ 6 WROE, Levi Walter b: 23 Jan 1887 in
Willlow.Creek.Twp, Cherokee.Co.IA d: 21 Jun 1955 in Cass.Co.MN
............................ +SHAFER, Josephine Isabelle b: 19 Jun 1894 in
Valley Springs, Minnehaha.Co.SD d: 29 Aug 1991 m: 19 Jun 1915 in Valley
Springs, Minnehaha.Co.SD Father: Albert Hoyt SHAFER Mother: Martha
Wilhelmina Nelsena SJURSON
.............................. 7 WROE, Wanda L. b: 1917 in SD
.............................. 7 WROE, Geneva G. b: 1918 in SD
.............................. 7 WROE, Eugene W. b: 1923 in SD
........................ 6 [5] WROE, Mary Matilda 'Tillie' b: 22 Jun 1889 in
Willow.Creek.Twp, Cherokee.Co.IA d: 22 May 1972 in Rice.Lake.Co.MN Note 6:
Bef. 1909 Mary worked for Art Lay (bro of Sam Lay, to/be husb), Torey/2012.
Note 7: 15 May 1909 Son Geo. Raymond Lay born, Minnehaha.Co.SD. Note 8: Jun
1910 Census; Valley.Springs village, Minnehaha.Co.SD. Lay: SamuelC24MO odd
jobs, Mary20IA, GeoR1MN. Note 10: Aft. May 1909 Sam/Mary moved to Brandon,
Minnehaha.Co.SD, RR laborer. Note 11: Abt. 1911 Marriage with Sam Lay
dissolved/divorced. Note 13: 27 Mar 1912 Remarried Andrew Clark who she had
met in WI (bro of Laura Clark, married to Lawrence Wroe, Mary's bro). Note
14: Abt. 1912 Andrew Clark adopted Mary's son Geo.Lay. Note 15: Aft. 1912
Family.note; Sam Lay abducted son Geo, Mary's father James Wroe engaged
lawyer to get back, Torey/2012.
............................ +CLAY, Samuel b: Abt. 1886 in Missouri m: Abt.
1909 Note 8: 1910 Census; Valley.Springs village, Minnehaha.Co.SD. Lay:
SamuelC24MO odd jobs, Mary20IA, GeoR1MN.
.............................. 7 CLAY, George Raymond (Clark) b: 15 May 1909
in Spring Valley or Brandon, Minnehaha.Co.SD d: 1992 in Spooner,
........................ *2nd Husband of [5] WROE, Mary Matilda 'Tillie':
............................ +CLARK, Andrew Webb b: 15 Jan 1882 in
Clayton.Co.IA d: 07 Mar 1970 in Minong, Washburn.Co.WI m: 27 Mar 1912 in
Warroad, Roseau.Co.MN Father: John CLARK Mother: Pheobe Jane WEDEMAN
.............................. 7 CLARK, Glayds M. b: 1913 in MN
.............................. 7 CLARK, Arvilla b: 1915 in MN
.............................. 7 CLARK, Lillian Ruth b: 1918 in WI d: 13 Feb
.............................. 7 CLARK, Andrew b: 1919 in WI
.............................. 7 CLARK, Allan b: 1922 in WI
.............................. 7 CLARK, Alvin b: 1924 in WI
.............................. 7 CLARK, Mildred b: 1925 in WI
.............................. 7 CLARK, Ray b: 1928 in WI
........................ 6 WROE, Clarence Leroy b: 14 Nov 1891 in Quimby
P.O., Willlow.Creek.Twp, Cherokee.Co.IA d: Dec 1891 in Willow.Twp,
Cherokee.Co.IA Burial: Suspect Lima Cem, sec 3, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA, bz/Dec2010.
Note 11: Family records; lived a couple of weeks. Note 12: Likely died in
Cherokee.Co.IA; parents probably returned to Fay.Co.IA aft death, bz/torey/2012.
........................ 6 WROE, Orpha Nellie b: 27 Dec 1893 in Valley
cabin, 26a farm in NE corner of NW1/4 of NE1/4, sec 10, 2mi NW of
Albany/Lima, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 22 Sep 1991 in Kennewick,
............................ +SHAFER, Aaron Nelson b: 07 Dec 1891 in Valley
Springs, Minnehaha.Co.SD d: 10 Mar 1983 in Sioux Fallls, Minnehaha.Co.SD m:
18 Jun 1914 in Valley Springs, Minnehaha.Co.SD Father: Albert Hoyt SHAFER
Mother: Martha Wilhelmina Nelsena SJURSON
.............................. 7 SHAFER, Wendell Wroe b: 21 Dec 1915 in SD
d: 11 Apr 1988
.............................. 7 SHAFER, Elden b: 11 Jun 1917 in SD d: 02
Oct 1999
.............................. 7 SHAFER, Barbara M. b: 1920 in SD
........................ 6 WROE, Lillian Lillie May b: 22 Sep 1896 in Valley
cabin, 26a farm in NE corner of NW1/4 of NE1/4, sec 10, 2mi NW of
Albany/Lima, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: Mar 1964 in Sioux Fallls,
............................ +UNMARRIED
........................ 6 WROE, Carl Arthur b: 04 Feb 1899 in Valley cabin,
26a farm in NE corner of NW1/4 of NE1/4, sec 10, 2mi NW of Albany/Lima,
Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: Jan 1985 in Fairmont, Marion.Co.WV Note 4:
Birth? census gives Uniontown, Fayette.Co.PA but likely IA (Torey/2010).
........................ 6 WROE, Alva Harvey b: 16 Apr 1906 in Hills.Twp,
Rock.Co.MN d: 09 Jun 1964 in Fairmont, Marion.Co.WV Note 11: Cause of death;
murdered by neighbor, torey/2012.
................. 5 [6] BURNS, Robert B. b: Mar 1867 in McLean.Co.IL d: 20
Nov 1934 in Iowa Note 5: 1885 Census: 1+mi W of Wadena, sec 28, Illyria.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA; near father Levi. Burns: WmW35 carpenter, EllenA28, MabelC10.
Note 6: 1895 Census: Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA. Burns: RobertB28 carpenter,
MyrtleR25, ElsieE5, AltaA3. Note 8: 1900 Census: Hill.St, Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA.
Burns: RobertB33 carpenter contractor, MyrtleR29, EliseO10, AltaB7, bro
Charley23 carpenter; adj Note 9: 1906 Living at Yankton, Yankton.Co.SD Note
36: 1880 Census; sec 14&11 farm 1/2mi W of Lima, Fay.Co.IA. Burns: LeviW44
carpenter, HarrietM43, WmW20 farmer, JonE18 farmer, HarrietE16 domestic,
RobertB15, LeviW9, MaryL8, CharlesH3.
..................... +GRANT, Myrtle R. b: Jan 1871 in Cherokee.Co.IA m:
1888 in Minnehaha.Co.SD
........................ 6 BURNS, Elsie E. b: Aug 1889 in Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA?
............................ +MCCARTNEY, R. E. b: 1888 in IN
........................ 6 BURNS, Alta Beulah b: 18 Oct 1892 in Oelwein,
Fay.Co.IA? d: May 1967 in Amherst, Buffalo.Co.NE
............................ +COCHRANE, William Franklin b: 30 Aug 1888 in
Corning, Adams.co.IA
.............................. 7 COCHRANE, Elisie June b: Jun 1919 in SD
.................................. +UNKNOWN m: 22 Jul 1938 in Custer.Co.SD
.............................. 7 COCHRANE, Virginia Kathryn b: 25 Mar 1920
in SD d: 03 Dec 2007 in Blair, Washington.Co.NE
.............................. 7 COCHRANE, William R. b: 1922 in SD
................. *2nd Wife of [6] BURNS, Robert B.:
..................... +SEARS, Margaret b: 1890 in SD? m: 15 Jan 1920 in
................. 5 BURNS, Levi Walter Jr. b: 1871 in Sec 14 farm, 3/4mi NW
of Lima Store, Westfielld.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 30 May 1895 in Poultney,
Rutland.Co.VT Note 8: 1880 Census; sec 14&11 farm 1/2mi W of Lima, Fay.Co.IA.
Burns: LeviW44 carpenter, HarrietM43, WmW20 farmer, JonE18 farmer,
HarrietE16 domestic, RobertB15, LeviW9, MaryL8, CharlesH3. Note 12: Went
east to train as M.E. minister at Troy Conference (Green.Mt College),
Poultney, Rutland.Co.VT. Note 14: Remained on in the east. Note 22: 07 Jun
1895 Caledonia (St.Jonsburg.VT) paper: Levi Burns, Troy Conference student,
killed coasting bike down Wallingford hill near Rutland, tire slipped,
thrown head first into rock ledge. Note 23: Student at Troy Conference &
preacher in Old Chatham M.E. Ch, at time of death.
................. 5 BURNS, Mary L. 'Minnie' b: May 1872 in Sec 14 farm,
3/4mi NW of Lima Store, Westfielld.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: Aft. 1910 Note 3: Bet.
1866 - 1867 Parents moved ILL to hill farm 3/4mi E of Lima, Westfield.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA. Note 5: 1870 Census: 67a farm, 3/4mi W of Lima, sec 14,
Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Burns: Levi36 carpenter $1k/250, Harriett33, Wm10,
Jonathan8, Robert5, Harriett6. Note 8: 1880 Census; sec 14&11 farm 1/2mi W
of Lima, Fay.Co.IA. Burns: LeviW44 carpenter, HarrietM43, WmW20 farmer,
JonE18 farmer, HarrietE16 domestic, RobertB15, LeviW9, MaryL8, CharlesH3.
Note 10: 1885 Census: 1mi NW of Wadena, NE corner of sec 28, Illyria.Twp,
Fay.Co.IA. Burns: LeviW1836, HarietM1843, WmW1860, JonathanE1862. Note 11:
02 Feb 1888 Father Levi dies at Wadena farm, Illyria.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note
12: Went east to Try Conference (Green.Mt College), Poultney, Rutland.Co.VT.
Note 16: Paper search: no finds regarding Hallett marriage/connections in
Fay.co.IA, bz/2013. Note 18: 26 Apr 1906 Fayette.IA paper: from Stroudsburg,
Monroe.Co.PA, visiting seriously ill mother Mrs. Eli Widger in Fayette. Note
20: 1900 Census: not found yet, bz/torey/2013. Note 22: 1910 Census(likely):
Stroudsburg, Monroe.Co.PA. Wychoff: Edger55 dry goods salesman, MayA51,
EarlE23 principal , BernardJ22 reporter, Lissanie18, Mary Hallett32/IA wid
4ch/living dress maker. Note 24: 1920 Census: not found yet, bz/torey/2013.
..................... +HALLETT, Unknown b: Abt. 1870 m: Bet. 1889 - 1907
................. 5 BURNS, Unknown 'J' b: Abt. 1875 in Sec 14 farm, 3/4mi NW
of Lima Store, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. d: Bef. Jul 1880 in Sec 14 farm,
3/4mi NW of Lima Store, Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Burial: Lima Cem
(suspected burial), Westfield.Twp, Fay.Co.IA. Note 8: There is a small,
ground level old sytle marble marker with letter 'J' on top, to the
west/front of father Levi in the Lima Cem, Torey/2013. Note 9: Marker at
Lima appears to be a burial, best guess, unknown/unfound child of Levi. Note
10: Census1900, indicates this child b/d before 1900, & was not listed in
1880 or 1885, bz/2013. Note 11: Best guess: burial & dates, Torey/bz/2013.
................. 5 BURNS, Charles H. b: 19 Mar 1877 in Sec 14 farm, 3/4mi
NW of Lima Store, Westfielld.Twp, Fay.Co.IA d: 31 May 1943 in Alameda,
Alameda.Co.CA Note 4: 1880 Census; sec 14&11 farm 1/2mi W of Lima, Fay.Co.IA.
Burns: LeviW44 carpenter, HarrietM43, WmW20 farmer, JonE18 farmer,
HarrietE16 domestic, RobertB15, LeviW9, MaryL8, CharlesH3. Note 6: 1895
Census: 19 single with sister Harriet Widger (Eli), Fayette village,
Fay.Co.IA. Note 7: 1900 Census: Hill.St, Oelwein, Fay.Co.IA. Burns:
RobertB33 carpenter contractor, MyrtleR29, EliseO10, AltaB7, bro Charley23
carpenter. Note 9: 1906 Living at Yankton, SD.
........... 4 [7] BURNES, Lucy Ann Burns b: Sep 1838 in CT d: 1912 in NY
Burial: Chatham Center Rural Cem, Harris plot, as Lucy Harris,
............... +WRIGHT, John C. b: 1834 in NY d: 1876 in NY m: 1856
................. 5 WRIGHT, Eva Blanche b: 28 May 1859 in Malden Bridge,
Columbia.Co.NY d: 28 Nov 1906 in Shelburne, Chittenden.Co.VT
..................... +HEAXT, Foster Graves b: 1857 in NY d: 1926 in NY m:
25 May 1882 Father: Aaron D. HEAXT
........................ 6 HEAXT, Edith Lucy b: 04 Jan 1885 in NY
........................ 6 HEAXT, Foster W. b: 24 Dec 1891 in Middlebury,
............................ +RULISON, Lutitia M. b: 19 May 1888 in
Florida.Twp, Montgomery.Co.NY d: 04 Aug 1968 in Johnson, Montgomery.Co.NY
.............................. 7 HEAXT, Frank R. b: 1915 in NY
.............................. 7 HEAXT, Blanche D. b: 1920 in NY
.............................. 7 HEAXT, Edith M. b: 1923 in NY
................. 5 WRIGHT, Iola b: 16 Dec 1865 in NY d: 29 Aug 1913 in
Spencertown, Columbia.Co.NY
........... *2nd Husband of [7] BURNES, Lucy Ann Burns:
............... +HARRIS, Albert b: 1809 in Mass. d: 28 Sep 1889 in Chatham,
Columbia.Co.NY Burial: Chatham Center Rural Cem, Columbia.Co.NY m: 1878 Note
11: 04 May 1887 Chatham, Columbia.Co.NY Courier: b/law Levi Burns from
Fay.Co.IA doing extnesive repairs to home.
................. 5 [8] HARRIS, Albert B. Harris b: Nov 1879 in NY d: 1950
in Chatham, Columbia.Co.NY
..................... +COME, Mae C. b: 1876 in NY d: 1910 in NY m: Bef. 1900
................. *2nd Wife of [8] HARRIS, Albert B. Harris:
..................... +HUESTED, Nellie M. b: May 1885 in NY d: 1964 in
Columbia.Co.NY m: Aft. 1910
........... *3rd Husband of [7] BURNES, Lucy Ann Burns:
............... +LOVETT, John Wesley b: 19 Feb 1838 in Addison.Co.VT d: 22
Apr 1923 in Middlesbury, Addison.Co.VT m: 1892
........... 4 BURNES, Mary Louisa Louise Burns b: 05 May 1839 in CT d: 25
Jun 1887 in Chatham, Columbia.Co.NY Burial: Burial unknown to date, Torey/2013.
Note 8: Living with sis Lucy before death at Chatham, Columbia.Co.CT. Note
9: Inscription on sis. Lucy's marker at Chatham Cem. Note 10: Likely Harris
plot, Chatham Center Rurual Cem, Columbia.Co.NY.
........... 4 BURNES, Laura 'Etta' Burns b: 1841 in NY d: 20 Dec 1899 in
Claverack, Columbia.Co.NY Burial: Union Cem, Mellenville, Columbia.Co.NY
Note 9: 1896 Father's Obit: Living at Mellenville, Columbia.Co.NY. Note 22:
Inscription on sis. Lucy's marker in Chatham Center Rural Cem,
............... +FRITTS, Ambrose b: May 1845 in NY d: 20 Nov 1918 in
Columbia.Co.NY Burial: Union Cem, Columbia.Co.NY m: 26 Jun 1864 in Goshen,
Litchfield.Co.CT Father: Laurence Lawerence FRITTS Mother: Sarah UNKNOWN
........... 4 BURNES, John H. Burns b: Feb 1845 in Brainard,
Rensselaer.Co.NY d: 1846 in Brainard, Rensselaer.Co.NY
.... *2nd Wife of [9] BURNES, Elizur W. 'Elisha' Burns:
........ +PRETISS, Biantha Hannah b: 1829 in NY d: 1896 in CT Burial: Goshen
Center Cem, Litchfield.Co.CT. m: Aft. 1848
........... 4 BURNS, Charles E. Burnes b: 01 Apr 1849 in Brainard,
Rensselaer.Co.NY d: 21 Apr 1921 in Waterbury, New.Haven.Co.CT
............... +WHITING, Marietta L. b: 1846 in CT d: 1922 in CT m: 1872
Father: Frank WHITING Mother: Julia UNKNOWN
................. 5 BURNS, Frederick Warner b: 22 Oct 1881 in Thomaston,
Hartford.Co.CT d: 04 Dec 1951 in Waterbury, New.Haven.Co.CT
..................... +UNKNOWN, Ruby L. b: 02 Sep 1883 in CT d: 15 Oct 1973
in Waterbury, New.Haven.Co.CT
........................ 6 BURNS, Charles b: 1907 in CT
............................ +UNKNOWN, Cynthia b: Abt. 1905 in Mass
.............................. 7 BURNS, Charles L. 'Chuck' b: 14 Feb 1931
................. 5 BURNS, Julia Adelaide b: Aug 1873 in Litchfield.Co.CT d:
1946 in Orange.Co.FL
..................... +COER, James E. b: Aug 1875 in CT d: 12 Feb 1959 in MD
m: 1895
........................ 6 COER, Milton E. b: Jan 1900 in CT
........................ 6 COER, James Edward b: Jul 1896 in CT

Name Birth date Relationship with Dr. Wroe
Alexander, Albert R. 1815 1st cousin
Alexander, Amos 1762 Husband of the aunt
Alexander, Amos Mark 1809 1st cousin
Alexander, Amos Mark 1845 1st cousin once removed
Alexander, Charles R. 1813 1st cousin
Alexander, Columbus 1840 1st cousin once removed
Alexander, Elizabeth Tillinghast 1833 1st cousin once removed
Alexander, Elmira E. 1814 1st cousin
Alexander, James L. 1842 1st cousin once removed
Alexander, Jane E. M. 1839 1st cousin once removed
Alexander, Maria 1st cousin
Alexander, Mariah Elizabeth 1841 1st cousin once removed
Alexander, Martha H.L. 1836 1st cousin once removed
Alexander, Oscar 1811 1st cousin
Alexander, Robert 1806 1st cousin
Alexander, Robert P. 1845 1st cousin once removed
Alexander, Samuel 1808 1st cousin
Alexander, Walter W. 1810 1st cousin
Alexander, William H. 1843 1st cousin once removed
Americk, Paul 02 Apr 1915 Husband of the 2nd great-granddaughter
Ashby, Harold Mincer 20 Nov 1910 Husband of the great-granddaughter
Ashby, No Children 2nd great-grandchild
Barr, Martha Jane 1825 Wife of the 1st cousin
Beale, John S. H. Hancock E. 1810 Husband of the 1st cousin
Beale, Laura Lucretia 25 Nov 1831 1st cousin once removed
Belt, Margaret R. 'Maggie' May 1849 Half sister-in-law
Bigney, Katie 1874 1st cousin once removed
Bigney, Mamie Shaw Nov 1871 1st cousin once removed
Bigney, Mark Frederick 1818 Husband of the 1st cousin
Blakeney, Abel Husband of the half aunt
Bond, Alta Wife of the great-grandson
Bowers, Maria Elizabeth 1799 Wife of the father
Brawner, Ellen E. 1811 Wife of the 1st cousin
Browne, Judith 2nd great-grandmother
Burns, Clarence Edward 1927 Great-grandson
Burns, Harriet Eunice 'Hattie' 18 Sep 1863 Daughter-in-law
Burns, James William 1925 Great-grandson
Burns, Unknown Husband of the granddaughter
Byers, Seven Children Grandniece/nephew of the wife
Cavies, Sarah Abt. 1710 2nd great-grandmother of the wife
Chase, Norene K. Abt. 1958 Wife of the 2nd great-grandson
Chisholm, Jessie Turner 25 Feb 1868 Wife of the 1st cousin twice removed
Clark, Allan 1922 Great-grandson
Clark, Alvin 1924 Great-grandson
Clark, Andrew 1919 Great-grandson
Clark, Andrew Webb 15 Jan 1882 Husband of the granddaughter
Clark, Arvilla 1915 Great-granddaughter
Clark, Glayds M. 1913 Great-granddaughter
Clark, Laura Belle 23 Aug 1885 Wife of the grandson
Clark, Lillian Ruth 1918 Great-granddaughter
Clark, Mildred 1925 Great-granddaughter
Clark, Ray 1928 Great-grandson
Clarke, Anne Abt. 1758 Grandmother
Clarke, Unknown Great-grandfather
Clendenin, Betty Jean 08 Sep 1930 2nd great-granddaughter
Clendenin, Harold G. 1903 Husband of the great-granddaughter
Clinton, John Husband of the 2nd great-granddaughter
Conway, Unknown Husband of the granddaughter
Cook, Mary Elizabeth 1705 2nd great-grandmother of the wife
Cornell, Margaret 1685 3rd great-grandmother of the wife
Cosby, Unknown Husband of the 2nd great-granddaughter
Cousins, Elmer Frank 04 Mar 1876 Husband of the granddaughter
Cousins, Infant 1930 2nd great-grandchild
Cousins, Rosco E. 1906 Great-grandson
Cousins, Ruth H. 16 Feb 1914 Great-granddaughter
Culbertson, Charles Leslie 1901 Great-grandson
Culbertson, Edith Coralie 1903 Great-granddaughter
Culbertson, Warren S. Abt. 1875 Husband of the granddaughter
Darnall, Arleigh J. 'Arley' Darnell 29 Aug 1902 Great-grandson
Darnall, Geraldine Darnell 05 Nov 1930 2nd great-granddaughter
Darnall, James D. Darnell 21 Sep 1932 2nd great-grandson
Darnall, Max Darnell 2nd great-grandson
Darnell, Bessie Jan 1896 Great-granddaughter
Darnell, Raymond N. Darnall 01 Jun 1875 Husband of the granddaughter
Darrell, Sarah Jane 1847 Niece of the wife
Davis, Alice Jane 01 Jan 1856 Daughter-in-law
Davis, Mary Wife of the half uncle
Davis, Mary 1790 Wife of the uncle
Dement, Anne 15 Nov 1735 Great-grandmother of the wife
Dement, William Jan 1701/02 2nd great-grandfather of the wife
Dodson, Margaret Virginia 1827 Wife of the 1st cousin
Duncan, Gerald Husband of the great-granddaughter
Durfey, Mabel Roselie 14 Jun 1880 Wife of the grandson
Duvall, Margaret E. Wife of the 1st cousin
Earle, Barbara Ann 3rd great-granddaughter
Earle, Betty Lou 1943 2nd great-granddaughter
3rd great-granddaughter
Earle, Clifton L. 1912 2nd great-grandson
Earle, Daisy L. 1924 2nd great-granddaughter
Earle, Dixie 3rd great-granddaughter
Earle, Earnest Walter 'Ernie' 05 Aug 1888 Husband of the great-granddaughter
Earle, Evelyn Arthur 1914 2nd great-grandson
Husband of the great-granddaughter
Earle, Gladys Winnifred 27 Sep 1919 2nd great-granddaughter
Earle, Infant (suspect) 2nd great-granddaughter
3rd great-granddaughter
Earle, Ivadell Zenta Abt. Jan 1928 2nd great-granddaughter
Earle, Jack Duane 14 Sep 1932 2nd great-grandson
Earle, Larry 24 Nov 1949 2nd great-grandson
3rd great-grandson
Earle, Mary L. Abt. Sep 1929 2nd great-granddaughter
Earle, Max E. 1918 2nd great-grandson
Earle, Rodney Deanne 1955 3rd great-grandson
Earle, Thomas W. 1922 2nd great-grandson
Earle, Zeita M. 23 Nov 1927 2nd great-granddaughter
Egge, Inez O. 1908 Wife of the great-grandson
Ennenga, Unknown Husband of the 2nd great-granddaughter
Epperson, Eleanor M. 1932 Wife of the great-grandson
Erdmann, Henry Husband of the great-granddaughter
Frankhauser, Barbara 2nd great-granddaughter
Frankhauser, Carol 2nd great-granddaughter
Frankhauser, Henry Husband of the great-granddaughter
Frankhauser, Larry 2nd great-grandson
Frankhauser, Sandy 2nd great-granddaughter
Frankhauser, Timothy Timmy 2nd great-granddaughter
Funk, Greta Gladys 26 Apr 1935 Wife of the 2nd great-grandson
Furuseth, Elizabeth Ann 'Betty' 24 Mar 1923 Wife of the great-grandson
Fussell, Georgia Ophelia 'Georgie' Jan 1889 Grandniece of the wife
Fussell, Homer Leo 06 Jul 1887 Grandnephew of the wife
Fussell, Kenneth Homer 28 Feb 1913 Great-grandnephew of the wife
Fussell, Robert Carl 28 Sep 1915 Great-grandnephew of the wife
Gayle, Hubert Alden Apr 1900 Great-grandnephew of the wife
Gayle, Stuart C. 1906 Great-grandnephew of the wife
Gaynor, Emma K. 1873 Wife of the grandson
Goode, Elizbeth Walton 19 Jan 1851 Wife of the 1st cousin once removed
Goodrich, Adelbert Jan 1868 Husband of the granddaughter
Graves, Clarinda A. 'Rindy' 10 Nov 1854 Daughter-in-law
Gray, Milven Ethel 17 Feb 1909 Wife of the grandson
Grey, Euphemia 1790 Wife of the uncle
Grignon, Maxine May (suspect) Wife of the great-grandson
Hagestrom, Edward Russell 1919 Great-grandnephew of the wife
Hagestrom, James Philo 1921 Great-grandnephew of the wife
Hagestrom, Robert Carl 1917 Great-grandnephew of the wife
Hartman, Henry Husband of the great-granddaughter
Hass, Glen Glencoe 'Glenly' 1893 Husband of the granddaughter
Hass, No Children Great-grandchild
Hayden, Hubert Allen 05 Dec 1917 Husband of the 2nd great-granddaughter
Heath, Robert Husband of the 2nd great-granddaughter
Husband of the 3rd great-granddaughter
Hill, Sarah V. Bet. 1853 - 1854 Daughter-in-law
Holtzman, Lawrence W. 23 Apr 1917 Husband of the 2nd great-granddaughter
Hook, Unknown Husband of the granddaughter
Houlsworth, Bonnie B. 1919 Great-grandniece of the wife
Houlsworth, Clara C. 26 Jan 1895 Grandniece of the wife
Houlsworth, Clara May 03 Oct 1863 Niece of the wife
Houlsworth, David Henry 06 Apr 1850 Nephew of the wife
Houlsworth, Delia Ann 18 Mar 1866 Niece of the wife
Houlsworth, Effie I. (Isabelle?) 27 Oct 1877 Grandniece of the wife
Houlsworth, Emma Emily 29 Oct 1867 Niece of the wife
Houlsworth, George W. 10 Feb 1860 Nephew of the wife
Houlsworth, Isabelle Ruth 20 Jun 1854 Niece of the wife
Houlsworth, James Clifford 25 Jun 1858 Nephew of the wife
Houlsworth, James Clifford 08 Oct 1896 Grandnephew of the wife
Houlsworth, John M. Apr 1852 Nephew of the wife
Houlsworth, Joseph F. 30 Oct 1869 Nephew of the wife
Houlsworth, Larry 1938 Great-grandnephew of the wife
Houlsworth, Mary Elizabeth 25 Nov 1861 Niece of the wife
Houlsworth, Mary Elizabeth 08 Oct 1891 Grandniece of the wife
Houlsworth, Maurice Morris Earl 30 Nov 1892 Grandnephew of the wife
Houlsworth, Max 1921 Great-grandnephew of the wife
Houlsworth, Samuel Holsworth 18 Oct 1848 Nephew of the wife
Houlsworth, Sarah Jane 25 Apr 1858 Niece of the wife
Howe, Susan Randolph 1935 1st cousin 4 times removed
Howe, William Peck Husband of the 1st cousin 3 times removed
Jansen, George Lawrence 'Larry' 07 Aug 1941 2nd great-grandson
Jansen, Gerhard Herman 'George' Janssen 13 Oct 1900 Husband of the
Jansen, Joyce Loraine 24 Nov 1932 2nd great-granddaughter
Johnson, Draydon 06 May 1738 Great-grandmother of the wife
Johnson, Samuel Bef. 1700 2nd great-grandfather of the wife
Johnston, Alfred F. Husband of the great-granddaughter
Johnston, Robert 2nd great-grandson
Jungen, Unknown Husband of the 2nd great-granddaughter
Kennedy, Rita Wife of the great-grandson
King, Alexander 1st cousin twice removed of the wife
King, Ann 15 Mar 1773 Grandaunt of the wife
King, Ann 'Nancy' Abt. 1795 Mother-in-law
King, Aquila 09 Apr 1757 Granduncle of the wife
King, Basil 17 Oct 1760 Granduncle of the wife
King, Benjamin 2nd great-granduncle of the wife
King, Cornelius 06 Mar 1763 Grandfather of the wife
King, Dau One Bef. 1805 Aunt of the wife
King, Dau Two Aft. 1806 Aunt of the wife
King, Elias 17 Oct 1765 Granduncle of the wife
King, Elizabeth 'Eliza' 1800 Aunt of the wife
King, Elzabeth 1645 4th great-granduncle of the wife
King, Enos 12 Feb 1794 Uncle of the wife
King, James 03 Aug 1771 Granduncle of the wife
King, Jesse 01 Feb 1791 Uncle of the wife
King, Joel 1735 Great-granduncle of the wife
King, John 2nd great-granduncle of the wife
King, John Aft. 1645 4th great-granduncle of the wife
King, John Wesley Abt. 1806 Uncle of the wife
King, Joseph I 1670 3rd great-grandfather of the wife
King, Joseph II 1702 2nd great-grandfather of the wife
King, Joseph III 02 Feb 1731/32 Great-grandfather of the wife
King, Mary Great-grandaunt of the wife
King, Millicent 02 Nov 1774 Grandaunt of the wife
King, Richard Abt. 1650 4th great-granduncle of the wife
King, Robert 2nd great-granduncle of the wife
King, Robert I 1620 5th great-grandfather of the wife
King, Robert II 1642 4th great-grandfather of the wife
King, Samuel 1677 3rd great-granduncle of the wife
King, Samuel (may be cousin) 1740 Great-granduncle of the wife
King, Samuel Jr. 1st cousin twice removed of the wife
King, Son One Aft. 1806 Uncle of the wife
King, Son Two Aft. 1806 Uncle of the wife
King, Susan Great-grandaunt of the wife
King, Thomas 2nd great-granduncle of the wife
King, Vinson 18 Jun 1769 Granduncle of the wife
King, Walter 16 Oct 1767 Granduncle of the wife
King, William I 1656 4th great-granduncle of the wife
King, Zephaniah 01 Jul 1759 Granduncle of the wife
Kinkead, Pearl L. 1892 Wife of the grandson
Kleiman, John Husband of the 2nd great-granddaughter
Knudtson, Alftred 1894 Husband of the great-granddaughter
Knudtson, Donna Lee 2nd great-granddaughter
Knudtson, Marcia Marie 2nd great-granddaughter
Kuhens, Agnes A. 09 Dec 1880 Granddaughter
Kuhens, Benjamin Franklin 18 May 1871 Grandson
Kuhens, Braian 20 Jun 1966 3rd great-grandson
Kuhens, Carl Delbert 22 Aug 1906 Great-grandson
Kuhens, Charles Delbert 05 Sep 1873 Grandson
Kuhens, Creatia Pearl 04 Aug 1884 Granddaughter
Kuhens, Culver L. 01 Jan 1932 2nd great-grandson
Kuhens, Dale Delbert 25 Jan 1910 Great-grandson
Kuhens, Dennis D. 03 Jun 1948 2nd great-grandson
Kuhens, Eileen 2nd great-granddaughter
Kuhens, Emery Laverne 25 Mar 1876 Grandson
Kuhens, Emma Zoe 04 May 1878 Granddaughter
Kuhens, Ethelpella Poala 'Ethel' 29 Dec 1881 Granddaughter
Kuhens, Evelyn 1910 Great-granddaughter
Kuhens, Galen E. 02 Feb 1935 2nd great-grandson
Kuhens, George Leroy 22 Oct 1863 Grandson
Kuhens, Gladys 1912 Great-granddaughter
Kuhens, James 2nd great-grandson
Kuhens, John 22 Feb 1838 Son-in-law
Kuhens, John F. 21 Jan 1897 Great-grandson
Kuhens, Lyle Delbert 18 Mar 1914 Great-grandson
Kuhens, Margaret Florence 14 May 1868 Granddaughter
Kuhens, Mary A. 08 Mar 1870 Granddaughter
Kuhens, Melvin 17 Jun 1959 3rd great-grandson
Kuhens, Olive Faye 14 Jul 1898 Great-granddaughter
Kuhens, Olreah L. 01 May 1906 Great-granddaughter
Kuhens, Paul Eugene 11 Mar 1908 Great-grandson
Kuhens, Thomas Benjamine 28 May 1901 Great-grandson
Kuhens, Virgina Belle 28 Mar 1866 Granddaughter
Kuhens, Winnifred Pearl 'Minnie' 26 Feb 1893 Great-granddaughter
Kuhens, Zella Leola 01 Apr 1900 Great-granddaughter
Laird, Zoe Josephine 13 Feb 1894 Wife of the grandson
Lamertson, Arthur Lamberston Husband of the great-granddaughter
Lay, George Raymond Lay (Clark) 15 May 1909 Great-grandson
Lay, Samuel C. Abt. 1886 Husband of the granddaughter
Learn, Nettie Belle 08 Jun 1888 Wife of the grandson
Leseberg, Stella 'Bessie' 04 May 1887 Wife of the grandson
Lubbert, Alvin Husband of the 2nd great-granddaughter
Lubbert, Michael Dean 3rd great-grandson
Mathis, Clifford (adopted) Abt. 1897 Grandnephew of the wife
Mathis, Ruth Elizabeth 19 Mar 1904 Grandniece of the wife
Matthews, Unknown Abt. 1795 Mother
McCann, David Abt. 1850 Nephew of the wife
McCann, David III 1826 Brother-in-law
McCann, David Jr. 1795 Father-in-law
McCann, David Sr. 1765 Grandfather of the wife
McCann, Dora B. Abt. 1859 Niece of the wife
McCann, Elizabeth 10 Dec 1797 Aunt of the wife
McCann, Elizabeth Jane 'Eliza' 12 Mar 1828 Sister-in-law
McCann, Harriet Abt. 1852 Niece of the wife
McCann, Issac 26 May 1805 Uncle of the wife
McCann, Jacob 1806 Uncle of the wife
McCann, James King 1824 Brother-in-law
McCann, Jasper M. Abt. 1858 Nephew of the wife
McCann, John 1790 Uncle of the wife
McCann, Mary Ann 30 May 1821 Sister-in-law
McCann, Nancy E. 26 Apr 1830 Sister-in-law
McCann, No Children Half sibling-in-law
McCann, Orpha Ann 04 Jun 1818 Wife
McCann, William 1802 Uncle of the wife
McElree, Dixie 2nd great-granddaughter
McElree, Florence E. 1918 Great-granddaughter
Wife of the 2nd great-grandson
McElree, Glen John 17 Mar 1929 Great-grandson
McElree, Harry Melvin 31 Aug 1924 Great-grandson
McElree, Infant One Great-grandchild
McElree, Infant Two Great-grandchild
McElree, John W. 26 Nov 1917 Great-grandson
McElree, LeRoy 14 Feb 1913 Great-grandson
McElree, Lillian Aft. 1920 Great-granddaughter
McElree, Mary R. 13 Nov 1926 Great-granddaughter
McElree, Mildred Aft. 1920 Great-granddaughter
McElree, Peggy A. 1957 2nd great-granddaughter
McElree, Rebecca Becky 2nd great-granddaughter
McElree, Robert William 22 Oct 1889 Husband of the granddaughter
McElree, Robert William 19 Jul 1920 Great-grandson
McMillan, Frank A. 1876 Grandnephew of the wife
McMillan, Grace P. 1879 Grandniece of the wife
McMillan, Maud May 27 Jul 1881 Grandniece of the wife
Milks, Lyle K. 05 Nov 1921 Husband of the great-granddaughter
Miller, Fern E. 28 Oct 1925 Wife of the great-grandson
Murphy, William Husband of the 2nd great-granddaughter
O'Daniel, James Half uncle
O'Daniel, John Husband of the grandmother
O'Daniel, Mary Half aunt
Oltrogge, Frances 1924 Spouse of the great-grandson
Ostrander, Ellis 2nd great-grandson
Ostrander, Harold 2nd great-grandson
Ostrander, Jessie Husband of the great-granddaughter
Overton, Elizabeth Blanch 'Bessie' 1887 Wife of the grandson
Parker, Mary 'Polly' Abt. 1790 Wife of the grandfather
Peterman, Floyd 02 Apr 1907 Husband of the great-granddaughter
Pieper, Carolyn J. Wife of the 2nd great-grandson
Pogue, Ester Ann Pouge 1851 Daughter-in-law
Redford, Unknown Husband of the great-granddaughter
Robb, Byron Lee 22 May 1930 Husband of the 2nd great-granddaughter
Rorer, Lizzie 1850 Wife of the 1st cousin once removed
Rose, Unknown 1920 Wife of the great-grandson
Schmelzer, Anna M. 23 Feb 1905 Wife of the great-grandson
Schneiders, LaVern Husband of the 2nd great-granddaughter
Seaman, Unknown Seeman Husband of the 2nd great-granddaughter
Shafer, Aaron Nelson 07 Dec 1891 Husband of the granddaughter
Shafer, Barbara M. 1920 Great-granddaughter
Shafer, Elden 11 Jun 1917 Great-grandson
Shafer, Josephine Isabelle 19 Jun 1894 Wife of the grandson
Shafer, Wendell Wroe 21 Dec 1915 Great-grandson
Sloane, William Sloan Aug 1865 Husband of the granddaughter
Smith, Jane 02 Feb 1817 Wife of the 1st cousin
Smith, Unknown Husband of the 2nd great-granddaughter
Smock, Pearl M. Jul 1892 Wife of the grandson
Snavely, Elizabeth 21 Feb 1790 Wife of the uncle
Southerland, Harry Forrest 19 Nov 1892 Grandnephew of the wife
Southerland, Lillie 1890 Grandniece of the wife
Southworth, Vivian Colleen 14 Feb 1920 Wife of the great-grandson
Spatcher, Hazel Marie 04 Feb 1891 Grandniece of the wife
Steen, Otis Leonard Misler 27 Nov 1908 Husband of the great-granddaughter
Steers, Roy Jason 05 May 1885 Husband of the granddaughter
Stiner, Eight Children Great-grandchild
Stiner, Lester Leroy 'raised Wroe' Jun 1885 Grandson
Tatro, Elizabeth Jean 05 Jul 1924 Wife of the great-grandson
Tillinghast, Eliza A. 1815 Wife of the 1st cousin
Turner, Mary 1719 2nd great-grandmother of the wife
Unknown 3rd great-grandfather of the wife
Unknown Wife of the 1st cousin
Unknown Wife of the 1st cousin
Unknown Wife of the half nephew
Unknown, Billie Wife of the 2nd great-grandson
Unknown, Charlene Wife of the 2nd great-grandson
Unknown, Johannah 1620 5th great-grandmother of the wife
Unknown, Kelly Wife of the 2nd great-grandson
Unknown, Lena V. 1906 Wife of the great-grandson
Unknown, Mary Grandmother of the wife
Unknown, Mary 4th great-grandmother of the wife
Unknown, Roseanne Great-grandmother
Unknown, Ruth 1896 Wife of the grandson
Unknown, Susan 3rd great-grandmother of the wife
Unknown, Susanna Bef. 1720 2nd great-grandmother of the wife
Unmarried Husband of the granddaughter
Voshell, Lavon Marion 13 Aug 1910 Wife of the great-grandson
Walker, Rebecca 1823 Wife of the 1st cousin
Walker, Sarah M. 1822 Wife of the 1st cousin
Waters, Ann 01 Nov 1741 Great-grandaunt of the wife
Waters, Ann 24 Jul 1763 Grandaunt of the wife
Waters, Asenath 27 Jul 1757 Grandaunt of the wife
Waters, Deborah Jul 1758 Grandaunt of the wife
Waters, Enos 26 Nov 1772 Granduncle of the wife
Waters, George Dement 16 Oct 1778 Granduncle of the wife
Waters, Helen 26 Nov 1766 Grandaunt of the wife
Waters, James I 1685 3rd great-grandfather of the wife
Waters, James II 1712 2nd great-grandfather of the wife
Waters, James III 08 Dec 1737 Great-grandfather of the wife
Waters, Joseph 1710 2nd great-granduncle of the wife
Waters, Joseph Abt. 1739 Great-granduncle of the wife
Waters, Millicent 04 Nov 1755 Grandaunt of the wife
Waters, Orpha 26 Nov 1766 Grandmother of the wife
Waters, Rezen 31 Dec 1775 Granduncle of the wife
Waters, Shelah J. 08 Jul 1769 Granduncle of the wife
Waters, William 15 Aug 1745 Great-granduncle of the wife
Watkins, Charles D. 1864 Half nephew
Watkins, Francis 1866 Half nephew
Watkins, Glenn 1876 Half nephew
Watkins, Herbert E. Apr 1870 Half nephew
Watkins, Margaret B. 'Maggie' 1878 Half niece
Watkins, Mary E. 1872 Half niece
Watkins, Nicholas 1835 Half brother-in-law
Watkins, Spencer M. 1871 Half nephew
Wenrich, Ernest J. 23 Feb 1877 Husband of the granddaughter
Wilder, Asenath 1693 3rd great-grandmother of the wife
Willet, John W. Husband of the 1st cousin
Wroe, Absalom Roe Abt. 1755 Grandfather
Wroe, Alice Maybelle 31 Mar 1919 Great-granddaughter
Wroe, Alta 05 Nov 1912 Great-granddaughter
Wroe, Alva Harvey 16 Apr 1906 Grandson
Wroe, Alva J. 1926 Great-granddaughter
Wroe, Anita 1858 1st cousin once removed
Wroe, Ann Margaret 18 Jan 1826 Half sister
Wroe, Anna Virginia 04 Dec 1836 Half sister
Wroe, Arthur Ellsworth 16 Aug 1890 Grandson
Wroe, Barbara Helen Abt. 1928 Great-granddaughter
Wroe, Benjamin H. Apr 1888 Grandson
Wroe, Bernard (Stiner) Great-granddaughter
Wroe, Bernice May 'Vernies' 13 Aug 1919 Great-granddaughter
Wroe, Bertie 1868 1st cousin once removed
Wroe, Bryce 1955 2nd great-grandson
Wroe, Carl Arthur 04 Feb 1899 Grandson
Wroe, Caroline 1906 1st cousin 3 times removed
Wroe, Charles Alexander Bet. 1860 - 1862 Son
Wroe, Charles Austin 07 Jun 1887 Grandson
Wroe, Charles P. P. 19 Jul 1832 Half brother
Wroe, Christine 1853 1st cousin once removed
Wroe, Clarence D. 25 Oct 1896 Grandson
Wroe, Clarence Leroy 14 Nov 1891 Grandson
Wroe, Daisy 1863 1st cousin once removed
Wroe, Dennis Billie 2nd great-grandson
Wroe, Donald D. 1928 Great-grandson
Wroe, Donna B. 'Bessie' 26 Apr 1890 Granddaughter
Wroe, Dr. Samuel Austin Abt. 1810 Self
Wroe, Duane Floyd 26 Jun 1929 2nd great-grandson
Wroe, Effie May 27 Oct 1884 Granddaughter
Wroe, Eleanor Elinor 28 Nov 1899 Granddaughter
Wroe, Elizabeth 1909 1st cousin 3 times removed
Wroe, Elizabeth 'Betsey' 1783 Aunt
Wroe, Elmer Eli 14 Sep 1884 Grandson
Wroe, Eloise 1918 Great-granddaughter
Wroe, Ethel Eunice 1934 Great-granddaughter
Wroe, Eugene W. 1923 Great-grandson
Wroe, Evelyn 2nd great-granddaughter
Wroe, Everett 1788 Uncle
Wroe, Everett Feb 1823 1st cousin
Wroe, Fannie Feb 1883 Granddaughter
Wroe, Flora Hegia Bet. 1862 - 1864 Daughter
Wroe, Florence Eleanor 01 Feb 1875 Granddaughter
Wroe, Floyd Walter 13 Jun 1906 Great-grandson
Wroe, Frances 'Frank' 1859 1st cousin once removed
Wroe, Geneva G. 1918 Great-granddaughter
Wroe, George 1871 Grandson
Wroe, George Francis 27 Nov 1830 Half brother
Wroe, George Leroy 21 Apr 1886 Grandson
Wroe, George Neff 25 Feb 1839 Son
Wroe, George Wesley 11 Aug 1883 Grandson
Wroe, George William 04 Dec 1884 Grandson
Wroe, Georgiana E. 1822 1st cousin
Wroe, Grace 1889 1st cousin 3 times removed
Wroe, Grenda 2nd great-granddaughter
Wroe, Harold Everett 22 Jan 1909 Great-grandson
Wroe, Helen 1902 1st cousin 3 times removed
Wroe, Howard Wesley 23 Dec 1915 Great-grandson
Wroe, Ida 05 Jul 1850 1st cousin once removed
Wroe, Isabella 'Belle' 29 Jul 1881 Granddaughter
Wroe, Isabelle 1867 Granddaughter
Wroe, Isabelle Elizabeth 1848 Daughter
Wroe, James Leroy 10 May 1859 Son
Wroe, Jane 1872 Granddaughter
Wroe, Janice 2nd great-granddaughter
Wroe, Jeana 1931 2nd great-granddaughter
Wroe, Jerome Richard 1815 1st cousin
Wroe, Jessie 1891 1st cousin 3 times removed
Wroe, John 1852 1st cousin once removed
Wroe, John 1876 Grandson
Wroe, John Absalom Abt. 1818 1st cousin
Wroe, John Chisholm 06 Sep 1899 1st cousin 3 times removed
Wroe, John Leroy 26 Sep 1904 Great-grandson
Wroe, John Walton 30 Jun 1873 1st cousin twice removed
Wroe, John Wesley 'Wes' Feb 1841 Son
Wroe, Joseph Ellsworth 'Joe' May 1851 Son
Wroe, Josephine Elizabeth 11 Oct 1875 Granddaughter
Wroe, Katherine L. 'Kate' Nov 1880 Granddaughter
Wroe, Laura Jane 1950 2nd great-granddaughter
Wroe, Laverne 'Vern' Lester Mar 1883 Grandson
Wroe, Lawrence Austin 11 Feb 1882 Grandson
Wroe, Lester Laverne Jr. 15 Jan 1922 Great-grandson
Wroe, Levi Walter 23 Jan 1887 Grandson
Wroe, Lewis 1905 1st cousin 3 times removed
Wroe, Lillian Lillie May 22 Sep 1896 Granddaughter
Wroe, Louis Absalom 12 Aug 1847 1st cousin once removed
Wroe, Lyle Austin 10 Mar 1915 Great-grandson
Wroe, Lyle Dean 06 Nov 1944 2nd great-grandson
Wroe, Lyle T. 29 Dec 1962 3rd great-grandson
Wroe, Marc Douglas 23 Sep 1944 2nd great-grandson
Wroe, Marcella 1845 1st cousin once removed
Wroe, Margaret Pearl 02 Oct 1916 Great-granddaughter
Wroe, Marion Josephine 'Mattie' 09 Jan 1840 Half sister
Wroe, Mary Frances 27 May 1828 Half sister
Wroe, Mary Matilda 'Tillie' 22 Jun 1889 Granddaughter
Wroe, Melodie 2nd great-granddaughter
Wroe, Miriam Lucile 04 Oct 1924 Great-granddaughter
Wroe, Myrtle Lavina Roe 01 Mar 1894 Granddaughter
Wroe, Nina 1865 1st cousin once removed
Wroe, No Children Half aunt/uncle
Wroe, No Children Grandchild
Wroe, No Children Half niece/nephew
Wroe, Olive 02 Dec 1878 Granddaughter
Wroe, Originall or William Great-grandfather
Wroe, Orpha Nellie 27 Dec 1893 Granddaughter
Wroe, Pamela 2nd great-granddaughter
Wroe, R. Dwane 1937 Great-grandson
Wroe, Rebecca Jane 09 May 1843 Daughter
Wroe, Richard 1856 1st cousin once removed
Wroe, Richard Absalom 1786 Uncle
Wroe, Rickey 2nd great-grandson
Wroe, Roland Elmer 01 Jul 1913 Great-grandson
Wroe, Ronald L. 25 Aug 1943 2nd great-grandson
Wroe, Samuel 1861 1st cousin once removed
Wroe, Samuel Austin 16 Jun 1893 Grandson
Wroe, Samuel Clive Greogry Abt. 1824 1st cousin
Wroe, Sea Captain Samuel 11 Aug 1782 Father
Wroe, Unknown 1st cousin 4 times removed
Wroe, Velma Midlred 06 Jan 1911 Great-granddaughter
Wroe, Wanda L. 1917 Great-granddaughter
Wroe, William (suspect) Abt. 1670 2nd great-grandfather
Wroe, William A. Mar 1826 1st cousin
Wroe, William Jerome 16 Jan 1846 Son
Wroe, William Martin 24 Dec 1834 Half brother
Yates, Larry Joe Husband of the 3rd great-granddaughter
notes regarding the three Wroe generations leading to Fayette County, Iowa:
1. Absalom Wroe1755
...Absalom was born about 1755 in Virginia and died on May 14, 1834 in
Washington, D.C.
...How Absalom connects
to the original William is not yet confirmed.
...Absalom Wroe married
first Anne Clarke O'Daniel, who was the widow of John O'Daniel.
Little is known about Anne except she died about 1805 in Alexandria.VA, and was
listed in the will of 1784 of her mother Roseanne Clark
...Absalom married second Mary Unknown.
...Absalom used both the Roe and Wroe spelling.
...Absalom Wroe served in the
Revolutionary War in Capt. Henry Fauntleroy's Company, 5th Battalion Virginia
Forces. He enlisted, from Lancaster.Co.VA, as a Private, March
6, 1776 for a period of 2 years. William Wroe, believed to be a cousin of
Absalom, stated in his pension application that he served with Absalom Wroe in
Capt. Burgess Ball's Co., Col. Josiah Parker's 5th Virginia Regiment for a
period of 2 years and was discharged at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania in 1778. At
time of pension application, William Wroe was a resident of Northumberland.Co.PA.
...The first land transaction of Absalom Wroe is
in Alexandria, Fairfax.Co.VA, in 1785.
...About June 4, 1792, Absolem Wroe
and Patrick McMahan of Virginia received a contract for 250# in Maryland
currency from the Federal Commissioners in Washington city, for the
erection of a wharf on a land point opposite a lumber yard near the mouth of Goose
(Tiber) Creek in preparation for building the National Capitol on the
Potomac River.
...In 1805, Absalom Wroe conveyed to his
sons Richard and Everett, certain household furnishings, clothing and tools,
which likely was after the death of his first wife, Anne Clarke Wroe.
...By 1810,
the Wroe sons were grocers in Baltimore, Maryland, and would serve in the War of 1812.
...By 1820, Absalom Wroe returned to Washington,
D.C. and was a grocer for about 12yrs, on the east side of 7th Street, between G
& H, North St's.
...Absalom died in 1834, in Washington, D.C.

2. Sea Captain SAMUEL WROE,
son of Absalom
...Was born 1782/VA, d. after 1860 in Washington D.C.
...Married. ‘Miss Matthews’, County Antrim, Northern Ireland B:? D: abt
...Samuel Wroe1782 was a sea captain between 1800 and 1830, captained Tulip Brig,
schooner Belona, schooner Iola Mary, among others (we have his family bible and
personal effects/official documents with these ships named, but he clearly
sailed whatever was going.) Tulip Brig was first ship sunk during the war of
1812, although Samuel was not captaining it at the time. However, he was a
first-hand witness to the bombardment of Fort McHenry
...He is listed in Baltimore MD, in Fry’s Baltimore Directory
...His wife, whose first name may have been Isabelle, sailed with
him. Samuel Austin Wroe was born during one of the sailings and thus "on ocean" and
Samuel’s wife appears to have died on this voyage or another near the same time,
most likely at sea.
... ‘Miss Matthews’ is reputedly from Antrim, Northern Ireland. It
is possible, however, she is part of an extended family of Matthews who had
already immigrated from Antrim and were living in Shenandoah County, VA
literally next door to the extended Wroe family. Credence is given to the
possibility she is directly from Northern Ireland in that she is always shown as
‘Miss Matthews’ in later records and this was how marriage records were given in
Northern Ireland at the time – name of husband and ‘Miss’ whomever.
...Second marriage to Maria Bowers 5 Oct 1815 in Baltimore, MD
...1840 census, Washington DC, occupation, grocer.
...1850 census, Washington Ward 4, Washington DC, occupation, grocer
...1860 census, Washington Ward 4, Washington DC
...Slave owner right through 1860
To Review:
...Born 1810, at Sea on his father's ship; died 1884, assumed on his farm in
Frog Hollow, 2mi north of Albany, Westfield Twp, Fayette Co, Iowa.
...There is a 'thought' that Samuel Austin Wroe may not be the son of Samuel1782
Wroe, as Samuel A. never shows up on any of Capt. Samuel's papers, but rather
may be the son of one of Absalom Wroe's brothers. However that is not the
best guess to date as Samuel Austin lists his place of birth on all the censuses
as 'on ocean' which makes sense if his father is a sea captain but doesn't make
much sense if his father is a farmer. Also because of Samuel A. son, James
Leroy's hand written genealogy. where he talks confidently of 'my grandfather'
the sea captain. Parts of James Leroy's written genealogy may be a bit
iffy, but it seems unlikely he would be mistaken about who his grandfather was.
...Samuel Austin Wroe married ORPHA ANN MCCANN 1 Jan 1837 in Greene County, PA
Austin Wroe trained as a physician under well-known professor of medicine, George Neff.
Named his eldest son after this doctor.
...He continued to work as a physician through
the Civil War, which made him ‘sick at heart’ and he gave up medicine and moved
out to Iowa to start over as a farmer.
...There has been speculation that Samuel Austin and his father
Captain Samuel Wroe had a poor or distant relationship exacerbated by the Civil
War, as Samuel Austin was on the Union side and his father kept his slaves to
the very end. Some of this is fuelled by the possibility that Samuel was not
raised by his father and no record has been found that he lived with his father
and second wife, Maria. However, I’ve found no evidence to support any of this.
Despite Capt. Samuel hanging onto his slaves, he was a very old man by the time
of the Civil War, so may simply have been set in his ways. His other son,
Charles P. P. Wroe, who was raised in the home and was half-brother to Samuel
Austin also served on the Union side. There is also evidence Samuel Austin went
to be with his father in Washington during the war. The elder Samuel also left
his son Samuel land in Washington, DC which the family owned until well into the
...Most likely on the 1840 census in Westmoreland, VA
...In Jackson, Greene Co. PA in 1850 census
...Not located in 1860. One family report is that he is returns
to Washington, DC in 1860, possibly to be with his father, who lives there and
who dies in 1861. Another reports that he spent the Civil War as a doctor and
treated soldiers on the front line. There is no record of him as enlisted.
Wherever he is, the general consensus is that he is separated from his family at
this time. Daughter Rebecca serves as a nurse on the front lines. She is young –
20 to 25 – and her husband musters from Wheeling, WV. However, she also reports
herself that she was with her mother and recalls her mother cooking meals for
the Union soldiers, who passed through their property.
...Moved to Fayette Co, Iowa, in 1866 or 1867
...Samuel has a close connection with Westmoreland, VA that is
not fully understood. This is most likely a connection with the branch of the Wroes descending from William Wroe, which we have now lost the information on.
Two of Samuel’s children were born there and he appears to have been living
there in 1830, possibly earlier. We do not know who raised Samuel, while his
father was at sea and his mother deceased. He may have been with relatives in
Westmoreland, as he frequently returned there even from Iowa. The connection
continued through the generatuions, as his son (my great-great grandfather)
James Leroy Wroe also went back and forth between Iowa, Montana and Westmoreland
(by this point in West Virginia) on at least four occasions. Sorting this out is
not helped by the fact that there was at least one, if not two, other Samuel
Wroes also living in Westmoreland. One – Samuel C. Wroe - was the grandson of
Richard Wroe (Samuel Austin’s uncle). There also appears to be someone named
just plain Samuel Wroe, although this may be my Samuel Austin.
...The two children born in Westmoreland succumbed to a
diphtheria epidemic in 1840/1841. Apparently the other children also had it, as
did Samuel Austin, but they all survived.
...It is possible Samuel Austin’s body is not in the Lima
Cemetery. He may actually be buried in Westmoreland, VA or Washington, DC.
...Other information about Samuel Austin is slowly coming to light. It is
likely he attended the Washington Medical College in Baltimore and most
likely this is where he met Prof. George Neff, under which he later trained in
medicine. Samuel Austin's first cousin, John Absalom Wroe, b 1817, attended the
same medical school. This was the only real medical school going at that point
in time and in that part of the world. It is likely Samuel A's being there
influenced his cousin John Absalom Wroe's choice only a few years later.
This school eventually morphed into John Hopkins.
...Born 4 Jun 1818 in Loudoun County, VA, d: 3 Jun 1906
1850 census in
Jackson, Greene Co., PA
...Grandfather is James McCann, b: 1759, Cork, Ireland d: 4 Mar
1839, Senecaville, Guernsey, OH, married to Jane Quail b: 1755 in 1779 in Perry Co, PA. Served
with Absalom Wroe in Revolutionary War.
...Father is unknown, but has two brothers, Thomas b: 1791 and William b: 1788.
...According to genealogy written by James Leroy Wroe (son)
Orpha’s mother was named Rebecca and surname was either King or Boer/Bohur
...One major problem with tracing this line is that the entire family was
illiterate for several generations and very poor, so left no paper trail other
than James McCann’s application for a Revolutionary War pension.
...Orpha Ann was illiterate but she had compensated for this by
committing the entire Bible to memory and it was this feat which impressed
Samuel Austin’s well-educated family, who had previously been against the
...Orpha had two known sisters, Mary Ann McCann b: 1821 in Greene
Co. PA. She married George DeBolt, b: 1816. She died after 1900 in Hundred, WV.
The other sister was Elizabeth ‘Eliza’ J. McCann, b: 12 March 1828 in
Masontown, Fayette Co, PA, d: 10 Dec 1907, Fayette, Fayette Co. IA. She married
Joseph Houlsworth, b: 1825 Greene Co, PA, d: 18 Dec 1877 in Fayette, Fayette,
IA. I have the genealogies for this family as well, if you don’t have it.
...She may also have had two brothers: Alexander McCann:
1819-1855 and John McCann, 1820-1850, and a sister, Margaret, 1810-1860,
although my evidence indicates Margaret is most likely a cousin.
...The Houlsworth's and the Wroe's appear to have arrived in
Fayette County together in 1865/66.
...While sister Mary Ann who married to George DeBolt, stayed
back in Pennsylvania, George’s first cousin Jacob DeBolt and his wife also named
Mary Ann came west as well and settled in Scott Twp, Fayette County.

After the Civil War numerous surgical doctors returned or settled in Fayette.Co.IA

Dr's Charles Parker, Dixon Alexander, Aaron Brown,
Samuel Wroe and other Fayette.Co.IA Civil War
surgeons mustered out completely exhausted and overwhelmed from treating battle
disease, but came
'home' with unlimited medical experience. Some continued
to practice medicine
in Fayette Co, with
others just wanting to farm the remainder of their days.
Whitman's Drum Taps and Washington's
Civil War Hospitals
http://xroads.virginia.edu/~CAP/hospital/whitman.htm linked from 'Penn.
in the Civil War, Hospitals and Medicine' http://www.pa-roots.com/pacw/hospitals/hospitals.html
...Before the war began, Washington was a relatively rural town with
limited medical accommodations. There were no military hospitals and very few
medical facilities. By the end of the Civil War there were approximately
fifty hospitals marking the Washington landscape. Hospital beginnings were in the
tents of the soldiers regiments. Following the early defeats of the
Union Army of the Potomac in 1861 and 1862, Washington became a vast hospital
complex with more than 20,000 wounded troops. Soldiers were often kept in
the field hospitals indefinitely and when sent on to Washington, their
conditions were so bad that surviving the trip was usually impossible.
Palmyria.MO re-enactment 2005:

Whitman's Drum Taps and Washington's
Civil War Hospitals
http://xroads.virginia.edu/~CAP/hospital/whitman.htm linked from 'Penn.
in the Civil War, Hospitals and Medicine' http://www.pa-roots.com/pacw/hospitals/hospitals.html
...Before the war began, Washington was a relatively rural town with
limited medical accommodations. There were no military hospitals and very few
medical facilities. By the end of the Civil War there were approximately
fifty hospitals marking the Washington landscape. Hospital beginnings were in the
tents of the soldiers regiments. Following the early defeats of the
Union Army of the Potomac in 1861 and 1862, Washington became a vast hospital
complex with more than 20,000 wounded troops. Soldiers were often kept in
the field hospitals indefinitely and when sent on to Washington, their
conditions were so bad that surviving the trip was usually impossible.

Civil War burial boxes, Palmyra, MO, massacre
re-enactment 2005.
NOTE: a page that has been in sitting in 'limbo' on Civil War Dr. Charles
C. Parker of Fayette village, will be uploaded 'someday', bz/2012.

Do not trust as totally valid any tree/report data. Often World Connect or
Ancestry trees/data were utilized as a foundation upon which to add material
gleamed from obits, articles, histories, biographies, stories, burials, censuses
and other data collected. My primary interest is generally the pioneer
history and includes linking village and neighborhood surnames together for several of the early generations. Family connections, locations and other
data may have to be speculated in order to continue a complex series of
inter-related projects. My web pages are primarily personal study projects
for note keeping, but can also jump start others. I have a huge number of
projects started and rarely return to edit/update material unless interest is
rekindled. Any web pages online are usually linked off the 'Index Page.'
Numerous projects are not put on web pages but are in draft form or in the form
of photo albums on the 'Photo Hosting Site.' I may have material for
research use in storage, plus will/can upload other people's material if
Iowaz Index Page
Iowaz Photo Hosting Site

iowaz@swbell.net or iowaz@hotmail.com
Any reproduction of this site
or it's contents requires express written

Barry Zbornik
Hannibal, MO